Even in this irregular Eurovision season, there is a regular fixture on the fan calendar — the OGAE Second Chance Contest. Various OGAE fan clubs around Europe (and the rest of the world) decide their top favourite of the national final acts who didn’t win the ticket to Eurovision. Now the candidates for the 2020 edition of the contest have been revealed!

This year’s edition of the “visual event” is hosted by OGAE France, after Destination Eurovision runner-up Seemone won Second Chance 2019 with her song “Tous Les Deux”.

The OGAE clubs whose broadcaster selected their Eurovision entry using a national final were eligible to nominate one non-winning song as their entry for the Second Chance Contest.

The 2020 edition brings fan favourites and surprises alike. One of the largest surprises including Sweden choosing Anna Bergendahl for the second year in a row with “Kingdom Come” over Melodifestivalen runner-up and huge fan favourite Dotter with “Bulletproof”.

Albania, however, has opted for the fan favourite Elvana Gjata with “Me Tana”. Likewise, Finland have gone with UMK televote winner Erika Vikman and her “Cicciolina”. Iceland have selected the hard-rocking Söngvakeppnin runners-up DIMMA with “Almyrkvi”.

While they were selected to go to Eurovision, Romania’s Roxen and Israel’s Eden Alene are in the mix with their alternate national final songs “Cherry Red” and “Roots” respectively.

Between the countries which don’t have OGAE chapters but ran national finals, the OGAE Rest of the World delegation chose one song they deemed their favourite. This year they picked San Marino’s Senhit with her alternate song, “Obsessed”. It is understood that OGAE Belarus opted not to participate in this year’s contest yet again.

The songs will be awarded points by the competing OGAE clubs, with non-competing clubs voting as the jury. The 22 competing acts have been presented in a randomly drawn running order.

OGAE France will announce the contest results later this year.

OGAE Second Chance Contest 2020

  1. Sweden: Anna Bergendahl – “Kingdom Come”
  2. Australia: Jaguar Jonze – “Rabbit Hole”
  3. Slovenia: Lina Kuduzovič – “Man Like U”
  4. Lithuania: Monique – “Make Me Human”
  5. Croatia: Indira Levak – “You Will Never Break My Heart”
  6. Norway: Rein Alexander – “One Last Time”
  7. Israel: Eden Alene – “Roots”
  8. Romania: Roxen – “Cherry Red”
  9. Ukraine: Khayat – “Call for Love”
  10. Italy: Elodie – “Andromeda”
  11. Estonia: Jaagup Tuisk – “Beautiful Lie”
  12. OGAE ROW: Senhit – “Obsessed”
  13. Czech Republic: Elis Mraz & Čis T – “Wanna Be Like”
  14. Serbia: Andrija Jo – “Oč i Meduze”
  15. Poland: Lake Malawi – “Lucy”
  16. Iceland: Dimma – “Almyrkvi”
  17. Denmark: Jasmine Rose ft. RoxorLoops – “Human”
  18. Albania: Elvana Gjata – “Me Tana”
  19. Finland: Erika Vikman – “Cicciolina”
  20. Armenia: Tokionine – “Save Me”
  21. Portugal: Bárbara Tinoco – “Passe-Partout”
  22. Latvia: Katrīna Dimanta – “Heartbeats”


Poll: Who should win the OGAE Second Chance Contest 2020?

The OGAE clubs will soon pick their favourites, but who do you think should win the 2020 Second Chance Contest? As always, you can vote for as many acts as you like but you can only vote once — so make it count!

[polldaddy poll=10573251]

Are you surprised by any of the clubs’ choices? Which songs would you have submitted in place of these? And which song do you think deserves to win? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Vava Hu
Vava Hu
4 years ago

I voted for Albania, Denmark, Finland & Norway

4 years ago

The absence of Dotter is homophobic

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
4 years ago

so many good songs, my top three would be cicciolina, cherry red and you will never break my heart

4 years ago

Honestly if even OGAE Sweden can’t choose Dotter I can hardly blame the Swedish public for picking the Mamas…out of this lineup Albania, Italy or Finland would likely win.

Paul Tatum
Paul Tatum
4 years ago

Interesting choices by some countries. In my opinion Sweden shouldve chosen dotter, norway either raylee or kristin, lithuania ruta, iceland nina and estonia shira. Glad that rest of the world chose obsessed since i think it is a criminally underrated song, gives me carly rae jepsen vibes

4 years ago

Iva 🙁

4 years ago

Am I the only one who is happy with the choice of Sweden??

Anyway, almost every country made the right choice, but the wrongest choices for me are Czech Rep. and Iceland, which should have selected We all Poop (but I would have been ok with everyone else) and Iva.

