Last November she was confirmed as Bulgaria‘s act for Eurovision 2020.

And now at last Victoria has revealed her entry “Tears Getting Sober”. The music video premiered on BNT1 this morning and the song is on streaming platforms. It gives a first impression of what Bulgaria will bring to the table in Rotterdam.

“Tears Getting Sober” has an important message. The track has been written to highlight mental health issues and inspire people to tackle them. The song is also personal for Victoria as she co-wrote the track.

Victoria – “Tears Getting Sober” (Bulgaria Eurovision 2020)

“Tears Getting Sober” is Boris Milanov’s fourth song for Bulgaria. He revealed the song was inspired by the team’s experience at the songwriting camp.

“At the sessions, two young people had strong panic attacks and had to go to hospital. That was a big shock to us…and at some point it turned out the message of the song was about today’s generation and their problems with mental health issues.”

While the song like others he’s written for Bulgaria starts in a dark place, the message is a hopeful one.

“The message is that there is still hope, and your only way out is to fight and face your fears.”

Milanov adds, “It’s better to have a scar instead of having a wound that’s always open.”

Bulgaria at Eurovision 2020

Victoria will take part in the second semi-final  at Eurovision 2020. Bulgaria was drawn into the second half, which means once the running order is announced, “Tears Getting Sober” will be performed at some point between the 11th and 19th position,

Bulgaria had undergone a Eurovision renaissance since 2016. Poli Genova placed fourth, Kristian Kostov second and Equinox a respectable 14th. Bulgaria withdrew in 2019 due to financial reasons.

What do you make of “Tears Getting Sober”? How do you think Bulgaria will do? Let us know in the comments below!

Read more Bulgaria Eurovision 2020 news here

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4 years ago

It just reminds me too much of a Billie Eilish song to get my vote… text, music, everything. Even the music video. Not original at all..

Daggi Azz
Daggi Azz
4 years ago
Reply to  Emil

You are not original,Billie goes with her problems, Victoria goes with problem of half of a world.

Daggi Slayer
Daggi Slayer
4 years ago
Reply to  Daggi Azz

While copying Billie…

Michael. Crosse,
Michael. Crosse,
4 years ago
Reply to  Emil

This, was, a, winning, song, some, of, the, chorus, is, somewhat,similar, to, the, verse, of, jingle, bells, Xmas, song, but, I, always, say, music, abit, better, and, different, to, what’s, in, people’s, musical, memory, as, good, music, is, half, the, battle, to, having, a, successful, song, as, is, the, case, here

4 years ago

The winner!

4 years ago
4 years ago

If this was Portugal sung in Portuguese everyone would call it a sleepy ballad. Because it’s Symphonix—it’s brilliant. I don’t see how this is better than Pæda from Austria. Sometimes fans just make songs be bigger than they are based on the country, the songwriters and some fancy music video. Everyone declared Bones the potential winner and it wasn’t even top 10 on the night

4 years ago

No I don`t think this will do well.

4 years ago

I think this is very good and i really want to love it, but i just can’t. I just don’t believe she’s singing from the heart. It feels again as another Bulgarian try-hard without a soul. I also think it’s inspired by Arcade. Arcade had the angelic sounding backings aswell. Hmmm. This could have been more original. I will give it another chance later. I hope it will grow on me but i doubt it.

4 years ago
Reply to  bastian

She wrote the song herself exactly because she wanted to sing from her heart.
I think for the most people who are extremely active in the social networks it will be never enough. No matter what a small insignificant country as Bulgaria presents it will never be enough for the victory. And you will always hate it because it’s not nice a small and poor country to slay several years in a row with high quality and thinking out of the box. So… Thank you for your opinion.

4 years ago

The song is good. Yes, it will most probably be eclipseed by Romania but there is a big chance for both to do a good job in Amsterdam. I don’t think it tries to copy Billie Eilish by anything, it’s a brand right now. Yes, the retro of Iceland might go better, the vibe of Lithuania also, but they are good choices.

4 years ago

Again Milanov manages to do song like this- all ingredients are here, but something is missing. Not a fan.

Josh R
Josh R
4 years ago

I agree with what some are saying…it takes a few listens to get into it. But, if staged well, this can be a standout moment.

