After two talent-packed Selecția Națională semi-finals and tonight’s grand final, Romania has selected its act for Eurovision 2019. Ester Peony was won the ticket to Tel Aviv will her song “On a Sunday”.

The voting was decided by six-person jury and a public televote. The televote was equal to one jury member — one-seventh of the total vote.

At the end of the jury’s votes, Ester was in the lead with 65 points, Bella Santiago was in second place with 50 points for her “Army of Love”, while Laura Bretan was a close third with 48 points for “Dear Father”.

When it came time for the televote, the Romanian public didn’t exactly agree with the jury. The televote only gave three points to Ester. Instead, their eight points went to Bella Santiago, the ten went to Trooper with “Destin”, and the public’s 12 points went to Laura Bretan.

But it wasn’t enough to topple Ester Peony from the leaderboard. The “On a Sunday” singer will be heading to Tel Aviv in May to represent Romania.

Selecția Națională 2019 – results

Jury results

Final vote with televote totals

Final rank

  1. Ester Peony – “On a Sunday” (65 points)
  2. Laura Bretan – “Dear Father” (60 points)
  3. Bella Santiago – “Army of Love” (58 points)
  4. Linda Teodosiu – “Renegades” (42 points)
  5. Letiția Moisescu and Sensibil Balkan – “Daina” (40 points)
  6. Vaida – “Underground” (35 points)
  7. Trooper – “Destin” (29 points)
  8. Olivier Kaye – “Right Now” (27 points)
  9. Claudiu Mirea – “We Are the Ones” (19 points)
  10. Aldo Blaga – “Your Journey” (14 points)
  11. Dya and Lucian Colareza – “Without You (Sin ti)” (10 points)
  12. Teodora Dinu – “Skyscraper” (7 points)

What do you think? Are you pleased with these results? Do you think Ester can take “On a Sunday” to the Saturday grand final in Tel Aviv? Tell us your thoughts below!

Read more Romania Eurovision news here

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mamma mia
mamma mia
5 years ago

The song is Ok, chorus is catchy, not a fan of the “hey hey hey” part thou. The hand gestures gotta go, please.

This is REAL
This is REAL
5 years ago

Their reaction while listening to Estera’s song was like: (check minute 23:02 on youtube)comment image

5 years ago
Reply to  This is REAL

Ester win cry like a baby hahahah

5 years ago
Reply to  This is REAL

Actually, Deban said it’s okay, William was underwhelmed. It’s hard to assess other people’s ratings (especially since I saw people giving good scores alongside weak reviews and vice-versa), but I’d guess Deban’s initial reaction might have been around 6/10 and William’s was around a 4/10. Either both of them got WAY more enthusiastic of the song over time (which is a legit possibility) or they were just downvoting Laura. But even if they were, they’d vote for their second choice, not 10th, so I assume they did start to genuinely like it.

5 years ago
Reply to  This is REAL

They are listening 2 the studio version (which is dull) not the live performance at the national final

5 years ago

So far there are much more dramas than good songs selected… how bad..

5 years ago

The thing is Romania has really good music compared to what usually gets to be submitted for Eurovision. THIS is our number one challenge as a nation. How to get THAT music to Eurovision. Once we solve this, no jury in the world will be able to stop us from being successful and from sending in Europe a winning song (and we all know that). As for the current debate, it really gets down to the personal taste. Ester’s song has a nice modern flow, but it’s missing a good climax. Bella and Laura’s songs were totally different, but I… Read more »

5 years ago

Mihai was right… !!!!

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
5 years ago
Reply to  flo

I thought about it too hahaha
He was right about that and yet he still thinks he’s got a chance at winning again

5 years ago
Reply to  flo

well maybe was not even Mihai….. maybe was just wiwi trying to prepare us for what is coming ….hmmm i wonder…

5 years ago

Oh wow… I’ve missed a lot.

Lost in diaspora
Lost in diaspora
5 years ago

I feel neither the jury or the televotes fav was the best on the night, so goes to show taste is in the eye of the beholder. On a side note, it’s a shame another sleepy song has joined this year’s Eurovision line up

5 years ago

The Betfair is the real deal.

5 years ago

Now it’s 4th.

