Norwegian trio KEiiNO have dropped the music video for their Eurovision 2019 song “Spirit in the Sky”. And there’s a lot going on. We have watched the video and have compiled a list of our nine favourite moments from the video, featuring sensible knitwear, Christmas trees and pot plants.
The video was directed by Martin Sofiedal, who explains the concept. “The video has three parallel universes. In the first, we are in an Arctic climate where KEiiNO is frozen. In the second universe, the artists are dressed to represent their “spirit animals” wolf, snow fox and reindeer. In the last universe, a girl is fighting a mob.”
But we really feel like we need to delve deeper into the universes of “Spirit in the Sky”. These are our favourite moments.
1. The ice face showcase
In the beginning of the video, we find out three heroes standing in a mystical setting. It is very cold in this setting. We know this because they have icicles on their hair and eyebrows, as if they were working on a polar research station or had spent too long in the walk-in beer fridge at their local liquor store.
2. The worried lady
While KEiiNO are having their powerful, spiritual ode to the North, we also meet a lady who is being bothered by the bad things. She seems to be the only person in the video dressed for the weather, choosing to wear a cosy woollen jumper in the colours of the northern lights. The worried lady represents fans during the ups and downs of the Eurovision 2019 season.
3. Tom’s Ylvis tribute
At one point in the video, Tom appears to be paying homage to the Norwegian comedy duo Ylvis, from the video of their 2013 viral hit “What Does the Fox Say”. Officially he’s a wolf, but we can’t help wonder if KEiiNO was raiding NRK’s wardrobe department.
4. Alexandra’s mystical Nordic space buns
Alexandra is serving snow fox fantasy, and is super cute with her mystical Nordic take on space buns. A snow fox amid the patio torches.
5. The Humans mannequins come to life
We thought we had said “Goodbye” to the Humans’ mannequin props in Lisbon. But no. They have come to life and are tormenting the lady in the sensible knitwear. Omg, this is terrifying!
6. The interpretive dancer
Can we just take a moment to quietly appreciate the moves of the interpretive dancer? Through the medium dance, he adds depth and pathos to the very dramatic story.
7. Tom’s throne of manspreading
Look, it’s annoying when someone is manspreading on a crowded train, but it’s ok when it’s done by a fox-king sitting alone on his fox king throne, between the two pot plants of destiny and the patio torches of fate.
8. Fred-René’s powerful joik solo
This isn’t any old joik solo. This one can make the scary face people disappear and can summon the northern lights. Please note that the northern lights are emitting from the two pot plants of destiny. Also, Fred-René is supposed to be dressed as a reindeer here.
9. The Christmas trees and Ryan O’Shaughnessy’s street lamp
Want to create a cold yet mysterious world where anything is possible? Just take three old Christmas trees, two chandeliers, Ryan O’Shaughnessy’s “Together” street lamp, and add one bucketful of fake snow. And that’s how you write a song!
Does this furry Nordic wonderland indicate what we’ll see on stage in Tel Aviv. NRK is clear to point out it won’t be. The broadcaster clarifies that they “assisted with costumes, but haven’t been involved in the making of their music video. So, the video doesn’t reflect how KEiiNO’s stage show in Tel Aviv will look like.”
KEiiNO – “Spirit in the Sky” music video
What do you think of the “Spirit in the Sky” music video? What is your favourite part? What does the fox say? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below!
This song is a joke…it shouldn´t even qualify.
Keiino says; «Our song has a serious message, but we believe entertaining is a good way of making people listen. And there aren’t many party-songs in this years ESC, so we felt it was our mission to make a video that would bring out smiles. We are serious musicians, but as you can tell from our video, we don’t take ourselves too serious».
That was worth waiting for.
They said they’d love to have gone out in the wild Norwegian nature, but they lacked budget and time. I suppose spending a day in the studio was the only option at this point. They did the best they couldm but i’d also love to have seen a video outdoors instead. Still, the songs rocks and i can’t wait to see what they bring on stage.