4 years ago

I think this song is really beautiful. It’s slow burning and takes a few listens to really stick itself in your head.

I do wonder if it’s not immediate enough for the competition, and whether Victoria can deliver this style of vocals live? But it’s one of my favourites of the year.

4 years ago

Sorry, for me it’s just a tryhard wannabe with a boring result.

4 years ago

Victoria has been known to everyone in Bulgaria since 2016 always with that gentle voice and style.Back then, she didn’t have that Billy Eilish. Soon I think Billy Eilish copied Victoria ????Sorry for your friends, your countries do not have such a beautiful song.
THE WINNER 2020 ??????

4 years ago
Reply to  BoriS

Victoria is not so famous for being noticed so I think it’s just a coincidence

Tom Tom
Tom Tom
4 years ago

Yet more evidence that this is the year of the ROOP

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Tom

and Iceland 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Philip

Roop yes. Iceland no.

Tom Tom
Tom Tom
4 years ago

Enough with the depressing songs about toxic relationships and toxic lifestyles. Everyone is copying Netherlands 2019 and they will fail. This year people are going to want an upbeat song.

Fan From Texas
Fan From Texas
4 years ago

This song and Romania’s Alcohol You are in the same lane and have a similar vibe. On top of that they both reference drinking. At least they’re in different semifinals. I prefer Alcohol You over this song.

4 years ago
Reply to  Fan From Texas

Not an English speaker or just ignorant? ‘Sober’ can mean different things and also it can be used metaphorically as is the case here. Alcohol is nowhere even remotely mentioned in the lyrics, WTF are you talking about!???

4 years ago

I don’t like the song, it’s very boring…..

4 years ago

Can anybody help me understand the lyrics?

Sugar in the wound, sweet bruises…it’s almost as if she is enjoying her suffering?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I think that the bruises are bittersweet. The lies are pleasant and create a false sense of security, but the main character discovers that they’re in fact a burden and she needs to let them go. Now whether she was lying to herself or she’s singing about a different person(s) is open to interpretation.

4 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Now I’m thinking more along the lines of medication. She’s had troubles, but is now at a turning point having just started treatment – the “sugar” is the prescription starting to take effect, and she is proud of her scars because they are a sign of healing.

I’m probably being way too specific, but like you say – it’s open to interpretation!

4 years ago

My first impressions are very positive with this song. It feels personal, well written and well produced. Although it’s somewhat calm, it does have a build up and feels haunting. My only concern is that Romania and Bulgaria came to a similar idea during the selection process. Two songs are quite different musically, but they are both sung by really young women highlighting their psychological bad shape caused by a careless relationship. They even both use alcohol addiction as a catalyst for those issues. It might not be a problem in the semis (they don’t share it anyway), but it… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I don’t think Bulgaria’s song is about a careless relationship. It seems to me that she’s not singing to a person, but to her own mind. The lies she refers to are her own insecurities and irrational thoughts. At least that’s my reading of it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Neither Romanian song is. Roxen said it’s about a reconnection with herself, and this message was also explessed through the staging.

4 years ago

I can feel the comments section is a bit disappointed even though it is not necessarily a bad song.. i guess we all expected to be blown away, maybe because of BONES or maybe because of the teaser usage beforehand.. nevertheless Good luck Bulgaria.. #WatchAndLearnNorthMacedonia your song is coming out tomorrow and u used teasers as well..

4 years ago
Reply to  Philip

Besides, North Macedonia’s representative is half Bulgarian, has bulgarian citizenship, so there is still hope for Bulgaria to feel even more proud ;-))

4 years ago

I like her voice, it fits the song perfectly! This has a lot of staging possibilities, hopefully they do it right. I wouldn’t call it the winner of this year, but I can’t see Bulgaria being left behind in the semi. It’ll do well. Good luck!
Edit: since a lot of you are comparing them, sorry Romania, but I like this one better

4 years ago

Bulgaria you were #2 in the odds without a song! Now you’ve already started moving down – you shouldn’t have released a song!!! The odds are such a joke.

4 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Bulgaria was 4-th just before the release. After the song right now Victoria is 5-th, tied for 4-th and 3-th place. Nothing changed really.

4 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

She’s first in the odds right now.

