Before the night of 12 February, ten of the twelve spots in the final of Norway’s Melodi Grand Prix were already taken. In addition to the four winners of the earlier semi-finals, there are also six automatic qualifiers with booked places in the show. The fifth and last semi-final of the national selection took place on Saturday evening and after a faulty stream and minor widespread panic, we now have a winner. Clinching the ticket to the grand final is IMERIKA with her song “I Can’t Escape”.

Norway: Melodi Grand Prix 2021 Semi-Final 5 Results

The concept of the semi-finals is as follows: The four semi-finalists are split into two duels, which is determined by an on-stage draw. The winners of both duels then face off in the final duel, where the winner advances directly to the MGP 2021 final. The remainder of the acts go to the wildcard round (siste sjanse, or final chance) on February 15.

The competing songs and artists of the third semi-final were: “Walking In My Sleep” by Ane.Fin, “I Can’t Escape” by IMERIKA, “Coming Home” by RIVER, “Bli med meg på gar’n” by TuVeia.

Duel 1: TuVeia vs RIVER

TuVeia gave off “En godt stekt pizza” vibes with their barnyard rockabilly number “Bli med meg på gar’n”. RIVER then took the stage with their Victor Cronesque pop piece “Coming Home”. TuVeia advanced only to Siste sjanse, as RIVER clinched the ticket to the final duel.

Duel 2: Ane.Fin vs IMERIKA

Ane.Fin took the stage first with her powerful electro-pop banger “Walking in My Sleep”. Fan favourite IMERIKA — whose stage name is a play on “I’m Erika” rather than the United States of America — followed. She channelled Billie Eilish with her soulful number “I Can’t Escape”. Her performance was tender, vulnerable and honest — living up to the idea of singing from the heart.

Final duel: RIVER vs IMERIKA

The other two songs competed for the remaining ticket in the gold final. RIVER and IMERIKA went up against each other. Both all-caps performers gave beautiful performances, and the tension was high. IMERIKA made the grand final, while the five-piece band RIVER made Siste sjanse.

MGP 2020 finalist Rein Alexander also debuted his Mørland-penned entry “Eyes Wide Open”. An automatic qualifier, we will also hear it in the grand final in one week.

What do you think of the results? Will “I Can’t Escape” do well in the final?

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4 years ago

She has a chance but I think her presentation needs to be a bit stronger. Plus Tix is a very popular artist right now in Norway and his Fanclub would help him. He has 211 thousand followers when Keiino has 36 thousands and you know that if a pop star is in a national final he gains loads of vote. Plus his staging is quite outrageous so he can attract votes from that too

4 years ago

I don’t understand why people are dismissing Tix from winning! Apparently he is one of the most popular artists in Norway. He has a staging which like it or not stands out and on top of that he is an artist where all his singles for 2016 has being to top 10 of Norway

4 years ago

My overwhelming view from this semi is…. I can’t believe RIVER completely ripped off The Common Linnets staging!

4 years ago

So glad for Imerika! the best song of the semi won.
Can’t wait for the next MGP round.

4 years ago

So depressing …

4 years ago
Reply to  Ffs

Wiwibloggs please block “Ffs”, that person is just commenting one to three words always and it’s always negative. We don’t need empty words filled with toxic meanings!

4 years ago

Unpopular opinion: I thought Rein Alexander was amazing, I would not count him out just yet!

4 years ago
Reply to  Nobody

It was better live yes, can’t see it winning though.

4 years ago

Just at the point where I was really onboard with Rein’s song and ready for him to be a challenger for the win, that’s the staging they went with? Ugh. The dancers were such a bad idea. It’s such a big song. It needs PYRO!
It’s not out of it yet but I’d put it firmly behind TiX and KEiiNO at this point in terms of likelihood of winning.

4 years ago

She looked younger on the promo photo, maybe it was the makeup

Ria van de Velde
Ria van de Velde
4 years ago

I am happy that Imerica made it to the final. Now the next step, The ticket to Rotterdam.

I like also TIXX and KeiiNO . Good Luck to them !! Go for it !!

