The clock is ticking down to her semi-final 2 appearance on Tuesday. But over the weekend, Belarus’ Zena released the long-awaited music video for “Like It”.
Recorded in Moscow last month, the Albert Plekhov and Andrei Tsar directed clip sees Zena unleash her inner teen pop diva. In keeping with the song’s uptempo nature, the 16-year-old has lots of fun.
She sports a range of on-trend looks with some quirky animated accents. Think “Lush Life” era Zara Larsson.
Zena “Like It” (Official Music Video)
This year’s youngest contestant had her second rehearsal on Thursday. Our Angus writes:
“Glamour gal of the gas pedal! At Belarus’ second rehearsal at Eurovision 2019 Zena was pretty in pink. This felt so much tighter than the first rehearsal, with better camera angles and more purposeful choreography. The pink theme has been amped up in all elements and it adds a youthful quality the production was lacking before. At times it still has urban edge, but it also has touches that make the song accessible for a younger audience. Zena is doing everything she can to get Belarus into the grand final and it shows”.
Did you know, Zena was born Zinaida Kupriyanovich. She started out performing under her birth name. However, some years ago she adopted the moniker Zena. Be careful though, it’s pronounced “Zay-na”, not “Zeeh-na”. She teaches our William the correct pronunciation in her post-rehearsal interview.
Zena (Belarus) Interview at Eurovision 2019
What do you think of the “Like It” music video? Was it worth the wait? Let us know in the comments below.
I feel sorry for Zena. In interview and this video she looks so confident. On the orange carpet, she looked lost and having no control over what was happening. Who were those guys with her, the dancers? The guy on her right, chewing GUM, it looked like he was controlling her somehow. And IMO she was trying to be her own person, maybe take a photo alone, but they wouldn’t allow her. And, a 16yo looks like THAT?
What exactly should a 16 yo look like?
Like Michela, for example. Zena was not dressed properly for 16 year old imo.
Wow, I thought Eurovision and this site was all about tolerance and acceptance – how wrong was I? Next you will be telling me that if someone gets r a p e d that they deserved it because of the clothes they were wearing – wow, just wow!!!
And please explain to me in what way does that matter?
I loved the dress, very teen pattern. It was very sexy but hey, she gotta show what she’s got! 😉 Jonida showed all she got too, lmao!
By the way, top notch product placement, Karelia Organica.
I hate it when it happens. Eleni last year with her official video, then the other one with the bras. It’s so obvious and looks cheap.
Why you don’t show her pictures taken with Sergey at Moscow preparty. They are so pretty.
My top 2. sila Zena
I don’t know what’s messier – the song, the staging or the video.
I like it
I don’t like it.
Me neither.
This song still makes me uncomfortable. A 16-year-old shouldn’t sing about that kind of stuff.
That’s a reflection of what is going on in your mind, brother or sister or whatever you are.
She’s never age-appropriate. The song is not appropriate either.
I think you are on very dodgy ground if you criticise Zena for connotations which clearly come from how the listener perceives the song. If you are talking about sexual connotations (which I think you are), then those are not explicit in the lyrics, you have clearly chosen to take that as the meaning yourself. To criticise Zena is to put blame onto her, which is wrong and dangerous in the society we live in. If you think the song or her is not age-appropriate, you first of all have to take a long hard look at your own values… Read more »
16 yr old girls also talk about boys, flirting and that kind of stuff. That’s pretty much what this song is about. It’s very age-appropriate. The staging is very “teen style”, as is this music video.
By now I guess most of you already know I don’t like the song or the staging, but I agree with Jo, I don’t see anything inappropriate in the song, in the performance or in Zena. She’s just a 16 year old having fun and singing about wanting to be with someone she likes.
this SO qualifying
bye haters!
It’s actually not that bad… if it would come from Cyprus everybody would freak out…
Her age is the issue.