The artists’ stage performances were much more central during the Eurovision-style second night of Festivali i Këngës 57. And once all 22 acts had performed, the jury revealed which artists they had sent through to Saturday night’s final.
The first performer of the evening was fan favourite Jonida Maliqi with “Ktheju Tokes” — her ethnic and spiritual ballad that left plenty of folks in awe. We also saw some legendary artists join forces with this year’s acts — Eurovision 2011 star Aurela Gaçe was a guest performer on Marko Strazimiri & Imbro‘s “Leyla”, while last year’s FiK contestant Tiri Gjoci was a guest vocalist in Lidia Lufi‘s “Rrefehem” performance.
You can see the full list of who the jury selected for the grand final below:
Festivali i Kenges 57: Finalists
- Alar Band — “Dashuria nuk mjafton”
- Artemisa Mithi & Febi Shkurti — “Dua ta besoj”
- Bojken Lako — “Jeto jeten”
- Dilan Reka — “Karma”
- Eliza Hoxha — “Peng”
- Elton Deda — “Qetesisht”
- Eranda Libohova — “100 pyetje”
- Gjergj Leka— “Besoj”
- Jonida Maliqi — “Ktheju tokes”
- Klint Çollaku— “Me jete”
- Lidia Lufi — “Rrefehem”
- Marko Strazimiri & Imbro — “Lejla”
- Orgesa Zaimi — “Hije”
- Soni Malaj – “Do vij”
The acts that didn’t qualify to the final are:
- Aurel Thellimi — “Te dua ty”
- Bruno Pollogati — Nuk ka stop”
- Elona Islamaj — “Ne kete bote kalimtare”
- Kelly — “A me ndjen”
- Klodiana Vata — “Mbremje e pafund”
- Kujtim Prodani — “Babela”
- Lorela Sejdini — “Vetmi”
- Mirud — “Nene”
Were you surprised by tonight’s result? Is there a losing semi-finalist who you think should have made it? And who should win FiK 57? Let us know all of your thoughts in the comments section below.
Oh… maybe Mirud wasn’t the best option for Albania (it was my fav), but how on Earth can a expert jury panel leave him in the semifinal. A crime. But yeah, I agree, Albania has a lot of bias towards veterans.
I can just imagine all your reactions if Elton wins. 😀
Jonida/Soni/Lidia are your power trio now. Ooo there’s an idea – make them into a group! Haha.
I think Klint has a chance to win too.
Also that Artemisa rap might sneak a surprise win.
Or possibly that swing song: Nah nah nahh nai nah nah nah naii… 🙂
Last to mention: Orgesa. It could be her year.
I’m beginning to suspect there is no real chance for newcomers in FIK. Only well known artists are going through regardless of their song, and there seems to be a lot of bias.
It has always been like that. Even last year the most famous won ,Eugent but at least he had a good song
What?!?!?! Mirud didn’t qualify?!?!?!
Albania is trying to lose….
I just hope they’ll choose either Jonida or Soni
Artemisa and Febi are a nice option as well
Maybe even Orgesa
Okay, I didn’t expect these results. Mirud and Aurel were criminally underrated to me..
Good luck to Jonida, Soni, Artemisa&Febi, or Lidia now.
I thought Orgesa would not qualify due to her costume.
I’m happy for Lidia.
How on Earth did Te Dua Ty not advance?!?
Jonida is coming for the win, after that performance it’s apparent who is actually a vocalist AND performer (which doesn’t just mean dancing it’s the passion and class presented).
Soni is decent but we are really voting for the hope of a revamp. Jonida’s song will benefit from a revamp but it’s not necessary.
Eranda for win! Come on!!!
Lorela, Mirud and Klodiana are out? Insane! What happened?
Taste happened
Lorela is out ‘cause she couldn’t buy it the way she bought the poll and all subscribers ?
If Lorela had qualified but Mirud and Aurel didn’t, I’d riot!
Albania just shoot themselves in the foot by eliminating Mirud. Somebody needs to tell them that old men juries aren’t the best way…
It has to be Jonida (pretty overrated to me, tho) or Orgesa. Maybe Lidia.
Okay, I am honestly gutted. Mirud has been my favourite since the very first time I heard Nënë. Give him 4th or 3rd, but not even a final??
And then these old men make it, because they are apparently “close” with the jury’s. It just doesn’t make sense to eliminate your country’s best choices. Same goes for Aurel.
This sadly will be the 1st of my many NF favourites, that will get slaughtered…
lmao mirud was never going to qualify with those abysmal vocals
It makes zero sense to eliminate Mirud and Aurel. Mirud had problems with his vocals, but nothing that serious. By the way, if Dilan’s got there, nobody can be eliminated by their vocals… The staging was lame, but almost all suffered from the same. So they thought his song has no potential? I honestly don’t get it. Also can’t imagine what Aurel could’ve done different. He was the best perfomer in both nights. His song is oldschool, but worked well with and without an orchestra. Well, I hope at least Jonida wins. Now I’m worried about some weird results.
well, his vocals were horrendous plus the random onesie and poor staging didn’t help.
I would have eliminated Mirud, simply because of the apparent “nerves” situation. If the performance is that weak for FiK, then it wouldn’t stand a chance at Eurovision.
About Aurel: He was one of the strongest performers of the night, but I can’t help but wonder if that repeating refrain irked the jurors somehow. It’s not a song structure that would be to everyone’s taste.
I’m not sure how Dilan got there either TBH.
I think also poor staging at such a preliminary competition is just unacceptable to be considered a true contender. People seem to like Dilan, it’s probabky because he’s decent looking. Who’s your personal favourite?
Personally I like Klint and Orgesa the best, but professionally it is very very close between about 6 of them.
Really tough final.
The staging was indeed a big mistake! Not that we had any particularly good one, but his was distractive.
Mask, I can’t deny that Mirud looking that nervous (I also felt he was uncomfortable with the staging) is something that would obviously stop him from winning FiK, but keeping him out of the final seems too harsh to me. About Aurel’s song, I can’t say I’m a fan, but his performances alone should take him to the final. After all, there are other repetitive entries that made the cut.
I mean honestly I’m pissed off but not shocked, the Albania juries always mess up. The fact klodiana, Mirud or Aurel didn’t make it shocks me. However, there is still Jonida, Soni, Lidia and Artemisa & Febi who were in my top favs before the show anyways
I can’t believe Aurel and Klodiana didn’t go through ? they were my two favs.
Terribly disappointed with the finalists. Gjergj Leka? Bojken Lako? Elton Deda? Really? And no Mirud or Aurel? Whatever.
They really eliminated Mirud I-
Jonida it is, then. Just please not that tragic Fuego rehash.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Except when it is plaigiarism, obviously.
The winner will be Jonida or Soni. FiK juries always pick based on which artists they respect more, so between the two of them whoever has more friends on the jury will win.
well, it has to be Jonida now.
btw, the line just above the video is from last year’s FiK.
Is anyone really that happy with the selected artists? Mirud’s gone. Klodiana’s gone. Aurel’s gone. It’s like Albania don’t even want to succeed. And then Bojken gets in? And Elton? Something’s not right.
Of course not. I’m terribly disappointed! It’s obvious that Jonida is winning now, but I don’t care anymore 🙁
It’s what she deserves
I like her song, but not her stage persona unfortunately.