Earlier this year he took the Czech Republic to sixth place in the grand final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 — the country’s best result ever.

And now “Lie to Me” singer Mikolas Josef is set to tell us the truth about his experiences in Lisbon and what life’s been like since his whirlwind tour through the Eurovision bubble.

Join us at 14:00 CET on the wiwibloggs YouTube channel to ask the Czech Republic’s biggest export all your questions. From going blond to his upcoming single #MeGusta, he’s an open book you just have to read.

Many of you have already been leaving questions on our Instagram page. Check out some of those down below.

We already know a few questions we just have to ask him. 

Have you re-watched your Eurovision 2018 performance? What goes through your head?

To what extent did your back injury impact your performance?

What was it like when you came home to the Czech Republic with the country’s best-result ever?

You finished sixth, the public ranked you fourth…but the jury put you fifteenth. How do you feel about their role at Eurovision?

You’ve got a new single called #MeGusta coming out soon. What can you tell us?

Mikolasjxsef on Instagram asks, “Why did you go with a Spanish title?”

Kevoswedo on Instagram asks, “Why did you record in Toronto as opposed to New York or LA?”

mikolas.eng on Instagram asks, “Has your songwriting process changed from writing Lite to Me to writing Me Gusta?”

Lovinmikolas on Instagram asks, “Will you ever release the songs you created when you were a street artist? I heart some parts of some and they are so good!”

miko_2018.j on Instagram asks, “How did you make the scar on the right side of your face?”

#TeamMiki asks, “What is your Hogwarts house?”

mikolas.alb on Instagram asks, “Did you dye your hair because you thought that your natural hair color does not fit with your personality or because you decided that it’s time for a change?”

larryderentstellte on Insta asks, “VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION: Who will represent the Czech Republic next year at the ESC 2019? What are your proposals Mikolas? :-)”

A lot of questions about where you’ll be touring — some from miki_is_my_life in Greece, mikolasjosef_france in France, morahan_10 in Ireland and mikolas_4e in Italy.

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6 years ago

I’d love to see a Mikolas Josef and Francesca Michielin collaboration

6 years ago

Thank you so much for this grand interview. Two wonderful guys. Can please somebody tell me what William is doing with the BBC – can I read it somewhere? Thanks.