A sonic boom. Soul in a starscape. A set of sisters.

Italy, the United Kingdom and Germany have had their second rehearsals at Eurovision 2019. You can find our reviews below.

Reactions and reviews to second rehearsals at Eurovision 2019: Italy, United Kingdom and Germany

Coming soon

Italy: Mahmood with “Soldi”

Italy have not made drastic changes from their first rehearsal.

However, the camera angles are sharper, telling a more compelling story than before. The camera angles focusing on the backdrops have been improved as well and are less jarring. Less burning money and more Mahmood slaying.

Mahmood has changed his outfit and sounds vocally on point. Let’s not forget he has been battling illness ahead of his Eurovision appearance.

On his last run through, Mahmood changed shirts and came out wearing an eye-catching black, red and white shirt, contrasting well with his dancers all dressed in black.

United Kingdom: Michael Rice with “Bigger Than Us”

Minor changes can make a big difference.

The United Kingdom made use of the triangles on the ceiling to great effect, adding more interest to the middle third of the song.

The beginning of the song is still in black and white. Michael injects colour into the performance as the first chorus hits.

Michael’s vocals are flawless as usual, which is the primary strength of the performance.

The ending has also been tightened up as his Michael and his backing vocalists form their circle. The camera angles are elevated over this portion to deliver a compelling conclusion of the tale.

Germany: S!sters with “Sister”

The biggest change to the German staging is the girls are no longer seated at the start of the performance. They are standing on opposite sides of the triangle on the outer part of the stage.

As in their first rehearsal, they move towards one another in the second verse and meet at the apex of the triangle to deliver the final minute of the song.

No major changes have been made but none were needed. The camera angles have also been tightened to create a more intimate atmosphere and the ladies deliver a vocal masterclass.

Interestingly, we must also note that the peace symbol at the end of the performance is gone.

Check out all of our rehearsal news here

Photo Credit: EBU

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5 years ago

I hope Mahmood go back to the original melody and get 100% well . I think this is the most modern song!
I think that if the staging was better and Mahood got coaching he could be the winner. Be proud Italy, but not so proud that you don’t learn from history, you should give your artist the best correograf and coaches that you could find. Especially when you have a fantastic song that has the potential to win.. but…

Good luck from Sweden

5 years ago
Reply to  Malin

I agree from another Swede. Not even il volo had a good staging.

5 years ago
Reply to  Helene

What? Il Volo’s staging was stunning! But I agree it continuously looks like the Italians are not really taking this very seriously. I suppose we Swedes are not used to that, but a little effort is all that Italy has ever needed to win. Perhaps it is good that they are not winning, since they don’t care about Eurovision anyway. They can just keep slaying with their awesome music and keep coming third and fifth and so on… because why not.

5 years ago
Reply to  Malin

In other words: Give Mahmood a Swedish production team and a Swedish stage director – and he will win.

5 years ago

I’m really pleased with the big 5 this year, including our own (UK). They are all doing different things and they can all be proud. My top big 5 and host from UK:


5 years ago

Mahmood’s voice tune is not pleasant.

5 years ago

I think mahmood was great, it is a reharsal and they still have to fix some things but the performsnce was ok. He sang well as all the people present there said (in the video of eurovision the sound is not so good i think, but in the other put by esccyprus we can clearly hear is voice is very very good !). I liked so much the performance in sanremo but here in esc it is another kind of staging and they choose a very urban staging with beautiful graphics and images also from the video. I don’t know… Read more »

5 years ago

Off-point a little but who edited the UK rehearsal clip? They literally cut it off just before it started to get interesting!
Feeling annoyed now…lol

5 years ago

BIG 5+Israel Ranking from the UK

5 years ago

Italy – the video clip seems a bit shambolic, but in a good way, like he has bags of attitude. There is a force in the performance which I think fits the song
Germany – I don’t like the facial expressions (seems more like passive aggression than genuine) and they are so close when shouting at one another that it is kind of counter-productive to the message of the song. “I love you”, “NO, I LOVE YOU MORE!”
UK – the start is very moody, and I like it, something a bit different which we have not seen elsewhere.

Roger Rabbit
Roger Rabbit
5 years ago

After see all 6 Q countrys this is my ránking
1 Spain
2 Italy
3 UK
4 Germany
5 Israel
6 France

5 years ago

Italy: Besides a couple of weird camera shots, I still can’t see a problem here. It’s urban, current, assertive and the quality of the song and the performer are still there. Similar to the Dutch situation, the staging may not wow us, but doesn’t harm its many merits either.
UK: I like a lot this beggining. It’s classy and allow us to connect with Michael. It seems the middle section of the performance will set the future for the entry.
Germany: sadly, there’s nothing promising in the snippet or in the way Antranig described the rehearsal.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Problem with Italy compared to the Dutch entry is thoug, that Italy’s total package is more important and the staging should really translate that urban feel and message like the video did. And it doesn’t seem to do that unfortunately . Studio/video version Italy’s my favourite but I don’t think it will translate well enough on the stage for a win.

5 years ago
Reply to  Otto

In terms of spreading a message, I agree that Italy needed more of its staging when compared to the Netherlands. The song isn’t in English and the theme is not so current in popular music as the one in “Arcade”. Since the video does such a good job on it, I hope there’s some storytelling on the live show too. But as a musical performance, I think it’s urban and cool enough to work as a good visual track for a good song. Maybe not enough to win Eurovision, I’ll give you that.

