
During Spain‘s first rehearsal at Eurovision 2019 Miki brought the party.

The staging starts in a house, where Miki gathers together his friends for a party, before they leave the house and hit the streets.

The Spanish delegation have added a lot of elements on top of the party feel from the national final.

The house is the most obvious one, but in the first two runs we also had a giant robot that appears during the second verse.

During the bridge, Miki also uses a Go-Pro Camera to film the crowd, which is projected onto the screen behind him.

The screens start in block neon colours and then gradually turn into an explosion of bright colours.

Miki sounds fantastic, but it feels as though Spain have dramatically overcomplicated things. This song was Eurovision ready in the national final form and has now had a lot bolted onto it.

Scaling things back at second rehearsals might help.

Miki – “La Venda”: Reviews and Reactions

Spain: First Rehearsal at Eurovision 2019

Spain: First Press Conference at Eurovision 2019

Coming soon

Read all of our Eurovision rehearsal reviews

Photo Credit: EBU

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5 years ago

I don’t know if Miki has done that already….he should do interviews and explain the concept of the staging so people understand.

Fokas Evangelinos is an accomplished stage director who has worked with many songs in Eurovision that have ended up in top 10. Some even won Eurovision. (check out his website http://www.fokasevagelinos.gr/en/fokas-evagelinos/page/105-eurovision-song-contest). He also did the staging for Belarus in 2018 and Greece in 2017 which I thought looked fantastic.

5 years ago
Reply to  Minerva

Yeah, he has explained all in so much international interviews and also in national interviews. Also the singers, ant the puppet has spoken too hahahahahahah

5 years ago

I am thinking… those who do not understand the message of this staging managed to understand the horse and blackboard of Azerbaijan in 2017? Just saying…

5 years ago

Really don’t you understand the message?? Is so easy!!! The house means the routine, the robot means the society perjudices and impositions(all people is like a robot doing the same), Miki tries to out people of routine(is not a party house), and the robot(the society) try to shake this house(the different people), he is inviting people to live as they want to do it. About the camera, in this moment he is singing”Lo que ere” that means “what you are you are”, he is showing people that all that they are is good, they don’t need to be like all… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Europe

Exactly, there is a concept.

5 years ago


5 years ago

looks good, why the complaints?

5 years ago

Surprised to see only 42 comments. This is Spain, right?
Really excited to see this one in full. Spain seem to really understand how to stage this and what the song is about. Has the potential to do well!

5 years ago

What I like about this entry is Miki. The most likable singer that Spain has ever sent!

5 years ago
Reply to  Melody

You can say that again!

5 years ago

Everything looks beautiful here. Angus is irrelevant. Again

5 years ago

Spend all that money to look like bad acid trip, well done Spain! Miki is good tho

5 years ago

As expected, it was a huge mistake to take Fokas Evangelinos as director for the choreography as he always makes choreographies which have no soul. In the spanish national final it was such a nice light joyful performance full of fun. And he made now an artificial performance out of it, taking all the joy out. I feel so sorry for Miki. And wtf is that robot thing for?

5 years ago
Reply to  LoveMiki

The robot as a metaphor?

5 years ago
Reply to  LoveMiki

There is a concept. The few seconds don’t look good. But if you watch the whole song you might have a different opinion. It is quite spectacular, actually. Perhaps Miki should explain often the concept so people understand.

5 years ago

It¨s colourful but I can’t see Spain break it’s curse!
Fingers crossed though!

5 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Come on, it’s a good, cheerful song, full of energy, young viewers will like it.

5 years ago

Watching the whole performance, I’m not very impressed. The choreography looks very stiff, almost like an aerobic session. I really think an OT-final approach would have worked better.
I just realised that I want to reincarnate as a staging director. They are paid a lot of money to arrange whatever weird thing they have in mind and, if it flops, they will get hired by a different country the next year!

5 years ago

Lovely colourisation

5 years ago

This is ambitious. Nobody won’t accuse RTVE of being lazy or cheap this year. I love all those bright colors filling the background. And the prop is interesting too. The way I read it, it’s not a house party, but the opposite. Miki is taking people from their routines and inviting them to celebrate life with him. I would get rid of the robot and the gopro, because they don’t add much. One of my fears became a reality though: they gave Miki LOTS of choreography. Let’s see if won’t hurt his charm and the spontaneity of the entry.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I actually can understand Spanish and celebrating life is a way of leaving routine, angsts and prejudices behind as the lyrics mention, isn’t it? I haven’t even questioned the meaning of the gopro moment or the robot, I just think they’re unnecessary, an excess that doesn’t add a thing to the performance. Miki already has a lot to do, I just want more time for him to connect with the audience (both in the arena and at home). It’s his strenght and also the song’s.

5 years ago

Spain went from 0 to staging last year to 100 this year. This is definitely improved

5 years ago

It’s not a house party. Miki said the house is suppossed to represent the boring routine LOL

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago
Reply to  Anicafest


5 years ago

I do not understand a word, but LOVE LOVE the song, love the singer (I mean hot!). It is a fun, happy and catchy song with a cool beat. Also – great staging from what I can see. Ticks all the boxes! so why is this so low in the odds??? This is top 5 material in my opinion!

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

You can find the lyrics in Spanish and English on http://www.eurovision.tv . Yes he is hot, IMO he looks a bit with France 2016 Amir.

