The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — continues to rate and review the 41 songs that had been selected for Eurovision 2020. Next up, we take a look at The Mamas — winners of Sweden‘s Melodifestivalen 2020 — and their song “Move”. Did it make us want to move? Read on to find out!
The Mamas – “Move”
“Move” reviews
Åri: I genuinely disliked this song after it won Melodifestivalen, but it has really grown on me since then. But it’s still not a good song. It’s nothing new in terms of lyrics, and in terms of sound and the overall feeling it’s a copy-paste from last year. I didn’t like “Too Late for Love” and I’m not crazy for this either… but it’s an improvement.
Score: 5.5
Lucy: I’ve never wanted a song to win Mello so bad as The Mamas this year! “Move” was the first song we heard at Sweden’s national final this year, and as the weeks went on, nothing matched its vibe of complete optimism. The gospel-tinged pop anthem is a shot of serotonin, with a catchy hook and sing-along chorus. With “Move”, Sweden were possibly heading towards their seventh win to match Ireland in the Eurovision league table.
Score: 9
Pablo: Whatever your feelings about “Too Late For Love” were, it’s likely you’re going to feel the same for “Move” — if not a little more because you may like it “without the weak part”. But overall, while the Mamas do transmit a warmth and a heartfelt quality to the song, for me it falls short. “Move” feels a bit by-numbers gospel-pop. The verses feeling empty, and the song only coming alive in the last minute. This would have been a low point for Sweden’s high-roller scoring streak.
Score: 5.5
Robyn: This is my number one favourite song of 2020. I love the oodles of positivity and joy that The Mamas bring with their song. It’s a step up from “Too Late for Love”, with Ashley, Loulou and Dinah taking centre stage and letting their personalities coming through loud and clear. I’m not sure if a song like this could be considered a surefire Eurovision winner, but it’s the sort of song that makes an impact and leaves audiences feeling better.
Score: 10
Tobias: Probably the best voices in this year edition of Eurovision Song Contest! “Move” is such a likeable song no matter gender, age or where you are from. Anyone can embrace all the joy, happiness and boost these ladies radiate. Their minimalistic staging in Melodifestivalen combined with the Mamas’ energy, outstanding voices and catchy song proves that you don’t need technically advanced staging to impress. Anyone who listens to this song will immediately get hooked up with the catchy melody. Anyone can hum on this song and that itself is one of the most powerful characteristics a Eurovision song shall have. I’m sure this would be a top-five contender as “Move” is that kind of song that reaches out to such a wide audience.
Score: 9
The Mamas – “Move” rankings
In the Wiwi Jury we have 22 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:
Angus: 6.5
Antranig: 7 Barnabas: 8.5 Bernardo: 7.5 Calvin: 7 Deban: 8 Esma: 8.5 Florian: 7.5 Jonathan: 8 |
Luis: 8
Natalie: 8.5 Oliver: 7.5 Renske: 8 Ron: 8 Sebastian: 8.5 Tom: 8.5 William: 8.5 |
We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 5.5 and a high of 10.
Wiwi Jury verdict: 7.88/10
What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!
I will give a 7.75/10 for this
Sweden – 8/10 (13th/41)
the song itself is good, not groundbreaking, but it’s the mamas and their energy and stage presence that elevate it to the high heavens. i think being the protagonists of their own performance with no john lundvik involved would’ve allowed them to reach an amazing result, even in the televote.
Ha my birth country ! So can anyone explain this to me :where exactly is the difference between this song and that of last year? Because to me it’s just copy-paste or am I wrong?
Overrated Sweden every year, but this is nothing new…. It’s Sweden!
As much as I have said about it, one thing that has it going for it is the happiness. It is a feel-good song and in a depressing times it is exactly what we need to lift us up! If it doesn’t at least make you smile you must be the Grinch or something! And I do like that it is unpretentious, not as coming for a win as usual Swedish entries. And I do think that is it’s strength, it’s not calculated or shallow cold. People, even us Swedes, has been saying we should send less calculated songs, and… Read more »
Possibly one of the blandest songs of the year and it isn’t really different to their last entry it’s practically the same people I was very let down with this song and find it very meh
Perhaps the best vocals of the year, in contention with Destiny’s maybe. A strong contender for top five, definitely. One of my favorites of the year, they are just incredible live and they deserved their time in the spotlight after last year’s performance where they were shamefully neglected in an entry that should’ve been called John Lundvik ft. The Mamas
”an entry that should’ve been called John Lundvik ft. The Mamas”
It was actually credited as such in Tel Aviv. It was Lundvik and the team who wanted the credit.
It‘s so sad, and I can’t understand why everybody state the opinion that Sweden is overrated. The whole fandom is against them every year. It’s like bullying, as a fan you don’t even dare to say sth positive about Sweden. The song is good and it would’ve been my number 3 this year. And I have no shame to say that!