4 years ago

Billie Eilish did not invent dark emotional electronic music …

4 years ago

I was hoping this could be a potential Eurovision winner but unfortunately it’s not. I also agree it does sound a lot like a Disney song.

4 years ago

Best song so far

4 years ago
Reply to  Katariina

Or at least top 3 to me. It’s really very good, one of a relatively small number songs that I wouldn’t mind listening on repeat.

Sophie 22
Sophie 22
4 years ago

This is a NO, just No from me. It’s just a poor copy of Billie Eilish. And we do not need a copy, we have an original. And no – I’m not a blind Eilish fan, I’m rather neutral. And again – no, it’s not the same genre of music (in which case – no questions), it’s an absolute copy of everything Billie is and does and it’s not acceptable, full stop.

4 years ago

I prefer a decent Billie Eilish rip off, than more Eurotrash or dated telenovela ballads that tend to be popular this year.

4 years ago

This year is gonna bore us to death with Billie-Eilish-wannabe-emo-pop songs.

4 years ago
Reply to  ESCalator

These songs will cancel each other out at qualification, with only a handful making it through.
The uptempo song will stand out even more.
The average viewer at home watches Eurovision fir the catchy uptempo easy to listen to colourful pop and that will appeal to them more.
The average casual viewer at home watching ESC won’t want to be depressed.
This looks good for the likes of Lithuania, Iceland, Ukraine and dare I say it, but, Ireland lol

4 years ago
Reply to  Darren

I think you should not underestimate those non-“avarage” viewers… you might just get another “boring” Duncan or Salvador this year.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago

Cute, quirky, heartfelt and definitely likeable.
My only concern is that the song might not be impactful enough for Eurovision. But we shall hopefully see how the staging works out. It’s a fascinating entry.

4 years ago

I appreciate her effort and all the feelings she put on the song. It’s really good. I’m not feeling it, sadly, it’s just too Disney to me, but I’m sure a lot of people will love it!

4 years ago

This is so billie eyelash it is embarrassing

4 years ago

I’m not used to listen to Billie Eilish cause I don’t like that style at all but “Tears Getting Sober” could come from Billie and nobody would ever notice. What I mean is that I expected something more personal or different. Anyway, the song per se is quality material, current and serious and I really appreciate that. With her voice and the melody a magnetic atmosphere is generated and this kind of relax me. That said, Romania and Bulgaria aim for the same public more or less and both go for a similar style. For now, I prefer “Alcohol You”.

4 years ago

and now bye bulgaria with chances of winning. just too similiar too billi eilisih and other songs in the conest.
this years is so weird. plenty of ballads and 3 quirky groups as favourite to win. without iceland and lithuania i would say its 100 % russias game , but with 3 of these kind of similiar groups u cant say anything, excpt little bigs picks a more rocky song(of course a good one), then i think their victory at this pointwould be quite certain.

4 years ago
Reply to  hohoho

Well, the bookies seem to think she has pretty decent chances of winning, which I wouldn’t mind at all.

4 years ago

Nice but like Romania they are trying too hard to be Billie Eilish. And yes while Billie is the voice at the moment, this style is uniquely hers, it’s not like a song is similar to others like we get every year but this isn’t copying a specific genre it’s copying an actual singer, which for me personally is hard to connect to, I just listen to the real thing.
I don’t think these countries will do as well as readers and commenters here think, because the similarities are way too blatant.
But we will see.

Mark dowd
Mark dowd
4 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Romania is Amy Winehouse not Billy E..

Icy Box
Icy Box
4 years ago

My top 5
1. The Netherlands
2. Belgium
3. Bulgaria
4. Romania
5. Poland

of the most boring songs this year. What were you thinking ?

4 years ago
Reply to  Icy Box

Do you even have a heart? A beating one I mean……….

4 years ago
Reply to  Icy Box

Poland is the best! !!

4 years ago
Reply to  Icy Box

Funny how boring can equals quality. I give you the point, those songs are not the most enjoyable of the year BUT all of them have an interesting composition. I can give a lot of boring songs that did great: Netherlands 2013 and 2014, Estonia 2012 etc… and the top of them, Portugal 2017.

4 years ago

Cute Disney song.

