Practice makes perfect, so Eurovision 2018 rehearsals roll on for another day. On Saturday Russia’s Julia Samoylova, Moldova’s DoReDos and The Netherlands’ Waylon kicked off proceedings inside Altice Arena. They nipped, they tucked and we need to talk about it. Are you ready? Let’s do this!
Reaction: Russia, Moldova and The Netherlands
Russia: Julia Samoylova with “I Won’t Break”
Once again Julia sits atop her mountain and becomes queen of Altice Arena for three minutes. Today she swapped her dress and make-up, which made her look like a glorious and mystical nymph, for a more simple lilac button-up with pearl embellishments. It has a lovely “princess” feel which works with Julia’s regal voice.
There were several improvements this morning. The camera focuses on Julia more, zooming in on her face, which creates a tighter bond with the viewer. There is still plenty of time when Julia isn’t visible, or is seen only as a speck in the distance, but it’s less severe this time around. The backing vocalists are also more visible this time, owing to a bit more light illuminating their white outfits.
Unfortunately there are still mixing issues during the chorus. While it’s far less shreaky now, the mixing and harmonies still need work.
Julia Samoylova, “I Won’t Break”: Performance Preview
Moldova: DoReDos with “My Lucky Day”
During their first rehearsal Moldova’s DoRedos elicited applause after each of their run-throughs. And they did it again today with their infectious folk-pop sound and adorable staging. The choreography, which was already on point, felt sharper and tighter. They haven’t made significant changes, it’s just that they are more comfortable with this stage set up. With that comfort comes even stronger vocals, particularly the female lead Marina. Any nerves she had in the first rehearsal have vanished. Loving this!
DoReDos, “My Lucky Day”: Performance Preview
The Netherlands: Waylon with “Outlaw in ‘Em”
Following the controversy surrounding the aggressive krumping of the first rehearsal, Waylon has toned down his stage performance slightly. The four dancers that surround him still perform in that dance genre — originally developed as a means for gang members in LA to express their anger and leave gang culture. But it’s less frenetic and more accessible to a mass audience. At the start of the performance, as the dancers stand on platforms and play instruments, they feel like Waylon’s band. Later, when they form a line, they come off more like a dance troupe we’d see on X Factor or, indeed, at Eurovision.
The changes make the performance far less chaotic, and it feels smoother. Overall, though, the performance feels quite flat. For a song about outlaws, this comes off incredibly tame.
Waylon, “Outlaw in ‘Em”: Performance Preview
Check out all of our rehearsal news here
Photo: Thomas Hanses (EBU)
Sorry to say that but Russia is so bad this year- they have so many good singers- why they sent such crap this year ?????
I really like The Netherlands sorry for Everyone ?
Russia: I think it’s safe to say this won’t make it into the final? I mean, the whole thing is a damn mess. The vocals are all pretty bad, the song is below average, the staging needs work, and I can see the wheels under her mountain for crying out loud. Moldova: While I wouldn’t say I love the song or anything, their staging, performance, and charisma are enough to make me appreciate and enjoy this anyway despite the fact that the song is not to my taste. It deserves a spot in the final because they perform well. Netherlands:… Read more »
I actually don’t think Julia even sang the chorus part in this rehearsal. At least her audio was inaudible…unless she completely changed her vocal chords in the past two days.
Just Moldova for me from these 3, I can’t wait for them to surprise me, the other 2 are too embarassing to watch, I just can’t , sorry!
russia is a disaster
Waylon would have been far better served to just have him and a band behind him – or even just him. But I do wonder if the rest of world finds the dancers part of his act as inappropriate/offensive as Americans. I find it only slightly less offensive that those 1950s movies stereotype ‘indians’ someone trotted out a few years ago.
Waylon has been very clear that since musicians are not allowed to play live on stage he will not insult his band by putting them on stage to pretend. He also did not feel it would be ok to be on stage alone so opted for a dance group to surround him. His choice not to insult his musicians is one i highly respect. But than i can remember a Eurovision time where everything including the music was live.
How is including the band an insult? He isn’t playing his guitar live either. Is he insulted? Bringing on a fake band turned dancers instead of the guys who have had his back for years and giving them a moment in the spotlight is far more of an insult than miming for three minutes.
Waylon is singing live. His guitar is only a prop in the performance just like the instruments of the dancers. He feels asking serious musicians to mime is insulting to their profession. I guess he has a point. Nobody asks a surgeon or a hairdresser to mime their jobs so why ask that of a musician? He’s always been an artist with strong convictions and stands for them. He and Ilse broke up because he did not feel he could break his commitments to others to keep playing with her in the Common Linnets. Had he done so for a… Read more »
Asking them to mime is an insult but cutting them out of the accolades they have earned is okay?