5 years ago

This song is amazing! I’m happy it won! Dear Father was also nice and Laura has amazing voice, but from sound, rithm perspective, On A Sunday really kills it! Congratulations!!

5 years ago

On a sunday was a great performance and elevated live but yall dreaming if you think its better than Laura

5 years ago

I’m almost afraid to say this, but the real culprit here is the scoring system that Selectia Nationala chose to use, which heavily favored the jury. The jury vote is 85.71% of the total score, while the televote is 14.29%; an abnormally lopsided 6 to 1 in favor of the jury; the same scenario as the 2014 MESC, when Jessika’s “Hypnotica” was number 1 in the televote, but she got the shaft and then some from the jury and ended up 8th overall. If the procedure had been done right, it would have been the same 50-50 procedure that MF… Read more »

5 years ago

Middle of February and there is no point to do “My ESC 2019 TOP”
Simply because there is nothing to top in the chosen acts so far…. 🙁

5 years ago

Reading these comments reminds me of when Sanna beat Ace in 2014 and we saw how that turned out, so settle down yea?

5 years ago
Reply to  OohHoney

Quite an unsuitable comparison. Ace topped the jury vote and it was possible for the televoters to make their favourite Sanna happen because it has been a 50-50-system and therefore not that capable of being influenced by only two or three people.
You better compare it with Denmark 2015 – although a 50-50-system, too – where the juries put AMS in such a ridiculously big lead that even a landslide victory of Anne Gadegaard didn’t help her… and actually, we saw how that turned out…

5 years ago
Reply to  OohHoney

Yeah that’s not an apt comparison.

5 years ago

SHAME on you wiwiblogs! U gave 12 points to a song who recieved only 3 points form the televote. Laura Bretan was the televote winner and the best on Sunday night. But you discrimated her by only giving 4 and 6 points! REALLY? WHY? Because of some stupid gossips about homophobia? Even if those gossips were true she is just a child and she was the best last night. U were UNPROFESSIONAL! WORST JURY EVER! SHAME ON YOU! You lost a viewer and a reader to your blog!

5 years ago
Reply to  John

Then go away… This blog can still survive without you

5 years ago
Reply to  John

Wait you’re mad because William and Deban didn’t vote the same way as the televote – which wasn’t announced until *after* the jury had voted? Do you require that juries have mind reading powers? Why aren’t u mad at TVR for not having 100% televote like last year?

5 years ago
Reply to  Maddle

No they’re mad cause I’m their reaction video they both LOVED the song, and the live version is very similar if not better than the studio version so for them to place many songs above it suggests they’ve let more than the music take control of their voting

5 years ago
Reply to  Euro92

Um, u do realise that the jury was scoring the live performance and not the studio version? If it had been all about studio versions Emma would of won UMK 2017 with Cicle of Light. Or check out how Vidbir 2019 pre contest fave Kazka flopped in their semi when they were weak live

5 years ago
Reply to  Maddle

as blogges, people who are constantly on the internet having direct acces to peoples preferences and opinions they should have scored better….. just a simple quick on the views Laura and Bella have comparing with the views of Ester and you could tell what is the trend …. when you give the votes i think you should have that in consideration as well, dont’ t u think?

5 years ago
Reply to  John

Maybe they just didn’t like the song on the night, calm down

5 years ago
Reply to  John

Wiwibloggs will still thrive after this mess. It’s just a singing contest.

5 years ago
Reply to  John

But they had no idea how the televote was going to go. It’s not their fault Romano’s was using a disproportionate voting system, which I predicted would lead to a very controversial result.

5 years ago

An interesting choice, but indeed weird since Laura and Bella had obviously better chances to do well in Eurovision. Be it as it may, everthing, is better than that yodel horror, which still sickens me only thinking about it and that horribe Alex person.

5 years ago

Not if you look at Betfair

5 years ago

And dropping quite considerably…

ian from the philippines
ian from the philippines
5 years ago

i won’t blame deban and willian for this mess. the real villian here is emmelie de forest for not giving point to bella.

5 years ago

It’s just a song… what are you lot so salty about?

5 years ago
Reply to  Jello

We’re angry, not salty because Wiwi single handedly sunk everyones favourite giving her ridiculous low marks when they already said that this song could win ESC. It was fishy as hell!

