Bang! Ever since MARUV won Saturday’s politically-charged Vidbir — Ukraine’s selection for Eurovision 2019 — the drama has been non-stop. Naturally, it’s dominated the news cycle both within Ukraine and the wider Eurovision community. And as the scandal continues to spiral, it’s slowly beginning to pick up traction across the globe.
In the UK, BBC News runs with “Ukraine bans its Eurovision entrant over Russia row”. Meanwhile, The Telegraph writes that MARUV has been “ditched” by the national broadcaster. The story also appears in other widely-read publications including Mail Online, Metro, The Independent, Digital Spy and Radio Times.
In neighbouring Ireland, The Irish Independent leads its coverage with a quote from the “Siren Song” songstress — “I’m a musician, not a tool for the political arena”. The Journal says “Ukraine drops Eurovision entrant after accusing her of politicising contest”.
Interest is fierce right across Europe. France’s Le Figaro talks of a “political mess”. Several German outlets are on the case including radio station DLF24, TV network MDR and the Taz newspaper. It has also been picked up by Hungary’s 24.HU and Blikk, Switzerland’s Blick, Sweden’s Dagens Nyheter, Denmark’s DR and BT, Slovenia’s RTVSLO and the Netherlands’ NOS.
An injection of Iberian realness comes courtesy of Portugal’s Observador — “Escândalo na Ucrânia”. Spain’s ABC discusses “El conflicto”.
Unsurprisingly, Ukraine’s woes are a hot topic in Russia too. All aspects of the story are plastered across Russian webspace, including Freedom Jazz’ choice to also pass on Tel Aviv. Even the local edition of Cosmopolitan is getting in on the action.
The Greeks, however, have opted for a different slant. A talk show on the Zappit website analysed the similarities between “Siren Song” and Tamta’s song for Cyrpus “Replay”.
Now that it’s a confirmed Eurovision member, it’s not shocking that the news has made its way to Australia. SBS News reports on the latest controversy surrounding the “largely European song competition”.
Even American publications are carrying reports on Maruv, including Billboard and online editions of The New York Times and The Washington Post.
What do you make of the controversy? What are your feelings on Maruv and “Siren Song”? Are you surprised by the level of interest internationally? Let us know in the comments below.
Good to see Ukraine get what’s been coming for them for three years now. They really dug their graves with their blatant over politization of the contest. The public broadcaster’s behavior is disgusting, of course, but the private one isn’t much better. Remember they’re the ones who allowed, encouraged and even defended the on-stage interrogations. I cannot imagine any artist will want to represent them this year, or even the next one.
It’s Maruv who rejects the contract. Shame on you Maruv.
I see some people here are very away from politics. Ukraine and Russia are in war. Imagine you’re a british singer and it’s 1942, World War 2. Would you give a concert in Nazi Germany?
one good thing out of this for Maruv, having become world famous and not even being winner of eurovision 🙂
she’s way too good to represent Ukraine, or even too good for eurovision song contest in general
Music i should join not to demerge
Eurovision i should be like music not politics
In theory yes I agree, but politics has always been in Eurovision in one way or another. From block voting to gay rights in Russia, songs about revolutions in Ukraine and Portugal years ago, to this year threatening to boycott eurovision because its in Israel and that’s just off the top of my head the list goes on and on and on.
Guys. Please try to understand. Despite her song and potentially good spot in the finals, a lot of people are hurt that their families and friends are dying in the war, while she wants to represent our country and work with the enemy. I agree that it’s all a mess. But she refused from the contract herself. This whole scandal ensures her a good career while shows Ukraine from a bad light. But please try to understand. We are in war. It changes everything. We are a victim already, you can’t make us a victim even in Eurovision. Come on
Don’t pretend. Most of Ukrainians already understand that the war will end as soon as Poroshenko is inprisoned and Russia has nothing to do with it. Why Russians Don’t die if it’s a conflict with Russia? Why don’t you have a war in Crimea like you have in Donbass? Because there are Russians in Crimea and the are none in Donbass.
Russians DO die in Donbass. Their parents in Russia r forced to keep silence and prosecuted if they speak up. But! MARUV SHOULD GO TO EUROVISION. EITHER AS an entry from Ukraine OR AS A GUEST. SHE EASILY REFUSED TO TOUR IN RUSSIA BUT other points of the contract are too harsh,TOO MANY FINES.
Stop blaming Ukraine and try to look at this situation from the other side. Comment of host Serhiy Prytula: “Stop telling that sports and music are out of politics! They are not out of politics, they are in the epicenter. And, damn it, it is really very important who represents the country in competitions. Despite the difference in thoughts among different people, we all, those who live in Ukraine, those who identify themselves as citizens of our country, we must have a common denominator on such issues as: who is Russia for us? Whose Crimea? What is going on in… Read more »
Maruv clearly expressed her point that she is pro-Ukrainian. She does not want to represent other country or change her citizenship. She continues to live in Ukraine and give concerts there. NTU(PBC) R JUST STUPID IDIOTS.
That’s what Ukrainian elite deserves.
