It won’t be long until we finally know who will be representing the Czech Republic at Eurovision 2019. But before the big announcement is made from 14:30 CET tomorrow, Monday 28th, Czech broadcaster CT has been teasing us by allowing the ten members of the international jury for the ESCZ 2019 selection to reveal who they awarded their top marks to.

You might be familiar with the people who have been listening to and ranking all eight competing songs, as the jury is comprised entirely of former Eurovision stars. This year’s jury includes Cesár SampsonRasmussen, ZIBBZ, Ira LoscoElina Nechayeva, AWS, AlmaAri Ólafsson, JOWST and Ryan O’Shaughnessy.

Since last Tuesday, the Czech delegation has been uploading videos to their official Facebook page with short messages from each jury member. These messages have included which of the competing songs they awarded 12 points to.

As we wait for the televote and overall final result, take a look below at who the jury think should be getting the ticket to Tel Aviv.

Cesár Sampson (Austria)

12 points awarded to: “True Colours” by Barbora Mochowa

12 bod

Prvním odhaleným porotcem je …Cesár Sampson ?Na ESC 2018 se umístil na fantastickém celkovém t?etím míst? se svojí skladbou "Nobody but you", u porot to dokonce bylo vít?zství absolutní. Zajistil tak Rakousku druhé nejlepší historické umíst?ní.Na za?átku února se m?žete t?šit na jeho nový singl "Stone Cold" a doprovodný videoklip. Nadále plánuje vydávat singl každé dva až t?i m?síce a zakon?it rok 2019 debutovým albem.A TE? SE PODÍVEJTE KOMU DAL 1??2?? BOD? ?—————————————————–Cesár Sampson crowned a very successful year with a 3rd place (and as jury winner) at the Eurovision Song Contest and was received back in his home of Austria a national hero, having reached the second best result in the country´s Eurovision history. Even days before the final he had signed a worldwide deal with Universal Music which which they have already extended. In early February Cesár will present his next single called “Stone Cold” along with it´its music video . Following that , he says, he intends to release a song every 60 to 90 days and finish off 2019 with his first album. “ Singles 3 and 4 are already in post production, so I won’t have to make people wait this long again. I would have released “ Stone Cold” much earlier but it´s always the video production that kept making me delay the schedule due to unfortunate weather conditions. This is a very important song for me – the first after “ Nobody but you”. And I just can’t shoot another video running through the snow” he says with a cheeky smile.Follow up on Cesár´s activities and upcoming tour schedule on instagram @cesarsampson and Twitter @CesarSampson_

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Rasmussen (Denmark)

12 points awarded to: “True Colours” by Barbora Mochowa

12 bo

Dalších 1??2?? bod? ud?lí Jonas Rasmussen ?Se svojí skladbou "Higher Ground" vybojoval pro Dánsko 9 místo na ESC 2018. Nedávno vydal sv?j další singl "Go Beyond", který si m?žete poslechnout na Spotify, iTunes i Youtube. V b?eznu a dubnu bude na tour v Dánsku. Pokud tam máte cestu, tak si to ur?it? nenechte ujít – tour se bude jmenovat "Time of my life" a p?edstaví se na ní krome Jonase další ?ty?i skv?lí zp?váci a ?ty?i skv?lí muzikanti.Tak komu putuje dalších 12 bod?? ?————————————————————————Jonas Rasmussen gives 12 points to …. ?Jonas took 9th place for Denmark with his song called "Higher Ground" on ESC 2018. He just released his follow up single "Go Beyond" which you can listen to on iTunes, Spotify or Youtube. In March/April he will tour all over Denmark with additional 4 amazing singers and 4 great musicians so if you never been to Denmark, this is great motivation to do so finally. His tour is called "Time of my life".Whom goes another 12 points? ?