5 years ago
Reply to  Otto

Tried to answer, Oto, but the reply got filtered. But in short, I agree that Italy needed a little more of staging to spread its message when compared to the Netherlands, since it’s not in English and has a very particular theme. Though I still hope we’ll see some storytelling on the led, like we’ve seen in the video.

5 years ago

Italy: Besides a couple of weird camera shots, I still can’t see a problem here. It’s urban, current, assertive and the quality of the song and the performer are still there. Similar to the Dutch situation, the staging may not wow us, but doesn’t harm its merits either.
UK: I like a lot this beggining. It’s classy and allow us to connect with Michael. It seems the middle section of the performance will set the future for the entry.
Germany: sadly, there’s nothing promising here or in the way Antranig described the rehearsal.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Both my initial comments on this and the previous posts were filtered and I had to try for a second time, that’s why they’re repeated with minor editions here and there. Sorry for the inconvenience, Wiwi team!

5 years ago

I’m sorry Germany but it still blows my mind that in a national selection with Wear Your Love, Surprise, The Day I Loved You Most and even Our City, y’all decided that effing Sister was the best option to represent your country. The song is above awful, below ok, but the overall package tho? With the new staging and everything? A MESS

5 years ago
Reply to  Serafina

Not “y’all”. I’m innocent and suffering T___T

5 years ago

My thoughts: Israel: It’s classic, I’m a little cold with it, Too simple for me. I don’t know where he’ll finished France: It looks good, our HoD really like staging (he’s the same that did Angelina’s one) so I’m happy. It also relfects well what the singer is too. Good staging for me. Will we win ? No no. Can still see Bilal 14 to 19. Spain: I Love It, it’s crazy and colourful. I hope he’s closing the finale, it’s so cool. I can see this high with the televote and join the top 15. Italy: Very urban with… Read more »

5 years ago

They are made for Eurovision act. Ultra fake.

5 years ago

About Italy: still not a fan of the dancers, but the stage isn’t distracting and Mahmood’s vocal are good. Still feel that they need to polish the camera angles a bit more (actually, that applies to almost every country), but I still love his entry.
About UK: the clip doesn’t show how the package will look like, but it’s interesting.
About Germany: sorry, I’m not a fan; it’s not the song itself, but the stage, camera angles and choice of clothing is very amateur and unprofessional. I know they can do better.

5 years ago

I’m sorry but Germany i.s just horrible live, last year they were so great and now this….No words …Come on Germany, you can do so much better

5 years ago

just saw the clips, Mahmood’s staging looks good…I don’t get the shady comments o.0
One thing it needs to improve are the camera shots. Some are really poor, but they can fix those.
His vocals are on point despite his illness. I also like the choreography of the dancers, it’s urban and sassy, Soldi isn’t a pop song like Replay or She Got Me, keep that in mind.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

I agree with you. The only thing is that the camera should focus on Mahmood during the bridge and I am praying for the use of the red shirt which looks more juicy.

5 years ago

UK- very nice, surprisingly turns out to be the best rehearsal I’ve seen today among big 5
Italy- I like the song, but presentation is underwhelming. His voice is the issue here, although he has charisma and I like this outfit better. But, he looks kinda scared and this is the song where you need to show anger, come on, Mahmood!
Germany- cringe af

5 years ago

I like Italy A LOT.

Loin dici
5 years ago

It’s weird: can’t the delegation give the sisters a matching outfit?

5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

No, because they are supposed to be different.

Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  uj33

Difference can be executed in many ways. Two leather trousers that has different top fashion can be an example. As of now, they looked like two solo singers from The Voice in the Battle Rounds.

5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Please don’t change the only thing I’m liking about the entry. 😀 I like their outfits, but I get your point. They’re not different enough to accentuate the differences between them (both seem clothes that the same person would pick to wear) and at the same time they don’t have any detail that works as a signature for the costumes of a presentation. Anyway, I would say they have much bigger problems here.

Oto Fan
Oto Fan
5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

I agree. Carlotta doesnt even have a nice butt…

5 years ago

everybody got 2nd half, except Germany

5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

I already have a number 2 to my personal running order then.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

They will either perform 2nd or 3rd, or get sandwiched between two main contenders. It’s game over for Germany.

5 years ago

What’s wrong with Germany’s vocals? Something’s off. I like Carlotta’s hair.

5 years ago

I dind’t expect UK to be that dark and sombre. It makes the song better, I think..
Italy, well we won’t be going to Rome 2020. Or Milano. Or Neapel..

5 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Definitely not Neapel because it is not in Italy

5 years ago
Reply to  Melody

Mt. Everest 2020.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.


5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Good evening Europe, Kathmandu calling. Thank you for a wooooooooonderful show 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Napoli in Italian. Naples in English.

5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

Neapel in Swedish though.

5 years ago

The UK official rehearsal video doesn’t reveal much but I like what I saw.

La Signora
La Signora
5 years ago

I loved the previous Mahmood’s outfit, that turtleneck suits good on him. He’s gorgeous no matter what he wears, but I thought that the previous outfit was very unique

5 years ago
Reply to  La Signora

He did two change of outfits this during the 2nd rehearsal. Hope he will use the graphic red/white shirt that works so well

5 years ago

Germany did good last year. This year 26th place is coming closer and closer.

5 years ago

What are they wearing…? It’s going to be one of the most important days of your life, be more stylish!

Say please
Say please
5 years ago
Reply to  xxx

Who in particular are you talking about? They all look great imo.

5 years ago
Reply to  Say please

I hope Sisters will not use those outfits.