She’s the German-born star who made big waves at Unser Lied für Israel in 2019. And ever since then Aly Ryan has been on the mind of Eurofans who are dreaming of seeing her on stage at Eurovision. So, as the year draws to a close, I just had to give the L.A.-based singer a call on Skype to find out how close she is to making that dream a reality.

As you’ll recall, Aly has stated openly that she’s submitted songs to countries including Switzerland, Finland, San Marino and Ireland. Where’s it all stand at this point?

“The only official submission that I feel that I did was for Switzerland,” she says. “That’s the one you submitted by a form. The rest were via e-mail and I’m still waiting to hear back.” Conversations are ongoing: “There are three or four countries that I’m still talking to the head of delegation.”

I had the chance to listen to the seven tracks Aly has up her sleeve. On the whole they felt radio-ready and like they were crafted to work not just at Eurovision, but also on Spotify or on the soundtrack to a film.

“One of the songs was made for Eurovision and it was in the national pre-selection last year [in Germany],” she says. “I didn’t end up choosing that one even though everyone wanted me to pick that one but I just felt more comfortable with ‘Wear Your Love’. The one that was voted highest overall was actually written for Eurovision in the camp.”

As candid as ever, Aly re-iterated that she wasn’t happy with how the German selection went earlier this year. Despite riding a wave of hype and appreciation, she finished well off the top spot. “It was not a good feeling,” she says. “I definitely felt really depressed for a while after that. Probably like a month or two. I went out with my friends here in L.A. and we just partied for like a month.”

Given the drama and temporary trauma of it all, why would she want to make another run at Eurovision glory?

“Honestly, I feel like the Eurovision fans are the most loyal and amazing and sweet people ever. Which is the reason I want to go so bad. I get messages every single day form people saying, please go, please go. I’m just trying to make it work.”

But which country does she want to make it work for most?

“Honestly, I would love to sing for Holland because I’m half Dutch so that would be the closest to home. But Holland is out of the picture. But out of all the countries it would be Holland just because I’m half Dutch and I feel like it’s a part of me.”

It’s well known that social media can reduce people’s compassion and empathy for others. The anonymity afforded by sites like Twitter frees people to drip acid and lob hate as they never would in real life where they’re more aware they are dealing with real people. Aly seems unfazed by it all.

“I mean truthfully I don’t really care too much about the hate because I care about the people that support the music, support what I’m doing.”

“People can think that I’m [submitting songs to Eurovision] for one reason when I’m doing it for another but it really doesn’t bother me because you don’t even know me. So it’s like if you’re hating on someone you don’t even know that says so much about you and that says so much about the person whose hating because that’s not somebody I would want to be friends with.”

Eurovision aside, she’s got plenty of music in the pipeline. In addition to recent collabs with rapper Doobie and Italian DJs VINAI, she’s also working on a track with Ugly God the rapper.

“He’s really awesome,” she says. “I can’t tell you when yet, because the date’s not set yet, but we have a record together that’s gonna come out — hopefully this year still.”

Are you loving Aly Ryan’s candour as much as we are? Do you think that we’ll see her at Eurovision 2020? And are you still wearing her love? Let us know in the comments box down below. 

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5 years ago

What if she would made it to ESC 2020 and end up on a lower place than germany? ?

5 years ago
Reply to  Matt


5 years ago

Why so much attention for her? I truly don’t get it… Yes ok, she has stage presence and she can catwalk. But it takes so much more to leave a mark in Eurovision, starting by being able to sing… And remember, as skewed the jury vote might have been, the German public did not vote for her, which says a lot about her cross-over potential.

5 years ago

Literally stop giving attention to a desparate singer. Is she paying wiwibloggs to be featured every once in a while?

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  Esc1234

her entire music ‘career’ seems like a fame-seeking rich daddy’s girl tantrum to me

5 years ago

quite possible,she speaks as if she is an international superstar and she can pick which country she would represent. Gurl, please.

5 years ago

ESC2021 – Aly Ryan representing each country

5 years ago
Reply to  Dawid

She will pay participation for Slovakia

5 years ago
Reply to  Dawid

But only because Eurovision fans are the best in the world!

5 years ago

She can represent The Netherlands in JESC

5 years ago

thankfully she won’t represent us dutch phew

go to san marino, with uncle ralph siegel in your composer team pls, with a Disney style pop song

teddy carr
teddy carr
5 years ago

I don’t like her strategy of nameing so many countries, but I want to ask the liberal fans : haven’t you said that it shouldn’t be about patriotism/nationalism, that flags should not matter? Where is your globalism?

5 years ago
Reply to  teddy carr

I think it’s not just about applying to so many countries. It’s about the impression that she feels badly treated by Germany and now wants to go to the ESC with all her might to show how it could have gone. Of course, nobody can really know her intentions, but it seems a bit like behaving badly.

Campbell Grace
Campbell Grace
5 years ago

Listen, I like her and I liked her song.

But as many others have said I’m convinced she’s wanting to represent herself and her ego rather than the country.

5 years ago
Reply to  Campbell Grace

I mean which participant doesn’t want to present themselves.

5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

In theory, noone. Let’s pretend that’s true

5 years ago

HALF DUTCH.. this woman is iconic

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  RoboESC

eurofans on twitter adding random flags to their bio teas

5 years ago

I think that shes all ready selected to do eurovision.
The official eurovision Instagram account is following her. ?

5 years ago
Reply to  Funkycoffin

In the interview it seemed to me that there was something William and her weren’t telling us. That might have just been me tho

5 years ago
Reply to  Funkycoffin

they follow all participants at last years Unser Lied für Israel.

5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

Oh really i did not know that.

5 years ago

Well people clearly should say I’m not her fan
Or may the best songs be selected if they don’t want to support her
But calling her names just because she is passionate about Eurovision is just trolling your own self. The very reason you’re here on this site is cause you are passionate for Eurovision.

Surprise should have won in my opinion in the German selection last year.

5 years ago

I like “Wear your love” and of course it would have done much much better then Sisters. But why is she doing everything in her power to discredit that legacy? People thought of her as the one that didn’t get the chance. A bit like Maruv. Instead they now think of her as the desperate one and the one to make fun of. And while social media can be horrible of course, in her case she should mainly blame herself.

5 years ago

Aly Ryan, M I H A I, Markus Riva, Judah Gavra and Sasha Bognibov for Portugal

5 years ago
Reply to  Tajikistan

Out of these I would like to see Aly Ryan and Markus as well

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  Tajikistan

the difference between mihai n the others is that he actually represented his country (and came 4th)

5 years ago

I want a duo with Markus Riva!!

Tomas Davitt
Tomas Davitt
5 years ago

“It’s well known that social media can reduce people’s compassion and empathy for others. The anonymity afforded by sites like Twitter frees people to drip acid and lob hate as they never would in real life where they’re more aware they are dealing with real people”

Ugh this is so incredibly true.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tomas Davitt

So true and this applies to some commenters on this page as well.. and they pretend to be some liberals, but in fact they aren’t.

5 years ago

1. Fan favourite? Just check a sample of the comments here that suggest otherwise (rightly so)
2. I hope she doesn’t end up in Rotterdam as i can’t see wiwi focussing on anyone else considering how much attention you give her already

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

stop giving this nuthead promo lmao nobody supports her unironically

5 years ago

Wanna bet?

5 years ago

Er, uh, no, Aly! I’d sooner have Kensington selected.