We have finally seen all of the performances of Melodifestivalen 2020. Tonight, the fourth and final semi-final took place in Malmö.
Two acts secured the last two tickets direkt till final. They were Hanna Ferm with “Brave” and Victor Crone with “Troubled Waters”.
Two further acts made it the duels of Andra Chansen. They were Frida Öhrn with “We Are One” and Ellen Benediktson & Simon Peyron with “Surface”.
Melodifestivalen 2020: Semi-final 4 winners
Hanna Ferm — “Brave”
Like a goddess rising out of the mist, Hanna Ferm certainly made an impression on Malmö. She’s going to go ahead and be brave and she’s also going direkt till final. This means Hanna has gone direkt till final two years in a row, following her effort with Liamoo last year. She’s the one giving us a heart attack!
Victor Crone — “Troubled Waters”
Victor Crone navigated through “Troubled Waters” and there was no way this storm was bringing him down. The Eurovision 2019 veteran is continuing his fine momentum and moves on to compete in the final on March 7.
Melodifestivalen 2020: Semi final 4 Andra Chansen advancers
Frida Öhrn — “We Are One”
Frida Öhrn started the party with a bang. Set in front of a curtain of gold streamers, this was the perfect way to open the show. Frida certainly got the party going and collected enough votes to go through to Andra Chansen and compete for a spot in the final.
Ellen Benediktson & Simon Peyron — “Surface”
Ellen Benediktson & Simon Peyron fielded the only duet of Melodifestivalen 2020. There was emotion, there were longing stares and warm embraces — everything you could ask for in a Eurovision duet. They created a very different atmosphere to the other songs of the evening and will compete in Andra Chansen next Saturday 29 February.
Melodifestivalen 2020: Semi-Final 4 eliminated acts
For three acts, unfortunately the journey came to an end tonight.
Nanne Grönvall and Jakob Karlberg were eliminated at the first stage of voting. William Stridh was then eliminated in fifth place.
Melodifestivalen 2020: Semi-Final 4 running order
- Frida Öhrn — “We Are One”
- William Stridh — “Molnljus”
- Nanne Grönvall — “Carpool Karaoke”
- Victor Crone — “Troubled Waters”
- Ellen Benediktson & Simon Peyron — “Surface”
- Jakob Karlberg — “Om du tror att jag saknar dig”
- Hanna Ferm — “Brave”
What do you think of the results? Did your favourites proceed direkt till final? Who should win Melodifestivalen 2020? Let us know in the comments below.
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Photo Credit: SVT
[…] he sailed through to the Melodifestivalen 2020 grand final. Straight after the fourth semi-final, not only did Victor Crone release his Melfest single […]
Hanna Ferm sounds off the note from time to time, Victor Crone definitely got some nice backup singers
I find Brave incredibly dated. It sounds like something from 2009. Interestingly, her staging also seemed to reflect that too.
I’m seeing Dotter for the win. They’ll make it to the final with that, but not high in the scoreboard. I think Sweden might need some new songwriters in the mix, they’re beginning to sound dated and samey.
I’m in the minority, but I found Boys With Emotions the only song production that sounded fresh or interesting. Sure, the lyrics were cheesy, but it sounded somewhat contemporary.
Finally a comment I can agree with!
Ok, as others already noticed this is not the strongest Melodifestivalen we’ve seen recently. I still think that Anna is the best choice for Sweden, not because ‘Kingdom Come’ is the best song necessarily, but more for the fact that Anna sells it very well and can connect better to a larger audience. Both ‘Bulletproof’ and ‘Brave’ are decent songs, although I don’t really enjoy the way they are performed, which feels to me less approachable. Anyway, if Anna doesn’t win, then I would go for Dotter as my second choice.
Agree. Anna has a likeability factor which is easy to connect with. You feel good and enjoy watching that performance. Mamas are quite there as well.
