Tonight Hungary will decide its act for Eurovision 2019, as eight acts face the grand final of A Dal. But who should win? The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — has listened to the eight finalists and listed our five favourites. Read on to see which acts stood out!
1. The Middletonz – “Roses”
I don’t feel strongly about any of the acts in A Dal this year. In a traditional jury, there would be no more than a point separating my top five. There’s no wow factor in Hungary but there are a lot of quality songs. The Middletonz stands out for me as the most contemporary track and a very different sound compared to anything Hungary have sent. However, the other songs in my top five would also make quality Eurovision entries. Hungary, pick your poison and I’ll drink it.
2. Joci Pápai – “Az én apám”
3. Gergő Szekér – “Madár, repülj!”
4. Fatal Error – “Kulcs”
5. Bence Vavra – “Szótlanság”
1. The Middletonz – “Roses”
When listening to all the entries in the background, I didn’t realise this was Andrés Kállay-Saunders, since it’s so different to Hungary’s outstanding 2014 track “Running”, sung by the man himself. This is different yet still brings back those top-ten vibes we all got in Copenhagen. I believe the modernity elevates it and brings back the feels that made him so successful previously. In a word, “Roses” is awesome. I can’t wait to see how The Middletonz fare in A Dal — and hopefully Eurovision. (Also…is that a Kate Middleton reference or…?)
2. Fatal Error – “Kulcs”
3. Gergő Szekér – “Madár, repülj!”
4. Bence Vavra – “Szótlanság”
5. Joci Pápai – “Az én apám”
1. Gergő Szekér – “Madár, repülj!”
Yes, it was hard to choose between Gergő and the Middletonz, but after the semifinal performance, I am totally convinced about who should Hungary send to Tel Aviv. Musically, the track penned by Gergő himself is a masterpiece that combines Hungarian folk with a modern arrangement and a rap/chanted part in the first verse. This guy is singing about his own life, as the melody pierces through the heart and mind, with his fragile voice elevating it already. Then we have the fabulous stage performance that has been missing in the heat. It has told the story and you don’t need to speak Hungarian to understand it. The package has come together, now we only need a bird strong enough to deliver it to Tel Aviv!
2. The Middletonz – “Roses”
3. Fatal Error – “Kulcs”
4. Acoustic Planet – “Nyári zápor”
5. Joci Pápai – “Az én apám”
1. Gergő Szekér – “Madár, repülj!”
It’s hard to pick a favourite in this year’s A Dal’s pool. There are many quality songs, but none of them pops out clearly. Perhaps “Madár, repülj” is the most original package, and thus stands out a bit more. Gergő takes many risks with his entry, but manages to keep it accessible to everyone. He narrates his own life experience through the music and the choreography of his dancers, and, I won’t deny, it took me a while to appreciate what was going on here. This is my most meditated pick at a Wiwi Jury ever, but Gergő deserves recognition for thinking outside the box.
2. Joci Pápai – “Az én apám”
3. The Middletonz – “Roses”
4. Fatal Error – “Kulcs”
5. Bogi Nagy – “Holnap”
1. Joci Pápai – “Az én apám”
I’ve become quite sceptical of returning artists at Eurovision. I prefer to let other contestants have a chance to represent their country, and think variety is essential for the contest. That being said, I’ve grown to really love Joci Papai’s music since 2017, and this song is no exception. It’s packed with heart and soul, has sweet ethnic Hungarian vibes, and has just the right amount of intensity and modesty. Joci is a master at writing a tune and carrying them feels, and I really think this is easily the best in the Hungarian selection.
2. Bogi Nagy – “Holnap”
3. The Middletonz – “Roses”
4. Fatal Error – “Kulcs”
5. Gergő Szekér – “Madár, repülj!”
1. The Middletonz – “Roses”
When I first heard “Roses”, I was absolutely blown away by it. It unites so many genres — rap, soul, modern deep house beats. You can’t put this in a box and that’s exactly what I love about it. “Roses” is fresh, extremely modern and would appeal to a lot of people since it grabs your attention for the whole three minutes. This could easily top the charts all over the world. This is what I want to see at Eurovision nowadays
2. Gergő Szekér – “Madár, repülj!”
3. Joci Pápai – “Az én apám”
4. Bence Vavra – “Szótlanság”
5. Gergő Oláh – “Hozzád bújnék”
1. Gergő Szekér – “Madár, repülj!”
“Madár, repülj!” is an intriguing number. As well as containing a mix of modern electro pop and hip hop styles, Gergő also throws in some folky sounds and there’s even hints of jazz. While it’s a Hungarian language song, the lyrics have a simple message that is well translated by Gergő’s vocal performance and boosted by the interpretive dancers. Hungary always manages to pick a fresh new musical style every year and it feels like it’s the right time for “Madár, repülj!”.
