On Saturday she became the new Queen of Israel when she won the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 with her song “Toy”. Since then she’s enjoyed a massive welcome reception in Tel Aviv and even done her chicken dance with Israel’s Prime Minister at his official residence.
But the perhaps the funniest moment Netta has had this week took place in the TV studios of “Eretz Nehederet” (A Great Country) — one of Israel’s most popular TV shows. This wasn’t Netta’s first appearance on the show, as the cast performed a Netta imitation right after she won “The Next Star for Eurovision 2018” back in February.
This time Netta got to meet her own impersonator and just couldn’t stay calm about it, as you can see in this video:
Netta’s character is played by the talented actress and stand up comedian Tom Yaar. You can watch her imitation in this video at 15:40.
Here is another funny moment they shared — the original and the imitation side by side. How similar do you think they are?
?????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??? ?????, ??????? ??? ???? ?????? pic.twitter.com/Z7MiBOU582
— ??? ????? (@Eretz_Nehederet) May 16, 2018
During the latest episode of the show, Netta was not the only Eurovision star that made an appearance, as the show also featured Izhar Cohen (1978), Dana International (1998) and Milk & Honey (1979) – Click here to watch the video.
At the end of the show Netta was invited to play herself in a special sketch. It turns out that she is not only a talented singer and performer, but also quite a good actress.
Netta called countries that didn’t give her points and tried to figure out what was the reason for that. From Romania, for example, she got the answer: “We’ve heard it many times”, and in Azerbaijan they told her that “Toy” means the goat’s dung in Azeri.
Then Netta’s friends from Eurovision appeared: Cyprus’ Eleni Foureira, Czech Republic’s Mikolas Josef and Denmark’s Rasmussen. They say that Netta invited them to stay with her when they are in Israel, so they came to stay until Eurovision 2019. The funniest part here is Eleni’s imitation where she is doing her “Fuego” moves even while talking.
Netta finally agrees to host them at her place but then she asks: “Why did you in Denmark give me only 3 points?”
(Alternative link for the video)
You can watch some more behind the scenes footage of that show in this video:
What do you think of the comedy show? Which character seemed the most realistic to you? Tell us in the comments section below!
As a fellow israeli, i agree. Lilia’s comments are uncalled for
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oh i give up!!! I was trying to be nice to you but whats the point, ok you hate Salvador and you hate anyone who doesnt like Netta, good for you. All i did was try my best to show you that people can have any opinion and not expect to be called stupid, ugly, idiots because of that opinion but i guess im wasting my time. I hope everyone has a fun eurovision in Israel.
Why would you think he is my friend? i have no idea who he his and no its not ok to call someone fat and ugly the same way as its not ok to call Salvador stupid, ugly and wishing he had died from his heart problems.
i never said you said that but lots of other people have, please dont call me a liar, that is once again very insulting.
” The Eurovision Song Contest in Portugal was in the lowest production in years, the hosts were terrible, and they wore awful clothes. The stage was old fashioned.” This is just your poor and hatefull opinion
EBU has a very different opinion 🙂
The actress imitating Eleni cracked me up! 😀 😀 😀
Awesome, though I am unsure why they picked Rasmussen and Mikolas? They were extremely lame but apparently the easiest ones to cosplay, and also Denmark gave low points to Israel, so yeah, it’s all about mockery, I guess…
It’s not ‘ picking ‘ , they didn’t diss them at that sketch.
Wow guys, CHILL. Netta is great and this is funny. Yes she has tons of youtube views and Europe loves her. Now that we’re done with the facts- can we get POLITICS out of this? I get Israeli haters are mad about her victory and Israelis need to defend their country, but STAY OUT OF ESC with your hateful comments please.
Agree! Its about music not about politics
Don’t flatter yourselves. Netta has more views because people love a good joke, not because they liked it. Read comments and dislikes lol
what matters most is the LIKES because these are the people who vote/buy/support
official videos:netta 580k/salvador 130k
grand final;netta200k/salvador 80k
netta has more haters but they dont really affect her and once her hype gets reduced they’ll disappear
Oh yea,and her winning with 529 was because people like good jock,and fact that she’s literally hitting the charts all over the world it’s just because people like ‘ good jocks’ .stick your head in your butthole
salvador’s song is a dull funeral ballad with zero replay value. also his behavior onstage is disturbing. it looks like he’s suffering from sth. and not to mention his obnoxious attitude
Portugal is laughing their way to the bank while they got 100 million of revenue while spending 20 million
#just saying
Can’t wait for the backlash Israel is going to get next year, you’ll get the same hate you are now sharing, no worries hater
The word is called elegant.
