After six shows over six weeks, Melodifestivalen 2020 journeyed to the Friends Arena in Stockholm for its conclusion. Twelve acts competed for the crown, fighting for the opportunity to represent Sweden at Eurovision 2020 in Rotterdam. In the end, The Mamas emerged victorious with the song “Move”.
Ahead of the final, they were among our bloggers’ favourites owing to their big voices and the sheer joy of their performance. Wiwibloggers Jonathan reviewed their show this way:
“Forget The Muses from Hercules, The Mamas of Melodifestivalen are here to serve some glorious gospel harmonies. Full of joy, energy and life, their personalities flow out of the screen and connect with the viewer, lifting the song to greater heights. My only problem with the performance is that it’s too dark. In all-black outfits, The Mamas sometimes get a bit lost against the dimly lit stage – let them shine bright like the stars they are!”
The Mamas — “Move”
International jury results
The votes of the international jury were revealed first. After all the votes came in, Dotter and The Mamas were locked up with 65 points each, tied for the lead, with Felix Sandman in third on 53 points.
The jury was made up of jurors from Australia, Austria, Armenia, France, Iceland, Israel, Malta and The Netherlands.
Public vote results
The votes of the public were added next to determine the winner. This presentation was changed to present the votes Eurovision-style, from the jury’s least favourite up to the leader of the jury vote.
The Mamas received 72 points and won the public vote, taking them to the summit. Dotter was hot on their heels, receiving 71 points and falling just short of the crown.
Full results
What do you think of the results of Melodifestivalen 2020? Did the right song win? How will they perform in Rotterdam? Let us know in the comments below.
Total votes The mamas 1 610 446 Dotter 1 489 636 … Split results for age groups / televotes Green (3-9 years old) Hanna Ferm 12 Méndez 10 Dotter 8 Victor 7 Anis 6 The mamas 5 … Teal (10-15 y) The mamas 12 Hanna Ferm 10 Dotter 8 … Blue (16-29 y) The mamas 12 Dotter 10 … Purple (30-44 y) Dotter 12 The mamas 10 … Pink (45-59 y) Anna Bergendahl 12 The mamas 10 Dotter 8 .. Orange (60-74 y) Anna Bergendahl 12 Hanna Ferm 10 Dotter 8 The mamas 7 … Gold (75+) Anna Bergendahl 12… Read more »
Well, we sent the same song (pretty much) last year. I think we will qualify, but won’t do so well in the finals. If ppl vote more for this entry than last year, then it’s only cuz the performer are women.
Just a thought: In any national contest, when was the last time the backup singers –as LEAD singers– won the contest the year after winning as backups for another artist (in this case, John Lundvik for MelFest)?
Never, I think. We have had backups competing the next year before, but none has won, I think.
Dotter fans are definitely hyped up. Dotter’s song was pretty pedestrian and could have been sung by Lisa Ajax, Wiktoria or any other Melfest artist. Add in her gimmicky “look at my boobs” light show that could be fodder for the “me too” movement and you have a performance that was pretty basic, as was the entire Melodifestivalen show this year. The Mama’s were joyful and we will see how Sweden does.
You must be the only one who didnt reflect, pun intended, on the idea that the light is her heart. You are not meant to look at her boobs. It’s not the point.
I have to confess that I was all over Dotter after her semi-final performance and I wanted her to win – however, during the grand final I voted for The Mamas more than I voted for Dotter. Dotter was my strategical choice for Sweden, but The Mamas was my emotional choice. Dotter was sleek, modern and dark. The Mamas were joyful, predictable and light. My vote didn’t go for the act I thought could do best in ESC, it went to the act that made me genuinely happy. In the end I don’t care if The Mamas don’t qualify or… Read more »
Thanks for sharing, Niya.
I can completely understand that approach to The Mamas and Dotter. One brought a technically strong performance and the other brought an emotionally engaging and uplifting performance; both were good, worthy winners. I felt like splitting my votes between the two of them as well (if I had any votes to cast) and I can see why the jury and public vote were so close for the two of them.
Very interesting but I’d argue the opposite- I found the Mamas more polished and slick, while Dotter was more heartfelt and authentic in my opinion (of course, both were more genuine than Brave but less so than Kingdom Come, if we compare the top 4 to each other). The Mamas’s song seemed calculated- in fact, I would say Too Late for Love was far more organic. You could tell John poured his heart into composing and singing that song, and he should’ve wrote one for The Mamas because they have such a strong bond. Move brings a smile to your… Read more »
I think that’s very fair and I almost entirely agree with you too, Azaad.
