She’s one of Britain’s biggest television personalities, loved for her sunny demeanour and friendly persona. However, Lorraine Kelly has caused outrage amongst Euro-fans with her weekly column in The Sun.
The theatrical artist (for tax purposes) writes of a “daft Eurovision bias” and an “annual humiliation” for the United Kingdom.
Lorraine Kelly on Eurovision 2019
The breakfast TV star begins:
“I knew we had no chance of winning thanks to a combination of Brexit, a desire to cut us Brits down to size — and because we fail to treat the whole shebang as a “serious” song contest, but instead revel in its deliciously bonkers campness”.
Her attention quickly turns to Michael Rice’s last-place finish. While acknowledging his “lacklustre staging” and “fairly average song”, she argues that the “Bigger Than Us” singer was a victim of “soul-sucking” and “frankly vindictive” voting.
She struggles to fathom that the Hartlepool native might be worse than “a woman from Australia warbling on a pogo stick”, “pound-shop heavy metal clowns from Iceland” and a “creepy couple from Slovenia who looked like serial killers”.
According to Kelly, “Arcade” doesn’t even belong on “a rip-off album by a Coldplay tribute band”. Interestingly, Duncan Laurence is at #67 on the official British charts. Michael Rice is not inside the top 100.
However, she did have a soft spot for one non-British song — John Lundvick’s “Too Late For Love”. She claims the Melodifestivalen winner was “robbed”. Until she gets evidence to the contrary, she is blaming racism.
“I’m convinced the reason Sweden didn’t win is because John happens to be black. It’s a bloody disgrace but, until it’s proven otherwise, this was down to parts of Europe exhibiting worrying signs of racism”.
Lorraine Kelly’s Eurovision verdict
Lorraine “reluctantly” concludes that the UK should quit the contest to “avoid being ritually humiliated every year”.
She is convinced that not even “Robbie Williams and Adele singing a montage of their most successful hits” could avoid last-place”. Alas, her theory can never be tested since the greatest hits of both stars would predate the 1 September rule. And even if they did, it’s unlikely that a satisfactory medley could be squeezed inside three minutes.
Yet in the next paragraph, she suggests that the BBC should send a known name.
“If the BBC won’t go all out for an established artist singing a song that’s already a proven hit to give us a chance of not being humiliated, then let’s hang on to a bit of dignity and step away”.
However, despite calling for a Eurovision Brexit, Kelly still wants to watch the contest.
“We could continue to enjoy the spectacle and cheer our favourite acts without the embarrassment of the poor “plucky Brit” being led like a lamb to the slaughter”.
The column shares the sentiments Lorraine expressed on her eponymous chat show last week.
They say what's Macedonia produces?! Girls, Macedonian songs on ESC are far way better than the British ones…
— ??? (@mrbldrs) May 23, 2019
Needless to say, Twitter has not reacted positively to her comments.
Social Media Reactions to Lorraine Kelly
Wow…Lorraine clearly doesn't know that hell hath no fury like an army of Eurofans scorned
— Jaz (@EurovisionByJaz) May 26, 2019
To say Lorraine doesn't like Eurovision she wont stop talking about it, SHE TALKS ABOUT IT MORE THAN US
— ???? ????? stan (@OttLepland) May 26, 2019
The actress who plays Lorraine Kelly has opinions on #Eurovision.
— Dan International (@tewyUK) May 26, 2019
Well this is new. Apparently we can send artists to perform established hits at Eurovision. If only Lorraine Kelly had said before now. Also: Eurovision costs the BBC £300K. Probably the same as a month of her breakfast show. Which gets far less viewers
— Ed Gleave (@EdHotTV) May 26, 2019
Oh I just read Lorraine's Eurovision column and now I'm sad 🙁
— Adrian Bradley (@adebradley) May 25, 2019
What do you think of Lorraine Kelly’s comments? Do you agree with her? Let us know in the comments below.
[…] yet another “annual humiliation” — Lorraine Kelly’s words, not ours — in Tel Aviv, the UK is hoping to get back on track with acclaimed singer-songwriter James […]
From Sweden and I really like John. Have enjoyed his performance on “Ännu mera allsång på Skansen “ tonight.. but I think Duncan was the right winner and Mohamod ended on a fair secound place. It hasn’t crossed my mind that that rase was the reason that he got less votes from the public. He is so very Swedish in his behaviour so I don’t see the colour of his skin. Although rest of Europe don’t se him as typical Swedish … I don’t think that was the reason. I think that it is more likely many are tired of… Read more »
They might not be one-on-one parallels, but this year’s second place holder is a half-Egyptian R’n’B singer who goes by his Arabic surname, who was 3rd in Televoting and 4th in Juries. Like others said, there is always some degree of racism, but with artists like Mahmood, they prove racial minorities can do well in the contest. People more often than not vote in spite (or maybe sometimes even because) of differences.