A “manspreading” is natural position to sit for men… I mean, we have external genitals between legs… :/
Hey guys why didn’t you mentioned again that Tom’s costume was inspired by the Romanian-Soviet 1976 movie Rock’n’Roll Wolf? It was already mentioned in your previous article about this music video, an interview before it was out, where Tom said it was his childhood dream to play Titi Suru one day. Why not to mention this again and also to congradulate Tom for making his dream finally come true? It’s actually one of my favourite things about this music video, bcs I think he looks great in that persona, it really fits him. The hottest Titi Suru I’ve ever seen!… Read more »
Another thing I appreciate about this video is that moment when the dancer’s arms are supposed to be Fred’s deer horns. Suprised as well it wasn’t mentioned in the article.
As the team had a really restrained budget, I assume they might just fail to find some deer horns for him in time, so they decided to save the situation this way. And you know, whoever came with this idea is a genius! because it looks even more epic and magical!
Live performance video of the song was better then this video. Tom’s hair wig is ridicilious.
This better not resemble the live performance in Tel Aviv…. I agree with previous comment that the lyric video is way better… This video is just like a high school theatre play and turns the song into a novelty entry. Still my second favorite of the year though, but if this had been a video contest it would have been my second last..
This hurt my eyes (and ears) so badly…
I loved this song on first listen but this makes a joke out of it…they lyric video felt so epic and this just cheapens it considerably…what were they thinking!?!? all they had to do is have each of them on some beautiful Norwegian landscape and it probably would’ve been cheaper and more effective than those horrible wigs and all that fake snow and trees
They shouldn’t do that weird ‘hair thing’ on their heads on the stage. That makes them a gimmick act, not a serious contender IMHO. Drop that. Also: it’s pure Scandi-pop from the late 90’s/early 00’s. However: it sticks in your ear. My opinion: do something with that ‘dark and light-theme’ on stage. Don’t be complacent, don’t be a gimmick and make it work! Get your voices right, and you’ll be through to the final, defo. Other than that: the Nordic countries let me down this year. 🙁 I was expecting much from them, but this year isn’t a good one… Read more »
What a great Dj Bobo tribute act!
their best shot is going full joke act and they’re going to embrace it.
Oh, gosh, that bald guy is hot
OK, a lot of people are dissapointed, but they have finally won me over with this music video. The outfits look cheap and tacky, but they haven’t confirmed that these are the outfits that they will in Tel Aviv. The song is kinda over the top and this music video really suits it. I really hope this won’t pull a Verona and will qualify. BUT THEY NEED BETTER OUTFITS AND TOM BETTER NOT WEAR THAT WIG AND BURN IT.
Verona was one of a kind disaster.
Yuhuuuyyyyyy! I hope you like my brand new react to video to this video of «Spirit in the sky»
I hope you like my react video to this video!!! Let’s do this!
Why do I like the fox ears? they are weird and cringy. but i still like the fox ears. I don’t know why though. Help.
development! I absolutely hate how much Iove the ears!
I really like this song to qualify. I love the joik and the whole other parts of the song. Good luck from Macedonia.
And also the fox says “O la e loi a”.
I’m fine with it, but all i really need is fred’s enthusiastic dance on the live stage, trying to light the audience up.
Well, that was unnecessary , lol
It’s a cheesy, campy video for a cheesy, campy song. They don’t take themselves too seriously and I applaud them for that.
What the hell is manspreading?
A free show
And ladys gave theres big bag, and take 2 kr 3 seats om The Subway.
At this point Dustin the Turkey could have a freaking dance solo in this video and nobody would even notice.
Hypocrites, they forgot that they stanned Elina nachayeva last year.
They are just mad that Kate slayed Electric Flops and won’t move on!
“different kettle of fish” absolutly using that
Norway is my 37th and Australia my 1st – just sayin’ (and I am prepared: thank you for the downvotes <3 )
Finally a Live version from Belgium:
This is great! And please, guys, it is an acoustic version, okay! 🙂
Oh noooo, why did he post this? It’s so off key! I really hope he can pull it together on stage.
This song’s strength lies in instrumental, so posting an acoustic version wasn’t a good idea to begin with. Sounds as boring as Latvia. Second, he seemed like he was struggling with the “youuu” parts, especially in the last chorus. Either that, or the sound quality was quite low in this clip.
So amateurish. No offense meant whatsoever.
Can’t judge it properly, the sound is totally out of tune.
you mean, HE is out of tune
The comments are disabled under the video, which is a worrying sign.