5 years ago
Reply to  Jello

when you see something so unfair and you are played as a stupid viewer guess you have the right to be angry and sad … not always your favorite is a winner but such a discrace voting to happen in front of your eyes and you to be ok with it, is not working for me, sorry

5 years ago

Romania is cancelled ! 🙁

5 years ago

Cmon guys you’re just overreacting. Every jury member was invited to vote as individual based on his/her opinion. It’s a matter of taste. I liked Laura the most too, but it’s a game and not everyone can win it. Spreading hate just won’t help Laura get to the contest. Some people are doers and some are just complaining. If somebody is really angry about the result he should address the complains to the one that organized the show and made the decision about the percentage of the public vote on the total outcome. P. S. Hatari were right : Hatrid… Read more »

Frisian esc
5 years ago
Reply to  Padim

If it’s just a matter of taste than it makes it even more wrong with this video in mind:
Laura goes from “a potential eurovision winner” to 6 points in their national final and ester goes from “boring” to 12 points…

5 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

Maybe an official explanation from Wiwibloggs members of the jury would be something decent to have in order maybe for us, that are not the “music experts” to understand how a 180 degree turn is possible!

5 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

I said opinion and one’s opinion is not only based on taste but on other things too, such as personal liking, personality, stage presence, charisma, potential etc. That’s the problem with juries. They are humans like any other of us and vote based on their personal view. The problem isn’t that one is voting based on his opinion (that’s how humans work), but that ones opinion matters most than the public vote. And if sb is to blame for the inequality its not the juror but those who decided the percentage of the public vote.

5 years ago

Why is no one mentioning that two of the other six jurors, Tali Eshkoli and Serban Cazan, also gave their 12 points to Ester Peony. It’s not that Deban and William decided the winner entirely on their own. And on a side note, Romania seems to be doing fine in the odds, still 4-5th from what I can see.

5 years ago
Reply to  Pasadena

The problem here is that William and Deban previously said that Laura song is one of the best of all the bunch from Romanian Selection and now this.Thats why people were so upset.

5 years ago
Reply to  Adriana

Opinion can change from the initial reaction to the studio cut to the live performance. It’s happened many times before. Personally I was not a big fan of On a Sunday going into the final, but I think it was elevated during the live performance.

5 years ago
Reply to  Pasadena

1: easier to blame them since everyone here “knows” them (and Emmelie), the other jury’s are strangers to most people
2: the fact that they completely changed their opinions from their own YouTube video

5 years ago
Reply to  Pasadena

I don’t think any of the betting odds have been updated yet.
Betfair exchange does work in real time and now has Romania at 100/1 (Which would be 30th place).

5 years ago
Reply to  Pasadena

the wiwi is taking all the blame cuz they gave the lower scores to ” one of their favorites” out of all the 6 jurors…. plus they had the power of 2 sice they represent the same company/ blogg and they came with the scores from home

5 years ago

This will cause that people will not want to vote anymore, because jury is making fools of them..

5 years ago

If Xandra is not withdraw she probably would have win because juries love her lol

5 years ago

Thats a lot of salty Laura stans on here! It’s not even that good of a song, Laura is good but the song is cliche. It’s the kind of song people laugh at, like Omar Naber. Or Croatia this year. We have songs like that every year.
The winner is not bad! With a revamp which probably will happen, she could get a decent spot. Should do better than the Humans.

5 years ago

Lol, the outrage is real and it’s pretty much justified. I thought that with Laura Bretan Romania could be in top 10, now this song reminds me of Franka or Laura Rizzotto from last year.. it’s decent , but bland, it doesn’t motivate you to vote, I think they will struggle to qualify..

5 years ago

Franka and Laura Rizotto vibes, anyone? and we know what happened to them….

mamma mia
mamma mia
5 years ago
Reply to  uzhas

This song is more edgy than those two from 2018, the chorus is way more catchy too but it’s not a contender for sure.

Heutoe Galore
Heutoe Galore
5 years ago

on a sunday is miles better than the father song, like what are you talking about?? romania should be thankful for the jury as they will be in the final in may with this song.