Portugal has personality and they do things their way. Portugal is happy the way they are too, worth is not about wealth
LLila, im not sure what you are trying to do on this blogg but if its trying to post a good image of Israel you are not doing a very good job. Whenever i open a page on this blogg all i see are comments from you calling people ugly, rude, stupid, you tell people to f*** off, you are particularly nasty to anyone Portuguese and you even called Obama a black monkey!!! I dont understand where all this hate comes from, i dont know anyone from Israel but based on your comments alone im getting nothing but a racist… Read more »
yes there have been nasty comments about Netta and if you wish to reply to them then go ahead but alot of the comments made are just people saying they didnt like the song and as soon as they say that you immediately call them stupid or people who have no taste and you have said many times they are not welcome in your country.
you insult me just because i gave my opinion…You think everyone is pro-paslestine! You even insult the previous winner! Its a song contest!Just a song contest
Actually you must have some trauma.
Actually yes you did many times, but im not gonna start an arguement with you, i was trying to show you that you are not helping your country by posting nasty comments to everyone but i guess im wasting my time, i was actually trying to be nice but then again i live in Portugal so i assume you hate me anyway as even though im not Portuguese you have been very rude about them so i guess im hated also.
Lisbon was old-fashioned and annoying. The hosts were always listening to what the producer was telling them to do in the earphones lol
They were not comfortable at all ;))))
they didn´t used teleprompter…they did great, except Catarina.
They are among the best hosts 🙂 🙂
Old-fashioned? For some people LEDs are everything…lol
“Lisbon was old-fashioned and annoying.” Yeah, because Jerusalem is so modern and progressive! At least here in Portugal we don’t kill our neighbours.
clearly you have no idea about jerusalem and israel’s situation. if you don’t agree with his comment, you can be more mature about it and not drag israel into the discussion. the contest in portugal (who i personally thought was great) has nothing to do with the contest in israel.
i personally thought this year’s esc was great. portugal were so excited to host for the first time, you could feel it through the tv screen and it was lovely. also daniella ruah, who i’ve been a fan of for years hosted so that was great as well lol, and every single act that participated this year was sooo good. sure, there were some issues but overall it was one of my favourite contests
Esc 2018 was great, and im sure Esc 2019 will be great too
Portugal is a high income economy too…your economy is not even bigger than the portuguese one.
so stop talk nonsense and enjoy Esc
Wait.. wait.. they MADE money on Eurovision?
I have new heroes.
Do you have any life besides commenting here about Netta? Seriously…
Netta might has more views but Salvador has more points than any other song
I do love Toy more than I love Amar Pelos Dois, but it has nothing to do with this article
You can’t deal with the truth, huh?
All you do is harming Israel and Israeli people with your hate on others everyway
Stay away from Eurovision
And I will talk to whom ever I want to
Way out of line there, kiddo.
And that’s the brilliant Israeli logic full of prejudice, hatred and arrogance.
Oh you don’t say! I can’t sleep at nights because of that. I envy you so much.
Is Netta gonna be wearing a kimono for the rest of her life lol.
So much for authenticity won haha
Just like there songs Israeli show their really colors by being so fake
Israelies are great people. I know because i, one of them (:
Wish they’d had english subtitles for the HEbrew parts, but yeah, that was pretty funny.
We now know how the interval acts will be next year!! Can’t wait jaja
Lol those impersonations are actually pretty brilliant. Love it!
Carry on. I’d love to hear more assumptions from you about me.
@Amygdal You can’t call someone a supporter of terrorism, show some respect. Maybe that’s something normal for you to walk around calling ppl like that, but keep those comments away from here!! Nobody wants to read stuff like that here.
@William Lee Adams admins I think that this type of comments (which is a personal attack) should be deleted. You’ve been ignoring the comments section since Israel won and it became disgusting to read comments here, just saying.
I think you are alone. When I see all the comments and down votes here from Eurovision fans… ;))
Looks really tacky to me laughing at other contestants.