Cringe Videoclip.. I’m afraid now for the staging…
Nah, don’t be. They said they won’t be putting the music video on stage. I would trust them to bring something more reminiscent of their lyric video, considering that really grabbed people attentions.
So…. “What does the fox say?”
The fox joiks, of course!
o le å loi la (ring ding ding ding dinge dinge ding) Oh le å loi la XD
The wolf needs a throne on stage, Leonora – her oversized chair, and Ester Peony – her armchair. Take a seat!
Now that you mentioned it, Australia looked so graceful.
This is Finlands song from last year. It was beter thenn. I hope its not go go The final. 1/10
It stays in semi
The video is fine, except the costumes. They make this look like a joke entry.
_Of_f-to_pic but wor_thy to have an art_icle about it:
Gre_ta Thun_berg – clima_te acti_vist and initiator of “Fri_days Fo_r Fut_ure” is the daughter of Malena Ernman (Swedish ESC 2009 representative). She will probably rece_ive the N_obel P_rize later this year.
(sorry for the weird writing but my comments are being filtered)
Norway is a “Marmite” entry…you love it or hate it. It’s a “guilty pleasure” as I know I should not like it, but cannot stop myself. It’s fun, it;s RETRO, you can recall the chorus easily after one listen, the three minutes goes by in a zip……It’s a real Top Ten possibility and could be a Moldova 2017 with the televoters….
Estonia actually qualified with the televote so it’s kinda similar maybe
Lmao, this video is a LOT. And honestly, the same applies to the song… I just really don’t like it, it’s too gimmicky and crafted for Eurovision imo. I feel like it could flop really hard… And I’m still griefing after losing Mørland’s masterpiece, but whatever.
The song is soo good. But man, that vid is just so bad. I hope they dont bring their furry ears and costumes to the big stage.
I love it. Bring back 2000’s fun. There was a time when ESC artists didn’t needed to be naked or to post morning pictures with their back. #iwakeuplikethis
You had us in the first half, not gonna lie.
I still cant get into it, even if I try to.
I have some kind of feeling that this could be the fan favourite who fails to qualify, but we‘ll see
Since when Stephen Moffat does music videos? I mean, this is basically a Doctor Who Christmas Special in three minutes, I’m still looking for the TARDIS to show up at some point.
My first guess was Narnia with the lamppost. I sometimes think of Doctor Who with this song, particularly the It Takes You Away episode because it takes place in Norway.
L M A O !!!
bullseye =)
I can’t decide if this is bad or just funny?
Ouch…painful to watch…
The song is a bit of a guilty pleasure but it’s so western Europe cheesy 90’s Euro Pop.. I don’t expect this to do well. Sorry!
good fun music video 🙂
that works (involuntarily?) funny
I’m starting to think most of us took this song too seriously to begin with. Sure, it’s dramatic and has some amazing cultural elements, but we (fans) shrugged it off when comparisons with cheesy 2000s ESC songs were made. We said: ”No, this is a genuinely beautiful song with meaning”. Now I’m inclined to believe it’s – both? It’s certainly a passion project with a lot of heart. The lyrics do have meaning and yolk is just amazing! At the same time… I think this is also a subtle parody of what ”ideal Eurovison song” should be. It’s over-the-top and… Read more »
I knew Tom Hugo couldn’t keep the Tom Hugo hidden for all these months. Glad that it’s just out there for all to see now. Accept it, love it.
Keiino says; «Our song has a serious message, but we believe entertaining is a good way of making people listen. And there aren’t many party-songs in this years ESC, so we felt it was our mission to make a video that would bring out smiles. We are serious musicians, but as you can tell from our video, we don’t take ourselves too serious».
Well, well well. Norway is my No. 2 actually. Germany can vote in 2nd semi and I will call for them a few times.
But this is a mess. I even could not watch the entire video. Too confusing and irritating. Don´t get the meaning at all.
i think is they take a few elements out of this muscic video and bring it to the stage can be magical that purple lighting and the snow its pretty amazing ps de song give me quite emilie de forrest vibes its a good thing
The whole atheistic is really kindergarten level
Dont like the video
Dont like the song .scandinavic minestrone .mix of 1000 songs what dont go anywhere.dont deserve to go to the final .just my opinion
Thank you! At least, there’s someone who gets me!