Hej, Sverige!
On Saturday night the first seven acts will take to stage in Deltävling 1 of Melodifestivalen 2019.
Melodifestivalen 2017 star Nano will open the show with “Chasing Rivers”.
He’s followed by girlband High 15 and two-time finalist Wiktoria. They’ll sing “No Drama” and “Not With Me” in Gothenburg.
The fourth act is Zeana feat. Anis Don Demina who’ll sing the first Swedish song of the night “Mina bränder”.
Melfest icon Arja Saijonmaa sings fifth and she’s followed by Mohombi, who had an international hit with “Bumpy Ride” in 2010.
Their songs are titled “Mina fyra årstider” and “Hello” respectively.
The honour of closing the show goes to Melodifestivalen 2010 winner Anna Bergendahl. She closes with the suitably vengeful sounding “Ashes To Ashes”. We love fighting talk y’all!
Unlike in previous years, we won’t hear the majority of the songs until the night of the performance, due to copyright issues.
However, SVT has revealed 1-minute snippets of the first batch of songs as normal, which you can hear at the links below.
It has yet to be confirmed whether SVT will publish short clips from each act’s rehearsals later today. If they do, that should give more of an indication about who we can expect to advance direkt til final and who will face the duels of Andra Chansen in four weeks time.
The #Melfest stage looks impressive in real life! The artists will try it for tomorrow's rehearsals, so you will soon see much more of it. pic.twitter.com/wLxkg6a5N5
— Melodifestivalen (@SVTmelfest) January 30, 2019
Saturday night will also be the first road test of a revamped Melodifestivalen app. Votes are now weighted by demographic, meaning no single age group should dominate voting, as has been suggested in previous years. What that means for the outcome of results remains to be seen.
Who’s snippet do you like best? Let us know in the comments below!
In the video above, is Padraig Skyping from the gym.?..
1. Anna far ahead of the rest (I am shocked! sounds very much like Amy McDonald, I love this)
2. Mohombi
3. Wiktoria (a little corny)
I can’t understand how the country that gave us that horror Dance you off, is still hyped. Turn off the lights Sweden, it’s over.
You drinking that Glacier Freeze or the Cool Blue flavour of Haterade today? ;P
Only contraband vodka.
Wiktoria sounds great! Fingers crossed for her 🙂
Only Wiktoria’s is ok. The rest is either forgetable, bland, or horrid.
My favorite is snippet is the one from Arja Saijonmaa and as an EDM lover, I really find Zeana and Anis amazingly enjoyable as well. To finish my Top 4 probably Nano and Anna Bergendahl. Obviously, there are low possibilities for this to happen but still.
I’m behind Zeana’s song. Played the snippet today in this freezing cold at work and we were bopping like there was no tomorrow. 😛
Probably not the best SF, but still good songs. My prediction:
1. Wiktoria – “Not With Me”
2. Nano – “Chasing Rivers” (maybe Andra Chasen)
3. Mohombi – “Hello” (maybe Final)
4. Anna Bergendahl – “Ashes to Ashes” (maybe eliminated)
5. Zeana feat. Anis Don Demina – “Mina bränder” (maybe Andra Chasen)
6. High 15 – “No Drama”
7. Arja Saijonmaa – “Mina fyra årstider”
All the songs in this semi are at least better than the majority of the songs last year
Anna all the way for this Semi! It sounds fun and catchy, and she has such a charming stage presence. Her performance will surely have some good camerawork to boost that, I can already a few stage sweep shots with Anna smiling and looking right at the viewer. I was really looking forward to hearing Nano and Wiktoria and neither of their arrangements sound as strong as their previous entries, albeit judging on a 1-minute snippet. Mohombi could be a surprise Direkt to Final. I’d bet that his performance will engage the stage and audience far more than Nano or… Read more »
Yes I like Anna to althoug I don’t like coutrypop. She really deliver strong emotions and has a voice like no one else. Think it has to do whith her father became sick and how she got problems whith panicattacs while studing to a doctor herself. Buy eventually she managed to take charge of herself and heal. But Idon’t you think that people will think Mohumbi stole Månd idé whith his ballonboy and tranformed it to a Female dancer? I think Nano whill go to the final whith Anna althoug the song isn’t as strong as Hold on. But he… Read more »
ANNA and NANO!! No doubt about it!