You’re right to point out that even a Disney-style song has to be calculated to a certain extent to achieve what is intended, but that design process is less apparent and feels more appealing and cheerful compared to the dark and sleek design of Dotter’s performance. I never got “from the heart” feelings with Bulletproof but I absolutely got that Dotter cares about her work in interview and as a performer and artist on stage.
Thank you guys for your thoughts and opinions! There’s no accounting for taste, or as we say in Sweden “smaken är som baken – delad i två” (word for word translation: “taste is like the buttocks – divided in two”) 🙂
I’m looking forward to May, there are some great songs this year and with no real obvious winner (yet) it will surely be an exciting show.
North Macedonia just released a very good song. Basically as good as Switzerland 2019. It will qualify in SF1.
This is how I see SF1 playing out:
For sure qualification: Lithuania, Norway, Romania, Israel, North Macedonia.
Highly likely unless they screw up the song: Malta and Russia
Borderline: Australia and Sweden
Room for 1 more after these. Dotter or Anna would have been for sure qualification IMO.
Israel’s song is just some noisy mess without any melody, and Vasil’s song is awfully dated. There’s no way these 2 are sure qualifiers, also as of now they’re respectfully 21st and 25th in the odds (that is, nowhere). If they qualify, it’ll be as 9th or 10th and they’ll crash in the final.
You’re wrong. Israel is #16 in the odds overall. And Vasil was just released right now so it hasn’t been updated. And the current odds for Sweden were expecting Dotter, expect it to drop. By the way the odds in March are never right.
We’re just looking at 2 different odds website (I’m looking at Eurovision World). But also if you don’t trust the odds in March, why did you care to check? 😉 The winner is still uncertain (like, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a country trending #8 or #9 in the March odds eventually winning in May), but if a song is dropping to 20th or below you can clearly tell no one cares about it… and that’s not going to change. Once the song is released (and we now have all the songs minus 4) bookmakers decide if it’s good… Read more »
Citing the odds is dumb and especially in March. You must be a eurovision novice. They make big changes to the odds during the rehearsals. A couple years ago cyprus shot up 10+ spots during the rehearsals. Even after the rehearsals the odds are not all that accurate as Norway and Macedonia last year show you.
What is dumb is constantly taking one specific instance and making it a general rule (like “Post-rehearsal odds for Norway 2019 were not accurate, therefore odds are never accurate”). I can do that too: in 2018, Israel jumped to #1 in the odds in March right after the song was released and stayed there the whole time… So what? If I follow your logic, that means the #1 in the odds in March is always going to be the winner. That’s not making any sense. Besides you’re missing the whole point: that song is just not good and the odds… Read more »
Really? I think North Macedonia would qualify in SF2 but might struggle in SF1.
Right now, based on everything we know and can expect, I’d predict the following qualifiers:
1. Lithuania
2. Russia
3. Sweden
4. Malta
5. Norway
6. Australia
7. Romania
8. Ukraine
9. Israel
10. Ireland (or Azerbaijan, depending on what they reveal)
I think others would qualify if they were in SF2.
If you think Ireland is a borderline qualifier, then that’s all we need to know about your rankings.
People dismissed Ireland in 2018 and it qualified. I think Ireland will do well enough to communicate a similar message again this year and come 10th-12th overall in SF1.
I’m sorry but this song sounds like its from 2007, and not in a good-nostalgic way… they are cute but honestly nothing catchy or special..
I hope Sweden flops in Rotterdam
Justice for Dotter!
Swedish fans after esc final and Sweden flops: We should have sent Dotter!!
Revenge is not justice. Stop.
Also, it doesn’t even help Dotter to have a bad result for Sweden without her at ESC. If you are beaten let it be to the winner of it all, not something that can’t beat anyone else. Dotter would want her compatriots to do well, and to win, just like she would be grateful and empowered by their support if she had won Melfest.
It would absolutely help Dotter because everyone would be forced to rethink the choice and wonder how much better Dotter would have done. If Mamas flop, this year will forever be known as the one Dotter should have been selected.
I voted for Dotter. I think we should have sent her. But I think the troll generation of the 2000s voted for The Mamas.
TOP 5 with juries, from 10 to 14 with televote, total from 6 to 10 place in final
Exactly. Pretty much like for Too late for love!