The Sweden and UK (more the latter) debacles themselves meanwhile prove they need to get their acts up.
Robbie Williams and Adele suck ass
Was that in “The Sun” as well? If so, I really wanna see the pics.
To be honest, Michael’s performance was weak in comparsion to the national final. I was so disappointed that I decided to not vote. My boyfriend couldn’t remember his performance (he was the only one he couldn’t remember).
This is such good idea! Good bye!
Sweden should have won because he (John Lundvik) is Black and he wrote UK’s entry! Don’t you understand, people? Don’t you respond to that argument?
She may be right for the UK to pull out for a year or two (or they can always switch broadcasters since the BBC could not care less). Especially considering that a few recent winners/high placers have been able to win after a hiatus (Ukraine, Portugal, Italy…) However, it’s also important to note that while a brief hiatus can help, it’s not always needed. I mean, the Netherlands completely and totally flopped at Eurovision for 9 years straight, but then Anouk came in 2013, and her result led to the Netherlands making a total 360, which in turn led to… Read more »
Lorraine talking about other people producing trash is a bit hard to swallow from a woman who has produced nothing but total trash telly for just about as long as anyone can bear to remember.
oh little british person….
Scottish actually.
her column is a weekly humiliation.
At one point Lorraine is right. The majority of British viewers seem to take the contest not seriously enough by considering it a daft, camp freakshow to take the piss off every year, yet at the same time being ultra offended if the own nation doesn´t win. Of course to this contradiction the Big 5 are most likely to fall for, as they don´t have to put an extraordinary effort to reach the Final. Germany, Spain, France up to two years ago, their ego was bigger to win then to proudly and humbly present a song that might actually delight… Read more »
I think anyone who thinks it isn’t a daft, camp freakshow is at least slightly kidding themselves.
Why not, but then why being so schizophrenic and becoming so bitter? Lorraine, get a month´s supply of snickers.
British diaspora in Ireland
As a Yank who is a bit of an Anglophile, it pisses me off that Britain plays it safe every year. Why not send something nuts? More people are talking about Conan Osiris and his boldness than the British entry! I’d rather you guys sent another Scooch than just more blandness. You have a zillion great DJs and singers. And you send…this guy. To use an Americanism, hit for the fences. You might fail, but it would be interesting!
At this point I must think it
s intentional. They just don
t want to win.They don’t want to win, but nobody wants to come last.
A little bit harsh. Michael is a nice down to earth guy and a good singer.
Its not about the singer but rather the song… they all keep saying that even with Ed Sheeran they would end last… yes he would with a mediocre song and bland stage.
Leaving Eurovision until they achieve Brexit isn’t the worst idea, IMO. Portugal won they year after they took a hiatus. Maybe the BBC will decide during the time off if they really care about winning or not.
I agree. We should have pulled out after 2005. Having a hiatus is no bad thing. It certainly did Italy the world of good.
Not just Italy. Israel won (98′) after a 2-year absence, Portugal won after a hiatus, same with Ukraine… Russia, following a pretty miserable record in the 90’s, came back after a 2-year absence in 2000 scoring 2nd place (and far better results overall in the 00’s), same case with Greece returning in 2001 after a 2-year break, Cyprus took a hiatus and has been qualifying every year since it came back… I don’t know, it could be a coincidence but I think it rather gives the broadcaster more “hunger” for success when they take some time off… Unrelated to the… Read more »
Leona Lewis 2020 please!
No. She became a has-been rather too quickly and asn’t been out of the spotlight long enough. The better bet would be to pick someone with name recognition, who never reached the heights she reached in 2007, only to burn out like Vanilla Ice.
Well said Robyn
Why would EUROPE vote for the UK when they want to leave it. Choose your pick and stop looking for sympathy, although I would agree with the UK leaving Eurovision. They don’t have the spirit of the contest in their mindsets anymore, especially with brexit. Take some years off and come back.
Rubbish , We are not leaving europe just the EU.
The UK will not pull out its ludicrous to think so, the reasons why the falls short every year or the majority of years since 1999 is the following 1. BBC sees the contest as a cheap source of entertainment, you get 10 hrs of entertainment (National Final and Eurovision Live Shows included) for a small amount every year and pull around 7.25-9.5 million viewers every time. 2. The BBC simply does not give a flying f-k about the contest anymore and they haven’t since Jemini got nul points in Riga (2003) why else would they have started to send… Read more »
neighbourly sympathy vote
Jebus Christmas, she didn’t hold back! So much for her “sunny” demeanour. The height of rudeness.
Please don’t make them learn from Dutch staging, tho. Only song-wise.
It’s self-humiliation, you granny. Everybody who is honest and sane knew the UK were going to finish last BECAUSE their song and act were once again atrocious.
It’s so pointless!