In his eyes it is yes. I have not seen any interviews with the people who did play the music on the track that state that they would like to be on stage but are kept of it by Waylon. Im guessing that we would have gotten statements like that if any of them felt left out or disrespected so i assume they either agree with him or don’t mind either way.
Russia: They just can’t fix the chorus, it sounds awful. The prop looks cheap and we can even see the wheels under the mountain. I’m sad for Julia, but it would be absurd to see this on the final.
Moldova: Top 10 is very possible. If they had a better and more current song, they could even repeat that top 3.
Netherlands: The problem here is conceptual. This will already be considered “too American” to some viewers and they weirdly decided to mix up two different Americas with this staging. Waylon is great, though.
Can’t wait to see Moldova’s whole performance. I’m ready for telenovela realness.
I think Julia changed her dress. The clip looks good. Moldova was again entertaining and I continue to like them. The Netherlands were fine, but I’m not a fan of the weird dance moves of the dancers.
Say what you want, but I like Netherland’s staging. It is cleverly created to attract attention of random European who is not used to country,.. if it was all ”regular”, his act we’ll become toilet break, like it or not. Also, great voice, good song and stage presence, so I think this is getting through.
Cascada + Timebelle = Saara Aalto
Stairs are NO
I’m mesmerized with Moldova. This is the best result Kirkorov deserves ( Shady Lady Who??). The staging is like a Carlo Goldoni play, is pure art.
What’s all the fuss about Waylon’s staging. I really like it as well as the song and I think the audience will too on the night. Nice.
Best summary I could find:
Something, something, leopard jacket. Something, something weird platforms too close to each other.
I think Williams express his opinion of what might others thinks there about Waylon..I dont defend his opinion ,just saying.
He shouldnt fill out what others might think!!? They should judge acts on their merrits and leave any polititical or social interpretations by the viewers themselfs!!
What is this Wiwi bias against Waylon? First is was too scandalous, even the term blackploitation needed to be used, what was very RUDE and Unnessecary. Now some small addaptions seems to have been made and now its TOO FLAT……………………………………?? For me its Finland who does LGBTQ-ploitation!! Its horrendous putting nice and lovely gay peoples as monsters!!
Saara is literally a leabian.
It’s not exploitatipn when the singer is ALSO part of that community.
It’s not exploitation, it’s just cheesy.
yah, so?? I only discovered that a few days ago. That doesnt change my opinion about her act!! Lesbian or not!
Also, you’re the one assuming all her dancers are gay because of stereotypes you’ve learned.
This is such a reach lmao
Nope, its all out in the ESC media and especially Wiwi, thats such a great tribute to the LGBTQ community, portraying them like Monsters in ur head. And you can laugh as much as you want, but thats kinda of biased and ploitation as well!! Im 30 yrs out and in the open, gay man. So DONT start telling me your socalled wisedoms about gaylife etc!! Ive been tru them ALL!!! You are the kinda of stereotype I always found offended by!! Ta
With all due respect, wiwibloggs is made up exclusively of fans. If we were to be neutral, we’d turn into Reuters and that’s not who we are. It’s Eurovision news “with attitude” — so excuse us for not reporting dryly what’s going on in Lisbon.
Hi Bogdan! Thanks for ur answer with explanation.
Yeah…then i recommend for the sake of Miss W’s credibility: maybe stop acting like a journalist and check that attitude at the door…cse there’s a difference between being a fan reporting for other fans..or being a stuck up **** who acts like an extra on Rupaul’s drag race…but hey…..that’s just another fan’s opinion…
William is such a sour queen lol.
He’s a #Dramerican, if you’re not a big haired screaming bimbo who’s puss is flapping in front of a wind machine, he won’t even blink a you… He stirs up drama but doesn’t own IT
Haha. It annoyed me when the guy on the left said something positive about Waylon and William making these faces. He clearly does not like the entry. Just give your opinion and let others say what they want to say.
Wiwi is very biased , always have been!! for live streams I follow other sites. With them its more about the acts than what überQueen Wiliama or his other collegues find of it!! I can draw my own conclusions for how to think!!
Correction: what William doesn’t like is the staging.
Yulia improves with every performance. You can find fault here, but goodness it’s still night and day compared to the pre-party. I don’t understand the intense negativity aimed at her? She is worthy of being rooted for. Seeing her journey in how much she’s improved and how hard she’s worked despite people shooting her down every time she tries just adds to her moving story. I just hope Yulia keeps going and never pays any mind to the voices that are trying to bring her down: turn away from all the hateful and patronizing words (“poor Yulia doesn’t realize she’s… Read more »
She sings like a crow
Yulia whaaaat? honey are you drunk or what?, wait a minute, im the drunk one… but please, share your delusion pills with me
Russias song is a terrible mess. I feel bad for Julia… She will end up low in the final
I pity her! She was sent last year on purpose because they wanted a reason to withdraw from competing in Ukrain and she offered one valid reason and now they must throw her to the woolves. She really is a victim and that is sad.