5 years ago

In Italy we are having the same debate about how much the televote should count but what I don’t understand both in Italy and in Romania is why people complain over the system only when the competition is over. In both cases everybody knew since the beginning what the rules were so why protesting Now? People should have spoken out before…not when it is too late.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ric

Because when there is a new voting system in place you do not know how it will “behave” and if the result differs so much between jury and televoters you get the sense that something is not right.

5 years ago
Reply to  Aura

I understand but if you know that the televote counts for just 1/7 of the Total you cannot be surprised or pissed if that does not determine the winner.

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
5 years ago

Btw for me it’s ok if Laura didn’t go to ESC. Her song isn’t winner material. Maybe in the future she will win the whole thing with a better song that’s on the same league as Il Volo’s Grande Amore.

5 years ago

To everyone mad at the result:
Did you know that the people who can vote for Romania at Eurovision is everyone /except/ Romania? Yes, Laura won the televote, but what matters is choosing a song that will do well with people internationally. The jury liked On A Sunday, and I’m sure Europe will too

5 years ago
Reply to  Apple

Actually this is not the point. Taking Will and Deban’s voting out, the other Jurors also favored Laura. Theis voting probably had other motivations and it does not represent the general public opinion – in Romania or abroad.

5 years ago
Reply to  Apple

I don’t want to offend you, but this is not a very good argument. How can you be sure that Laura wouldn’t have picked up the same percentage of followers among the European audience? Are you basing it on the opinion of six random people from abroad (- or rather two because it HAD been William and Deban who prevented Laura’s victory by giving her a ridiculously low score)? I would rather build an argument on the fact that her act clearly is a divisive one which generally is a good sign. Ester’s song is just nice and probably won’t… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Apple

actually if the people liked so much Ester she should have millions of views so far….. compare her views with Laura or Bella please

5 years ago

I hope we Romanians don’t qualify with this song in the final. Wiwibloggs you have a huge hate wave from our country…Deserved…Your votes Deban and William 4 points and 6 points to Laura was anything but professional. It was punishment for her because of homophobic remarks. The song was fantastic, your reaction was the same. The delivery vocally and staging wise was also spot on. you 2 just ruined our chances and that is unfair.

5 years ago

Yesterday you left the basis of journalistic work. May you lost your main target to inform about Eurovision. The journalist should never be bigger than the topic he informs about. But you left this basis and lost your
journalistic due diligence. Welcome to be the Gossip-Eurovision-Platform. Can´t take you any longer for serious.

5 years ago
Reply to  Florian

I have a thought that they feel so cool, so important, that way giving permission to themselves to be harsh on other countries and their chosen entries. Even if you dont like it, at least show some respect, and do not make fun of it. For example, Latvian or Albanian entry. Guess, cliche pop music is all they need. If its aint pop, that is not good.

5 years ago
Reply to  Roo

They were never unbiased in the first place and never pretend to act like that, after all, this is blogg with ”attitude” 😛
It’s to blame TVR or whatever why they invite them, lol

Just a Fan
Just a Fan
5 years ago

Here are the artists until now. Hopefully Romania will choose someone good…

Carousel – “That Night” | Latvia

Jonida Maliqi – “Ktheju tokës” | Albania

Ester Peony – “On a Sunday” | Tali Eshkoli, Emmelie de Forest, Deban Aderemi, William Lee Adams, Serban Cazan, Alex Calancea

TBD | Romania

5 years ago
Reply to  Just a Fan

Well, by that logic you should add the names of Albanian jury as well.

5 years ago

Very poor

5 years ago

Ester’s song has potential with some reworking. It has some interesting aspects to it and it is an intriguing song to start with but then it takes you nowhere.It just levels out and becomes just sound. Better staging is also needed but I think Romania could turn this around with a revamp and make the best of the song that was chosen.

5 years ago

Just saw Laura’s performance on YouTube. It’s not that good. She clearly has a good voice but half the words you can’t understand. It’s not a great song. It’s a great voice. But this isn’t The Voice. It’s a song contest. William and Deban—sorry that you are getting the ire of the Romanians that should be aimed at the broadcaster for only giving the public a seventh of the vote.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

even like that…. was not a performance who could be scored with only 4 points ( Debam) don’ t you think?

5 years ago

The best songs so far have been lost in national selections…The Ogae second chance will be the real competition.

