24 entries, one winner, endless interval acts: Italy’s Sanremo is in full swing, and we’ve finally listened to all competing songs.

After the first two serate, the 70th edition of the festival is approaching its conclusion. The show will continue on Thursday and Friday night, then on Saturday night the next Sanremo winner will be crowned. Italy should also know who it will be sending to Eurovision 2020 — Sanremo contestants have already decided in advance if they want to also represent Italy at Eurovision.

But who should win the coveted Lion of Sanremo trophy? Over the first two nights, the 24 competing acts premiered their entries live on the Ariston Theatre stage.

Here are all 24 entries. You can listen to them by clicking on the name of the song:

Sanremo 2020 participating entries

A demographic jury made of 300 people voted on Tuesday and Wednesday, and on Saturday the Italian public will also be able to give cast their vote. But what do you think? Now it’s your time to sound off in our poll!

Francesco Gabbani was the act you were most excited for ahead of this week. Will he be able to live up to the hype once his song has been released? Or will Elodie or Elettra Lamborghini, who completed the top 3, take over?

Poll: Who should win Sanremo 2020 and represent Italy at Eurovision?

Listen to the competing entries and vote for your favourites. You can vote for as many as you like, but you can only vote once — so make it found!

[polldaddy poll=10502081]

Who’s your favourite? Who should have the honour to be crowned as the 70th winner of Sanremo? Who is your preferred option for Eurovision? Tell us in the comment section below!

Vote in our polls here!

Read more Italy Eurovision 2020 news here!

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5 years ago

Amazing selection, Italy! This is actually the first time in ages I listened to the whole Sanremo line-up before the show and I like what I hear. It was difficult putting a list here (and I am still working on it), but here are my top 8 (alphabetically):
– Alberto Urso
– Diodato
– Elodie
– Francesco Gabbani
– Pinguini T. N.
– Rancore
– Raphael Gualazzi
– Rita Pavone

5 years ago

The main problem here for me is that almost every song sound too Italian. I mean, San Remo is a contest meant to find the best Italian song every year, Eurovision is secondary. So that’s fair, but I can connect with most of the songs and even some of them sound the same to me, not only the songs but also the voices. What may be a pretty good lineup for an Italian is just average and too classy for me. Having said that, this is my top 10: 1. Achille Lauro – “Me ne frego“ (7) 2. Michele Zarrillo… Read more »

5 years ago

Delighted with Francesco’s song and performance last night – charming and powerful also. Love from Ireland

5 years ago

Since Italy’s Eurovision return in 2011, each of their entries has been completely different to the last. It will be so interesting to see what winds up going to Rotterdam.

5 years ago

I’m so impressed by the performance of Anastasio! Just wow! Very edgy, different and with so much energy. Probably the best so far from all pretenders I’ve heard in all NFs. But Junior Cally and Rancore were also very good. I like Michele Zarrillo song, it’s little generic but not too much. So rap deff dominates this year in Sanremo which is interesting cause it’s rare in Eurovision. It will be great if Italy risks it and send something like that. IMO it will stand out among the others.

Bronislava Milne
Bronislava Milne
5 years ago

Francesco Gabbani is the most talented, genuine artist. His Songs are full of love, humour and emotion. I wish you Good Luck Francesco! With admiration and appreciation and love always.

5 years ago

Here’s the thing: I’d be happy to see him win Sanremo, but I think someone else should go to esc this time around. I don’t think he has plans to go to esc anyway and he’s only trying to promote his new album.

5 years ago

The song is very enjoyable, I doubt people would vote for him otherwise

5 years ago

If the Italians want to have a comfortable place in the top 10 in Rotterdam, they ought to go with Diodato, Francesco Gabbani, Elodie, Le Vibrazioni or Piero Pelú. Those are the kind of songs that typically do well at Eurovision. And if Italians want to win, Diodato (will appeal to televoters) and Elodie (will appeal to juries) are most likely to succeed. My personal favourites however are Achille Lauro, Francesco Gabbani, Raphael Gualazzi and Marco Masini! I enjoy most of the songs coming out of Sanremo this year, I don’t want it to end! Saturday will be exciting for… Read more »

5 years ago

For now, I want Elodie or Diodato to win, but I also casted a vote for Pinguini. Would be totally fine with Levante, Gualazzi or Anastasio. I love Gabbani, but I don’t think it’s the right song for him to go back to Eurovision. Besides the ones I mentioned, I think Rancore has a respectable entry and a solid shot, it’s just not my style.

5 years ago

My man Bugo is so underrated he doesn’t even get his photo in the article picture xD

5 years ago
Reply to  Voxtaylor

Poor Bugo! He is great 🙂

5 years ago

Every all entries from Italy can win Eurovision. So, I don’t care about entries. But I can more preferably for Alberto Urso, Rancore, Elodie, & Elettra Lamborghini.

All Italian entries will be No. 1 from all Eurovision 2020 later.