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Tuesday, January 22, 2019

ZIBBZ (Switzerland)

12 points awarded to: “True Colours” by Barbora Mochowa


Fanfára …. (už si p?edstavujete …?) pro t?etí(ho) tajemné(ho) porotce … ?????? ZiBBZ ??Naši skv?lí švýcarští p?átelé z posledního ro?níku ESC, kterým se bohužel nepoda?ilo probojovat spolu s námi do finále, což však nijak nesnižuje jejich hudební kvality ??Od konce ESC 2018 rozhodn? nezaháleli a odehráli mnoho koncert? na hudebních festivalech, tourovali v N?mecku a vydali dva nové singly s hudebními klipy:Jejich klip "na jedno jetí" ke skladb? "Rich": klip ke skladb? "Undun", kterou vydali krátce po ESC 2018: Z NAŠÍ OSMI?KY JE JEJICH FAVORITEM ??————————————————————————EN:Drumroll … (are you imagining it…?) for a third mysterious juror(s) …?????? ZiBBZ ??Our great swiss friends from last years ESC, unfortunately, they didn't advance from the group, but that in no way undermines their musical qualities ?? Since ESC 2018 they were pretty productive by playing on a variety of music festivals, touring in Germany and releasing two new songs with music videos:Here is'Onetake' version of their new song 'Rich' their 'Undun' music video they've released after ESC 2018 IS THEIR FAVORITE OUT OF OUR EIGHT FINALISTS ??

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Ira Losco (Malta)

12 points awarded to: “Friend Of A Friend” by Lake Malawi


Naší ?tvrtou, krásnou porotkyní, navíc s fantastickým hlasem, je reprezentantka Malty z let 2002 a 2016….Ira Losco ?????V jejím debutovém eurovizním roce 2002 obsadila pro Maltu hned to nejlepší historické umíst?ní – st?íbro ?a v roce 2016 pak dvanáctou celkovou pozici. Její hudební kariéra je neskute?n? bohatá, ale v sou?asnosti zá?í p?edevším jako jedna z porotky? Maltského X-Faktoru ????V roce 2016 jste ji mohli vid?t i v ?eská televize v po?adu Kure Pomozte detem v rámci vzájemné mezinárodní ESC propagace ?KOMU Z NAŠÍ OSMI?KY SE ROZHODLA NASADIT POMYSLNOU KORUNU ? ??————————————————————————EN:The fourth, beautiful juror with a breathtaking voice is Malta representative from years 2002 and 2016 …Ira losco ?????She took second overall place ?in her very first performance on ESC 2012 and 12. in 2016. Her musical career is very rich, but she is curently shining mainly as a juror in Malta's X-Factor ????You could have watched her on Czech TV in 2016 on program called Pomozte detem ?WHO WILL BE CROWNED AS HER ESCZ 2019 WINNER ? ??

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Elina Nechayeva (Estonia)

12 points awarded to: “Friend Of A Friend” by Lake Malawi


Hlas, který byl dost pravd?podobn? nejsiln?jším z posledního ro?níku ESC 2018 pat?í naší páté porotkyni …Fantastická Elina Nechayeva ???Elina vybojovala pro Estonsko nádherné 8. celkové místo na ESC 2018 s dechberoucí operní baladou "La Forza".Elinu m?žete vid?t naživo V BRN? ve Fléd? a to již 20. února spolu s Alexanderem Rybakem ?? !!! Krom? toho chystá nový singl, tak bu?te napozoru, jelikož informace budou venku již brzy ?KDO JE JEJÍ VOLBOU PRO TENTO ROK ??————————————————————————Most probably THE strongest voice of ESC 2018 …Fantastic Elina Nechayeva ???Elina took 8th place for Estonia on ESC 2018 with a breathtaking opera ballad called "La Forza".You can see Elina perform live IN BRNO together with Alexander Rybak on 28th of February 2019 ?? !!! Apart from that, she is working hard on her new single, so follow her social media to get the newest info ?WHO IS HER CHOICE FOR THIS YEAR ??