Last edited 4 years ago by Giolo
4 years ago

Where are We All Poop, Dotter, Iva, Imset, Rancore from Italy, Raylee ? 🙁

Ana Gomes Branco
Ana Gomes Branco
4 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Rancore was good. But it wouldn’t be an entry that Italians would get behind. Elodie, Achille Lauro, Francesco Gabbani, Pinguini Tattici Nucleari & Le Vibrazioni, all had higher chances than him. Though, of course, Rancore was far superior than Anastasio.

4 years ago

For those complaining about Anna Bergendahl being the choice for Sweden. Is it possible that her being chosen simply tells you something about the average age of Swedish OGAE members?
I mean, both of her songs failed to runner-up (2019 and 2020) but did score really well in the televote in the 45-59 and 60-74 both years (2nd/2nd in 2019, 1st/1st in 2020).
Maybe Swedish OGAE members are just a bit older and love themselves some Bergendahl…

4 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

she was my fave

4 years ago

Erika Vikman with Cicciolina gets my vote

4 years ago

Voted for: One Last Time, Roots, Cherry Red, Call For Love, Beautiful Lie, Obsessed and Cicciolina…

… Also, why not Dotter and IVA?

Last edited 4 years ago by Pancake
4 years ago

Me tanaaaaaa forever

Harry review's
Harry review's
4 years ago

I don’t get why it isnt dotter for sweden it should be runner up and it isnt in alot of these cases

4 years ago
Reply to  Harry review's

The OGAE party decides that, it could have been anyone from Melodifestivalen final

Last edited 4 years ago by Truth
4 years ago

Mmmmm we all poop, Iva, and pinguini aren’t options here so I dunno :-/

4 years ago

Here’s my results:
OGAE Winner: Albania
Runner-Up: Finland
3rd place: Slovenia
Top 10: Czech Republic (4th), Lithuania (5th), Israel (6th), Romania (7th), Italy (8th), Sweden (9th), and Serbia (10th)

Honorable mentions: Poland, Armenia, Ukraine, Croatia, Norway, Denmark, and Australia

This year’s NF is worst AF! The reason, several countries just choose the wrong choice (Albania, Czech Republic, Slovenia, etc.). Also Latvia chose Katrina over Markus Riva and Edgars Kreilis, Iceland chose a rock band over Nina and Iva, and Sweden chose Anna Bergendahl again over Dotter? Wrong moves here, wrong moves.

Last edited 4 years ago by ESC SSS
4 years ago

For me Cicciolina and Andromeda 100% but I also voted Poland, Albania and San Marino 🙂

4 years ago

Contraversiol – I liked Rainbow from Norway

4 years ago

Without overthinking (I love the first 4, positions would vary based on my mood):

1) Italy
2) Lithuania
3) Portugal
4) Australia
5) Estonia
6) Albania
7) Ukraine
8) Israel
9) Romania
10) Finland

Sweden and Czech Republic would make my top 10 with other choices (Dotter, Barbora e We All Poop)

4 years ago

Andrija Jo for me, it’s still on my playlist.

Followed by Rein, I still have a soft spot!

Some controversial choices as well – Dotter? Iva?

4 years ago

Italy or Lithuania

4 years ago

But Where s Moldova lol

4 years ago

One word: Erika!

4 years ago

Unpopular. But Estonia and Serbia all the way

4 years ago

I’m happy my club picked a Sammarinese song as our candidate, but my favorite would be either Poland, Portugal, or Latvia. It’ll probably wind up being between Albania and Finland unless they split the vote.

4 years ago

My NF winners (and thus, my picks for OGAE Second Chance Contest – unless my winner is the actual winner, then I’m nominating my 2nd placed song): ALBANIA: 1. Ende by Wendi Mancaku ARMENIA: 1. Chains on You by Athena Mukuchyan, 2. Save Me by Tokionine AUSTRALIA: 1. Don’t Break Me by Montaigne, 2. Rabbit Hole by Jaguar Jonze BELARUS: 1. True Love by Angelika Pushnova CROATIA: 1. When It Comes To You by Mia Negovetic CZECH REPUBLIC: 1. At Least We Tried by Karelll DENMARK: 1. Ville ønske jeg havde kendt dig by Emil ESTONIA: 1. Young by Rasmus Randvee… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Colin
4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I still watch “Alligator” from time to time, it always put me on a great mood. The “original” version, not the Joker one.

Jake Mason
Jake Mason
4 years ago

Andromeda would have won ESC no doubt if she won San Remo, Italy still always has great songs

Ana Gomes Branco
Ana Gomes Branco
4 years ago
Reply to  Jake Mason

Plus it was produced and written by Mahmood and Dardust (producer of Soldi). They’re a killer duo – Mahmood has delivered amazing hits, song after song. Go listen to his new one, “Dorado” 😀

4 years ago

“Lucy” all the way. Most of these acts are just fan wanks tbh. That’s what the OGAE is though.

From the start I could tell Finland, Albania, Sweden, Italy and Romania would be up there. Fans are so predictable.

