The three Baltic states have been fairly successful in the Eurovision Song Contest. Estonia, of course, became the first former Soviet state to take home the trophy in 2001 with Latvia following suit the following year. Lithuania is still waiting to snatch the crown.

Last year saw mixed results for the Baltic nations. Estonia came out on top with the magical operatic performance of Elina Nechayeva earning a very respectable eighth place in the grand final. Lithuania, represented by Ieva Zasimauskaite, also managed to advance to Saturday’s final. Her intimate and touching stage show won over the entire arena and landed her a spot just outside of the top 10. Latvia drew the short straw for the second year in a row, failing to qualify for the final despite having plenty of goodwill among fans.

Interestingly, had the old voting method been in place, all three Baltic nations would have advanced to the final, which would have marked a repeat of 2015 when all three qualified for the first time ever. But that’s a topic for a different article. So, without further ado, let’s have a look at who the Baltic nations will be sending to Eurovision this year before voting for our favourites.

Estonia: Victor Crone — “Storm”

The first of the Baltics to select their entrant for Eurovision 2019 was Estonia, which used its ever popular national final Eesti Laul. Almost from the start it seemed that Swedish-born Victor Crone would be flying the Estonian flag in Tel Aviv. And while he was ultimately crowned the winner, he faced stiff competition from the likes of Uku Suviste and Stefan. Victor delivered a visually arresting stage show coupled with competent vocals. Despite not winning over the jury, he was able to earn the public’s vote, which was the deciding factor in the end. While this is Victor’s first time in the Eurovision bubble, he has the support and guidance of songwriter Stig Rästa, who has been a key figure in Estonia’s recent history in the competition.

Latvia: Carousel – “That Night”

Next up to choose was Latvia, who utilised their relatively new national selection process Supernova. Surviving an eclectic audition process and a tough semi-final that featured numerous Supernova veterans, the Latvian duo stunned the competition to win the right to represent their country at Eurovision. While many were debating whether Edgars or Markus would be the better choice for Latvia, the Latvian public and jury ultimately decided to go in a completely different direction — by passing both of their delicious pop numbers. Carousel bring a quaint sophistication and don’t need explosions or an LED screen to stand out.

Lithuania: Jurij Veklenko — “Run With The Lions”

Last up to determine their Eurovision act was Lithuania. Once again they used their marathon of a selection — in both length and in name — Eurovizijos dainų konkurso nacionalinė atranka 2019. Jurij delivered a charismatic performance of his song “Running With The Lions” and earned the support of both the public and the jury. This of course is not the first time that Jurij has been involved in the contest. Jurij was actually a participant in the iconic on-stage kiss during Monika and Vaidas’ Eurovision 2015 performance and also provided vocals for the effervescent Lolita Zero during her 2017 campaign. With all this experience, we’ve no doubt he’ll deliver a solid performance this May.

Vote in our poll

Those are the three acts representing the Baltics this year at Eurovision 2019, but only one can emerge as your favourite. Be sure to have a listen through all the songs and cast your vote in our poll below! You can vote for as many acts as you like, but you can only vote ONE time. Tick the box next to each act you want to support before pressing submit.

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5 years ago

1. Lithuania – my 3d and one of the 4 songs with that “wow” factor (it means which blowed me away just from the first listening).
2. Latvia – an absolutely wonderful magical jazzy song, my 5th.
3. Estonia – I only like the lyrics and feel actually sorry for this song – it has a potential and given to some completely another style musician with better vocals it could’ve become a masterpiece..

5 years ago

1) Estonia
2) Lithuania
3) Latvia

5 years ago

Call me crazy, but Latvia is my number 3 overall (after NL and IT) and when I heard it, I thought we might have this years´ winner. Seeing the odds, I guess not. :-/ Don´t like the other two that much, Monika Marija would be better for LT and Stefan or Inger for EST.

5 years ago

When will Jurijs film a music video for “Run with the Lions”?

Jakov Starkas
Jakov Starkas
5 years ago

That Night!

5 years ago

None. Lithuania had a Top 5 song and left it in the national finals, Estonia has a generic pop song with an EDM tune that expired in 2012, and Latvia is just plain old boring.

5 years ago

they’re all so bad this year

5 years ago

That’s an easy one for me: Estonia by far! Great good vibes song!

5 years ago

I like all three, can’t choose.

5 years ago

You know the tv company dont have any money right? I dont believe they got millions over night.

5 years ago

This voting are as usual not what real people think. Fans often have the worst as their best. Like now. Lithuania is the best.