4 years ago

I wish they could put more effort in Imerika’s staging for the final. Those colored lights on her face could be done differently to be more visually pleasing ; the dark wardrobe makes her disappear a little ; the camera angles are quite basic (and sometimes they film the violins when there is no violin playing in the song…?). I know Norway are not especially good at staging but they could do SO MUCH MORE with an entry like that :/

4 years ago

Tones and I vibes anyone?

4 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

That’s what I thought! Her voice and style are an interesting mix between Tones and I, Adele and Billie Eilish 🙂 but with her own music genre

4 years ago

I dont mind either
Imerika (The song it self will make to the top 10 Norway used to sent this kinda song)
Keiino (Pretty sure this will make top 10 due to europe love them)
Raylee (Best 80s 90s vibe song out of that compete for national finals)
Emmy (This is kinda new to eurovision but still will qualify)

win all will doing well in Eurovision

Mr X
Mr X
4 years ago

That´s indeed music in a high level. IMERIKA for Rotterdam, please, Even better than KEIINO.

4 years ago

“I Can’t Escape” is a very good song, I’m glad IMERIKA delivered it so well. I wish they put a little more effort on her staging though. Unfortunately, Morland hasn’t got me this time. I don’t think Rein’s staging was enough to give meaning to their package. I’ll be happy if KEiiNO or IMERIKA represent Norway in Rotterdam. TIX would be my third option, but I don’t like his staging or the idea he’ll translate his song to English. Raylee and the final chance winner will probably complete my top 5. I’ll be rooting for “Faith Bloody Faith” or “Pages”… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

We are very close, as usual Sabrina. But I would give the last ticket to River. For the win.. Emmy, Raylee, Immerika or Keiino.

4 years ago
Reply to  NickC

I actually like River too, I just think these other 2 are more intesting. And I like Emmy’s song, but she needs to work on her stage presence.

mark dowd
mark dowd
4 years ago

good song. But this mannered delivery is so unnatural. All started with Lena in 2010. Singing like you have a pair of pliers in your mouth. Keep it straight!!

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago

I can’t escape how I feel about “I Can’t Escape” – this is a great song, and IMERIKA has such an emotive voice, I am very happy that she is through to the final. 🙂
I also enjoyed RIVER and Rein Alexander. I don’t know what the format is behind the second chance process for the last final spot, but I reckon anyone of four of five songs that were knocked out could get that spot – RIVER might get it. Does anyone know what the second chance format is gonna be?

Stian F
Stian F
4 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

All 15 songs left in the semis are up for that ticket. It will be a 2 hour show, not sure if they all will get to perform again though or if it just a recap of songs or videos… Time will tell.

4 years ago

I really like Imerika’s song, but it’s still Keiino for me. Imerika’s song feels like top 5 material, but Keiino’s feels like winner material to me.

4 years ago

I like Imerika- it’s a good addition to the MGP final.I think the staging could be improved to make more of the emotion in the song.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
4 years ago

Idk why but I’m really not connecting to Imerika’s song. It’s so bland and unmoving to me, and I love a good ballad. This wouldn’t crack the top 10 at eurovision, sorry.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

I’m actually really happy that someone else feels the same about it. It’s bad Adele karaoke to me. Just not feeling the hype.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
4 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

It’s strange to me, cos I’m usually with the hype. except for Raylee’s Wild in 2020. I Can’t escape isn’t bad, but it’s just so middle-of-the-road.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

I don’t think it would even qualify at Eurovision. I’m not getting sudden hype for the song either

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl


athena manoukian stan
athena manoukian stan
4 years ago

okay but royane needs that wildcard

4 years ago

I’m happy she qualified. Great song, decent staging and her voice for the most part was on point.
I think I might have a new winner for MGP?

4 years ago

Finally, the semi finals are over. Just one week and We will see who will represent Norway at Eurovision!

4 years ago

I really enjoyed the fragility and honesty in IMERIKA’s performance. A deserving winner in my opinion.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
4 years ago

Nina’s perofrmance was outstanding, no idea what you are talking about.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

I agree, I thought she was good, not sure where all the negative comments are coming from

4 years ago

Yes, I just found it and I absolutely agree. Also: violins on stage? Knowing Norway, that’s a good sign of a potential winner.