Because Italy is also beloved by the fandom basically every year, and we all know that the juries haven’t rewarded Italy as generously as they have with Sweden. I think it’s a genuine perception that the public vote is somehow worth more than the jury vote, which I can see why as it’s the people voting, but that’s not the case in Eurovision and it has been pointed out that the neighbor voting occurs more when it comes to televoting. I mean, look back at 2015 where a lot of fans claim that Sweden “stole” a victory from Italy. That’s… Read more »
Sweden 4/10
Another overrated entry from Sweden, but as usual highly ranked by Wiwi…. Basically Sweden can send a junk, wiwi will say it’s a masterpiece and it’ll be ranked as high as possible. Meh…
the total clownery of this rating. next
It is a bit of a strange one. I definitely think that rating is too high and probably got an extra 1.0 just because it is Sweden. There’s nothing wrong with it but I just don’t see in what way this is a better entry than what they offered in 2019. That’s the problem with Sweden, time and time again, the message is being given to them at Eurovision in the form of poor televotes and they’re just not responding. This would probably get overrated by juries and knocked down by televoters…again. It’s performed well and looks professional but just… Read more »
This is the only song I haven’t heard LOL and now that ESC 2020 is cancelled I will never hear it and absolutely don’t feel the need to.
Why though? Because it’s Sweden?
No matter how hard I try can’t remember this song, it sounds like some familiar background which I heard hundred times (don’t think that I’m mad about Dotter, I don’t care about her either). It even comes as annoying with its cliche lyrics and forced positivity, yes they are performing it well, but I don’t find it so challenging for performing. I’m sorry to say this, as much as I like their’s personalities,but they radiate the energy of backing vocals and that’s all.
This should be number #1
It’s hard not to compare this song with “Too Late For Love”. And while I loved Sweden’s entry last year, “Move” to me feels sort of unfinished, watered-down and almost empty. It’s very slick and radio-friendly, but when it’s over, all I can think of is “it was nice, I guess”. The Mamas were undoubtedly the best part of John Lundvik’s number, but on their own they don’t seem as energetic and lively as when they were contrasted with John’s emotional delivery. “Move” is an entertaining, feel-good track, but despite Mamas’ terrific vocals and palpable chemistry, there’s nothing memorable or… Read more »
Some fans were to harsh with this one just because their fav didn’t win. So childish. “Move” isn’t a masterpiece but it is very upfiting, catchy and fresh, The Mamas do the rest, as they did last year. John without was nothing. So while Sweden wasn’t a potential winner it was a top 10 contender. 1. Switzerland – Gjon’s Tears – Répondez-moi (9.25) 2. Australia – Montaigne – Don’t break me (8) 4. Romania – Roxen – Alcohol You (8) 5. Spain – Blas Cantó – Universo (8) 7. Bulgaria – Victoria – Tears Getting Sober (7.5) 8. Latvia –… Read more »
Good performers but I don’t really fancy the song. My 29th place.
My top so far:
1. Switzerland 2. Italy 3. Romania 4. Bulgaria 5. Croatia 6. United Kingdom 7. Norway 8. Lithuania 9. –-10. Denmark 11. Russia 12. Australia 13. Albania 14. Finland 15. Israel 16. Ireland 17. Moldova 18. Estonia 19. —
20. –21. Belgium 22. — 23. Poland 24. Georgia 25. Czech Republic 26. Portugal 27. Slovenia 28. France 29. Sweden 30. Armenia 31. Spain 32. Austria 33. North Macedonia 34. Cyprus 35. Belarus 36. –37. Ukraine 38. Serbia 39. Greece 40. San Marino 41. Latvia
So much happiness vibes when I listen to it!! Excellent choice by Sweden. I liked this song as much as bulletproof so at least I’m happy that one of them won. As for the vocals, outstanding. I mean it was only reasonable black women know better than everyone how to sing. Really good choice sweden i think it’s the first time since 2014 i enjoyed their entry. So bad that they won’t be in Rotterdam next year…
Overall: 8.5/10 (11th)
I’m sick of y’all underrating this. Yeah, Dotter didn’t win. That sucks for her but you guys shouldn’t take it as blasphemy. The amount of hate directed towards the Mamas is truly sickening. And I love both Move and Bulletproof, but 90% of the hate directed towards this song is because it won and y’all know it. This song is infectiously good, and it’s in my top 5. Nearly every person I have shown it to outside of the Eurovision-fan bubble (most of my family and friends), have all had this in their top 3. This just screams televote winner… Read more »
Downvote me if u want but u know im not wrong
I didn’t downvote you Ashton, but I don’t agree with you on this one. Yes, I preferred Dotter, but I also preferred Rein Alexander in Norway, yet Ulrikke is now my number 1 for the whole competition. So I don’t hold any bitterness against The Mamas. I think you are underestimating just how many people think this is just not that good.
I think you are in the minority though, Kosey. Once again, nearly everyone I have spoken to thinks the Mamas might win. I think you are underestimating the appeal that this song has to a wider, non-Eurovision-fan audience. You have to concede that even though you dislike the song, it had a 99% chance of qualifying and a high chance of coming top ten.
I am not sure how much of a televote magnet this one would have been. I think Russia, Iceland, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Norway, Bulgaria would have all probably attracted more televotes. There could be more which I can’t think of right now. Judging by last year, I think The Mamas would have done well with the juries, so it may have made Top 5 overall, but I’m not convinced it would have done that well with the average voter across Europe.