Last edited 4 years ago by Héctor
4 years ago

Umm Dotter was my clear favorite of this NF season but I’m absolutely fine with Sweden’s choice. They chose who they wanted and if that’s not Dotter then it’s completely acceptable. I do take your point that the situation in this comments section could’ve been much worse

Last edited 4 years ago by Idksmth
Esc addict
Esc addict
4 years ago

My favorite is Ukraine, I love Khayat

4 years ago

Finland needs to win this

4 years ago

Oh again Sweden hates Dotter they just don’t deserve her

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom

silly. Anna is great to and hanna Ferm and Dotter

4 years ago

Lithuania, Italy and Albania. 3 good songs that are not ESCish. I love Eirka Vikman and Anna Bergendahl’s songs but there are way too much done for the contest.

4 years ago

My top: 12 points: Italy. ‘Andromeda’ is authentic, modern and brilliant. A masterpiece and one of the songs that I’ve heard the most this year. I love how fresh and how atemporal it sounds. It’s one of those songs that every delegation would love to send. Must be honest with you: I would love to see Elodie in Rotterdam in 2021. 10 points: Romania. ‘Cherry Red’ is pop perfection. Love the latino vibe, love the Spanish, love the vibe that the song is able to create. A summer jam that has ruined by a terrible stage. It had the potential… Read more »

4 years ago

It’s really really really stupid that Bulletproof isn’t on this list – as well as Wild.

OGAE is dumb, as they always have been 🙂

4 years ago

Obviously Cicciolina .

4 years ago

I voted for Elodie, Lake Malawi, Rein Alexander and Khayat. I really liked these four songs. But the four songs these countries were planning to send to ESC 2020 were also among my favourite ones so I am not complaining.

4 years ago

Songs I would vote for (which are a part of my NF top 25) are Andromeda, Passe-partout, Beautiful Lie, Cicciolina and Call For Love. Lucy, Rabbit Hole, Cherry Red, Roots and Me Tana are also quite good. Some of the other choices are… odd, to say. I mean, I thought that Oculis videre would be a logical choice for Iceland. Kingdom Come is a really good song too, so I’m not complaining, but I always thought that Bulletproof has it in a bag. Some songs are just ”okay” IMHO, but are still obvious choices for this selection (Denmark, Serbia, Armenia).… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Colin
Iván el Conquistador
Iván el Conquistador
4 years ago

Are you sure these songs are the ones who ranked second in their respective national finals? Some of these Second Chances have messed up with certain countries, putting songs who didn’t rank second.

4 years ago

They don’t have to be second-placers. The OGAE clubs just select which ones they liked most that didn’t win the NF, to my knowledge.

4 years ago

Lithuania is easily my winner.
Also, really like Portugal and Finland as choices.

4 years ago

Does anyone know why Belarus and Moldova aren’t here

4 years ago
Reply to  Cillian

Moldova are part of OGAE Rotw (Rest of the world). Their members had the choices of one of the Moldovan songs or either of San Marino’s. They chose San Marino’s.

4 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Which makes this even more of a meh choice, considering I’d take Alexandru Cibotaru’s song over Obsessed.

As for Belarus, my ironic comment would be that not even one of them would pass the bare minimum of 5/10 requirement to be considered a legit option, but the realistic part of me wonders as well.

Last edited 4 years ago by Colin
4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

You have to remember that ONE San Marino entry was competing against numerous possible entries for Moldova. There are fans who’d vote for the San Marino act just because it is San Marino whereas there probably wasn’t a consensus when it came to the best Moldovan act.

As a Rotw member who hated both San Marino songs, I knew that it was going to be our representative just based on how the vote was set up.

4 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

That speaks volumes about the quality of Moldova’s national final

4 years ago
Reply to  Tajikistan

In my opinion “Moldovi?a”, “Die For You”, “My Wine” and “Dale Dale” were great songs in Moldova’s national final.

4 years ago
Reply to  Heyey

What about Do it Slow? that was my nf winner and yet no-one else seems to like it 🙁

4 years ago

This contest is better in terms of overall song quality than what would have been the main show. So many countries had decent tunes in this one that when I think back to what they were planning to send instead is scandalous.

4 years ago

Kingdom Come, Me Tana, Cicciolina, Human, One last Time are songs I still listen on repeat. Love them all.

I have the feeling that never my fav can win a NF, haha 🙂

4 years ago

“Die for you” is great absentee.

Last edited 4 years ago by Donald
4 years ago

Iceland not selecting Oculis Videre for OGAE is complete BS

4 years ago
Reply to  Ashton

Same could be said for Sweden not choosing Dotter’s “Bulletproof” and Norway not choosing Raylee’s “Wild'”.
Also “All The Blood” deserved to be Czech Republic’s OGAE entry.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ashton

oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification! 🙂