I would rather have 1 really good song than 10 mehhish songs!
Wah, wah, cry me a river. If she’s looking for sympathy, look in the dictionary, hun!
Australia would be the parent that shows how to play monopoly.
Oh my….
What shocks me the most about this whole article is “her weekly column in The Sun”.
The Sun actually pays her weekly for articles such as this?
You could hire me instead!
Absolute gutter paper
Well, no “The Sun” explains it all. Because she’s basically saying the same as the paper’s other columnists, Ally Ross ( and Rod Liddle. We already know they have an anti-Europe and anti-BBC agenda.
This woman is CANCELLED
That’s also blockvoting!!!!1
no just kidding :p
all i’m hearing is “i’m a sore loser” over and over again
In my honest opinion, ”Bigger Than Us” was far from being the weakest song in the finals (hello, Belarus) or the weakest performance (hello, San Marino), but I can see that it was little people’s first choice either. It was very safe and I can see most viewers saying ”That’s nice”, but then voting on something they feel passionate about. In this kind of contest, being best for a niche group is better than being only okay for most people. Look at Iceland, Australia or Norway! They slayed and deserved to. If UK actually dares to send something authentic, out… Read more »
The song was boring and repetitive – the staging was unimaginative and dull. Michael Rice is for sure a talented vocalist, but he looked out of his depth compared to several professional contestants. Last place is not surprising, and was predicted by many – they really have nothing to complain about.
Doesn’t say much for the Swedish composer who also competed in the ESC this year, does it?
sweden had better song
But people are talking about Portugal. Talking about Eurovision would get people interested again.
Was she trying to say stupid words over and over again?
And obviously she would love John out of all of them, he co-wrote the UK’s entry and it seems like she only loves her country’s entries
Plus, racism? Seriously?
Austria 2018? Estonia 2001?
Let alone that a 5th place is not bad at all and that Europe is tired of Sweden’s pop songs
Racism does of course exist, and the fact there are so few people of color in the winners category is disappointing – but I don’t think it played a large part in Sweden’s result this year.
Of course Racism exists, but come on, it’s Eurovision
If you bring something really good, you would win the contest
How many black singers have taken place? I don’t think that many did
Plus, again, it’s about the song, not the artist’s skin colour
She is turning into a whiner like Bloody Wogan
Ugh, I’m so sick of people like talk show hosts here in the UK where they blame everything on europe and politics. yes it does play a part but if you have a good song and staging you will do well. Our song this year did deserve to come last, the running order, the staging and the song killed the chances this year and thats what you get, last place. If the BBC actually sent a good song we would not have this problem.
Nope sadly, all the talk is just negative. The week after Eurovision is just all hosts (like the annoying Lorraine) blaming politics on why we do bad instead of actually looking at what was wrong with the actual song and staging itself
So I assume after Brexit the consensus will be that you could never win cause you betrayed the whole continent. It`s always easier to blame someone else for our own mistakes.
Good question. No all we get is this sort of stuff. I believe even Lucie Jones blamed Brexit for finishing 17th in 2017.
In her case I think it may have been, because Brexit was the heated topic of the moment, and a very nasty one,, and her song was all about “never giving up on you”, it was comical, sadly, because she was more than great, beautiful song, voice and staging, true emotion, a gem. Imo she would’ve been top 10 in another year. But 2019 is a different story.
They should definitely withdraw, they only send trash entries year after year just because they’re in the Big 5 and automatic qualifiers. Oh well, tough luck UK! This is the curse, otherwise…without being automatic qualifier you wouldn’t even pass the semifinal. Don’t worry though, Ola Sand and Bjorkman will reward you and put you to sing last in the final, like they usually do with Big 5 countries, as a reward (performing from the 26th slot in the grand final):
2014 UK
2015 Italy
2017 France
2018 Italy
2019 Spain
No money no contest
Who cares about the runnig order? Fans are always bitching and you will never be happy. It would be fun if all of EBU members were russian, georgian, San marinese,Azerbaijani. Would it be better? Its the countries that cheated the most. I trust Björkman and Sand 1000% more.
Blaming Brexit for the result is just ridiculous. People don’t vote for a song for the simple reason that they like some other song/s better. Maybe the UK should try a different approach, like they do in Italy for instance. Sanremo exists outside of Eurovision and they’re just looking for a great Italian song and then the winner gets a ticket to Eurovision if they want it. I sometimes feel like maybe the UK try too hard to send songs they think would fit Eurovision and the end result can be a bit boring. Just look for a great song… Read more »
We won 5 times and we are not exactly hard done by, so many countries left to get that honor. A real fan will vote for the songs they love over the country mostly.
Quite agree! Plus, neither Arcade nor Soldi were written for ESC.
What can I say? She has her opinion. So does The Sun newspaper, and so do the British public as a whole. There is nothing positive to say about the UK at Eurovision currently. I wish I could say that “the only way is up” if we decide to stay in, but that’s not actually true – we could have scored even worse. Ugh.