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Thursday, January 24, 2019

AWS (Hungary)

12 points awarded to: “Give Me A Hint” by Andrea Holá


Když my ?ekneme ME, vy ?eknete TAL! ME-TAL! METAL! ????Porotcem ?íslo 6 je ma?arská kapela AWS!Jejich show plná pyra rozpálila ??eurovizní stage a po?ádn? všem rozhýbala zátylky ??Pro Ma?arsko získali 21. místo ve finále a p?inesli skute?n? sv?ží vítr do popov? orientované sout?že ?Mají na svém kont? již ?ty?i alba a pokud chcete sáhnout po tom nejnov?jším z roku 2018, tak hledejte “Fekete Részem” (eng. “My Black Part”) ????KDO SE STAL JEJICH LETOŠNÍM FAVORITEM ESCZ ??————————————————————————When I say ME, you say TAL! ME-TAL! METAL! ????The juror nr.6 are AWS band from Hungary!They've set the Eurovision stage on fire ?? during their performance and made the audience bang their heads ??They took 21st place in the finals and were a really fresh air among more pop-oriented songs ?Their discography is made out of four albums and if you like to listen to their newest piece from 2018, look for “Fekete Részem” (eng. “My Black Part”) ????WHO IS THEIR FAVORITE OF THIS YEARS ESCZ ??

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Thursday, January 24, 2019

Alma (France)

12 points awarded to: “True Colours” by Barbora Mochowa


Bonsoir! ??Nádherná Alma ( v roce 2017 pro Francii krásné celkové 12. místo se skladbou "Requiem" ??Alma je velkým hudebním talentem ? a jsme pyšní, že ji máme jako porotkyni! Pokud máte rádi její hudbu, tak nepropásn?te její nový singl “T’es pas un homme”, který je dostupný na všech digitálních platformách ?JEN JEDEN Z OSMI FINALIST? M?ŽE DOSTAT OD ALMY 12 BOD?, KDO TO BUDE ??————————————————————————————————————————————————Bonsoir! ??Gorgeous Alma ( took 12th place for France at ESC 2017 with her song called "Requiem" ??She is a great musical talent ? and we are very proud to have her as a juror! If you like her music, don't miss her new single called “T’es pas un homme” which is available on all the digital platforms ?ONLY ONE OF THE FINALISTS CAN GET 12 POINTS FROM HER, WHO IS IT ??

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Thursday, January 24, 2019

Ari Ólafsson (Iceland)

12 points awarded to: “Friend Of A Friend” by Lake Malawi


Náš skv?lý VIKINGSKÝ ??? p?ítel a fantastický zp?vák je posledním, p?ed víkendem odhaleným porotcem …Islandský Ari Ólafsson je bezpochyby jedním z nejmilejších a nejtalentovan?jších zp?vák?, které jsme kdy na Eurovizi potkali ! ?Bohužel se se svou písní "Our choice" neprobojoval do finále, to ale nic neznamená – schváln? si poslechn?te jeho hlas … Ur?it? v budoucnu ješt? o Arim uslyšíte, na to si klidn? vsa?te ???KDO JE ARIHO FAVORIT PRO TENTO ROK ??————————————————————————Our amazing VIKING ??? friend and stunning singer is our last juror to be revealed before the weekend …Icelandic Ari Ólafsson is easily one of the nicest and most talented young musicians we've ever met on Eurovision! ?He didn't make it to the finals with his song "Our choice" last year, but that doesn't mean a thing – just listen to his voice … You will hear about him in the future, bet on it ???WHO IS ARI'S FAVORITE THIS YEAR ??

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Thursday, January 24, 2019

JOWST (Norway)

12 points awarded to: “Friend Of A Friend” by Lake Malawi


Maskovaný muž …Nikdo jiný než JOWST ??Tento skv?lý norský producent a skladatel obsadil na ESC 2017 desáté místo s jeho skladbou "Grab the moment", která m?la ikonický staging s maskami.JOWST práv? vydal jeho nový singl "Everybody knows" . Je to skladba o rozchodech a spolupracoval na ní s Rubenem, který je známý svým hitem "Walls" a "Lay By Me" a je v sou?asnosti v norském top 10. Jowst byl se svým singlem osmnáctým nejhran?jším interpretem v rádiích v Norsku v roce 2017 a "Everybody knows" je již jeho pátým singlem. Za uplynulé dva roky nasbíral p?es 20 milion? poslech? na Spotify a na stagi se objevil po boku um?lc? jako MØ, Italiobrothers a Maggie Lindemann.KOMU DNES UD?LÁ RADOST SVÝMI 12 BODY?———————————————————————–The masked man himself …None other than JOWST ??This amazing Norwegian producer and songwriter took 10th place on Eurovision 2017 with his song "Grab the moment" with an iconic staging including masks.JOWST has released his brand new single "Everybody Knows" . Its a song about breakups and it was made in collaboration with Ruben, known for his hit single Walls and Lay By Me that is currently a top 10 in Norway. JOWST had the 18th most aired song on radio in his home country his debut year of 2017, and this is his 5th single, 2 years and 20 million Spotify streams after his debut. He has shared the scene with artists like MØ, Italiobrothers and Maggie Lindemann, and has a lot more to come. WHO WILL HE MAKE HAPPY WITH HIS 12 POINTS ??