2. Joci Pápai – “Az én apám”
3. The Middletonz – “Roses”
4. Gergő Oláh – Hozzád bújnék”
5. Fatal Error – “Kulcs”
What do you think? What are your favourites in A Dal 2019? Who should Hungary send to Tel Aviv? Sound off below!
Pápai Joci won!
The Middletonz or Gerg? Szekér to win!
I hope that my country will choose between them and the jury take them to top four.
Then please just vote, vote, vote! Good luck to Hungary tonight! 🙂
Zoli, I hope the same and ofcourse I will vote! 🙂
So no one has Fatal Error as first? It has to be Fatal Error or Joci Papai.
I like Jovi Papai’s entry, but it doesn’ t transmit that deep power as his “Origo”. Gergö’s Song is interesting but his good voice and way of singing don t fit. My Nr 1 R the Middletonz with Andràs Kallay-Sanders. Would B my Nr 2 after Mahmood’s “Soldi”.
By far my favourite are The Middletonz however I don’t have a clue what the Hungarian jury is doing this year…
My 2nd is Gergo Szekér, he is in my top 4 in A Dal this year
… And my 3rd is Acoustic Planet, yea don’t love this song however I don’t really love many others…
DENIZ was my favourite 🙁
I’m a bit sad that A Dal doesn’t get the attention it deserves. There may not be any typical fan favourites, but the general quality of songs is way above many other national finals. I mean wiwibloggs spent 40 minutes to react in two videos to the rather poor Latvian songs, while I haven’t seen any videos about A Dal apart from the interviews made by the Hungarian correspondent. And even in written form I see only 7 reactions, while Ukraine has 12… Anyway, I’m all for The Middletonz this year, even though there is little chance that the jury… Read more »
1.Gergo Szeker
2.The Middletonz
2.Joci Papai
Probably Holnap or Madár, repülj for me.
However, I like all of the songs except Fatal Error (unforgivably awful) so am feeling pretty positive.
It would appear the only have rap in Hungary now. And the likes Romania and Germany sending singers with urban vocals. Trying to send chart relevant with hip hop vocals.
Oh brother, so lame. Find your own sound, sheeple.
It’s interesting that Hungary is actually a really Matriarchal society and yet not a Female in sight? My Nagymama is already screaming that she’s voting for Kate Miller-Heidke this year!
1. Madar, repulj – One of the most original and emotional songs I’ve heard in a while. Hungary could score a 10/10 from me 2 years in a row. 🙂 If he wins, I’ll be happy for this season. 2. Roses – Also a very interesting song with unique sound. While not as good as Running, it’s miles better than Andras’ attempts meanwhile. 3. Az em apam – It’s emotional and deep, authentic and good. But much like Origo, while I appreciate it’s art, it’s not something I would usually listen to. Other 5 songs are also in a positive… Read more »
To be honest I don’t see any other options for us just those three acts you were talking about. I really want to see win Madár, repülj! or Roses. 🙂
I don’t wanna see artists coming back with worse songs *cough* Joci and Andras *cough*’
Honestly, it doesn’t matter, they’re all safe options. All of them are final qualifying material. None of them are winning material, but I think they’re all potential Top 15 or higher.
Papai Joci!
1. Szeker Gergo: Madar repulj 2. Papai Joci: Az en apam 3. The Middletonz: Roses 4. Acoustic Planet: Nyari zapor 5. Nagy Bogi: Holnap
Middletonz or Gergo definitely. Both would be good entries. They offer something different and are intriguing.
Roses may stand out the best in this year, but Madar Repulj may be the riskier bet that sounds like what Hungary would vote for. Anyhow, both entries would be very good choices, but those are my firm top two.
Roses is the clear fan favorite in Hungary, so if they both in the jury’s top 4, I think The Middletonz will win.
Madar, Repulj!. By a mile.