4 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Just off the top of my head, that was a recipe for success for Secret Garden, Carl Espen, Alexander Rybak twice, Kate Gulbrandsen, Ulrikke (I think), Mørland and Debrah (counting the whole orchestra I suppose)…

Last edited 4 years ago by Joe
4 years ago

She was amazing!! Couldn’t watch it live because of issues with NRK. Good luck

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago
Reply to  Hellooooo

Yeah, that’s weird about NRK. It looks to me as if the first 58 minutes of footage were not recorded onto their website. Everything after that is fine. Also, of the clips I have watched back taken from the “missing time” period, the sound quality seems to be dubious. Just a bad day for NRK?

4 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

The streaming stopped working here right when Ane.Fin was starting her performance. I was only able to watch her and Rein on Youtube. I hope they’ve learned from it, because we can’t have the same happening during the big final…

4 years ago

I’m upset we probably won’t see this masterpiece in Rotterdam because of… KEIINO. Which is a shame because Imerika could easily win Eurovision.

4 years ago
Reply to  ERUS

It is too early to be upset. Norwegian televoters have been known to appreciate Imerika type entries in the past. We Norwegians tend to like black horses and underdogs 🙂 I will certainly vote for Imerika, I’ll tell you that

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
4 years ago
Reply to  ERUS

I don’t think it’s that much of a played race. It’s mostly in the international eurovision fandom that keiino is highly favorited. In the norwegian televote anything can happen. But I guess it will either be: TIX, Raylee, Keiino or imerika. I’d be happy with all!

4 years ago

Imerika was great!
Rein Alexander song and staging are not so good this year unfortunately..
Right now I can see in the final top 4: tix,keiino,imerika and raylee.

4 years ago

Well, now I can say I’ve consistently followed three NFs enough to have favorites in all of them (Finland, which for me is either Blind Channel or Oskr; Norway, which is IMERIKA but Keiino isn’t a long way off; and Spain, for what it is, and there “Memoria” is my favorite).

4 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Same favourites as myself 🙂

4 years ago

Now please let Imerika win the whole thing!!! Incredible live vocals and amazing song

4 years ago

did the mgp website not work for anyone else? my discord server had the same thing where the performance just kept going back to ane fin when it loaded?

4 years ago
Reply to  canada_piano

I couldn’t watch the second duel and Rein Alexander. At least for the final dual the live stream worked again

4 years ago
Reply to  Anita

Same. I had dinner in the last one and didn’t bother of watching it

Lorenzo Celli
Lorenzo Celli
4 years ago
Reply to  canada_piano

I had the same problem

4 years ago

For me, this is by far the best song in MGP this year. Delighted that Imerika is in the final! Having said this, she reminds me a lot of Carl Espen in that she lacks stage experience and confidence.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ivar

If this is our obligatory Norwegian act the juries love and the televote doesn’t get…well, after Carl, Mørland and Debrah, and JOWST, I can’t act like it’s anything I’m not used to.

4 years ago
Reply to  Joe

This is indeed the case. Norwegian televoters tend to favour these types of entries, but she is up against very hard competition

4 years ago
Reply to  Ivar

Gotta say: maybe this isn’t as jam-packed a year of NFs as usual, but what we lack in quantity we make up for in quality! All the ones I’ve followed have been superb, and two I didn’t as much (France and Lithuania) at least picked winners I seriously enjoyed.

4 years ago
Reply to  Joe

So wait, you like the FdC entries or are you not counting those yet?

4 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

Haven’t heard any of the FdC or Eesti Laul songs yet so I can’t make a judgment call on those. I’ve heard good things!

Last edited 4 years ago by Joe
4 years ago

Cannot WAIT to watch Imerika’s performance. The two songs in the duel were exactly the ones that should’ve been, and the right one won.

4 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Roll on, Siste Sjanse! And get Jorn that spot in the final he deserves!