In a week or so the Danish Eurovision delegation will set sail and head to Lisbon. But it won’t be the same team of Vikings as in Dansk Melodi Grand Prix that stands alongside Rasmussen on the Eurovision stage. Whereas Rasmussen’s Vikings in Dansk Melodi Grand Prix were primarily dancers, his new brothers in arms are experienced singers and musicians.
And according to the “Higher Ground” singer, the new team has gotten off to a great start.
“It’s some really nice guys and at the same time they are truly skilled singers — so it’s a damn good team we have put together,” Rasmussen tells DR’s Grand Prix site.
Rasmussen first revealed that a different team would accompany him to Lisbon in an interview with Wiwibloggs at London Eurovision Party 2018 two weeks ago.
New team…new staging?
The five men chosen to support Rasmussen are: Daniel Firth, Gustav Emil Bresler, Jesper Paasch, Mads Engelhardt and Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2001 runner-up Anders Ørsager. While the first four will be visible on stage alongside Rasmussen, Anders will — “due to choreography — be standing somewhere else on the stage”.
Does this mean that DR, going against its own tradition, has made changes to the staging following Dansk Melodi Grand Prix? During the national final the entire ensemble stood next to each other as they rocked that ship.
All will be revealed when Rasmussen has his first rehearsal at the Eurovision stage on 1 May.
What do you think about Rasmussen’s new Vikings? And do you think Denmark should upgrade their staging or keep it as it is? Let us know in the comments box below.
One of my favorites this year, but I fear the excitement about the song may have already peaked.
i think denmark will flop this year, i can see them NQ juries will destroy this because it’s a joke act
Lord have mercy… why are they trying to turn this basic pop song into a Viking anthem? Just because the singer looks like a Viking?
no that was the idea all along, a Swedish producer who made this song needed an artist resembling a viking especially for this act. Denmark hit the jackpot
Speaking of Denmark, I’m still waiting for Rasmussen to come up with plans for a music video to go with his Eurovision entry. Hopefully after the contest. 🙂
Denmark don’t do that, i think the music video usually comes after the contest
That’s why I’m hoping Rasmussen will film a “Higher Ground” music video after flying back to Denmark. 🙂
You’re not the only one who’s waiting for a music video. I think it could help to push them up the scoreboard, depending on how many ESC viewers and voters watch the videos at YouTube.
So, by that subtitle, Conchita could be a backing vocalist for Denmark this year… :thinking_emoji:
Whatever… Maybe Denmark will not be in the final again.
Haha xD They will.. Without any doubt..
Love this song and performance!
Come on Brienne, notice him! 😛
YES! Living for this comment, haha
I wonder when people will realise just how inappropriate this song and act are.
Why is it inappropriate ?
What are you talking about r*tard?
I have the same thoughts GJ. Celebrating the atrocities committed by the vikings is a questionable practice.
Hardly! The song celebrates the legend of Magnus Erlendsson, who is known as the first Viking to show an act of pacifism by refusing to fight, and instead staying on the ship to prey. The very least you could have done before making a comment like that would be to listen to the lyrics: “Freeze the arrow in the air […] Be the first to turn around, Take the leap to land on Higher Ground […] Calling surrender won’t feel like defeat Men laying down their swords Each of their own accord” This is literally a song about the strengths… Read more »
he has a point. denmark should be disqualified.
I don’t think Denmark should be disqualified for simply sharing something from their culture and history. So many other countries have done that. Why can’t they? As Ed has already stated, it is about a pacifist Viking who refused to fight. It is not promoting violence. It’s promoting peace.
Do I appreciate being told to “go and drink acid”? Not particularly, no. I’ll wager that you wouldn’t say that to anyone in real life – so why here? Honestly, that’s such a terrible thing to do.
yasssss this is good news for me 🙂
This has turned into something of a guilty pleasure for me. It’s grown on me a lot. I quite like it. I wouldn’t listen to it outside of Eurovision I don’t think…but yeah, I strangely like this. It will be great to have a representation of Scandi culture in Eurovision again, it’s been too long. I’d rather something like this, reflecting the history and culture of the region, albeit slightly kitsch, than some soulless mass produced, universal pop song that could be from anywhere. (You know who I mean).
This is quite interesting. I remember than several of us said that backing vocals for this one would be key. I guess the Danish team thought the same and/or are aware of our comments :-). If they get the backing vocals right that could be a dark horse.
Denmark is not even in my top 10 , i dont like the song,this is my top 5
Well, Spain 1 and Netherlands 2?
Clearly your musictaste lacks a LOT!
i am free to have the music taste what i want ,and very proud to say it,
maybe you dont have that freedom , mmm, sad very sad , soooo sorry for you poor dude
Viking kitschfest alert is ON
due to choreography will be standing somewhere else? or due to the fact he doesnt have long hair? thats a bit pathetic *wig alert*
Eh what??? He does have long hair bucko?
If you watch Rasmussen’s performance at Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, you will notice that one of the background dancers leaves the center of the stage (around the ending) to get a white banner. It looks rather unstructured, and that may be why they have positioned him elsewhere.