She’s the Italian singer who rocked the B&W Hallerne stage at Eurovision 2014. Over the course of her music career, Emma Marrone has recorded five multi-platinum selling studio albums and 16 gold/platinum-certified singles. But now, the star has announced she will be taking a break from the music industry.

Posting on Instagram last week to her four million followers, Emma revealed she was stepping away from the spotlight for health reasons.

The “La Mia Città” singer shared a lyric from John Lennon’s song “Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)” that reads “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”.

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Succede. Succede e basta. Questo non era proprio il momento giusto, ma in certi casi nessun momento lo sarebbe stato. Da lunedì mi devo fermare per affrontare un problema di salute. Ve lo dico personalmente per rassicurarvi e per non creare allarmismi inutili. Per questo motivo non sarò presente a Malta per il concerto di @radioitalia che ringrazio per l’immediata comprensione. Inutile dirvi l’immenso dispiacere che provo per tutti quei ragazzi che hanno speso dei soldi in voli aerei e alberghi per venire fino a Malta per sostenermi: Non avete idea di quanto mi sarebbe piaciuto essere su quel palco e cantare per tutti voi. Vi prometto che tornerò più forte di prima! Ci sono troppe cose belle da vivere insieme. Adesso chiudo i conti una volta per tutte con questa storia e poi torno da voi. Grazie e state sereni davvero… Andrà tutto bene! Emma. ??

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Her caption accompanying the post further clarified that this decision is not one that Emma would have wanted to make unless it was absolutely necessary:

It happens. It just happens. This was hardly the right time, but in some cases no moment would have been. From Monday I have to stop to face a health problem. I tell you personally to reassure you and not to create unnecessary alarmism.

She goes on to thank her fans for their support and promises that she will return once she is better:

I promise you I will come back stronger than before! There are too many beautiful things to live together. Now I close the accounts once and for all with this story and then come back to you. Thank you and be really happy … Everything will be fine! Emma. ❤️

Finishing on a high note

While we may not be gifted with any new songs from Emma over these next months, the Italian singer has thankfully left us with a real gem of a track to go out with. The star released “Io Sono Bella” (“I Am Beautiful”) at the start of September, and it encompasses everything we love about the Italian singer.

The song has a strong pop-rock beat throughout, which is driven by staccato electric guitar riffs right from the start. Emma’s rough and distinct vocals accompany this instrumentation perfectly, and her attitude and personality really shine through.

The accompanying music video see’s Emma strutting her stuff in various guises – a leather jacket, 80’s inspired sportswear, and half-naked on a floor of rose petals.

Emma – “Io Sono Bella”

Lyrically, the Eurovision alum wants to live her life the way she chooses. But, she doesn’t want people to be be fake around her and pretend that they accept her for who she is: “I’m tired of being how they all want me to be … You don’t have to repeat what they all say to me / You don’t have to convince me that you are not one of the majority”.

Emma knows she is beautiful in her own right and that is what matters: “I am beautiful, I am beautiful, I am beautiful, yeah / I am always beautiful”.

From the last minute onward, the music video also includes black and white shots of the Italian star singing in the rain. This helps demonstrate that no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to wash away her true authentic self.

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“…ma non mi frega niente!” Facile a dirsi ma il più delle volte applicare questo mantra diventa una cosa super difficile da fare. Riuscire ad essere totalmente se stessi davanti agli “altri” è un processo a volte lungo e delicato. Vivere la nostra vita in modo totalmente indipendente da quello che può essere il giudizio e la critica degli altri spesso sembra impossibile. Si può fare però. Ci vogliono coraggio, intelligenza e un po’ di pazienza. Mi rivolgo a tutti. Non solo alle donne. Sexy, trasgressivi, impacciati, goffi, simpatici, timidi, spaventati, coraggiosi, Con qualche kilo in più, qualche capello in meno,arrabbiati, felici, stanchi, super energici, insomma… mi avete capito.. Ecco siate sempre voi stessi e siate soprattutto onesti con voi stessi. Questo vi renderà “ BELLI”. E quando qualcuno vi giudica e vi critica con un po’ troppo veleno ( e quindi non è più “la mia opinione” ma diventa un’offesa) Fate come me .. Immaginatevi sotto una pioggia fresca che lava via tutto … E sorridete ! ?? ps: lo so che questi papiri non sono Cool ? Ma io sono questa. #IOSONOBELLA ?

A post shared by Emma Marrone (@real_brown) on

All of us at wiwibloggs wish Emma a speedy recovery. We look forward to listening and rocking out to more of her songs in the near future.

Are you sad to see Emma Marrone take a break from music? Which of her hits is your favourite? And what do you think of her new song “Io Sono Bella”? Let us know in the comments below.

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Polegend Godgarina
4 years ago

health reasons ? sure, joanne. we all know here in italy it’s bc ‘io sono babbiona’ TANKED. its chart run in the italian top 100 was 33-OUT. hadn’t it flopped so miserably she’d have an album coming out next month lmao

4 years ago

You must be such a wonderful person to think this is the right time to spread your negativity around.

She had already fought ovarian cancer years ago and it made a come back. Have some respect, if you can’t even bring yourself to show some sympathy for a situation that I wouldn’t wish on anyone then you could at least just keep quiet. Unbelievable.

4 years ago

you’re disgusting.

4 years ago

You disgust me

4 years ago

I’m glad that artists are now taking time off their careers for their personal health. In a day and age where fans often idolise singers and expect them to keep in touch 24/7, they have immense pressure and need to keep an intensive schedule to ensure fans are kept happy. Although we don’t know the details of the hiatus, it is important for mental health to be prioritised on the same level as physical health. I’m sure Emma will come back stronger than ever.