It is supposed to be funny but big fail
Because .., stereotypes are never funny. Low people make fun of others, positive people lift up others
they should have brought a salvador impersonator for some extra laughs (insulting everyone and doing spastic movements while talking)
Don’t tell me that the Israelis aren’t arrogant and rude? It’s a proven fact, and I’ve had to deal with many of them during my life and it hasn’t been a pleasant experience interacting with them.
Eurovision 2019 in Jerusalem, the undivided capital of Israel.
I want to buy the tickets already and fligh to Israel from Switzerland.
I love Netta, I love Netanyahu, I love Eurovision, I love LGBT
Anyone knows who is the person that will work for Wiwibloggs in Israel to give us news locally like Bernardo in Lisbon?
I hope they will choose Teddy Stadium, Pais arena is SO small.
And I want Dana International and Gal Gadot to host.
Nice to meet you 😛
What about Bar Refaeli?
>I love Netanyahu
>I love LGBT
Choose one
What friends from Eurovision does she have? None, because as it was known by all the participating countries that the Israeli team and delegation were the rudest of them all. Met a lot of Israelis and I can say it hand on heart its true, they’re arrogant and believe that everyone owes them. Nothing against Netta, but there’s something arrogant about the way she did her business.
That’s why all people of Europe voted for Israel 😉
all people of europe voted for Israel? naaa….thats why they won with only 529points
Since 2016, Israel is the winner with less points…529
so what?
This year’s Eurovision had for the first time a lot of very good songs and favorite countries in one Grand Final, and Netta got an AMAZING final result. So yes all people of Europe voted for Israel and a very different song to win 🙂
winner in 2016= 534pts
winner in 2017= 758pts
winner in 2018= 529pts
I don´t have any problem with her victory!!!!
You can to negativise my comment…do not change anything.
Its was the smallest victory with this new vote system…deal with that!!
Im bitter because you say…
she won with the smallest victory with this new system….Salavdor scored 250points more…deal with that!!
“Salvador only won becouse he was sick!” You´re sick!
So Netta only won because is fat, ugly and took advantage from metoo movement…
also Israeli government payed for the victory..
ARE WE CLEAR??? the most hated winner song ever is “toy” Thats embarrasing…
Apparently Joao is mad because his country got the less points and Catarina Furtado is a very bad host that she committed a mistake and revealed Cyprus was “leading the vote” before actually giving the points hahaha
In 2016 all songs were crap. In 2017 only Salvador’s song was good. In 2018 we had a lot of good songs and favorite countries, so obviously the points were more distributed and Netta is one of the best winners. If not the best
ATTENTION EVERYBODY: We have a spiritual medium here! He knows what im feeling LOOOL
Apparently you don´t know the hostess this year were pretty good, they are among the best host ever! Try again 😉
The songs were better this year i agree…you know why??? Salvador Sobral effect 😉
Because you were there to know who her freinds are?? did you know that eleni is coming to perform with netta in israel?? what lies are you spreading….
netta has taken photos with many participants in their insta and was even dancing and chatting with them in some videos of the israel preparty. (actualy your comment perfectly describes salvador’s behavior last year)
Netta loves eurovision…Salvador had never seen a ESC before 2017….
That is not true at all…Claudia Semedo is not a Esc fan…only Pedro Granger and Pedro Penin, all the others host didn´t had any relation with ESC. I agree with you about “I can Love Netta and it is possible to like Israel and dislike their PM & government “…I don´t have any problem with Israel, their culture, religion or government. I said Salvador don´t care about Eurovision… Netta cares a lot. Theres no problem about it. Also i think its nonsense when someone wrote “netta has taken photos with many participants in their insta and was even dancing and… Read more »
You are a racist.
With comments like that, I doubt you have any friends yourself.
This is the video that’s not available up there in the report, where you can see Netta with the other guys from ESC.
You know we say it as a joke right? like the way a country didnt vote for us lol
Toy in Azerbaijani means wedding, actually.
But, yeah. This is really funny 😀
Im not your wedding
It was just a joke.
But Azerbaijan gave 12 pts to them. Why does the article mentions Azerbaijan as a country which didnt give pts to Netta??
Compare the jury vote and the televote
Its a comedy show…….. it shifts reality to make it funny…. they made it as a joke it doesnt mean the stuff that they are saying is real…… look at the headline of the article you took it to far…
Toy in Portugal is a singer! ?
Haha, so cool!