I still don’t get the hype about this song and these ladies. As a soul song, is totally soulless, is bland, repetitive, and don’t have that special sense that soul songs tend to have. Their voice, yes, they are good (not amazing, but just good enough). And don’t understand why, if last year with a similar (and better) song sweden didn’t attract enough public votes, send this year a not that good song. For me it will not be a surprise if this stuck in semifinal. I wish Sweden the best, cause I’m almost always supportive about that country in… Read more »
Couldn’t have said it better.
There was no hype. The hype was all focused on Dotter.
You are absolutely right. 100%
Dotter was so much better, potential esc winner.
The Mamas has no chance of winning, will be in the middle of the pack honestly. Too bad, eurovision lost out on top notch performance of the Dotter.
Dotter was not that good. She was far from a ESC winner. Most likely top 5 but hardly a winner.
Love it! I’m really looking forward to seeing them in May
Every other artist, even Dotter, sang some false notes during yesterdays final. The Mamas deserved their win and are actually great singers both individually and together. Dotter’s Ygritte-looks and lightshow might have won Sweden some more votes in ESC but The Mamas are artists I’m proud to represent me.
This isn’t the voice. Yours is the most irrelevant comment I’ve read. As if everyone in Sweden voted for the Mamas because they sang the notes right.
And they did not win in actual votes. It is the strange system with age groups not actual vites that made then win.
Could it perhaps be because Mamas cover each other’s flaws when they sing literally together? I’m so done with people overhyping the quality of their vocals as if they are Whitney Houston…
Austria: Dotter 2 – The Mamas 6 Armenia : Dotter 6 – The Mamas 12 Malta: Dotter 10 – The Mamas 12 The Netherlands. Dotter 6 – The Mamas 7 France: Dotter 7 – The Mamas 6 Israel: Dotter 10 – The Mamas 4 Island: Dotter 12 – The Mamas 8 Austalia: Dotter 12 – The Mamas 10 The Juries failed to save us. I knew that the tiered swedes that miss the sun and that are fed up whith all darknes whould fall easily for a happy pill like move and don’t care about our chances in Rotterdam. But… Read more »
Everybody predicted that the jury would determine the winner. And they failed to choose between these two acts, which resulted in one winning just because of some technicality of the televote. This feels very weird but this was the closest – and most exciting – Melfest season in YEAAARS
You try to please too much. The idea of having foreign juries to hinder a runaway televote makes the competition very mainstream. Let the people decide. And if they for some reason make the wrong decision live with it. Its not a disaster to miss a final.
Hmmm. It will be interesting to se the exact votes from the different agegroups. Dotter might have more votes than Dotter but from wrong age group.
Island means something else.
Sweden what did u do??? U had the chance to win ESC again with Anna B and her sexy men and but lost it totally sending 3 big mamas again. Its unfuckingbelievable! We all thought it was already clear and were looking forward to attend ESC in Stockholm again next year. Soo soo sad
Seriously? It’s Lithuania that is the favorite to win.
embrace yourselves.. we are going to have the best stage in ESC history in Rotterdam, yet for the most boring edition of ESC.. except for a handful of interesting songs announced at the beginning of the season everything else is just meh.. as time pases, and more songs are announced, the disappointment rises further..
i have watched esc for many years. its the same as always. i dont get your point. Ballads,pop,ethinc. are every year. this year to.
not true, there were times when you literally couldn’t pick your winner, cuz there were a couple of really good songs.. this year there is hardly any wow song, and Lithuania and Iceland are probably the only contenders… we can hardly pick a decent top 10 this year..
Exactly! This year I won’t even vote
okey. i have a lot i like. Bulgaria, Iceland, Switzerland, Slovenia, Germany, Sweden, Belarus, Israel , Latvia, Poland. so i guess we dont have the same taste:). its okey.
Well every year I feel that Philip, but I find playing them over I suddenly ‘discover’ that I really like songs which I discounted at the outset. The same goes when I see them perform on the Eurovision stage. So my advice is to give the songs a chance. They haven’t been selected for no reason.
This edition is so so disappointing yes. I’m so sorry for NL, having to try to make an « amaaaazing show » with so many boring songs… good luck guys !!
For the first time since years, I won’t vote this year.
OMG now I see my tantrums over Hurricane were actually moderate 😀 I honestly think Dotter would not have nailed it in May, and nor will Mamas. No big deal, this is just not the year for Sweden’s victory. (Not every year can be!) Keep sending good music, thanks!