5 years ago

Elettra would be the best choice for Eurovision. But idc about who is going to win the Sanremo tbh

5 years ago
Reply to  Aste

She is such underrated

5 years ago

Well, I voted for Elodie, Francesco Gabbani, Raphael Gualazzi, Anastasio (I didn’t like his song at first but now he’s probably my winner), Rancore, Levante, Le Vibrazione and Pinguine Tattici Nucleari . So many good songs <3

5 years ago

My favorite was Elettra

5 years ago
Reply to  Eurovision

Not even the studio version of Musica managed to save her non-existing vocals

5 years ago
Reply to  Andrea

Lol I agree the vocals weren’t so good but she has the only song I like. All other songs seem all the same but her songs was sth better ?

5 years ago

After the first night I wrote that I was still waiting for an act that could blow my mind. It arrived yesterday, and it’s Tikibombom: the rethoric, the building-up, the tone… I love everything about that song. Too bad Levante said she’s not willing to participate in Eurovision.

I guess Andromeda would be my second choice, while Viceversa… well it’s enjoyable , but if we sent it I’m afraid we’d rank out of the top 10 in the Grand Final.

5 years ago
Reply to  Andrea

I hope Andromeda will win or represent Italy at Eurovision but I have to agree with you. Tikibombom is an amazing track and the live was fire

5 years ago
Reply to  Andrea

“Scream” wasn’t as good of a song as “you are the only one”, but Sergey still placed equally as well with it so who knows how well Francesco would do in a comeback?

Though I have a feeling he may not be interested in coming back and is just trying to promote his new album.

5 years ago

I can’t stop playing Viceversa.
Too enjoyable. Feel good. Sing along factor. Catchy
It feels kinda a Italian cheese music but great and Locals in Italy (and Europe) will not resist to it and will eat it for sure.

5 years ago

I’m still blown away by Rancore and what I felt yesterday. Too powerful

5 years ago

Rancore or Pinguini Tattici Nucleari

5 years ago

Rancore please. His song is the best

5 years ago

It is stupidly hard to pick a favorite from these options. I hope I’m not jinxing it, but it’s hard to see Italy finding a bad option here. My personal favorites are Andromeda, Ringo Starr, Carioca, and Fai rumore, with an emphasis on the first two. If they send either of those, the top five is very much within their grasp.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Then again, Ringo Starr is the one I’ve been humming since last night, so if I had to pick one, I think that should be the Italian entry. (Fun fact: if they went, a group named after penguins would be competing in the Netherlands forty years after a certain Eurovision song about penguins also competed in the Netherlands. They’re the sons of Papa Penguin!)

5 years ago

Too much good songs…now I understand why it’s one of my favorite selection! I can’t decide only one act but for sure it should be one of them: Levante, Rancore, I Pinguini, Elettra, Achille, Junior Cally or Raphael Gualazzi. Not that into Francesco nor Elodie this year

5 years ago

Nothing grab me at first listen like soldi did,
But if I need to choose it will be diodato or elodie.

5 years ago
Reply to  Alo


5 years ago

France’s song for ESC 2020 set to be presented on France 2 Sunday 16th at 20.50 (Confirmed)

5 years ago

When we will know, who wants to represent italy in eurovision this year?

5 years ago
Reply to  Mika

theoretically on the very final evening since the singers had to say wether they were available to partecipate at the esc when they submitted their songs. So that we would avoid a situation similar to the one happened last year

5 years ago
Reply to  Mik

Mahmood initially accepted the invitation to represent Italy but then it got out that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to go and after some days it was again confirmed that he would go and he went.

5 years ago
Reply to  Thanos

no true, he said he had to say that he didn’t know if he was going or not but he knew actually

5 years ago

Elodie + Alberto Urso…

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
5 years ago

I think rancore, elodie and the pinguini have the most high impact songs for eurovision. In the end i’d opt for elodie because of staging potential and her phenomenal voice + i think it would be very hard to just cut 30 seconds of eden.

5 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

Andromeda and Ringo Starr are very conveniently already at lengths that cutting a tiny bit of it won’t change the song much at all. (The question with Ringo Starr would be if the EBU would call them out for the split-second interpolations of Africa and the Batman theme song),

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Ringo Starr has good staging potential. Italy could achieve a lot of success if they figure out how to perfectly execute the funness of the song on stage. They just need to not go overboard with it like they did in 2017. Pinguini’s singer has a lot of charisma. If they ride on and put an emphasis on him than they should be more than fine. I have a feeling though that Elodie is going to win since she’s getting talked about the most and I’ll be surprised if she doesn’t. She’s not my favorite and I have a feeling… Read more »

5 years ago

Of those in top of this poll. Andromeda- Terribly messy song. But well performed. Gabbani has a sweet song, well performed as well. Tikibombom- A whole lotta screaming! Well performed. But no thanks. I mean everything is so “italian style made”. Good performers, cred for that, but the songs are not my cup of tea.