Anna had the best song out of the snippets here though
Don’t count out Arja. She will sell the song on personality. I really hope that she doesn’t suffer the same fate as the other older legacy acts. With the new app system maybe she has a chance of at least getting to Andra Chansen. Fingers crossed! #TeamArja
I like most of the songs but Anna banged my head with Ashes to Ashes. For me is much better than her Esc entry. It could be a strong contestant in Eurovision if she wins.
Hope Anna and Wiktoria go direct till final!!! Fingers crossed!!
Mina bränder is great too! Hope they rock their live. Is the song that always has to be in Melfest. Love the rhythm and it seems she has a nice voice. Go guys!
My favourite is Anna’s song. Its the kind of countrypop i like. And for me she deserves a 2nd chance in esc. She seems lovely as a person. Good luck Anna!
Totally agree, much better than her Esc entry.
Amazing music and lyrics, and her voice is unique.
For me, the best song from this semi final!!!
DTF: Nano & Anna/Wiktoria
AC: Anna/Wiktoria & Mohombi
Wiktoria’s song <3
Nanos song reminds me sooooo much of Outrunning Karma by Alec Benjamin
Anna and Nano sre the best in ihis SF. But not a winner
Really? I think ashes to ashes could a potential fav if she goes to Eurovision.
Anna winning 2019 would be such a sweet eurodemption. She’ll probably receive a lot of votes from Eurovish fans and juries with good memories.
Åh.. nu startar vår mello äntligen! Som jag och min dotter längtat. Idag dags att ta fram mellopynt och konstaterat att tre nya ljus måste köpas till min melloljustake med sex ljus! Ha, ha! Japp, sex olika ljus, ett för varje program i de färger som finns i mellologgan! Behöver tapetsera om! Dottern föreslog att vi skulle måla en mellotapet tills vi bestämt oss! ; ) Hur brukar ni andra göra? Inviger även ni med skål i champagneglas? har mellotårta? Har ni mer glitter på er än på nyår? Framförallt, har ni tränat er mentalt att stå ut med skitsnack… Read more »
Vad gulliga ni är! Det peppade att veta att det finns såna hängivna fans av Melodifestivalen. För skitsnacket är ju makalöst vartenda år! Jag tycker att den första deltävlingen är bra och förtjänar inte dom hårda orden. Nu när man sett klipp från repen också så måste jag nog säga att jag tycker Nano och Anna till final. Och Mohombi och Wiktoria till AC. Just nu ialla fall 🙂
Tycker det är en mycket bra delfinal. Längtar. Jag tror på Nano och Anna till final. Gillar inte coutrypop, men Anna lägger verkligen sin själ i det hon gör och berör så! Tror det ör det som krävs nu i esc och en äkta historia. Sedan sjunger hon ju som ingen annan. Nano berör, även om han aldrig kan toppa Hold on – och tror det kommer straffa sig att vi kommer jämföra. Men tror ändå på final och troligen vinnaren av denna delfinal. Wiktoria tror jag kommer till andra chansen., Tycker hon gör sig bättre i upptempo och trots… Read more »
Mohombi – “Hello” is definitely my favorite. Cant wait to see the performance.
Even though it’s weak I think its the strongest first semi final we have had. Every song is at least listenable, which is more than what SF 1 usually gets. Anna B was the best, although it is far from the masterpiece it was promised to be.
Promising start, though better things are to come.
Are there any explanations to photo of Nano at the snippet video? what was his aim posing like this? any message?
Am I the only one who is in love with Wiktoria’s song?? Seriously, this is some reallllllll good stuff! I actually prefer Wiktoria singing a ballad, her voice is really beautiful and powerful! The juries have penalised her other songs, and she’s already got public support, so she’s switched it up a bit. Please send Wiktoria Sweden!!
I am on the same page with you! The song is a amazing!
tbh same, and i normally am not crazy about her songs but I really like this one.