If the most comments on a country would win: Sweden would win every year haha. Get over it now. If i can you can to. Its a new melfest in 2021 you can complain on. Only one year left for you to be negative again. YEYYYYYYYYYYYY
Or one year more for you to learn how to accept other opinion without calling other haters.
Oh its worse. Appatently we are all racist. Too we are jealous of swedish superority. Besides beeing childish.
well, you alone have posted like 100 comments, and there’s also Davve (and his many aliases) with more 300, who might be the same person, so…
when people can be negative with a good reason, i dont have to post. Some said the mamas are to black to win for Sweden, and some said its Africavision wit a lot of black singers.. Then you have to say something haha. I dont want all to be that stupid here.
It’s great to see that you have changed your opinion since Jeangu’s article.
I’m actually surprised he wasn’t banned after that, but he is still here being obnoxious as usual.
National Selections: *kicking all of my faves out on one evening*
Me: I’m braveeeeeeeeeeeee!
Sweden playing it safe as always. It’s not a bad song and obviously they are great singers, but…. meh. The juries will make it go top 5 for sure.
i bet you have said the same thing for the last 5 years. GET NEW MATERIAL!
As soon Sweden gives a NEW MATERIAL!
okey: ask the mamas this then: Hey can you change your style more to Nicky minaj beacuse i think you should change your style 100%. I dont think they will. Artists have their style.
No, Sweden needed a song to cure depression caused of the absent sun and the pill was a happy song that made the Swedes happy and the viewers forgot ESC. A sad sweeper here. Dotter why didn’t the juries save you from the swedes? Sooo sad today… will try to cheer for the Msmas… but it will take sometime to join team Sweden.
Sorry but mamas song, and an antidepressant is really bad, the song is totally soulless
The swedes didn’t think so yesterday. I don’t like the song, but most people I know love it and say they become happy by the sound and their personality. But Dotter and Malou was my favourites this year.
To be fair, we would call safe almost any entry in that line up. And if they went on a real risk like Anis for instance. Fans would been complaining as well
OmG scandal. I am so angry with SVT!
Spanish news talked about Melodifestivalen event. I think this is first time TVE mention other NF in the news (Sanremo aside).
They were sort of showing to Spaniards how great another country is doing and how bad Tve is doing Esc lol xd
Grattis Sverige
You people are horrible, The Mamas should not get all the hate they get just because they won over your favorite, that is just ridiculous! It is not their fault they won, they deserved their win as much as any other winner in NF around Europe. The public preferred them to Dotter and it can’t be changed or should be changed now! Deal with it! Man even football fans acts better after a loss than these so called ESC fans on this page…
Noone dislike the Mamas, how can anyone do that. They are so nice.,You are mixing criticism against their song with hate.
Did you see that Dotter actually got way more votes from the people!
Were can I read about that?
fans are nasty , its their thing. have you ever met a nice esc fan in here? they are not many.
Nobody’s hating on them. Why do you guys take everything literally? I like them a lot, their charisma, their parsonalities, also the vocals are unbeatable, but the song just doesn’t do it for me. Sweden had a safe alternative, Dotter, who would have been among the fan favourites in a year with bland and unmemorable songs. That’s all.
Jesus, people, Dotter wasn’t even particularly good. Why the meltdown?
I never understood the hype about Dotter.
there is no hype, it was the best product, good catchy not boring song, and awesome staging.. the whole point is to elect performance package that would appeal the most to both televoters and jury.. and Dotter had certainly greater chance for that than the elected act..
Well, one thing for sure is this year’s OGAE Second Chance is going to have a lot of strong contenders!
Malta will bring a soul or gospel song and slay it. I mean Destiny won JESC by a large margin and she can sing
The Mamas won, just deal with it, bashing them and their Eurovision chances won’t help anyone, at the end of the day they won the jury and televote and are therefore the outright winners, just deal with the fact that Dotter didn’t win and move on
Either MAMAS quit and let Dotter sing for Sweden or nobody votes for Sweden and we see reprisal of “.. You received.. I am sorry, 0 points”.
They won. Deal with it. Dotter’s vocals were off on the final. The people of Sweden voted the Mamas to represent them.
Yeah, even Dotter said she’s not quite happy how she sang last night….
I can see Sweden drowning in the televoting. There was something about Too late for love, but this one.. Just no. I’m sorry. And i always support the Swedish entries despite fans hating on them every year for being overrated
Spotify official top50 in Sweden today :
1. Bulletproof
2. Vem e som oss
3. Move
4. Brave
6. Kingdom come
7. Talking in my sleep
10. Take a chance
11. Vamos amigos
12. Troubled waters
13. Boys with emotions
14. Winners
17. Shout it out
There are other artists.
