Despite endless rumours and countless reports of “he said, she said”, Israel’s preparations to host Eurovision 2019 are in full swing. Today the Israeli broadcaster KAN had a successful meeting with officials from the EBU and representatives of other European broadcasters in Geneva. They discussed all aspects of the contest — from potential host cities to staffing issues — and it’s apparently been a success. Scrolling through Instagram, we saw that Jan Lagermand Lundme, a TV executive from Denmark’s DR and a member of the Eurovision Reference Group, was confident things had gone smoothly. He shared a snap that said “Israel takes over Eurovision” along with a hand-holding-heart GIF. Awww.

While the host city and venue are yet to be determined, the Israeli portal “Walla” reports that KAN’s Chairman Gil Omer and CEO Eldad Koblenz held a series of working meetings with the EBU today. We’re sure they did their best to smooth over any tensions that may have resulted from certain politicians getting ahead of themselves in the host city debate (like Sport & Culture Minister Miri Regev, who recently said it’s “Jerusalem or nothing”).

Other than KAN and the EBU, attendees included representatives from the production of the contest in Portugal this year, as well as representatives from other countries that have hosted the Eurovision Song Contest in the past and experts in production from the UK, Italy, Sweden, Amsterdam and Switzerland. The topics presented in the meetings dealt with production, timetables, budget, regulations and laws governing Eurovision, security, logistics, marketing, advertising, sponsorships, communications and public relations. It was a long day to say the least.

“KAN” emphasized the independence of public broadcasting in Israel by law and promised that it would take all measures to maintain a worthy and honorable Eurovision that would meet all expectations.

The broadcaster also stated that info on potential host cities will be collected and finalised before a tender is published. As in every year, the EBU asks the host country to present more than one city as an option.

The EBU stressed the need to coordinate with the Israeli authorities on Israel’s security and the promotion of Israel in the world in order to encourage visitors to Israel but without any intervention in the production content.

Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu recently stated that the government will not interfere in the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest, paving the way for KAN to work according to its own agenda rather than that of the ruling politicians.

The EBU published an official statement today regarding the preparations: “The Host City is due to be announced, along with official dates for the competition, by September.”

“KAN” has also started to hire the key people who will run Eurovision 2019.

Yuval Cohen has been appointed as the editor and main director of the competition.

In recent years he has been the director of programming and development for Channel 10, and he is responsible for the Israeli adaptation of “The Voice”. He’s also edited “Dancing with the Stars” for three seasons, oversaw Kdam Eurovision in 2010 (which produced Harel Skaat) and worked on a variety of live broadcasts. The man is experienced.

In addition, Cohen served as the editor-in-chief of “Reshet” (Channel 13) and worked across various productions and genres including drama, entertainment and reality, and served for several years as chief editor at “Gil Productions”, where he also directed and edited “Baby Boom”.

Cohen will soon be completing his current position as director of programs and content development at Channel 10, and will begin his work in KAN. He said: “I am very excited about the mission and am convinced that we will be able to create an unforgettable Eurovision Song Contest here. I am thankful for the home I had at Channel 10 and to the expression of trust I received in KAN.

Read more Israel Eurovision news

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????? ?????
5 years ago

????? ?????

6 years ago

Pais Arena seems the most ready…..

Darth Thulhu
Darth Thulhu
6 years ago

It’s not so much that either Haifa or Tel Aviv are particularly political places on the international front (both have been entirely and utterly inside the Jewish portion of every partition plan for a century). It’s that Tel Aviv is just yet another blended-all-together Mediterranean party city, largely interchangeable with any other blended-all-together Mediterranean party city, while Haifa has large and peacefully-cohabiting sectors of Christian Arabs and Muslim Arabs and religious Jews and secular Jews, and the Bahá’í world center to boot. On the front of “negative politics”, there’s nothing particularly negative about either Tel Aviv or Haifa (or Eilat,… Read more »

Maya G
Maya G
6 years ago

Off the top of my head: 2008, Russia came 3rd in the semi and 1st in the final. 2005, Latvia came 10th in the semi and 5th in the final.
In the final there are twice as many countries voting and the viewing figures are much higher, so it’s actually a whole new ballgame.
Bitterness is not attractive quality, mind you.

6 years ago
Reply to  Maya G

Azerbaijan lost to Greece in their semi-final in 2011. Greece finished 7th in the final and Azerbaijan took the trophy.

6 years ago

Jamala came second in Semi Final 2, lost to Australia. Russia came first in Semi Final 1. And somehow Ukraine still won. Netta WON semi final 1 and continued to won Eurovision. So stop talking nonsense. Fair and square victory.

6 years ago

Take your bitterness away from here

6 years ago

It should be in Haifa.

6 years ago

To quote Trump: Jerusalem is off the table!
I really don’t see it being the host, despite lady minister Mrs Something insisting upon it. I think EBU and KAN managed to find a compromise.
But if they have an arena why wait until September to reveal it? ASAP is the word here..