I wouldn’t send her just yet, not knowing other 21 songs, but I admit it’s the best offering in this semi, despite the fact that I’m a sucka for a good bop, enter Zeana. 😛
Still VERY undecided until i’ve heard the whole songs. The top 4 in particular could easily be all switched around and I do like the bottom 3 as well. But for now:
1) Anna Bergendahl – “Ashes to Ashes”
2) Wiktoria – “Not With Me”
3) Mohombi – “Hello”
4) Nano – “Chasing Rivers”
5) Arja Saijonmaa – “Mina fyra årstider”
6)Zeana feat. Anis Don Demina – “Mina bränder”
7) High 15 – “No Drama”
Good songs overall, I like Nano and Mohombi the most.
Any of these songs could beat any of the finalists in Denmark and Norway, so well done Sweden so far.
Based on the snippets:
1. Anna (I am shocked!)
2. Wiktoria (I am hopeful!)
3. Zeana (I am afraid of the rapper though!)
4. Mohombi (I am not against it!)
5. Arja (I am all for older ladies!)
6. High 15 (I am sure I’ve heard this song before!)
7. Nano (I am just not a fan!)
Wiktoria will do a Ruth Lorenzo and bring a rain shower on stage.
It looks more like Eric Saade’s rain when he performed “Manboy” 2010..
Guys, let’s face it. Any of these songs could easily win a national final in other country… LOL. but yes, for Melodi standards, it’s quite a weak batch. Sweden is just on a league on its own
dunno why you got downvoted. I’d take any/all of these songs over france’s choice tbh.
Bad example, though. I would literally take anything I have ever heard over France’s choice.
Other than maybe Anna, none of these would “easily” win a national final. Two generic ballads, one decent ballad, one ok upbeat song, a legacy act and a cringefest would not win a final. Sweden hasn’t had a good Mello since 2016.
Then your deaf. We came 5th, 5th, 7th
Well, a bit of a let down to be honest. Wiktoria’s ballad doesn’t suit her…Nano’s was expected, but nothing special so far…maybe Anna was slightly better. Really liked Zeana’s song…but kinda cliche Latin pop. Arja surprised me, but it sounds like a filler act. The rest are fine. Anyway, I’m waiting for Jon in semi 3!
please remind me why anna’s song was hyped to death before the songs were even revealed?? sounds just like any other country pop song.
Even though it’s weak I think its the strongest first semi final we have had. Every song is at least listenable, which is more than what SF 1 usually gets. Anna B was the best, altough it is far from the masterpiece it was promised to be.
Promising start, though better things are to come.
Arja is favourite. She has unique voice and is charismatic. Her song is beautiful based on this snippet. So underrated woman<3
Wiktoria was the best in this disappointing heat. I also like Mohombi. Anna and Nano both disappointing.
Kind of underwhelming, honestly. Nano’s song was decent with good vocals and Anna’s song was nice and upbeat, but I’ve heard plenty of pop-folk songs like this before and surprisingly, Arja’s song was pretty alright, even though she seems to be a legacy act. But other than that, Zeana’s song is passable, though average, Mohombi and Wiktoria’s songs sound generic and passe (though Wiktoria has shown that she’s an amazing singer) and High 15’s song is very fitting for the spot where they put all the crap in the semis. Either the other 3 semis are stacked to the ninth… Read more »
Are we swedes suprised you would think that as every year? And WE get a top 10 placing anyway. So we dont take Eurofans opinions seriously anymore:). Its a great heat :).
omg don’t talk for ALL the swedes because I don’t agree with ur opinion :DD
Okey. You can change the channel if you dont like the show 🙂
oh I like the show but what I don’t like is u making assumptions that every single swede agrees with your opinion which they don’t :0
“It’s a great heat” if by great you mean “middle of the road songs that no one hates, but no one loves” than sure, it’s a great heat. Maybe instead of having strong national pride over Mello, you could apply that national pride elsewhere, to areas that don’t involve entertainment.
Why are you so intrested in a show you dont even like?
Intresting coments you make here. Yes, not the strongest heat, nothing that really stood out. But what is your take on Sweden? Most swedes enjoy music and success of Swedish musician. You speak of entertainment as though it wasn’t worth a thing. Sure you can have that opinion. But it will still just be your subjective opinion and not the general opinion. There cannot be a proper debate because there are only subjective opinions on the topic.