5 years ago

None… But if i had to make a ranking it would be:
1- Latvia
2 – Estonia
3 – Lithuania

5 years ago

They were all stronger last year, especially Lithuania.

5 years ago

Well, ok.

5 years ago

Estonia has the strongest entry.

5 years ago

As a Lithuanian i have to say we would’ve been miles ahead against other Baltics if we sent Monika Marija but now I’d say we are 2nd (talking about the chances of reaching the final)

5 years ago
Reply to  axr

Monika would probably be my ESC 2019 winner. I’d certainly vote for her. Last year, I voted for Lithuania. Ieva’s song is so beautiful.

5 years ago
Reply to  axr

Yep. She would’ve been in my top 5.

5 years ago
Reply to  axr

I think you are this year to 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  axr

I was also bummed Monika didn’t win because I feel like she could have given Lithuania’s best result in the top five, but she got passed over. Mind you I have no ill feelings toward Jurijus, and it was a fair national final result, so not much to complain there. I really want Lithuania to win Eurovision one day because it’s the only Baltic that hasn’t won yet (Estonia and Latvia won back to back in 2001 and 2002). It’s not going to happen this year, that’s for sure. I do worry that until his revamp is released, jurijus is… Read more »

5 years ago

Monika Marija – Light On.

5 years ago
Reply to  John

Literally cried

5 years ago

Having listened again to most entries, none of the Baltic acts are in my top 10.

As of now my top 3 is:

1. Estonia
2. Lithuania
3. Latvia

5 years ago

Lithuania ,Estonia will be in ESC final.I see Lithuania from 12-16, Estonia 15-19

5 years ago

I find it funny how few people stuck in calling Estonian song “generic”. That means typical for it’s genre or style. So, you’re saying that *most* EDM songs tell about staying calm through tough times? It’s not maybe that most pop (and EDM) songs sing about love or partying? Like a lot of ESC line-up, each in their own way, some with less creativity than others! If you want to throw “generic” stones, maybe you should look elsewhere. Anyway, the poll results are on my side.

5 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Go, Estonia! Storm the stage! 😉

5 years ago


5 years ago

I might get downvoted but I think that Estonia will do much better than most people here think it will.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

storm is listenable, carousel is boring, run with the lions is lame

5 years ago

Latvia & Lithuania waaaaay ahead of Estonia, and they aren’t even that good.

5 years ago

Lol. I can already see “Estonia robbed” comments after the first semifinal in May. It screams NQ.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  Dave

it screams jury qualifier like waylon

5 years ago

Except it sounds nothing like Waylon, and Victor isn’t the best singer… I think it could do well with televoters though, the staging is good and the song is very Avicii.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  dutchie

the song is still better than waylon’s racist in ’em so he good

5 years ago

Run with the lions is underrated! Its my 6th

5 years ago

Lithuania and Latvia for me

Estonia is just too boring, i can see it being contender for last place in the semi tbh

5 years ago

The Baltics are one of my fave ‘voting blocs’ in Eurovision. However, this year… None of the songs really spark joy. Victor and Jurij are hot, but their songs are very run of the mill. I appreciate Carousel’s effort, but it is a snoozefest for me unfortunately.
Gun to my head, I’d pick Lithuania though.

5 years ago

i miss edgars

5 years ago
Reply to  maladroite

“Oh! There was a fire!” 😀 Would be so great in Tel Aviv indeed 🙁

5 years ago

Lithuania is my favorite, nice song, beautiful voice

5 years ago

My favourite from this songs is RUN WITH THE LIONS Lithuania

5 years ago

Latvia. So underrated.

5 years ago

I like them all but I have to go for Latvia and Lithuania. I love Jurijus entry but I still think the song could be better with a revamp. However, I’m in love with Carousel. The song is perfect, her voice is mesmerising and the performance is sleek, simple and effective. I would love to see them in the final but considering the semi they’re in, it’s basically mission impossible.

5 years ago

Lithuania for me. Feel like a slight revamp on the instrumental would make it a good song.
Latvia is one of the weakest songs in the competition and Estonia has one of the weakest vocalists. Both are not really for me.

5 years ago

Still, it should have been Alligator…;)

5 years ago

Latvia! My country (Estonia) chose a generic pop/country song. I don’t like it at all.

5 years ago

I find all three of them very meh.

5 years ago

Estonia & Lithuania have selected good & rather expected entries, while Latvia has hone more experimental and daring.

What I admire about the Baltics that, despite being small nations, they know how to differ and stand out.