I don’t see Dotter and Hanna connecting on a larger level to a very diverse audience seeing those performances. Their songs are fine but people will not be surprised either.
if she couldn’t qualify with A strong song in 2010, why would she qualify with a weaker song this time? Im not convinced she would qualify..
It might be a matter of personal opinion, but I find ‘Kingdom Come’ much more accessible than ‘This is my life’. Neither of the two could be called innovative or very original, but at least this time there’s a more interesting and more complex backing track and some better opportunities to make some creative staging – the 2010 one was quite dull unfortunately. Plus Anna is 10 years older and knows how to sell a song with more confidence and better stage presence.
Odds and odds.. The thing with odds is they can NEVER be THAT wrong. Otherwise they would lose money and people wouldn’t bet. There are statistics behind odds. If Dotter’s odds are shortening then there is a reason for it and they have reason to put her that high up. Odds take everything in account, hype, jury voting, televoting, how appealing it is and all that. Like Duncan last year. His odds were shortening all the time and he won. And Måns in 2015 was the odds favourite from the start. So if Dotter is that high up as she… Read more »
It seems like everyone here wants Dotter to win. Bulletproof is a decent song and I wouldn’t be upset if it did win but I don’t see what’s so special about it. I personally like Hanna’s song the most and think it’s both the most strongest and most likely to do well at Eurovision. I agree Hanna’s vocals and dress need to change but they can do that easily.
Well, Dotter’s song isn’t the best song ever, but you do realise that Hanna’s song is miles behind, right? 😀 Hanna lost her chance when she decided to record this meh song. Such a shame considering she can sing so well (which she didn’t show us this evening :D)
Dotter isn’t in my top 5.
We can already predict that sweden will be top 5 among the juries and bottom 5 among the televoters.
LOL yes maybe! But only if we send one of the solo boys!
Dotter is winner of ESC 2020
By that logic then then we can predict Italy will be top 5 among televoters and bottom 5 among juries, and Russia will be top 5 thanks to neighbours plus big artist every neighbour listens to
Won’t happen if they send Anna
I am frankly surprised to see that “Brave” is so popular, I would not have seen that coming. Maybe I’m missing something here? It feels rather bland and Hanna’s performance seemed a bit “lah-di-dah” considering that it’s supposed to be a song with a “strong message”.
Did anyone notice Dotter stole the lights idea from Raiven – Zazarim? 😀 It looks like after all she didn’t come up with anything out of this world, even though she made it more professional than Raiven. Still I hope Dotter will win MF
I can’t believe Raiven invented mirrors.
This was mentioned ages ago luv… Raiven didn’t invent anything
You obviously don’t get the point -.- When Dotter used those lasers as prop everyone said that it looked as out of this world, and I just said that Raiven did the same thing long time ago, so no one can call Dotter’s stage unique and new. I didn’t say it’s bad (as I obviously want Dotter to win), but to let others know as well (in case they didn’t hear about it). The way you two reacted shows you are immature teens, brats, with or without age for it
It¨s not like Raiven was the first ever to use lasers.. Been around for some time now
Everything in the industry has been used by others, nothing is original!
that’s the point!! I just said that Dotter didn’t invent the wheel, so she doesn’t have a performance that’s out of this world, or never seen before… as some people tend to describe it. Jeez, learn to INTERPRET messages people lol
You said that she took it from Raiven, As if Raiven was the first to ever think of using lasers during a show. That is what you said
Underwhelmed by Melodifestivalen this year. No clear winner like there has been the last couple of years, but hey that makes it more interesting I guess.
I think The Mamas, Anna Bergendahl, Hanna Ferm and Mariette has a slightly better chance at winning than the rest. It’s the ladies time to shine! Though I like Dotter’s entry, I’m afraid the public in Sweden will most likely prefer the more catchy tunes.
If Alvaro Estrella and Mendez go throuch AC I can see them end up in a decent place in the final.
