In Lisbon, American comedian Will Ferrell caused excitement by showing up in the Eurovision press centre. Now the reason for his visit has been revealed. Deadline Hollywood has confirmed that Ferrell will write and star in a new Netflix comedy film called Eurovision.

The Anchorman star was spotted in the press centre in Lisbon and was also seen watching the show itself at Altice Arena. At the time, it was rumoured that he was there to research a future project. But now details have been confirmed.

Ferrell will write the comedy feature film with frequent collaborator Andrew Steele. Most recently the two worked together on The Royal Wedding Live with Cord and Tish!, a satirical commentary of the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markel.

Ferrell also recently produced the Netflix film Ibiza, a comedy following three American women on the Spanish party island. The Iberian Tourism Board is said to be considering suing Netflix as they believe the film shows the island in a bad light.

It’s not known what sort of role Ferrell will play in the Eurovision film, however Deadline notes that he has previously sung in the film Step Brothers and through his numerous roles from his time on Saturday Night Live.

And what’s an American doing writing about Eurovision? Ferrell is married to Swedish actress Viveca Paulin and he pays regular visits to Sweden. He is said to be a long-term fan of the song contest.

The Netflix Eurovision film won’t be the first time the long-running song contest has been fictionalised. In 1996, the British-Irish comedy series Father Ted had the iconic episode “A Song for Europe”. The episode showed Father Ted writing an entry for the Eurosong contest called “My Lovely Horse”. The song — of dubious quality — was selected by the Irish broadcaster in order to ensure Ireland would not win the song contest again.

Reactions of Eurovision fans is mixed. @CalmAfterTheTim reckons that “No single Eurovision fan will watch this trash so thanks, but no thanks. You’ll only make a joke out of what people put a lot of thought and effort in it so no, we don’t need it.”

While @elainovision was cautious, writing “I don’t know what to expect but I’m not exactly optimistic. End result: the US watching Eurovision the same way the UK does?”

What do you think? Will you watch Will Ferrell’s Eurovision comedy? Or will the film be misguided? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Coto Movies apk
5 years ago

Just like a right wing radical socio crook who supports right wing radical socio crook Brian Kemp to call someone else a crook.

6 years ago

Maybe this will be a stepping stone for having ESC become more mainstream in the US. Maybe we’ll be able to watch it on ABC, NBC, or CBS in 2020, rather than Logo.

6 years ago

The fact Will has been watching the show since 1999 and is a big fan shows he does have knowledge of the contest, and I hope, a healthy respect and understanding of what Eurovision means to different people. Sure, for some it is more about the trivial stuff, the costumes, the cheesy performances, the politics, the funny moments etc. and that’s fine. To others, it is (or at least, is becoming) a serious music competition, although I imagine most people have a healthy balance of enjoyment from both perspectives. If he can arrive at a meaningful conclusion as to what… Read more »

6 years ago

Knowing how Americans handle this kind of stuff, it will be either an absolutely brilliant comedy or a massive pile of garbage. No middle ground.

6 years ago

Search on youtube ”snl reality stars” to see Will Ferrell holding his real life dog, pretending to be reality star. Is great, but is scary if he will do the same about esc. When Sweden created LLovePPeace, everybody knew Sweden loves esc, this is why Sweden could get away with it.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago

Gosh. I hadn’t noticed that comparison before! 😮

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago

Please can William Lee Adams star in the film?
I’m serious. Make this happen.

6 years ago

Nobody asked for this.

Life is a drag
Life is a drag
6 years ago
Reply to  Celeste

If we only did things that people asked for, we wouldn’t have cars, we would have faster horses.

6 years ago

I’m looking forward to it. While I think Eurovision is slowly but surely becoming more legitimate, there’s no denying that it’s goofy as hell. Take it seriously when it comes to sending a good song, sure, but not to a degree where you’re not having fun with it. You can do both! Look at some of the acts this year: Moldova, Denmark, Ukraine, Finland, Estonia, and, of course, Israel. They had fun and were a bit (or, in Moldova’s case, very) silly, but still were authentic and true to the style of the performers. As long as you’re doing what… Read more »

Jill Stephens
Jill Stephens
6 years ago

Very happy (a little anxious as well) about Netflix / Will Ferrell’s upcoming Eurovision comedy. I did find it a bit peculiar he was in Lisbon, well not in Lisbon per se, but at the ESC&its appendixes at all. Didn’t you pause a video reviewing rehearsals for that selfie or a ton of selfies? Lol, I think you did. Glad all has now been made clear and of course I’ll watch it, I’m always up for a good laugh (or dozens) at anyone’s or anything’s expense and the ESC seems so right for it somehow. I can see half the… Read more »

6 years ago

I’m a big fan of Will Ferrell, and was pleasantly surprised to hear he was around the year. Did he attend the final? Has he done any interviews talking about ESC. Not 100% on this idea but I think can I trust him. Plenty of silliness but I’m sure it’ll come from a love/passion for the contest, not a load of cheap jibes/easy laughs. Especially if he is a long time viewer. Maybe like making a film out of Love Love Peace Peace. I remember after Brüno came out there were reports the Sasha Baron Coen wanted to make a… Read more »

6 years ago

This could be really funny I feel it’s done right. Anchorman, Talladega Knights, Step Brothers etc had some memorable one liners. “Smells like Big Foot’s d!ck” regarding Sex Panther fro my Anchorman for example.
Plus it could get Americans interested in Eurovision, which is clearly what the EBU want.