5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

I do not need to know the lyrics but thanks. I don’t understand a word but love the song. Which is great right? That’s what music is about, although i love the Spanish language.

To me (personal opinion), this song is much better than the current top 4. This is a happy song which will get everyone off his feet.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

I get that but I do think that not caring about the lyrics shows lack of respect for the lyricist(s). To me, this song sounds a lot like a football anthem yet the lyrics give the song it’s meaning, and I love the lyrics. The Albanian song for instance, I “feel” it, but it can be about anything. The lyrics make the song. These songs and any other songs.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

This entry can’t do well without the audience, it’s not a studio song. I think it will look much better during the GF.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago

It’s okay – what’s wrong with a house party? (Apart from the cleaning up afterwards, lol.) I’m not sure I understand Angus’s review here – I wonder what specifically he would scale back? It all looks fine to me.

5 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask
Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago
Reply to  Lucija

Wow, thanks. I love that choreography. Probably one of my favourites of the year actually.

5 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

The choreography is indeed very good. But I would love if they gave more free moments to Miki. His strenght as a performer is the way he connects with the audience. On the bridge, for example, they could just let he go to the crowd and keep the dancers doing their thing.

5 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Well it’s ok if you make a party out of the cleaning after the party?

5 years ago

No ‘ta mal. It might do well during the grand final. It looks energetic, fun, engaging. Me gusta.

5 years ago

You all love to overreact gosh it is exhausting sometimes. Remember Netta’s performance? That’s all

5 years ago

My overall impression is positive! Miki fantastic, the dancers too. The idea of the house of party is great and it is colourful and lively as it should be. They want to integrate the audience in the party so that’s gonna look amazing! The only concern is the robot. If they keep it, they should integrate it somehow better in order to convey its meaning (all trying shortly to keep the house standing with a panic face, for example). But it is maybe unnecessary. The most important thing here is the party rather than the message. And the party is… Read more »

5 years ago

Oh noo, what a shame
When Spain finally has a good, winner potential song, they f**k up the staging

5 years ago
Reply to  Serafina

Ok well it actually ain’t bad lol, looks awful in the picture but i liked it in the rehearsal clip
Ok Spain, you’re back in my top10

5 years ago

I just watched live reaction and you guys are so funny ? This is nowhere near to that horrible staging you described. I mean. It is energetic,colorful, they are dancing, and with the crowd will be even better. I agree the robot or whatever that was is too much and they should get rid of that but the rest is good. There are much worse staging this year. You really need to chill down 🙂 But whatever the stage and the song are, Europe in general isn’t voting for Spain (eg Edurne, even Pastora who should be top 5), so… Read more »

Roger Rabbit
Roger Rabbit
5 years ago
Reply to  Lucija

Very sad we dont deserve that hate. Als we must not hate people just because is diferent. I can really cry.hate distroy Spain year after year .very sad 🙁

5 years ago
Reply to  Lucija

I disagree on this. Just because a country doesnt win or get good positions i Eurovision it is not hated. No country is entiteld to win. Sometimes it seems like that here. Spain for exemple is the number one destination for Swedish people. Send good interesting and fun songs and you will win. Just like Portugal. Every year is different.

5 years ago
Reply to  Helene

Funnier than La Venda? LOL. I think people is overreacting to this. It’s a funny song, with choreography, and the camera moment is a great touch! I really don’t get the disapointment on this. We’ve seen these elements millions of times in Eurovision

5 years ago
Reply to  Lucija

i mean no shade to Suzanne and the other members ot the team but they thought that Tamtas vocals were great, their taste is questionable

5 years ago

Friendly reminder to some of the wiwis doing the Livestream: you can say you don’t like things with respect. I’m not saying you should like this (I think RTVE failed, as usual), but the way that was expressed in the Livestream was terrible, really unprofessional. Some of you should think before opening the mouth, you can be critical and respectful, it isn’t incompatible and it’s free.

Henrikh Mugosa
Henrikh Mugosa
5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Reminder: They are music unprofessionals.

5 years ago
Reply to  Henrikh Mugosa

You can be music unprofessional and talk with respect, a respect I didn’t see in the livestream.

5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Truth hurts I guess. This is bad, they need to know it to hopefully work sth around it, at least removing the robot. Sugarcoating a horrible staging wont do anyone any good.

5 years ago
Reply to  Eurofan

This is not about “truth hurts”. As I said in my comment, I agree with them when they say they don’t like it. The problem is: how they said it. Chris was extremely disrespectful in the Livestream. You can say you don’t like something without exceeding some red lines.

5 years ago

It will improve in the upcoming rehearsals, Fokas can’t do wrong.

I am sure this will do well with viewers.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

nowhere as bad as y’all made it out to be, the dramatics… even tho the robot is unnecessary

5 years ago

This is going to be so much fun!

Roger Rabbit
Roger Rabbit
5 years ago

Guau just amazing .beatiful .colorfull happy staging the song is very positive so that staging too .top 10 or 5.WELL DONE SPAIN .and Miki is so sweet .deserve it .

5 years ago

I like the song a lot, my number 3.
But what a awful staging for a party song.

5 years ago

Every year I wait, to keep being disappointed by spanish Staging. This doesn’t work, is bad, they ruined a party song that could have been in the top 20. Now they sentenced for bottom 5…..again!