Good they’re two strong contenders against Dotter. I’m glad Surface is in AC but sad that Carpool Karaoke didn’t. Instead we got a schlager fodder to make it easier for the others to qualify for grand finals..lol
Carpool Karaoke was a terrible song, but how is it all these old-school Schlager divas can sing and dance perfectly in tune, and all of the idol graduates are so off key it makes your toes curl. I love that Melfest tries to always update itself, but I do wish there were a few more Schlager hits as in years gone by.
It was terrible, but there was something honest about it, something I missed in practically all the other entries.
Be sure to stream, tweet/hashtag and watch Dotter | Bulletproof on youtube to show SVT we want the most popular song to represent Sweden
To show what? That non Swedes want The song? Why do you think its The most important that you get The song you want and not The song that The Swedish People want? This is geting ridiculous on a level that you hope they geo block melfest next year.
The worst edition of Melodifestivalen in many years 🙁 I’m rooting for Dotter to win
Dotter’s odds have shortened even more now.. yes! But is she really going to win. Swedes, what do you think?
I think Mamas have a chance. Im sure Anna will do well with tele and Dotter with jury, but om not sure about The other way around. And im pretty sure mamas will do well with The jury and The televote…
I’m sorry to say that I dont think it will win. We swedes tend to vote on a well liked/famous singer so my guess is that it will be a woman this year, but it will be Anna or Hanna. I hope I am wrong. I believe Dotters song/her performance is a bit to different for all age groups in Sweden to vote for it. The votes from abroad might be able to help a little but…
Isn’t Dotter quite well known though? At least to the extent that Anna is outside the Melfest context?
Yes, she has also competed before but my feeling is that she is more limited in the age groups than Hanna and Anna. In sweden we say that a person can be “folkkär”, like for example Måns Zelmerlöw. I wouldnt compare Anna and Hanna to Måns, they are not on his level regarding that but I would say they are more folkkär than Dotter. But I could be wrong. I would be happy to be wrong
Well said Maria. “Folkkär” would be translated as “beloved by the people” meaning not just a specific group of voters, but the masses including all ages and genders. I don’t see Dotter as being folkkär at all, which is her biggest disadvantage (but she might become in the future)!
Well, Loreen wasn’t very well known or liked when she won. Nor was Anna the first time she won. If anything the winner is someone who competed in the past and had exposure but isn’t to well known. Dotter fits the category. And I do think she is more liked among Swedes than what people would thunk.
I think Dotter will do well, but not win unfortunately. It isn’t catchy enough. We Swedes tend to go for the catchy tunes, not necessarily the best song.
I do think she’ll definitely place in the top 2. It’s gonna be between her and Anna. I’d like Dotter to represent us though
with every year that goes by, Melodifestivalen seems to get even more dated, obnoxious and lackluster. Though, I can’t deny one thing: Dotter looks hot.
That’s the talk in Sweden too.. believe me. It’s time for a revamp.
We need new song writers!!!
There is no point.. SVT only accept G:son, Jimmy Jansson, Debb, Wrethow and Barker. I bet they have a huge variety of song writers sending in songs but still they need 20 songs from Jimmy Jansson in the contest because why not? Pathetic
I love how they show a clip of the songwriters before every performance, because hopefully it will raise awareness of the fact that all the songs have the same songwriters and they are really just competing against themselves. Melodifestivalen would be a lot more interesting if we had the same rules for songwriters that we have for the performers: ONE song each year. No more.
Just two words: Dotter. Bulletproof.
Omg yes! I hope we choose her! But I’m not sure exactly how popular Dotter is among swedes.. There is no question that Dotter is the favourite among many esc-fans.
I do think she is more liked here than most people would think she is. And if the pattern of a winner is to be followed then the winner is someone who competed before and had exposure but isn’t yet popular. Eric Saade, Loreen, Stjernberg, Robin Bengtsson, John Lundvik. Dotter sure fits that bill..
I want Hanna to win Melfest (although I would be fine with Dotter). I’m probably the only one who isn’t a fan of Anna’s song.
