The people have voted and hatred has prevailed. Iceland has been named Best Nordic Entry of Eurovision 2019 with Hatari’s “Hatrið mun sigra”. They have won the poll with 35.99% of votes, edging out Norway’s “Spirit in the Sky”, which came second with 30.28 % of given votes.
Best Nordic Entry: “Hatrið mun sigra” — Hatari
Hatari are serving up some BDSM-techno realness and are considered a dark horse to win Eurovision 2019. “Hatrið mun sigra” may be divisive but as the old adage goes, it’s not about who hates you but who loves you. Our readers were certainly feeling the love, awarding Hatari over a third of all votes cast.
The rest of the field
Norway and their song “Spirit in the Sky” gave Iceland a run for their money, also receiving over 30% of votes. The Norwegian entry combines pop with traditional Sami joik and is undoubtedly unique among all 41 entries.
It might be too late for love after all. Sweden finished a distant third, receiving almost 19% of the vote. Sweden are considered perennial favourites and 2019 is no exception. Our readers see a fair bit of space between Sweden and the top two.
There’s plenty of space between Sweden and the bottom two as well. Our readers think love might not be forever, awarding Denmark just 8.45% of the vote. Our readers are also looking away from Finland, who finished last in the poll with 6.36%.
Full results: Best Nordic Entry 2019
[polldaddy poll=10267139]Whether or not these results will mirror the results at Eurovision will be determined in due course. With rehearsals only days away, the excitement is building in the lead up to Tel Aviv. Iceland and Finland will perform in the first semi-final while Denmark, Sweden and Norway will perform in the second semi-final.
What do you think of the poll results? Can any of the Nordic countries win Eurovision 2019? Let us know in the comments below.
Iceland won’t even make it out of the semi, trust me. 😀
If a nother contry have Norways song. Europe should screem COOOPY. But not when its Norway. I hope Iceland gonna win some day, but not whit this crap
Iceland and Norway?? You’ve got to be kidding me…
ICELAND is my number 1 of the year!!!
Norway is my number 2 *LOVE*
Then I have Sweden at 15 and Denmark at 16, and Finland… Well they are way down there unfortunately…
My Top w/ the Nordic songs
1. Iceland
2. Norway
3. Sweden
4. Denmark
5. Finland
Exactly what the results of the poll were!!
This poll ended-up EXACTLY in the order I would put them in. Iceland is perfect, Norway is great, Sweden is good, Denmark is okay, Finland is… just is.
What a joke……
Sweden third? Such a good song, I can’t understand! #stoptheswedenhate
I love Norway and Denmark. Denmark is definitely the most underrated song this year – it’s sweet, warm, melodious and has some great chord progression.
Oh it 100% is!
welp finally a poll that wasn’t rigged
Tbh, it would’ve been a crime if ‘Hatrid mun sigra’ hadn’t topped the poll…