Yep i just put the 12 finalists
MAMAS should quit, and let Dotter go to Rotterdam.. MAMAS have already been last year, they had their chance and this time are not even better than last year.. Dotter however, is much better than them and the audience like her way more.. Do it for Sweden MAMAS, be cool and quit.. Germany has done it..
If the audience liked her way more, why did she lose the televote?
I mean she missed the spot for the fewest amount ever recorded so I guess you could say it was very very close. So that waaay more is sick a stretch when this is the closest ending ever.
I do not think The mamas should quit, they did awesome so they should proudly represent Sweden, and so did Dotter, she should be glad of people supporting her. I was on team Dotter but I must recognize, the mamas where flawless.
Why on Earth Mamas should quit?!
because they will struggle to reach finale and Dotter would easily reach TOP 10 on the finale night seems like a reasonable reason
It would take a lot more for a Swedish song to struggle. Maybe Suzi P or Jan Johansen? Maybe… but not The Mamas. They will reach the final for sure.
Then you should have voted if you’re in Sweden.
HAHA NO, they will not struggle.Not only am I sure they will qualify, but they will also reach top 10 EASILY.
Burp it might be the new calculating system that take account of different age groups that is the cause of this. In theory Dotter could have had more actual votes. But I dont know. We need the actual number to tell!
it was vice versa, the audience loved the most Dotter, 1 spot… MAMAS were third.. the jury vote was almost split resulting in MAMAS winning by 1 point.
I’m not particularly fond of this song, but I lowkey think it could win Eurovision.
As a Dotter fan I do think this bashing of of Mamas has to stop. No, it¨s not the best of song and I can’t really be excited for them but time to realise Dotter was nothing more than a fan-wank. If she was that big of a favourite she would have won both jury and tele-voting by a mile, leaving the others far behind. Instead she tied with Mamas after jury-voting, only winning it by technicality. Her performance wasn’t the best, very nervous and shaky and the lighting wasn’t as impressive as it was in the semi-final. In contrast… Read more »
I don’t see anybody hating on the Mamas though, everybody is saying that they were good but that Dotter would have been much more memorable.
I am too sad for that. The Mamas are very nice but no winning material. I think we need to change the voting system and the whole melodifestivalen. Many of the performances yesterday were not good. The whole thing has become tired and too long. And then this result after all that time. We need something more daring. I suspect that there something with the new way of calculating the age groups that made them win. Dotter was of course my favorite second Felix then Anna and Hanna so it is hard for me to understand that the Swedes actually… Read more »
I rooted for Dotter too but I am not hating on Mamas for taking her crown, as they do on YouTube. If Swedes wanted Dotter they would have voted more for her. Maybe blame the voters who only likes safe songs, and not risks?
It is not like the Mamas won with a landslide. We need to see the actual numbers. And what about those juries.
No, but they did win. Dotter despite being hyped didn’t win and couldnt beat them. Far from being the landslide win it was predicted to be..Dotter fans needs to realise she wasn’t that big of a favourite at all and would defintely not win ESC.
But have they reliced how many that actually voted? I have a felling that it was mor older persons that voted on the mamas, and their votes counts more!
Elin look belowvsnd you can see that you are right. Actually the Mamas came third in the televoting. So I am angry with SVT. Change the rules back to they way they were before.
On Wednesday we will know. I think it’s likely Dotter got more overall votes but Mamas got slightly higher votes in one of the groups and that made the difference. And no, I don’t think older people rated Mamas higher, I know they have fans in younger groups too..
Also, have you noticed that it’s the second year in a row that French juror Bruno Berberes doesn’t give ANY point to Anna Bergendahl. He seems to have something against her. Why keeping the same jury every year if they seem to have such unobjective views ?
because he is the bff of the boss.
I did not notice that, but I did notice that her song was just not good enough. If she had not previously competed at ESC, no one would have picked it up. Also English is my native language, and I still have no idea wth she was singing about. That song was just a bunch of buzzwords without any meaning.
So? Is it a rule that everybody must give points to Anna? Not everybody liked her. It was a weak entry with some weird lyrics about Sibiria and something..
Let’s get this comments section to an even 1000.
Hahaah! :)))
I hope we don’t break the blog doing that!