5 years ago
Reply to  Poet

They could have gone a lot more daring, still have not forgotten about the alligator song by ATOM 😉 But out of these three quite mediocre songs latvia is still the best one.

5 years ago

Latvia, no question. The other two are OK.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

And it feels weird looking at the three Baltics and calling Latvia the best after the last few years, but it’s really true.
BTW, for applicable years, here are my Baltic champs:
01: Estonia
02: Estonia
04: Latvia
05: Latvia (unless we count Switzerland as an honorary Baltic entry, given the group)
06: Lithuania
07: Lithuania
08: Latvia
09: Estonia
10: Lithuania (but Estonia was underrated that year)
11: Lithuania
12: Estonia
13: Estonia
14: Latvia
15: Estonia (tough call, since they were all good)
16: Latvia
17: Estonia
18: Estonia
19: Latvia

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

For me (since 2006): 06 – Lithuania (but all three were weak, along with three quarters of songs that year) 07 – Latvia (amazing song) 08 – Latvia 09 – Estonia (my year winners, but Lithuania was also amazing) 10 – 16 – Estonia (but in 2015 all were good) 17 – Latvia by a smidge, but Estonia was good too 18 – tie between Estonia and Lithuania, both in my top 9 19 – Estonia again Estonia is often a winner within Baltics for me, because their songs tend to be good or at least decent (apart from the… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

00 Brainstorm (LV) 01 Skamp (LT) 02 Marie N (LV) 03 F.L.Y. (LV) 04 Fomins & Kleins (LV) 05 Valters & Kazha (LV) 06 Sandra (EST) 07 4Fun (LT) 08 Pirates of the sea (LV) 09 Urban Symphony (EST) 10 InCulto (LT) 11 Getter Jaani (EST) 12 Ott Lepland (EST) 13 Birgit (EST) 14 Aarzemnieki (LV) 15 Elina & Stig (EST) with Aminata very close behind 16 Justs (LV) 17 Koit & Laura (EST) 18 Elina (EST) 19 tough, I’m gonna go with Lithuania for a change That makes 8x Estonia, 8x Latvia and 4x Lithuania… The 00s were dominated… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Sheldon

I only counted years all three of them competed in, but if we’re expending:
1994: Estonia
1999: Estonia
2000: Latvia
2003: Latvia

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I’m with you regarding Silvi Vrait. Nagu merelaine was criminally underrated imo. But that was Estonia’s constant fate in the 90s. Maarja-Liis did a great job and Koit deserved so much better.
In the 99-battle, I have to admit, it’s Aiste Smilgeviciute for me. Evelin Samuel was great, but to this day, I still listen to Strazdas. Although it’s not a beautiful song on first listen, it has some appealing earthy quality on it which grew on me a lot over the years….

5 years ago
Reply to  Sheldon

Silvi is just kinda the best by default since Lithuania more than earned its nul points that year (at first I though it was kinda harsh, then I actually listened to it…boy, do I get it now). She was fine though. Interesting that Wikipedia says she was known for playing Bess in Porgy and Bess (which is, um…something, to say the least). Strazdas was pretty captivating. Evelin Samuel just had a great voice. Neither of them are huge faves for me but I like them fine. Blow-for-blow, Estonia has the best track record I can think of (Everybody, Goodbye to… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I totally agree with you on 4Fun. The act itself was simple and unpretentious, but combined with the touching lyrics and the impactful shadow games performance, it had a great and pure quality. Was my overall # 2 in 2007. I think it wasn’t the right year for them, in another year, they would have scored better.

5 years ago

Estonia by miles.

5 years ago

Estonia by a landslide.

5 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Estonia screams nq, most generic song

5 years ago
Reply to  Wai

Ha ha ha… if any among the three will qualify, it’s Estonia. Results of the poll, betting odds and You Tube lists show that too. I don’t know what’s up with these silly comments. “Most generic”, not even close. But feel free to downvote comments and bash the song, as in 2019 every single song is polarizing and has a lot of naysayers. Every. Single. One. However, what counts in ESC are likes, not dislikes. Estonia has plenty of that. Good day to you.

Say please
Say please
5 years ago
Reply to  Colin

hahah you’re mad aren’t you

5 years ago
Reply to  Say please

Annoyed is a better word. I’m not worried about the song’s actual result, I’m just underwhelmed by how many people are downvoting every comment which doesn’t match with theirs. I don’t downvote people just for saying they like Latvia or Lithuania.

5 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Estonia rules this year.