4 years ago

On its own this is a good song, nothing spectacular but it has a nice musical theater vibe and her voice is beautiful. However I just don’t think it has a place in this year’s lineup. As far as understated ballads go, I think Romania and Netherlands are more effective, and Switzerland, Norway and Albania are more bombastic and therefore more impactful. This might have a hard time getting out of the semi.

4 years ago

I can’t stop replaying it!

4 years ago

I’m not daring to scroll to far down in this section. I think this is a very pretty song with a rare decent key change. I absolutely need to see her do it live, and I might be sounding like a broken record here but part of that is because a whole load of these songs make perfectly fine studio cuts but who knows how they’d translate live. This is a cut above a bunch of the songs we’ve heard, and I’m sure Bulgaria will come up with something amazing. Her voice is great and the production is fantastic.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Yey for the key change. One extra purple jury point! 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

We have two good key changes (Iceland and Bulgaria) and one lousy one (France)

4 years ago

I recognize the quality of this entry, but I didn’t decide whether I like it or not…

4 years ago

It makes alcohol you sounds cheap. The melody is better, lyrics are better, the production sounds rich. Ukraine won after a year of absence. Portugal won after a year of absence. Bulgaria will continue this trend.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
4 years ago
Reply to  Voix

finally a good comment in this comment section

4 years ago

People here are talking about being original but from the songs selected so far…there is nothing we haven’t heard before. Even some indie and alternative songs are just genres mixing. The problem of Bulgaria’s entry is they make it way too obvious for people not to notice. Billie Eilish is so popular right now.

4 years ago

I’ve just heard it and I like it felt more warm than dark.
It didn’t remind me past Bulgarian entries.
Maybe my favourite Symphonix song in recent years. It was different.

Mr X
Mr X
4 years ago

1. Suiza
2. Países Bajos
3. Lituania
4. Italia
5. *Bulgaria*
6. Israel
7. Croacia
8. España
9. República Checa
10. Noruega

4 years ago

ok, now I am sad – i really like this song but someone mentioned similarities between Billie Eilish – when the party’s over, and after listening to that one it seems this song is more than just the same genre but it also has similar construction and voice effects and even the videoclip has a similar concept – i just wished Tears getting sober was more authentic – it is a beautiful song thou

4 years ago
Reply to  Golda

Apart from the fact that they are both piano ballads using a lot of humming vocals, I don’t find them exceptionally similar. The Bulgarian song is more traditional, especially in its use of heavy string instrumentation, the drums kicking in at the end, and the fact it has a “hook”. And, let’s be honest – when a Eurovision song resembles a ~1 year old song from the trendiest artist on the planet, it’s probably “ahead of time” in Eurovision terms.

4 years ago

All the positive comments on the songs are downvoted here… toxic fandom full of genius (irony) is hitting again.
Great job Bulgaria. Really good song and strong contender for the top 5 again 🙂 Lot of love from Belgium <3

4 years ago

I will end up like 2018.

4 years ago
Reply to  Polliu

This is not as dark as 2018

4 years ago
Reply to  Polliu

@Polliu it’s possible. No one knows until the live show in May.

4 years ago
Reply to  Polliu

Come on Bones was a great song, this isn’t…

4 years ago

Fans complain about to many black artists, Corona virus, to many ballads, generic songs etc. GOD you are depressing. Celebrate that its nice with ballads and uptempo 50% instead. I celebrate its soon ESC:) many good songs.

Mr X
Mr X
4 years ago
Reply to  LinusESCfan

Thank you for this statement !

4 years ago
Reply to  LinusESCfan

finally someone that agrees! I AM TIRED of these professional music composers (irony) that are criticizing everything

ESC Willeke
ESC Willeke
4 years ago
Reply to  LinusESCfan


4 years ago

I think I am going to enjoy this one – I just need some time to let it settle.

4 years ago

Such a bore and unoriginal.

mark dowd
mark dowd
4 years ago

I think this is a little too cute and underpowered for its own good…..lacks a fair bit of edge. Like a very sugary jam cream cake. With good staging it will end up in the top ten…but Romania and Switzerland have songs with more soul for me.

Kung Frederick 90
Kung Frederick 90
4 years ago

Another quality song. Thank you Bulgaria again.