I’m not a fan of anna’s song either…hope dotter gets to represent us tho
The staging the gave to Hanna is called “just close ups-she is beautiful”. But it’s not enough to hide how generic the song is which is created by the masters of the genre.
I loved Nanna and the positive energy the song has, it’s a shame that the schlager with the cheap lyrics went in AC and nanne not…
I can’t see Hanna winning, and judging from AC duel order with Frida, SVT will now want Anna to win (kill any country competition). Even though Dotter has more streams/youtube views than the lot, she should represent #Dotter FTW.
PS: I want Hanna to represent with a much better song/staging/performance, I want a Dami Im type of performance with a top-notch song for her to take Sweden to ESC
Why do you assume Sweden wants to win? I think The support for having Eurovision in sweden again is going to be The lowest considering The problems The country is facing.
What problems..?
Haha Nice joke, if you are a swede you know what im talking about.
Im from Sweden and I don’t……
True, im from Sweden and I understand what problems you are talking about
I’m from Sweden and I have no clue what you could possibly mean? Fill me in please
Hanna’s performance was a hot disaster!!
This semi was underwhelming, and only made me more in favor of Dotter. I think she can actually win and hope she does
Hanna is not winning with that. I think either Anna or Victor.
Worst Melodifestivalen in years.
Lina Hedlund is wonderful, though. She should come back as a hostess again. Her spelling is perfect and elegant. The other hosts are terrible. Specially Linnea has a very ugly accent, the way she pronounces the vowels kills me (specially the “i”).
But funny thing is that if they choose Dotter, it has it all to become a huge hit and easily win Eurovision.
Only Dotter is the right choice, to save this Melodifestivalen and our lives.
You Said that last year too..
Linnea is from Halmstad, same city as Per Gessle from Roxette among others
Thanks for the info. Is it normal that Lina’s accent sounds more elegant and “pleasant” than other hosts? She speaks beautifully
Why Victor keeps singing songs with notes he has problems reaching? Hannah looked great (despite the dress), but she deserved a much better song. I’m still between Anna, Dotter and The Mamas.
Because he doesn’t have a great voice
From now on, I am officially Team Robin Bengtsson.
You mean Robin Boring-sson
Robin’s song is decent but… I mean, his performance in 2017 was exciting and stylish and charming. His 2020 entry fades in comparison.
Victor or Dotter for the win!
Yes! Dotter!!!
Victor Crona still hasn’t taken song lessons I see:)
Good selection but I can’t see Hanna winning it. Dotter it is..
Nanne made a human car and should have run over the competition
She slayed it. But she got more votes then other seventh placed in the other heats
Hanna’s staging seems very party city-ish. Sharon would be so proud 😛
The staging is party city and the song is tired showgirl
“Troubled Waters” is definitely better than “Storm”, but Victor’s vocals on the last minute of the song is 😐
The staging for “Brave” is such a miss. All of the other works by Zain/Brochner are much better: The Mamas’, Robin’s, and especially Anna’s.
I don’t understand the AC choices tonight; I don’t think they’ll have a chance to win their duels. I would’ve wanted Molnljus to go through. 🙁
Storm is much better!
There’s a chance dotter will lose? I can’t see someone else winning it.
And hanna sang very bad today! (couldn’t understand what she’s saying).
Anna Bergendahl
Maybe because she spoke in Swedish
If you go by Swedish Media Anna is the one. I think maybe she can win televote but will not do well with The jury. On The other hand i think that The more non swedes write about Dotter winning Eurovision, Anna is going to get more votes. Its a very big part of The country Who dont want our money to be put on this kind of things right now.
Don’t want to put your money on Eurovision because of..?
Because it is an unnecessary jippo that just cost money. If you are not Swedish then you may not be aware of it, but there have been many protests in the past against arranging Eurovision. Then there was no great dissatisfaction with how the country was managed politically and economically. Therefore, I think that a very much larger part of the population is against the idea that this is what needs to be spent money on.
This has nothing to do what i personally think or want.