I am part Ukrainian, and I am ashamed of this mess. MARUV was clearly the best choice for Eurovision 2019. She had the potential to win. If someone chooses to represent Ukraine, they will be booed, blackballed, and will lose no matter what. I think Russia will gain many votes out of spite. You are embarrassing yourself Ukraine, knock it off!
“Siren Song” better become a worldwide hit after this mess.
She’s in TOP20 in Peru atm, for example. 🙂
Jeez what’s next for Maruv top ten in Burkina Faso
Spanish television site FormulaTV has also dedicated several articles the Maruv-UA:PBC debacle, one of them was from last Monday, with the headline “Eurovision 2019: The abusive contract Maruv has to sign to represent Ukraine” ( see here: )
And KAZKA just posted on their insta that they won’t replace MARUV. Mad respect for them.
imagine if this kickstarts maruv’s global career sksksk
In this case she’s done it all right.
Well…isn’t gossip what the esc community loves? Justice to Ukraine and Maruv. I hope the state-owned tv channel will come to their senses and that they will find a fair solution.
After all, acting politically defensive and patriotic is a resultat of Putin’s war on Ukraine.
Justice for Maruv
Whats next if Ukraine takes part, are they going to question and interrogate all the voters including the juries why they voted for Russia? Year after year they still give votes to each other. Then we ask what is the problem then? Seriously their political stance has backfired on them, thanks to the TV company influenced by their politicians. Russia is definitely laughing at you now, Europe and all the fans are very disappointed in you. The ESC is a party ,its a song contest for goodness sake. Everyone knows this. Actually the ESC is the worst platform to spread… Read more »
I remember that, when Jamala was participating on ESC 2016, Russian televotes gave to her 10! And Ukrainian televotes gave to Sergey Lazarev 8. Why nobody is taking this into account, that ordinary people are unprejudiced and unbiased? I think that Russian people knew that her song had a political context, however, they were with Jamala and felt sympathetic.
I believe its the oppsite: ordinary people in this countries have heavy bias, but it goes it both directions. There are many pro-russian ukrainians and pro-ukrainian russians, too
Not too heavy bias, but 17%russians in Ukraine always voted for Russia, and its enough fow 12 or 10 points when other 83% votes spread between other 24 counties.
You are providing numbers, and I am telling what I saw in real life. Most people in both countries are becoming apolitical, because everyone is tired of this politics. But this concerns those, who have their own brains.
Russia 1 (Russian state TV responsible for Sergey Lazarev 2019 application) is basically 24/7 “Ukraine is evil, Ukraine is a failed state, Ukraine is the country that serves the evil globalists, USA and EU, Ukraine should go back to form a new Soviet Union with us”
So what’s the way out? Forget about the war and let people who collaborate with the enemy to represent our country? Just because a bunch of foreigners that don’t care about any of us liked the song? Is that the European mentality that everyone is advertising? You guys are cruel.
Maruv hasnt started the war, she has nothing to do with the war.
President of ukraine has companies in russia
At this rate, Maruv’s gonna get more famous than the whole contest itself.
I think with all that has happened Maruv will have the last laugh. People worldwide now know who she is and seen as a wronged underdog by her own country. Hope she picks up some great new work worldwide now. Due to idiocy their rabid attitude vidbir/broadcaster has shot itself in the foot
Hi Jamala welcome to tel Aviv. So, I have some uncomfortable questions for you. DID YOU MESSED UP VIDBIR AGAIN?
They freaking deserve all this negative publicity. Can’t feel sad for them
P.S The Greek show comparing the songs was before it was announced that she won’t represent Ukraine
Even though i am one of the few who didn’t like her song, I’m appalled by how the TV channel in Ukraine has handled this. She won the national final fair and square, I would be really cheesed as a voter knowing i made all these calls , now all void not valid. There would be uproar galore if this was in another country. Humiliating the participants by asking political questions after they performed is not acceptable. I’m also disappointed with Jamala, I loved her song 1944 and the story behind it was about the atrocities under Stalin. Her questions… Read more »
the questions were personal, but if you doubt the country’s existence or borders, should you go to represent it anywhere?
Would Azerbaijan broadcaster ever allow Armenian act to compete on their behalf? I really doubt it.
Her personal questions Jamala could ask behind the scenes and not in live broadcast! Jamala behaved terribly. Maruv clearly expressed she is pro-Ukrainian.
Jamala is so ignorant.. the friendly face fools you and the way she asked the question at Maruv is pathetic.. not to mention the way everything evolves around politics.. i understand some countries have that, especially with trouble in your country but still this is a songcontest! A chance to sit back and enjoy an evening without drama involved..
This is such a bad publicity for the country! what a mess…
I thought that politics should stay out of ESC, then why is Ukraine still not disqualified? With the contract for Maruv, it is clearly a political statement (not forgetting about the Samoylova drama 2 years ago). Right now, I feel like Ukrainian Government (and in that case Broadcaster as well) are trying to make a war on their citizens shoulders (Acts like Maruv are just carrying the issue outside of Ukraine). If EBU has the guts, they disqualify Ukraine and give them a break for at least 3 years. I think I can speak for all the fans out there… Read more »
horrible McCarthy era BS . Ukraine has blotted its copybook and should be ashamed. We won’t forget. You have some of the best acts at most NF’s and you sully your country and its people by treating them like this????? Grow the F*** up.
