During Eurovision 2018 Norway’s Alexander Rybak was a man in demand. The Eurovision 2009 winner, who overcame the flu to deliver spirited performances in the semi-final and grand final, had a packed schedule in Lisbon, including rehearsals, press conferences, interviews and public appearances. But that didn’t stop him from finding the time to visit the Metropolitana Music School in Lisbon ahead of his semi-final performance.
His visit included special performances by the music students, who were lucky enough to get a few pointers from Alexander. The entire orchestra and choir also joined him for a masterful performance of his 2009 winning song “Fairytale”.
“Fairytale” — Alexander Rybak and Metropolitana students
This was a great experience for all of the students of Metropolitana, who were very excited to be performing with Eurovision royalty.
They will undoubtedly take much from the experience, including Alexander’s helpful tips. His advice included telling the students to always perform at 150% in order to come across as 100% to the audience — advice that he took into his own performance.
He also advised the students to always smile and to add an extra flourish to put on a great show. He demonstrated this with performances of a number of classical music pieces at the end of the concert.
Alexander caught up with wiwiblogger Antranig after the concert and chatted about how the concert gave him flashbacks to his own concerts growing up.
What do you think of Alexander’s performance with the children of Metropolitana? Do you want to see him performing with full orchestra again soon? Let us know down below!
FYR Macedonia’s won Barbara Dex!
Where are the news about Samoylova’s confession? That she was used by the Russia in 2017 and no one there ever really expected her to compete properly.
Too little too late. How wiwi hates everybody that is not a DIVA.
Off topic question: Why didn’t Wiwibloggs host the Next top model 2018 this year??
As for the article, Alexander is an amazing artist and person. He is very inspiring.
Alexander is such a talented and kind-hearted guy. Love me an artist who gives back to the people.
This seems like a part of some weird agenda from Wiwi. You were not a big fan of Norway this year (a fair case, everyone has their own personal music taste). But when you constantly postpone publishing interviews and stories, it’s seems it was to avoid spreading Rybak’s name around. To keep him from qualifying and climbing the betting list. That was emphasized when William said that the juries shouldn’t respect the song. But done is done. I know it’s hard to keep an objective mind, when the same journalists review the entries as well as interviewing the same artists… Read more »
They only focus on the ones that are trending, they couldn’t care less about the artists or Eurovision. Most commentators are just mean and they found their perfect place to spread their hate. Drama sells more than integrity
Because the team was already spread thin covering the contest as it was. They were pushing out a lot of articles videos and up til now still have leftovers that they continue to push out now.
It’s not exactly easy to edit videos and deliver them same day.
And besides, whatever gaps in reporting the Wiwi team has, they are filled by other ESC media outlets. Wiwibloggs is not exactly the only one of its kind, you know?