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Sunday, January 27, 2019

Ryan O’Shaughnessy (Ireland)

12 points awarded to: “Friend Of A Friend” by Lake Malawi


V?deli jste, že náš poslední porotce byl herec dlouho p?edtím než se postavil na stage Eurovision Song Contestu v minulém roce?Ne? Tak te? už to víte … ? Jako teenager hrál v TV seriálu Fair city. P?ivítejte jednu z nejtalentovan?jších a nejmilejších osobností minulého ro?níku Ryana O'Shaughnessy! Pro Irsko vybojoval 16. celkové místo se songem "Together".V sou?asnosti má venku nový singl "Civil War", tak po n?m šáhn?te na Spotify nebo jakékoliv další digitální platform? ???POSLEDNÍCH 12 POROTCOVSKÝCH BOD? P?IPADNE … KOMU … ??———————————————————————–Did you know, that our LAST BUT NOT LEAST ?? juror was actually actor prior to entering the musical stage of Eurovision last year? Nope? So now you know…? As a youngster, he played in Fair city TV series. Welcome Ryan O'Shaughnessy, one of the most talented and nicest artists of last years Eurovision! He took 16th place for Ireland with his song "Together".Right now you can grab his amazing new single called "Civil War" on Spotify and all other digital platforms ???LAST 12 JUROR POINTS IS GOING TO … ??

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Sunday, January 27, 2019

Total Number of 12 Points Received

  • Lake Malawi – 5
  • Barbora Mochowa – 4
  • Andrea Holá – 1
  • Hana Barbara – 0
  • Jakub Ondra – 0
  • Jara Vymer – 0
  • Pam Rabbit – 0
  • Tomáš Boček – 0

So it seems the jury are predominantly split between two favourites: Lake Malawi and Barbora Mochowa.

With it being so close at the top, no doubt the rest of the juries’ scores will have the potential to sway things. For all we know, another of the acts could have come second in every jury member’s ranking and snatch the crown Jamala style.

And of course, the public vote is yet to be included. Voting was made available to all on the Eurovision app. Only votes cast from the Czech Republic will be counted as part of the televote. However, fan votes made from outside Czechia will count as one other jury member and contribute to the overall jury tally.

The full breakdown of the jury points, along with the televote and international fan vote will be revealed at the same time as the big announcement tomorrow from 14:30 CET.

What do you make of the international jury’s results so far? Did they choose any of your favourite acts? Who do you think will win the selection overall? Let us know in the comments below!

Read more Czech Republic news here

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6 years ago

LOL, they had the great song True Colors and they choosed an indifferent generic pop song with an amateurish approach.

6 years ago

Thank god it’s not that horrendous Lana del Rey Pastiche.
Now give me your downvoting and complain about how she was robbed! xD

6 years ago

Typical borderline entry, it can qualify if well-staged.

6 years ago

One fanwank down, four more to go. Can we get rid of Victor Crone, Conan Osíris, Hatari and Ultimo, please?

6 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Tf you hating Ultimo for?

6 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Sometimes fan wanks aren’t necessarily bad, you know.

6 years ago

Good choice. At least it’s not the Lana Del Rey copycat

6 years ago

Very gentle and sensitive song lol

6 years ago

I was rooting for Barbora for a while, but I played Friend of a Friend again right after it won and I was really grooving to it. Indie-pop hasn’t been explored a ton at Eurovision, and this one is a cool The 1975-ish bop. Either choice would’ve made me happy, and this one, if staged well, could get the crowd moving in Tel Aviv.

6 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Id be a yes if it was good indie-pop.. but the song is not good enough and I think The 1975 would be ashamed of this song if they were given it.