5 years ago

BOOM SANREMO is the second most viewed evening as a share since 1995. Rai1 Sanremo Start – from 20.51 to 21.30 – gathered 11,906,000 spectators and 41.91% while the second evening of The Sanremo 2020 Festival won 9,693,000 even spectators to 53.3% share
the first evening had a peak of 16 million spectators

5 years ago
Reply to  Sucof

Impressive! What an opportunity for the artists, especially the newcomers 🙂

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

whoever is voting for gabbani hates italy and wants us to flop tbh…

5 years ago

Clearly the demoscopic jury is voting in this poll. Or a bunch of that kind of eurofans who only care about Eurovisión music and ignore every non-ESC artist.

5 years ago

It’s not a bad song, but it’s not a smash either. If Occidentalis Karma, the heavy fan favorite with a massive hook, couldn’t even break the top five, Viceversa definitely couldn’t outperform it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Baiting the lgbt community? Oh yeah, because the L stands for lemur, the G stands for gorilla, the B stands for baboon, and the T for tamarin ?

Slapping a tiny rainbow on his sleeve doesn’t automatically make it pandering.

5 years ago

The poll is asking about winning sanremo, not about who we want going to esc. I wouldn’t mind him winning sanremo again, but I don’t think he plans to go to esc and I think someone else would be better.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

i can see elodie, achille lauro and diodato doing very well at eurovision

5 years ago

Well there are many great songs this year but the most suitable ones for Eurovision in my opinion are:
Achille Lauro
Francesco Gabbani
All in all though it’s a great Festival although last year was a bit better!!

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago

Achille Lauro has amassed 2.7 million views. Somebody is on his way to get a ‘Do YouTube views predict…?’ article.

5 years ago

All that views are just for his “artistic” performance, not for the beuty of the song.. Trust me

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago
Reply to  Ludo95

I don’t dispute that. It also speaks volumes that Elettra gets more views than all the others of her night.

5 years ago

Achille Lauro became an overnight tumblr meme.

5 years ago

The fact that Elettra’s twerking as* gets votes also in this poll, o tempora, o mores!
I’m not going into who should win Sanremo, my favs for Eurovision are (in no particular order):
Achille Lauro, Junior Cally, Elodie, Levante.

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago
Reply to  Mia

I’ll pick for you: Junior Cally. 🙂

5 years ago

That’s fine. Oh, I forget Anastasio! Tough choices here 🙂

5 years ago

Can I just double check – was Elettra Lamborghini briefly in Geordie Shore?!

5 years ago
Reply to  Paul


5 years ago

I’m confused, I heard a great song from the first night of Sanremo, called Tsunami. But is not even part of the list anymore? Were they not contestants? Or were they already eliminated?

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago
Reply to  Lise

Unfortunately, it was part of some kind of newcomers competition, a thing separate from the main line-up. I think it inexplicably lost a duel against a very boring ballad. Sad, it could easily compete with Sanremo’s finest this year.

Lise Mortier
Lise Mortier
5 years ago

Aw, thanks for the explanation!
I need to find myself a new winner then, those were amazing :/

5 years ago

Yes, and this song was produced by Dardust, who produced also Soldi, Barrio Andromeda, Eden…

5 years ago

1. Rancore
2. Anastasio
3. Diodato

5 years ago

Diodato is my personal choice but I’m expecting (and am ok with) them going with Rancore.

5 years ago

Gabbani’s song is so sweet and it makes you happy listening to it. Moreover, I think the Eurovision jury will love it and judging by the public’s support in almost every Italian entry, with a powerful (even a minimal will do) staging it will do just fine in May.

Mr X
Mr X
5 years ago

Elodie !

5 years ago

I like Elodi, Anastasio, Rancore and Le Vibrazioni. Really not Vibing with Gabbani this time round. Not at all.

5 years ago

The three I picked were Gabbani, Achille, and Pinguini (I’m shortening their names to make it easier to write) I’d love to see Italy send something fun to Eurovision. I have a feeling most other countries are going to try to take it serious again and Italy going the opposite of that can really help them further stand out beyond just the country’s usual high song quality. That’s why I picked Achille and Pinguini. If I am being absolutely honest with you, everything else I either found to be kind of sleepy or just flat out did not like. As… Read more »

JJ Abrahames
JJ Abrahames
5 years ago

Rancore for sure

No One
No One
5 years ago

My fave this year are Levante, Elodie and Pinguini (I KNEW THEY WOULD DELIVERRRRR) but i’m (kinda) fine with anyone as long as it’s not Elettra, sorry but she can’t stand on a stage and the song is meeeeeeh
(I wouldn’t be so sure Gabbani has accepted to do ESC again tbh)

5 years ago

My top5 :
4)Alberto Urso

5 years ago

I personally voted for my top 3, Elodie Rancore and Pinguini. Rancore an Elodie have raw power behind them while Pinguini is very fun and carefree. Its gonna be a bloodbath….i can’t wait.

5 years ago

I’m rooting for Elodie. Eventually Levante

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago

Anastasio. Definitely.

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago

Or Junior Cally. Possibly.