I loved these ladies last year, so I was glad to see them participate in MF. The song’s not my absolute favourite from Sweden, but it is definitely in my top 15.
Out of curiosity, what’s the highest ever Wiwi Jury score? Love this song, by the way.
If you mean the highest at 2020 it’s Switzerland with 7.95. Now in general, I suspect it’s somewhere a little higher than 8. William said it’s really difficult for a song to get more than 8.
“Euphoria” (9.25) and “Arcade” (9.15) are the only two entries that scored above 9.
Highest ever is still Mustelmat (Finland 2015), right?
SWEDEN – It’s a sweet and happy song, perfectly delivered by The Mamas. They have all the needed energy and likability to make this work. It makes you move and have fun with them, but I did need to hear it a couple of times to fully remember the beat. Thanks to The Mamas, this feels more natural and sincere than your average Melfest song, even if keeps the same high production standard. Overall, I like it and I think it would’ve done well. It might not be re-inventing the wheel, but it’s pushing them in the right direction if… Read more »
I think I feel about this one the way you feel about Denmark. I just don’t believe in it at all – I believe I am being sold a song by some very talented performers.
I guess it’s like that. Personally, I find it very genuine and nice, even if I don’t think it’s something outstanding in any particular category. I think The Mamas have a good chemistry to pull it off. I guess Sweden and Belgium would tie for my borderline qualifier from semi 1. Also, as you can see, today I posted reviews in reverse order cause I still have a final touch to re-think about Latvia (don’t worry, I don’t dislike it, I’m just a bit confused 🙂 )
So, Sweden is your unexpected ”meh review”. Mine is yet to come…
I’m definitely interested to read what you think about Latvia – I remember you saying you thought it was hard to rate. My sense is that it is a marmite song – if you get the vibe, you’ll love it, but if not, you’re more likely to see it as a mess.
My review for Latvia is now uploaded on there. I think it’s unusual. IDK how I exactly feel about it. At times I really like it, at times I’m on the edge. I respect it’s creativity and Samanta’s energy. I am happy the song has it’s fiery fans! Then again, I am more *pro* this song than *anti* as my review indicates 2/3 of points given. I hope you’ll still find it useful. 🙂
I ADORE THIS SONG. It’s so infectiously joyous and the kind of song we need right now!
This was in contention with the jury probably giving it 200+ points
The televote would have given in around 125+ points.
This went straight into my top 5
1. Bulgaria 10/10
2. Malta 9.5/10
3. Germany 9/10
4. Sweden 9/10
5. The Netherlands 9/10
Am I really getting minus votes for writing a positive comment?!?
Never fail to surprise me, I didn’t say anything negative about one song so where are the downvotes coming from lmao
By definition, if you list your top 5 and someone’s favourite song is not in that top, then some people will feel you are being down on their song. Also, when you try to tell people what they “need”, some people won’t react well to that. But don’t take it too much to heart, if you like it, that’s great and the main thing in all this.
That’s a logic I don’t get (by downvoters of Miles’ list, I mean), because one can love far more songs in the same year, yet be more attached to some of them.
That’s the main reason I have stopped putting my total lists in each country’s article. Sometimes, you can write a really fair review, but because you’ve placed their favourite in 39th place, then they will downvote it regardless of what you’ve written about the specific country in the article. And I ended up with -10 when I said I thought Moldova was worthy of 5th place in my opinion, so I’ve just stopped putting the full list in now as I’d like to focus on what people think of the specific song in question rather than hating the fact I… Read more »
To think some people might be disliking the comment based on your list of previous scores… 🙁 But you might be right, some people have odd criteria of liking / disliking a post. Meh… I still like keeping track, I guess. 🙂
I also have no idea how *Moldova* of all songs (San Marino, Belarus, France, Estonia…) is being treated as a ”guilty pleasure”. Seriously, it’s an okay song in my book. If the performance was more polished, it might have scored higher on my list.
that top 3 tho… are you borislav milanov?
I’m with Åri here, I also I didn’t like “Too Late for Love”, but find „Move” an improvement, which I like listening to. I also have to say that I do not really see the connection from the Mamas with Eurovision, apart from being backing vocals last year – to me it feels a bit like a US entry.
31. Sweden – 5/10 – undoubtedly The Mamas are good performers and they know how to sell a song. I also like that the song is overtly happy and optimistic. Sadly however, I feel like I’ve heard this song about 3 million times before (and most recently only last year by the same people!) The song also includes some of the most cringe-inducing, cliche-ridden lyrics in the contest which spoil any kind of emotional connection that might have been building. There is something a bit too knowing, too calculated and too professional about this. If I want to move any… Read more »
Woah 7.88 might be a little high but whatever. It is in my top 15 and I really quite like it because it grew on me quite a lot after it won Melodifestivalen. Dotter would’ve been my number 1 but whatever that isn’t important now. It is a 7.75 for me
Last time I checked, it was not April Fools’ Day. I’m confused.