Nothing special but Nano and Anna in this semi. I think Nano and Anna will qualify to the grand final and Wiktoria and Mohombi will go to Andra Chansen. Disappointed in high 15 thought they would come with something better. I expected more from this semi..
Maybe I’m just overly negative, but I didn’t really care for the snippets I’ve just heard. I don’t say they are bad, but listening to them I constantly had a feeling, that I’ve heard them before and now, 10 min later I don’t remember any of the songs. They feel perfect for Spotify, but not for Eurovision.
Are we swedes suprised of that opinion haha? NOOOOOOOO. As every year with you fans 🙂
My opinion is just based on these specific snippets. I think there’s nothing wrong with Swedish sound and I would love to appreciate them more – actually it’s first time since I don’t even know when that I don’t find any of the songs in the semi interesting.
Wiktoria just got Isa’d.
That song does not sound as if it’s got anything to it at all, sadly.
What a great way to put it. I totally agree. She’s a goner.
HELLO is a BOP. I love itt
i like Mohombi
I think Wiktoria is the best by far in this semi final
Rather underwhelming so far… Mohombi and Wiktoria are my qualifiers, Arja and Anna to second chance. Nano is still a Rag’n’Bone Man, straight local pandering tribute act, I don’t get the hype at all.
You are always negative about everything so are we swedes suprised? Actually no 🙂
I literally said what half of the comments in here also expressed but k
yes because its SWEDEN. we know:) its always like this every year:) Im a swede and very used to it by now. We never please fans here but the real world likeour songs:)
omg can u please stop ur actually embarrassing me for being a swede seeing ur nationalistic opinions about how sweden is superior to others, gosh our songs is not even that good lately
Call me crazy but I loved Anna’s song. I found the pieces of Nano and Wiktoria pretty standard. Anna’s vocals sound outstanding!
Well… they aren’t making it easy. Can’t decide right now ,on which ones my favorites. I have to hear the whole songs and see the performances. To make my decision. But as I think about it now. There are quite a lot of potential in many of these songs. If I’m right there’s going to be a bit Game Of Thrones/Hunger Games-ish. If you know what I mean. But looking forward to Satursday.
Pretty strong start!
My favorites are Nano and Mohombi, but i also really like Wictoria, Anna, and Zeana ft. Anis Don Demina
Nothing exciting so far, though snippets can be tricky. The songs that seem to be building up somewhere are Nano’s and Wiktoria’s. But it’s Melfest, staging will be key as usual.
I don’t like Nano’s song att all.
Wiktoria’s sounds nice, as well as Mohombi’s (for me the best song in this semi).
Zeana feat. Anis Don Deminas sing with too much accent. It sounds like they were singning “slicka mina bränder” :p
I won’t let eurovision-fans destroy the Melodifestivalen-moments this year..
They have hated Sweden at least for 5 five years, They hate the stage, the artists, ALL 28 songs before they hear them and Christer Björkman. Eurofans are hateful of all that is swedish. We swedes are used to it now after 5 years :). Thank god Eurofans are not in majority in voting at Eurovsion. They have horrible taste
You got good points, but fans are tired of the easy pass that Sweden gets. Sweden won twice since the semifinal time, as a result high standards was put to Sweden regarding their acts and songs. Seeing how the same style of act was sent for a consecutive four-year time and always get top marks by juries when there are more higher-impact acts also made fans tired. It’s as if Sweden sends Dustin the Turkey and juries would still give them points. I’m sure it’s not really that they hate Sweden that much, but they just wanted a change, something… Read more »
Yes. Fans have ceased to boo Russia and started to dislike Sweden’s success. I’m still waiting for them to start bashing the big five for getting free-pass to the final because money. But that trend is yet to come. Yes, no Loreen. But I haven’t seen act that stand out like that for years. And I’m speaking about esc in general. But yes compared to Sweden’s best results, we don’t improve. So we’ll need to give an amazing act in order to win now.
Agree, negativity of some people is very tiring, like energy vampires, they ruining both Melfest and Eurovision moments
Not a fan of any of these. Nano and Wiktoria probably has the most potential.
I have one facourite: Nano. The others are way behind, even Anna .
Nano and Anna for me
I think the songs are pretty decent. Not sure if we have a winner in this semi-final but I wanna see more. I like Nano the most.