6 years ago

…I don’t like any of the selected song so far. They need to get a revamp for the song ‘cuz it’s not impactful enough to qualify.

6 years ago

Love Lake Malawi! Good Choice. Bringing youthful carefree fun to ESC Tel Aviv.
Didn’t Connect to True Colors – sorry.

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago

Congrats Lake Malawi! It’s an interesting and safe, if not great, choice for Czech Republic.

6 years ago

Well done, Lake Malawi! Deserved.

6 years ago

finally someone worse than France

6 years ago
Reply to  alessio

Yass! Friend of a friend is so annoying and repetitive! Hope all the other countries won’t screw up their chances of qualifying

6 years ago
Reply to  Daan

oh no I’ve heard again and france is worse

Leo Valdez
Leo Valdez
6 years ago
Reply to  alessio

France will end in bottom 5!
Mark my words

6 years ago
Reply to  Leo Valdez

nah, he’s gonna get a bunch of televotes for being LGBT even though his song is rubbish

6 years ago

Lake Malawi it is. It grew on me quite a lot. It’s very catchy. Expected full result: 2) Barbora Mochowa, 3) Jakub Ondra

6 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Barbora is only 4th, now that is a shame.

6 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Actually 2nd together with Pam and Jakub: all three have 18 points (Lake wins with 22)

6 years ago
Reply to  ESCFan2009

Yeah, but in case of a tiebreaker the televote decides.

6 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Okay, yes! 🙂 (But it’s better for the feeling if you say 2nd with the same points. I love thinking positive 😀 )

6 years ago
Reply to  ESCFan2009

Well, then I am happy for you – does it really matter anyway?

6 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Or joint second with Jakub and Pam, but for the sake of order, they gave advantage to the televote.

6 years ago

no final this year for czech republic :/

6 years ago

Oh it’s Lake Malawi… I really don’t get the song nor the guy’s fake British accent

6 years ago

A series of meh songs at Eurovision is just what Australia needs for their victory gift from the jury!!!

6 years ago

Another flop for Czech Republic then, they are staying in the semi..

Eurovision fan since 2014
Eurovision fan since 2014
6 years ago
6 years ago

I don’t know. I’m happy for them because Eurovision is a big thing for them and they seem to be very professional to me, but I doubt the song can catch people’s attention at the first listen. Well, we must also say that all of the songs in this NF needed a revamp to be completely ready for Eurovision.
They got second place in my top4 though.

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

For the record, ‘True Colors’ would have a good, real good chance with juries, but burned on televoting since it’s an easy drowner, worse than Roi. LM, however, feels safe enough to be at least a borderline qualifier.

6 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

I mean, if I Stand tanked as badly as it did, lord knows how Barbora would’ve done with an even slower song.

6 years ago

I hope that Barbora will “do the Seemone” 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  ESCFan2009

She did! Lake Malawi to Eurovision and Barbora, Jakub and Pam with the same amount of points on 2nd place. That is a “happy ending result” for all of these three together <3

6 years ago

seems like either barbora or lake malawi will be the representative… good! both are tasteful

6 years ago

Lake Malawi is great and probably the only song that could give Czech Republic another top 10.
Barbora is a hit and miss, that kind of dreamy folk vibe song is quite frequent in ESC and something people are already bored with I feel. Plus it needs to have a really great performance to sell it

Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago

the height gap between the guys and the girls in the header photo has me screaming

6 years ago

Andrea you HAD to stand beside the tallest ones didn’t you?

6 years ago

disagee . Sorry but how can you not see that this is boring af. Lake malawi would be a great candidate as its catchy and more memorable. You don’t have to agree with me just respect my opinion

6 years ago

Televoting winner will be Jakub because he has huge support from our Czech celebs

6 years ago
Reply to  Ahoj

They downvoted you, but the joke is on them because Jakub did win the televote.

6 years ago

These height differences are appalling lol

6 years ago

You folks are too young to remember but Jerusalem 99 was a very weak year too, and I fear it is happening again. Nevertheless, voting was so close in 99, and it was fun to watch. Hopefully with all the weak selection, we will have some voting drama.