6 years ago
Reply to  Darren

I bet the plot is that America gets a one-off chance of competing in ESC.

6 years ago
Reply to  Gin

I hope that never becomes a reality. The EBU are not happy with the current success of the contest, for some reason they need the approval of the US too.

6 years ago

Don’t get why you all are so offensive about ESC. As much as we love it it isn’t exacly serious, is it? It is not any high-brow artistic collections, quite the opposite.
It is camp, that is best way to describe it. But camp doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Look at Freddie Mercury and lady Gaga. They made careers on being camp.

6 years ago
Reply to  Denis

The contest started way back in 1956 and has had a large number of excellent entries with artistic merit, thank you very much.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Which one?
Even the serious performers had camp over them. Even ABBA and Celine were camp. But they were good. Even some of the later serious songs had camp factor in them. like Rybak and Fairytale.
ESC to this day is still closer to Rocky Horror Picture Show than Superbowl half time show. And we love it for that!

6 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Jamala and Salvador Sobral would like a word.

6 years ago

Oh, one more american crap. Making fun of something they dont understand and dont even want to understand is always super-fun for them. But who cares, I am not gonna watch this for sure.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jabadabadu

Just knowing Will Ferrell is in it tells you all you need to know. It will be juvenile and full of fart/toilet jokes.

I stopped finding that funny by the time I finished middle school.

6 years ago

Is hard to understand ESC from outside, countries only spend money all year long to find one song that will do well, and if it wins the whole thing that means more spending for hosting next year. Still countries want to be there for prestige, and is hard to build that tradition where prestige is such a strong motivation. And who doesn’t understand fun acts, doesn’t understand life itself.

Vladimir P.
Vladimir P.
6 years ago

I hope this film will not be a typical American mocking of other cultures.

6 years ago
Reply to  Vladimir P.

you’ll probably be disappointed then cause that’s what American humor is all about…and of course swearing is their favourite part of every joke

6 years ago
Reply to  123

I find it hilarious that Americans take such great offense when another country makes even a small quip about them in any way. Even when it is completely accurate in every way.

Luke A
Luke A
6 years ago

I wish people would stop comparing all the UK public as the same, some of us over here do actually love the contest and want the BBC to take it serious we are not like America either this so winds me up

6 years ago
Reply to  Luke A

Uk views are changing too! There are still many people talking about Eurovision, mostly Netta and SuRie. I think the UK’s attitude has gone as low as it can go and is now starting to turn around, so to say there aren’t any lovers of the contest is completely untrue as of now. And the comparison of UK to US is always disgraceful

6 years ago

He is a fan so that’s positive. That means he will joke about it but with love. Honestly, no fan should take it THAT seriously.
The thing I fear though is Will himself. Let me put it like this: There is a reason Netflix made a deal with him. His movies don’t sell. So Netflix made the Adam Sandler treatment with him. His type of Comedy is to American..

6 years ago

I don’t like this. Eurovision is not just a comedy. I fear, that this is going to be bad parody, and again americans will have good reason to mock the Europeans..

Boycott Jerusalem 2019
Boycott Jerusalem 2019
6 years ago

Wouldn’t this hurt the Eurovision brand? The last thing we need is for people to solidify the notion that this show is a joke.

6 years ago

I love Eurovision but let’s be honest here, it kinda is a joke but still love it though!

6 years ago

No one takes Will Ferrell, anything he says or any film he makes seriously. Don’t worry.

6 years ago

I’d stick with Pitch Perfect 2 instead despite the fact that the movie is a loose reference of the contest today.

6 years ago

Oh hell no! I’m 100% confident this is going to be awful and I’m sure it’ll make Americans view Eurovision as a complete farce just like the British. The Americans are only gonna focus on the crazy joke/novelty entries like the Russian grannies and the Polish milkmaids and will ignore good quality songs like Euphoria, Goodbye to Yesterday, Beautiful Mess, etc.

6 years ago

Fingers crossed Will Ferrell pulls this off, apparently he’s been watching Eurovision since 1999 with his Swedish wife and I was wondering what he was doing in Lisbon for the contest this year! I love many of his movies so him doing a comedy flick about Eurovision is like a dream match for me but I won’t get too hyped, curious why it’s only on Netflix though…

6 years ago

oh dear god

5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

The movie is awesome. I have watched the movie many times on my Android device using Cybeflix. Love to watch the movie again.

6 years ago

I’ve not seen it but I remember Isabelle Huppert appeared in a film about a long-forgotten Eurovision chanteuse

6 years ago
Reply to  Matt

The movie wasn’t bad either – her song “Je Dis Oui” was pretty good, even if Isabelle can not sing a not.