Wow, this comments section is intense! A lot of passion.
a lot of over-the-top-passion
Strange, really, that amount of passion for MF. This year I found at least 10 songs from Festival do Cancao worth listening, and San Remo was insanely strong, too. On the other hand, at MF I found only Mamas and Maloy Prytz interesting. There is this one type of music Sweden can do good, and when they do it good, there’s no way you can beat them. You cannot make much better ESC winners than Heroes and Euphoria and, make no mistake, I have huge respect for Sweden. But when they don’t produce that one big song, it becomes quite… Read more »
I can see what you mean, Milan — I wonder if Jon Henrik had entered Melfest this year he might have stood out from the crowd and had a good chance to finally represent Sweden. I agree with you about the other NFS, I particularly enjoyed Vidbir again this year.
Thanks. The Bonfire was easily the act with the best potential there, but I hear they were quite bad live… I guess that’s how it goes.
When you look at the streaming figures it looks really bad for Sweden. Dotter had 10 times more views than the Mamas from people outside of Sweden. She would have killed it in May.
I don’t know if this will win or not, very unpredictable year, but they sure go for the Barbara Dex award!
Ok. Now its time when Sweden need to be consider as borderliner. Let us see how they fight for every vote. As they should! This song is basically step back for Sweden. Two steps back!
My votes so far will go to these songs which deserved to go to final from semi1:
Still waiting to hear Russia, Macedonia, Azerbaijan and Malta.
Lol, Croatia, OK. That is borderline but ok..
I agree with you, but it doesnt change I do like Croatian entry (as many others) and the fact that Sweden offer copycat. Highlithing Croatia as NQ will not help Sweden to become Q!
Croatia is 10 steps back from Sweden this year, dude
You dont recognise athenticity
well, you might be right. Still dont change the fact that Sweden didnt offer a good fresh entry. Its basically copycat, with none zero of originality. If Sweden’s standards are so high comparing to Croatia’s in that case Sweden’s steps back are even further more.
Croatia didn’t offer anything fresh either. It’s a entry from 2005. Saying Sweden is a copycat doesn’t ignore the fact that Croatia is copycat too, of early 2000s Croatian entries
2005 its not early, its mid 2000’s. And if it is the copycat of something from that time it means Croatia offered timeless type of song. We all know televote resaults for Sweden last year – and to copycat somerhing year later just to play on safe and got votes from jury ita predictable. Noone says Mamas are excellent vocalists and they looking fantastic but please do not push me the agenda its great song when its not. You do not need compare it with Croatia (its my humble opinion that deserved final) but compare it with others and then… Read more »
For once, I actually can see Sweden qualifying. It is a decent enough song. Can’t say the same about Croatia. It needs more than just being sung in native language.
In final however Sweden is just as likely to end up in top 10 as it is in bottom 10. It is that divisive. Mamas are lovely and the song is quite good but it’s success depends on people finding it to similar to last year. Again, for me I don’t care about it because I don’t like that we send the same act again..
I agree with you on Croatia. An off-the scale cute guy singing his heart out for his country, in his native language. Not many in that category this year. It’s this year’s ‘Proud’.
Louder for the people at the back.
well, they must change the results then. Dotter should go do Rotterdam
The same song of last year beat a SIA song.
Only in Sweden…and the other Nordics. Copycat songs all over.
Because it was a contender to win ESC. PerioDT!
Are you from Sweden?
So basically Sweden is sending the same type of song as in 2019, except they got rid of Ludwig and kept the Mamas. But the song really is Too late for love 2.0. R U kiddin’ me?
Eurovision scoreboard 1988 once again 😀
Like it matters… What matters is the attention an entry would get in May.
Because the song was a contender to win eurovision. Periodtttt
Who? Dotter? Naah
I usually don’t listen to songs before they are officially selected for Eurovision but I listened to this song and Bulletproof before the NF. I immediately put Bulletproof on loop. And can’t even remember this song. Honestly, I thought that Sweden could win the whole thing with Dotter. But oh well. If I have to choose between a group with 3 ladies, I’m rooting for Hurricane.
I like both Sweden and Switzerland, they are both in my top 10. It’s weird that some people think you can only have one genre amongst your favourites. For example Lithuania, Norway and Georgia are in my top 5. 3 totally different styles
Even though I’m not a fan of the song (it is a nice song to be honest) I also have a feeling that Sweden will find a way to win this year….
I wouldn’t mind that – I also find Bulgaria and Switzerland fantastic!