Today everyone can write nonsenses and get attention on Internet, shame.
BBC calls: Hi Lorraine, Do you want to represent Eurovision in 2020
Lorraine: No they won’t vote for me because they will be racist to my scottish accent 🙁
and she can’t sing to save her life. What comes out of her mouth is barely legible in any case.
As long as she works for ITV, She can’t change anything!!
Maybe not a complete withdrawal.
But I don’t think a 1 year break would hurt.
Alternatively, England, Scotland, and Wales should enter separately
I think that’s a great idea – I think it would be great to hear some more ethnic music from different parts of the UK – not forgetting Northern Ireland too.
Alternative entries by England, Scotland, Wales is a lovely idea! I would enjoy that a lot. Northern Ireland – I really don’t know what to say about that – I REALLY DON’T KNOW.
Having read the title of the post I was going to suggest that a year break is something for the UK to consider. They way I see it, the UK puts the tiniest effort in Eurovision.
I really, really, really, really, really, really hope that you are not equating Northern Ireland to the one we must not name, because that would be intensely stupid and quite offensive having read your other posts on this site.
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. None whatsoever. I am not equating NI to anything. What I meant was that I don’t know how NI inclusion would play out – and that is all I meant. No need to read between the lines and make assumption. What is “the we must not name”? Explain.
There have already been two winning acts from Northern Ireland (1970 & 1992) and one winning composer (1967), I think that’s more than Scotland or Wales. Maybe Kosey thought you were comparing Northern Ireland to P*stine…they are both disputed territories with a history of segregation, so…?
I love this idea.
When did everyone in the UK become Eurovision experts all of a sudden? When literally some of these dicks haven’t seen the contest since at least 2007. This hussie had the audacity to say Europe is racist when she’s in a country which voted BREXIT and because Sweden didn’t win. They called Arcade boring and thought that more campy songs should won. They are cancelled
In what way is Brexit racist? Be careful, don’t bring politics into Eurovision!
Is that a rhetorical question? Racism and xenophobia played a large part in bringing about Brexit.
I think there is a legitimate difference between patriotism and racism.
There may be, but racism and ignorance played a part – I’m not saying that all Brexit voters are racist or that there are not legitimate reasons to be anti-EU – the referendum result was not based on fact or logic, though.
How did ignorance play a part? That seems a bit judgmental? I believe the vast majority of people knew exactly what they were voting for and why. Plus, please enlighten me as to when there has ever been an election result based on fact and logic?
You don’t even know what you are talking about. Most people who voted leave where fed up with EU dictating to them plus how is it racist to be concerned about immigration. Most don’t see this as a problem but the infrastructure is not put in place to deal with this. And for you to state ignorance is irony when your post is ignorant in itself. Wind your neck in. By the way our County which I am proud of is less racist than a lot of other European countries. I think we should leave this contest as we don’t… Read more »
There are 1000’s of reasons why we are leaving. Our beef is with EU structure and operations and lopsided behaviour , those are just a few.
Damn right they would’ve placed last if they brought Robbie Williams lol. Also did that reporter guy forget that the UK jury actually gave North Macedonia 12 pts?
Rylan, the guy from UK Jury is dyed in the wool superfan of ESC for much of his life, why have ago at him ?
The only reason why the UK ended last is that their song and staging were one of the (if not THE) weakest this year. Sorry!
years and years 2020 please
No, Florence and the Machine
We already had her this year – see Greece
Katerine actually reminded me of Alison Moyet.
Lorraine’s article is the most wrong thing I have ever read, she obviously knows nothing about eurovision and is just giving her opinion, and whilst we can’t actually say her opinion is wrong, it definitely opposes the opinion of millions around Europe
this clown really thought the uk would escape the bottom with that tragedy of an entry huh ?
Sweden didn’t escape getting dragged down by televotes this year either.
We actually have had some decent songs in our selections that could have done better (maybe not top 10!) such as Until Tomorrow, Freedom Hearts (although the revamp of Never Give Up On You was a big improvement on the original) and Legends. Holly’s Bigger Than Us also may have done better as it has more going for it and is less generic. We need to focus more on song quality and potential… vocals can be worked on before Eurovision and low budget You Decide staging worked on or changed. I know it’s important a song works live but it… Read more »
I think both ”Legends” and ”You” could have placed really high in the finals, making 2018 the only year which would have mostly all ACs place well, and deservingly so. However, they (again) decided to send the most impactful performance instead of the best song. SuRie was amazing, but the song was quite median.
The British song simply SUCKED OK?? Whats all the whining about? And the very mediocre Swedish number got so MANY votes due to Europes political correctness and BECAUSE they were black.Lots of bs in this article.The Slovenian couple were CUTE!!