If Peter Nalitch managed to qualify back in 2010 I’m sure Julia will too, as horrible as the live performance of her song is. But the studio version of “I Won’t Break” did become a big guilty pleasure of mine.
The difference is that now half or Europe hate Russia when 3/4 of the countries were sheep in 2010, voting for Russia because it is the big neighbour. I’m pretty sure Julia will stay in semi final and it would be deserved because the song and the staging are a mess. NB: I’m not a Russia hater, I loved Polina and Serguey, Julia’s song is just horrible.
Sorry but, even though, i’m not a fan of Peter Nalitch, he and his so song was soooooooooo much better than Julia. It’s like comparing colombian meth and your home made meth
Russia: This looks a mess. Dancers add nothing to the performance, Julia doesn’t sound great and backing vocals are awful too. I am convinced Russia is not qualifying.
Moldova: Horrible song and staging looks tacky. Their vocals sounded poor in the snippet too.
Netherlands: Waylon has got great charisma, great voice, love the song but the dancers are awful. Should get through to the final but not a top 10 as I previously predicted before rehearsals.
Although Julia herself won’t break, it’s very probable that she’ll break Russia’s 100% qualifying streak
On the livestream has been said that are 4 countries that have bodyguards : Russia, Israel, The Netherlands, Denmark. What do they need bodyguards for?
Thank you for the answer. Is ironic that in ESC singers preach about ”love love peace peace”, but in real life they are more realistic and are aware that Europe is a mess. Very interesting.
Some countries does sadly always have to be more careful like Israel and Russia.
Down vote as much as you want, the real world is still a mess. Keep living in a bubble. In real life singers need bodyguards, while they are on stage singing ”love love peace peace”.
I can see Russia’s mountain’s wheels. :/ Isn’t the mountain suppose to symbolize something that doesn’t move….
Exactly! That prop looks cheap compared to all of Russia’s previous efforts! The see-saw was looking e costlier tbh
Russia: Trainwreck
Moldova: Entertaining
Netherlands: Black Panther
Russia: Can it be? First time without Russia in the final? cause this wasn’t very good..
Moldova: Fun performance but the song is kitsch and outdated. The performance is what will help them!
Netherlands: It is quite good but without that akward dance t would have been better
This is so cool. And real outlaw, he makes his own rules and those are not the eurovision rules. We already have a lot of hairflipping, gay dancing, barely dressed ladies, pink and purple dresses and benny hill kitsch. This is breaking borders.
Waylon said (as so many artists before) that he would be doing something that had never been seen before at Eurovision. But that’s not right, Waylon! Many, many performers have embarrassed the audience before, so it’s nothing new….
Still like the song (was in my overall top 10), but since Waylon nor AVROTROS cares a sh*t about the opinion of almost everyone, I believe they deserve a non-qualification
Oh, and no; the fact that I do not like the staging doesn’t mean I support Wiwibloggs’s thoughts relating it to “blacksploitation”. But it was made clear to me that Wiwibloggs also doesn’t care a sh*t about their readers opinion
Just because YOU expected the performance to be a certain way, doesn’t directly mean that this is bad performance. If you compare Waylon’s performance to the other performances, it actually is great. From what I have seen the camera angles look great and it def stands out. PLUS how the hell can you judge the whole performance by a 20 sec clip?! Harcore Eurovision fans are so judgy…. Just take of your eurovision glasses and your expectations and enjoy the music.
First: I have seen the WHOLE performance.
Second: In my comment I am saying clearly that it is MY opinion (which, by the way, is shared by many others, as you can read and see in hundreds of newspapers, blogs, YouTube videos, etc.)
Third: Better spend your time with the many trolls that come along here. Do not criticize me for expressing what I believe in
well said Rimig, there are just dutch people here on forum that can’t take criticism on their song while they Criticise other songs. it’s called Hypocrisy
Being Dutch myself these two rehearsals have not been able to take away my suspicion that it may not be such an easy route into the final for Waylon. Not to begin about a top 10 spot. That is a shame as he is a good performer but so far I’m not impressed by the song, what i’ve seen of the staging and his outfit. He’ll probably gather a decent amount of votes from the various juries (or to put it more correctly he should based on the musical merits of him and his song compared to the others), but… Read more »
That’s my point, Mateo. I do like the song and I appreciate his talent, but the staging goes nowhere, and that is what many people will be seeing on Thursday for the first time. I could have ruined his performance for much less than what they paid to this Pannecoucke. Waste of money!
Blaming the stage director for what you see on screen is taking attention away from who really is to blame. The head of delegation, they call the shots and should tell the artist what works or not. The stage director does what he or she has been told.
For a returning artist we have higher expectations so if a broadcaster decided to bring somebody they should know better.