5 years ago

Lol bye Romania ?
A mess

5 years ago

I have never seen a saltier fandom in my life.

Frisian esc
5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

It’s kinda logical that people are salty this time. I mean an international jury killing the favorite who was said to be able to win eurovision 2019, in favour for an entry that might not make it out of the semi finals.
Add on top of that the weird 360 degree opinion change from wiwiblogss romanian reaction video and mihai’s prediction video (that nobody was willing to believe at first) and you’ve got yourself some eurovision drama.

5 years ago

Jonida Maliqi won FiK57, where the results were determined solely by a 9-member jury: Nothing happen
Ester Peony won Selectia Nationala 2019, where the results were determined by a 6-member jury and the public vote serving as the 7th jury: People went outraged.
Just pointing the hypocrisy out. Feel free to vote me down.

5 years ago
Reply to  Chess

I guess people are angry for two reasons.
1. Albania was more honest in admitting this is a jury’s winner and didn’t pretend that people voting can make a difference.
2. People are suspicious of the reasons Romanian jury (particularly William and Deban) had in placing Laura (and Bella) lower than expected.
There was an outrage in Albania too when the second fan favorite Mirud didn’t qualify for the finals. There is ALWAYS some outrage in here.

5 years ago

wiwibloggs should represent their blog-site with only one person in the jury, not with 2.and they should understand it from the beginning and not accept it .

5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Tell that to TVR. Wiwibloggs was NOT responsible for casting the international jury. TVR invited William and Deban. TVR let them vote as individuals. It is the broadcasters fault, not the jury members. I am planning to write a strongly worded email (in Romanian) to TVR to express my unhappiness.

5 years ago

As a Romanian, I think this is outrageous! I’m talking about the hate William and Deban get for simply doing what they were asked to do! The voting system was flawed, yes, but that is TVR’s fault, not William and Deban’s!

5 years ago

No, we are not pleased with the results! Somebody else is the winner. You don’t have the right to decide who’s the best! It’s Romanian ‘s right to choose what they want. She ‘ peony ‘is far the best one. ..?? Why did you vote her? It will be a bit of boring to see her singing on the chair at Tel Aviv! The point was to kick out the best because you couldn’t accept it that Ro To be the best. Do UK has a song for Tel Aviv? Ah, maybe is something else in the middle! I Just… Read more »

5 years ago

Over 700 comments and still going 🙂 ))))

5 years ago
Reply to  Adriana
5 years ago
Reply to  Adriana

Boy, this train isn’t stopping any soon. With that tempo I predict Wiwibloggs site break-down in hours.

5 years ago
Reply to  Adriana

I’m grabbing popcorn for all the drama here to continue.

5 years ago

I’m done with wiwibloggs plus unsubscribe on YouTube.. Bad move.. #laurawinner

5 years ago
Reply to  Esc

Good for you!

5 years ago

Clearly those “experts” from wiwi were on a mission to sabotage the best song of the night. If their trip was paid by the Romanian people and if they are decent enough (which I doubt) they should return the money to the Romanian state ASAP.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sperfect

They voted for the best song! Ester had the only really good song in the whole selection. Laura has a very good voice, she can sing, but that is not enough. Look at Iceland 2018, Slovenia 2017 etc.

5 years ago
Reply to  noone

The best song according to their reaction is dear father. Bye

5 years ago
Reply to  noone

but is still not a performance of only 4 points isn’t it?

5 years ago

This is going to be a quite “boring” Eurovision this year. Some songs are good, but most of them so far have a serious tone. Only Spain and Czech Republic have a fun, colourful vibe so far. Let’s see how it goes.

5 years ago
Reply to  oli

It can be a good year for Spain, but I’m still happy with Ester. Laura only had the voice, but a cliche song (Omar Naber vibes), Bella was Foureira 2.0 in semifinal, and Ruslana 2.0 in the final. Army of love was not even enjoyable, it took itself too seriously as an anthem.

5 years ago

Bilal Hassani won thanks to televoters and you are not happy.
Ester won thanks to jury and you are not happy.
Let’s have an ESC full of youtubers.

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
5 years ago
Reply to  romanian

People are complaining about anything as long as their favourite doesn’t win