Since KAZKA still didn’t reject the offer I think they will agree, but announce this closer to the deadline. Till that hype about MARUV will blow away. Ukrainian public will be happy.
Now russian trolls can dislike this comment.
My dear)) Ukranian public voted for Maruv. I don’t know why the percentage of votes was not published. I suppose that the gap between Maruv and Kazka was huge. You meant that the minority of Ukranian public will be happy. I am not a Russian troll, I am not even related to any of country-participants. I am just a big fan of Maruv and I would like to support her.
I just predicted most possible way, sorry if you dont like it
And sang by MARUV
Can we agree that Europe did wrong in 2016 by crowning Jamala “The Queen Of Europe”?
Look what happens when you vote for a political song, Jamala feels entitled, she is so sure she is right, because Europe gave her the green light to push her agenda. Don’t vote for political songs, ever!
There has never ever been more than ONE „Queen of Europe“, and her name is Conchita!
She is indeed. Adore Conchita
Noooo, the Queen of Europe was and always be Verka Serduchka!!!!:)))) btw, Verka supported Maruv actually.
Israeli news were talking about it yesterday on TV as well
I understand that Ukraine is at war with Russia in every way, but what I can’t forgive is that Ukraine is very unwise, and does exactly what Putin was hoping for. Why do you give Putin exactly the drama that he wants from you?
Right. I cannot see any differences between the behaviour of Ukraine and Russia. Maruv was right that there are good and bad people in each country. I hope that one day good people of both countries will unite and make changes in their home countries in good way.
The negotiations with KAZKA are ongoing. On their Facebook, the overwhelming amount of comments asks them to follow the footsteps of Freedom Jazz and stand with Maruv.
If/once Kazka declines, it seems like Ukraine will simply bow out of eurovision this year. In a way it’s too bad it had to come to his but short of begging Maruv to go, the broadcaster is basically screwed.
ESCKAZ is reporting that KAZKA’s team has not responded to any attempts at contact by UA:PBC. It’s beautiful to see artists standing in solidarity with MARUV.
They wanna know MARUV’s secret
EBU do something !!!

It is a curse of Flame is Burning! Lol
A curse? Ukranian government is doing this to themselves and hurting their own artists!
“The Greeks, however, have opted for a different slant. A talk show on the Zappit website analysed the similarities between “Siren Song” and Tamta’s song for Cyrpus “Replay””
Wtf Greece ! This isn’t the time for that x)
This took place before the announcement that she won’t compete for Ukraine.
Yeah, but it was useless. They just compared a full song to a snippet. That wasn’t the moment for that, “Replay” hadn’t been fully released x)
There is reportedly the possibility of withdrawing from the contest this year being considered as it is becoming apparent that none of the Vidbir finalists are showing any interest of being Maruv’s replacement. UA:PBC would still broadcast the show though and will likely not be fined if they still haven’t submitted a song and artist by next month’s deadline.
They will have to pay a big fine for withdrawing this late as per EBU rules.
The controversy got so bad, it hit them with that ddu-du ddu-du du.
Seriously, UA:PBC brought this to themselves.
P.S. Yes, this is from BLACKPINK
Haha, I feel like kpop would be Korea’s secret weapon to win Eurovision Asia.
Imagine the amount of poll spamming from all the Kpop fans
Albanian online newspaper:
It’s bigger than us!
It’s bigger than you and me!
“Ukraine pressures Eurovision singer over dispute with Russia”
Translated headline from Reuters Latin America:
It’s in Serbian news as well
I’m more than sad that MARUV is not going to the concert… But let’s just make it clear, this is entirely Ukraine’s decision, people going crazy over them politicising the contest, well guess what the contest HAS ALWAYS BEEN POLITICAL AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE -This is why the artist comes with a NATION in the first place. We’re not in their shoes to know how they feel about Crimea and everything and personally, these are very very sensitive topics for you people to pick on like it’s nothing! I know the situation is awkward and MARUV won the televoting… Read more »
Let’s assume you’re right. Then why didn’t the broadcaster do their proper due dilligence amd lay out all the rules clearly for all the contestants BEFORE the actual show?! And before inviting Maruv to take part?! Why did they put the contestants on the spot with those political question during the live show?
I’m kinda… living for this?!
“Ukraine insists on using the contest as a political weapon”
That’s the translation of the headline from Euronews in Spanish:
Good that only very liberal Ukrainians are deeply involved in Eurovision. If average Ukrainian will read all this mud, UA:PBC will be forced to avoid participating in ESC for many many years…
Even in Brazil:
It got to the news even here in Brazil, where 99% of the population haven’t ever heard about Eurovision:
Austrian Newspaper
the flame is burning!!!
Polish newspaper.
Yeah they need to intervene sooner rather than later.