Ok, after all the performances, my winner is Dotter
2nd The Mamas
3rd Victor Crone
Are Ellen Benediktson and Scarlett Johansson the same person?
This year’s melodifestivalen was very bad i ve been saying this for 3 years . And every year its getting gradually worse.. next year i won’t bother to watch it really. Predictable songs, different songwriters but same music beats, same structure, i am so fed up with them all really. This is just cringe. I mean look to Malu Prytz for example it is just Sia copy with Maddie Ziegler as well! Aren’ t they ashamed of copying something someone like that much in the face!
Different songwriters? It’s the same 10 songwriters of all the 28 songs.
Ok, have fun not watching!
Though the same “critique” about songs can be said for most of the countries competing, all the same. We literally have three standard ESC ballads competing, the standard eastern European folk entry competing, the standard Italian classy entry competing, and we probably will have a standard Balkan ballad in there as well..
Victor Crone really deserved final, Hanna too. So sad that William didn’t go Andra chansen at least….
Honestly, I really hope that the Mamas win. It was a very bland Melodifestivalen this year.
Agreed. Mamas have the only catchy tune. The rest has been disappointing
Linda you will always be my Melodifestivalen queen. Alla mina sorger is my schlager of the year.
This means that we can finally listen to the studio versions of all songs!
Also, the Andra Chansen duels are as follows:
Anis vs Ellen, Malou vs Paul, Felix vs Frida and Mendez vs Drangarna
Is that official already? The AC duels I mean
Yes, they were posted on Melodifestivalen’s official twitter account
Yep, Christer and Karin Gunnarsson revealed them on camera straight after the show.
After hearing all the songs I am quite certain that either Dotter, Anna, The Mamas or Hanna will win..
The two final qualifiers was a certain.
But sad about William. Molnljus was great
Yeah! I will listen on spotify tonight
AC duels revealed!
1. Anis Don Demina “Vem e Som Oss” vs Ellen & Simon “Surface”
2. Malou Prytz “Ballerina” vs Paul Rey “Talking In My Sleep”
3. Felix Sandman “Boys with Emotions” vs Frida Öhrn “We Are One”
4. Mendez & Alvaro “Vamos Amigos” vs Drängarna “Piga & Dräng”
Well, Ellen & Simon and Felix are clearly going to the final…
I hope so
Really? Dont think so. Anis is a big Youtuber with maaaaaany fans.
that fan base dind’t help him last year.
So it’s a revival of Almgren’s “Bitter lullaby” to the final… 😉
And maybe a winner… but not mine. Not with this song and not with this vocals….
Victor would be more succesful as a model or a po*nstar… 😛
Ohh, would be interesting to see him as a po*nstar :DD
I really liked Victor Crone a whole lot more than I thought I would. It’s really catchy.
So Swedes should seriously concider not qualifying this year with those songs in the final…
I’m up for The Mammas… -that’s a conclusion of the most boring and most average/low level Melodifestivalen of last decade (or two).
It’s still way better than 2018.
Not a very good judge..
Tbh Hanne’s performance was quite awful. She was out of breath in the end. But I really like Victor’s staging!
I think Dotterdam is happening!!
This years Melodifestivalen is so predictable.
Ofc there are 4,5 great songs but rest is generic.
And singing in Swedish ? cant go DTF
Ikr, its basically “Do you know this person? If so, then they go straight to the final”. And I don’t even pay that much attention to it every year
And who is then the predictable winner :)?
I’d say Anna, Mamas or Dotter.
Dreadful semi. Hanna nearly pierced my ears with her wailing. Simon and Ellen were the (very modest) standout for me, shame they’re only going to andra.
Just who I thought would win
I’m so disappointed for Nanne. Okay, so the song was mediocre – so were at least five of the others. I’d rather a mediocre song that has passion, joy and personality over a mediocre entry that has none of those things. These legacy acts deserve more respect than constant 6th and 7th places.
Yes, she slayed it