6 years ago
Reply to  NickC

We haven’t heard songs from 25 countries, they might change the whole perspective.
And I think that with new voting system there’s always some drama at the end.

6 years ago
Reply to  NickC

1999 was one of better year in Eurovision. Many good song, from that year I didn t like only few song from Ireland, Spain , UK.

Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago
Reply to  NickC

Wut? 1999 was one of the best editions ever. It was the first year with mostly pop songs rather than dated AC, and Croatia’s song alone > entire years.

6 years ago

I want True colours to win but it seems like picking the wrong choice instead of the best choice has become a trend for ESC2019. Czech Republic please break this trend and you will be grateful win you qualify for the finals .

6 years ago
Reply to  Yssy

I’m sorry but any act apart from barbara isn’t the wrong choice. The song is boring and forgettable. Friend of a friend for example is catchy and also space sushi although friend of a friend would prob be better. I know you’re probably going to dislike this anyway but personally think true colors is way too overhyped for no reason. Sorry.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
6 years ago
Reply to  Guest

I agree, true colors is the new “my turn” it’s a big overhype.

6 years ago

Lake Malawi looks very awkward in the clips.

6 years ago

I’m shook. Where did Lake Malawi come from?

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

T?inec, Czech Republic.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

And if you ask about the name – the inspiration was Bon Iver’s “Calgary” (the text mentions a lake).

6 years ago

Barbora better win.. Lake Malawi is another flop waiting to happen

6 years ago
Reply to  eurovision6

other way round actually

6 years ago

My favorite is Barbora, but I’m afraid, my favorites always end in second place :’v

Please Czech Republic send Barbora!

6 years ago

Czech Republic send Barbora with the elegant and sophisticated song true colors. Greetings from Italy !!! The only good song ti qualify for the final.

6 years ago

Wow, I had never realised Andrea and Barbora were so short 😮

6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

I never realized Jakub Ondra was so huge lol

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
6 years ago

Still hoping Barbora can catch up and show her true colors in May.

6 years ago

Barbara’s song is beautiful but there will be lots of songs like that in Israel. Lake Malawi because it’s a band will stand out and can enhance the performance with innovative staging. Also Albert’s charisma is off the charts – he will get the televote score way up for Czechia.

6 years ago
Reply to  John

The song isn’t good though.

6 years ago

Please, please PLEASE send True Colours I’m so nervous……

6 years ago

Elina gave her 12 to Friend of a Friend?? I was so sure she would give it to True Colours omg

6 years ago
Reply to  milky

Me too, but no…

Loin dici
Loin dici
6 years ago

Both Barbora and LM has a good song. I feel LM had a better composition for Eurovision. Barbora can stand out if rubbed right, or it will be lost.

6 years ago

I’m fine with either, particularly Barbora but I also like Lake Malawi.

6 years ago

True Colors is a hyper boring ballad that lives from the Lana del Rey Copycat vibe. Choose this and you go back to the non-qualification tradition.

6 years ago
Reply to  T.J.

You can vote me down as much as you like, but at the end of the day you’ll see that I’m right. Looking forward to the “Oh my god – she was so robbed”-comments if she is not elected now or if she’s elected and fails in may. LOL

6 years ago
Reply to  T.J.

lmao who actually gets pressed by down votes.. It’s not that serious sis

6 years ago

Keeping my fingers crossed for Barbora Mochowa, she’s the best of a bad bunch in CZ and has a beautiful, chillaxing and mesmerizing song x

6 years ago
Reply to  Jack

why are people saying this ,the song is crap. Sorry but it is.

6 years ago

My two favourite songs from the Czech selections! Nice! 😀

6 years ago

Then I guess True Colours will win. It seemed to have more public support than Friend of a Friend, and them being very close with the juries means the public will make the difference I guess.
Too bad, I personally enjoy Friend of a Friend more. Ah well.

6 years ago
Reply to  Elvira

Those are just the 12 pts. We don’t know the final jury ranking.

6 years ago

Taste detected.

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
6 years ago

Apparently, they call my country Rakousko in Czech. I like it, sounds cool.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago

Ooo Austria. 🙂

6 years ago

yes, we do 😀

6 years ago

It’s almost the same in Slovak too 😀