6 years ago

It’s definitely Israel in 2019! Not Austria, not Cyprus, NO! ESC is returning to Israel after 20 years! Tel Aviv all the way, Jerusalem has already been used twice! C’mon KAN, spice things up a bit! Plus, people don’t want the political status of Jerusalem to stain of the competition.

6 years ago

just make sure bjorkman stays 100 metres away from it XD

6 years ago
Reply to  EscAU

He will !! If Ms. Regev is IN – Bjorkman is OUT 🙂

6 years ago

“Despite endless rumours and countless reports of “he said, she said…”

…Most of which come from Wiwibloggs 😛

6 years ago

we all know it will be pais arena in jerusalem

6 years ago
Reply to  ninasublatti

Lo dudo, las organizaciones no gubername tales y de derechos humanos empezaran su presion en breve, la ebu va a tener un serio problema. Te lo garantizo, y te hablo de organizaciones que pueden avergomzar a cualquiera y,son altamente respetadas.

6 years ago
Reply to  Atlas

“Respetadas” por quien? Por iliterados Historicos? Los Ignorantes SI(!) que seran avergonzados al final!! ya veras..

6 years ago
Reply to  ninasublatti

It’s going to be Sammy Ofer Stadium in Haifa

6 years ago

Jerusalem calling.

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
6 years ago

Finally some good news about ESC 2019!
Glad things are going pretty well, good luck to all who will work on the contest <3

6 years ago

The competition will be held in the best venue (suited for the purpose) in Israel – and if the one found will be Jerusalem (as in 1979 and 1999) – so let it be !! I personally would prefer Haifa (authentic and also not far from Tel-Aviv)

6 years ago

September is so far away – they should at least announce the date so that people can book flights

6 years ago

YES!! Good luck Israel!

Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago

How is it going to be political if it’s held in Jerusalem? Jerusalem IS in Israel, so shut it y’all.

6 years ago

Out of these 4 options, my favourites are Tel Aviv and Haifa. Jerusalem could be a great choice if there is peace in the region.

6 years ago

The whole thing is supposed to be non-political. Therefore anywhere but Jerusalem. Regev can stay home.

6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I think we shouldnt treat jerusalem as a political place rn… just because a certain politician said some stuff.. but im pretty sure Jerusalem is off the biding table unless the meeting in geneva would have been prob called “problematic”

6 years ago

I think Haifa is the best option. I would’ve preferred Tel Aviv, but it seems they do not really want to host and the proposed venue is way too small (only 5,941 seats). Jerusalem is a controversial city and the contest should not be politicized like that. We also want to nullify the threat of a boycott as much as possible, and hosting in Jerusalem would only ignite that. Imagine the outrage if Russia chose to host an ESC event in Crimea, or Serbia in Kosovo. Eilat does not appear to be a suitable city for such a large event… Read more »

6 years ago

Please not Jerusalem

6 years ago

I can breathe easy now! Sounds like all went smoothly and 2019’s gonna hopefully go without a hitch.
I also – and this hasn’t been brought up much – think it’s gonna be really funny. Israelis have a terrific sense of humor, and know how to lightly (or, in some cases, not-so-lightly) poke fun at Eurovision, so I think there’s potential for some great hosting.

6 years ago
Reply to  Joe

The postcards from 1999 were great!

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

’79 too, with the mimes imitating the different countries.

6 years ago
Reply to  Joe

olvidas de que va a haber un boicot brutal en breve desde el mundo de la cultura y ong, s de boicot a cualquier evento en israe…… si ebu se aisla de eso tirara por la borda el poco prestigio que le queda

6 years ago
Reply to  Atlas

Can you please write in English or at least shut the f*ck up?

6 years ago

That will hopefully shut up all those hysteric rummours about hosting in Austria/Cyprus/Uzbekistan and wherever

6 years ago

Well all the cyprus or austria 2019 guys can succ my acc rn… its the second time you do this to yourself…

6 years ago

I was hoping it is going to be in Austria 🙁

6 years ago
Reply to  Philip

It was already 100% sure that its gonna end up in israel… the same thing happend with ukraine 2017 you guys never learn ha?

6 years ago
Reply to  sevzch

Ucrania no tenia boicot internacional del mundo de la cultura como en breve van a orgqnizar las ong’s internacionales, dramaturgos músicos de prestigio…… argentina no jugo hace poco en israel y varios directores de teatro y escenicos han supendido su participacion en los festivales de verano de este año….. la bola de nieve crecera en cualquier momento. …….. la ebu decidira lo que quiera pagando un precio alto, no camtes victoria tan rapido

6 years ago
Reply to  Philip

You need to learn how to not lose your dignity and self-respect despite your country winning a song contest.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kris

He isn’t the one wishing esc be hosted in Austria albeit Israel’s victory. So your comment should have been referred to this Phillip guy

Dylan Lewis-Creser
Dylan Lewis-Creser
6 years ago

Binjamin Netanyahu. I’m dying!

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
6 years ago

Well, in Hebrew, Benjamin = Binyamin :3