sevak khanagyan first rehearsal eurovision 2018
Armenia, Sevak Khanagyan, 3

There’s no trickery needed here. Armenia’s Sevak Khanagyan is all about the voice, with what looks like very bare staging around him. He stands in the centre of a circle made of pillars — in a throwback to the start of the song’s music video. They’re stone plinths, helping to create a solemn atmosphere. It’s bordering on gothic at times. From there, he belts out “Qami” for all his worth, with the always trustworthy vocal that helped him win Depi Evratesil.

He’s ditched the breastplate that he wore in that performance (at least for now). Instead he wore a grey coat that had a slight ruffled effect at the back. It’s not as powerful a look, but Sevak’s voice more than makes up for it. It’s stirring at the moment, but it feels like it hasn’t quite hit its peak. We didn’t see the final run-through, which might mean there’s more to come by the time we see it again in its second rehearsal form.

Sevak Khanagyan — “Qami”: Reviews and Reactions

Armenia: First rehearsal at Eurovision 2018

Armenia: First press conference 2018

Read all of our Eurovision rehearsal reviews

Read all of our Armenia Eurovision news here

Photo & Footage: EBU & RTP

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6 years ago

I may be wrong… But my impression is that the staging is very boring and static… Not much is happening here. Not even lights. This is a simple performance, but maybe too simple?

Sevak’s vocals are spot on.

6 years ago

I didn’t expect less from his vocal performance! The staging looks good, I liked this circle around him. I don’t know if anything is projected on the floor, it would look cool.

6 years ago

The song was good. The revamp made it worse, and the staging doesn’t look great. I think Austria will outshine Armenia.

6 years ago

While I like the song, I think the general public will find it boring. In fact, Armenia has been going down in my top these weeks.

WhiteSox Paris
WhiteSox Paris
6 years ago

Unexpectedly I kind of like this entry. And he’s the best vocalist this year, with Eugent from Albania.

6 years ago

Team Wiwi, wake up! So much hate and bad words, so little respect here. But that’s nothing new when it comes to certain countries and their mutual relations that are not worth to mention here…

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago

I don’t know what happened to Armenia this decade, but they need to fix it. I wouldn’t want to hear this man scream Qami for three minutes again in the final.

6 years ago

This one looks so boring. Since the song isn’t that competitive I expected a powerful staging from them. I hope that they won’t qualify just because of diaspora thing. :/

too cool for opera
too cool for opera
6 years ago
Reply to  Nora

you are azer,truth???

6 years ago
Reply to  Nora

If he qualifies it will be because of juries, as he has powerful vocals. But the song is boring and people are unlikely to vote for it. And last year Armenia received only 21 points from televoting…so if a song is bad, no diaspora can save it.

6 years ago

I am not pleased with the staging, the HOD of Armenia did this to harm Sevak. She told about it and she did.

6 years ago

It seems too simple and Armenia has been great with staging, so probably there’s still something interesting they haven’t showed to the press. For obvious reasons, this is an entry that could make great use of wind and fog machines. Sevak’s vocals are great, he has a very imposing figure by himself and I’m glad they got rid of the breastplate.

too cool for opera
too cool for opera
6 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

negative vote goes to you its obvios you are azer

6 years ago

It’s funny how you’re defending Armenia from a positive comment about their entry. Trolls can be amusing sometimes.

6 years ago

So when someone dont areee with you , you always think they are from Azerbaijan? even in real life? thats not very healthy.

Berto Rivas
Berto Rivas
6 years ago

So much staging presence by himself. Amazing perfomer. Armenia will qualify from this tough semifinal.

6 years ago
Reply to  Berto Rivas

Here’s hoping!

6 years ago

I found the staging pleasant. i hope they use some type of wind machine, cause it will fit well with the theme of the song. But his vocals aren’t that impressive, especially compared to other male acts this semi like albania and austria.

6 years ago

I am starting to be afraid that this will not qualify(( only good vocals are not enough

6 years ago

The abscence of LED screens really damages this one. Could this be the year without Armenia in the final?

too cool for opera
too cool for opera
6 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Oh yes you are an azer

6 years ago

You don’t have to be an Azeri to dislike this terrible song

6 years ago

Time for both Armenia and Azerbaijan to miss the final together for the first time! There are so many better songs in the first semi.

Netta is a feminist, bad. Im not a toy.
Netta is a feminist, bad. Im not a toy.
6 years ago
Reply to  Poster.

Yes, I really agree. Qami is okay, but Azer is awful.

6 years ago
Reply to  Poster.

Azerbaijan is very good though. They do deserve to be in the final imo.

6 years ago

The accounts “Kendrick” kenddr” and “annx” belong to the same person and he simply spreads hate and says offensive things about the entrants. Hope wiwi will fix this.

Netta is a feminist, bad. Im not a toy.
Netta is a feminist, bad. Im not a toy.
6 years ago

Qami and Henrik Mkhitaryan are the only armenian people i know. But I love them! Go Saara!