The first and biggest Super Saturday of 2021 is over. It leaves behind a trail of glitter and drama. But we’ve also got three more songs to add to the Eurovision 2021 roster — TIX’s “Fallen Angel” for Norway, Blind Channel’s “Dark Side” for Finland and Blas Cantó’s “Voy a quedarme” for Spain. And now it’s time to once more ask — who is your favourite Eurovision 2021 act so far?
Croatia’s Albina took gold in our last survey for a second time, but will it be third time the charm? You decide!
You can listen to the entries from Norway, Finland and Spain below. Then vote in our poll. Choose wisely, you can only vote ONE time. Voting is open until Tuesday 23 February — the day when Senhit will release her song for San Marino.
We will then relaunch the poll at the weekend to include new entries from San Marino, Cyprus, Germany, Ireland, and Slovenia, along with any other songs which might drop between now and then.
Eurovision 2021 entries as of 21 February
New entries
Norway’s TIX with “Fallen Angel”
Norway’s Melodi Grand Prix 2021 final was touted as being one of the strongest in years. Yet despite the abundance of quality, the selection was always going to be between two acts — Eurovision 2019 stars KEiiNO and local superstar TIX. The bookies backed the former while the charts suggested the latter had the edge. In the end, it was TIX who won out with “Fallen Angel”, the English-language version of “Ut av mørket”. He easily topped the public vote, pulling in more votes than even Alexander Rybak in 2018.
Finland’s Blind Channel with “Dark Side”
Finland too had one of its most successful national selections for some years. Of the seven entries, three cracked the top ten in the country’s official singles chart. This included Blind Channel with “Dark Side”, the act which emerged victorious from Saturday’s UMK 2021 final. The violent pop group convincingly topped both the jury and public vote.
Spain’s Blas Cantó with “Voy a quedarme”
Last year he was due to sing the internally selected “Universo”. But for 2021, Spain decided to shake things up slightly and let the public choose Blas Cantó’s next Eurovision entry. They were presented with two options — “Memoria” and “Voy a quedarme”. The people opted for the latter, a song which Blas says he wrote at the most difficult moment of his life — a time when he lost both his father and grandmother.
Other entries
- Albania: Anxhela Peristeri “Karma”
- Croatia: Albina “Tick-Tock”
- Czech Republic: Benny Cristo “Omaga”
- France: Barbara Pravi “Voila”
- Israel: Eden Alene “Set Me Free”
- Lithuania: The Roop “Discoteque”
- Ukraine: Go_A “SHUM”
Who is your favourite Eurovision 2021 act so far?
Which entry is your favourite? Can any of them win the contest in May? Let us know in the comments.
Lithuania, France, Czech Republic and Croatia
are bound to reach the final, in that respective order. The others do not really stand a chance. Finland and Ukraine, for that matter, shouldn’t even bother coming to Rotterdam. Mission impossible to survive the semis for them. Regardless whether it is quality or not, that kind of music is for a limited group of people only.
God really said “Croatia can be iconic this year, as a treat.” huh?
Ngl I’m LIVING for Ukraine, and Israel is a VERY close second. This is probably a very hot take, but not many of these songs are very good.
I like all the songs but there’s some songs that I love more. Here’s my top:
10 – Czech Republic
9 – Albania
8 – Ukraine
7 – Spain
6 – Israel
5 – Croatia
4 – Lithuania
3 – France
2 – Finland
1 – Norway
So far Lithuania, Finland, France, Croatia, Ukraine and Czechia are in my top 10, the rest are not qualified sadly. I cant wait for more songs to come!
Well I guess we’re back to Discotheque after Norway failed to deliver.
Croatia screams hyped entry that finished 13th in semi-final. I really don’t get that song and I’m a fanatic fans of any pop song
Croatia is good, but this good? Not really..
Finland for me 🙂
1 Lithania
2 France
3 Zchec Rep
4 Spain
5 Finland
7 Albania
8 Ukraine
9 Croatia
10 Norway
Lithuania 12
Ukraine 10
France 8
I love France’s entry and I think it is the most genuine and inspiring song from them all. After that I also like Lithuania and Finland. (I also like Croatia but I am biased because I am Croatian…)
Ukraine, Finland, Norway and Lithuania, sorry but BIG NO from me.
I really like Finland this year. I like listening to it. So far.. that’s about it.
Demonic lyric 🙁
Guys, you’re sleeping on benny again…just saying!
I really like Croatia and France so far
Oh look they are spamming Croatia yet again… boring now.
Guess Croatians don’t got anything better to do than vote for their own song. Lol
So only Croatian people vote for their entry, other nationalities don’t.. such a lame way of thinking.
Blind Channel are my favourites although I may be slightly biased as I’m quite into metal myself! I think their song sounds like a mix of Hollywood Undead and Linkin Park in the Hybrid Theory days circa 2000/2001!
The Shum stans are waking up it seems 😉
My top 10 so far 1.Finland- 9/10(So powerful,reminds me of Linkin Park) 2.France-9/10(Very beautiful and unique) 3.Lithuania- 8/10(On fire was my winner last year but this is also good) 4.Croatia- 8/10(Such a nice and catchy pop song and Albina is amazing performer) 5.Ukraine- 7/10(Song is interesting,not a fan of her voice) 6.Israel- 6/10(It’s ok but not competitive enough.I expected something like Rakata or Feker libi) 7.Czech Republic- 6/10(It,s good but kinda forgettable) 8.Spain- 5/10(not my cup of tea,nice vocal but nothing special) 9.Albania- 4/10(very expected from Albania,not bad but it is somehow underproduced and oldfashioned) 10.Norway- 2.5/10(outdated,predictable and boring,they had… Read more »
Next time I will not vote for my favorite bit for Croatia as there is so many people who are simply boring with comments here… or for Albania as dont get how Norway can be higher then last position.
Don’t deprive yourself for that!
My Top 10
8.Czech Republic
Well… I still like Ukraine! By far, I think every song is pretty decent and I cannot wait to see them on the Eurovision stage, first impressions will surely change by then 🙂
was rooting for spain but did not enjoy the performance. and with keiino gone, my favorite package is still croatia
Ok I loved Albina and her song, but now….
But gurl get a life and stop to share polls on your instagram, you are in lack of recognition or what, it’s the 3rd time you distort a poll here because of your egocentrism, you love you too much it’s ridiculous, what does it prove for you, that you have followers who obey you, well very interesting….
Nina, calm down,please. And stop boosin’.
That’s the max you can do? Really?
Ok keep obeying to your mistress Albina and ciao.
she never shared this poll on her Instagram. she only shared a post from wiwi about the meaning of her lyrics. Croatian fans have always distorted the poll this happened last year and the year before. chill
Yeah of course and she posted the lyrics too for the 2 polls before? Chill
it dosent mean shes linking the literal poll. she was just sharing a post written about specifically HER. its not a big deal. croat fans have done this before its not her fault. I voted for her song im not from croatia. I think its a banger
You must follow her on Instagram thats why you know Albina share it, right?
Oh you fancy her on the end ! Thats good to know you are fan!
Oh please I don’t need to follow her to know that! But don’t be afraid Albina stan, I like her as an artist but I dislike her behavior, that’s all.
Sorry for Albina to have been rude here, but the wiwi polls are among the small things all the eurofans can enjoy during the pre contest, it’s more fun than something serious, but when it’s wasted and biased like that, it’s not really cool; once, ok, twice, ok, but a third time again, it’s a lot.
My top;
1. Ukraine
2. Lithuania
3. Spain
4. France
5. Albania
6. Czech Republic
7. Norway
8. Israel
9. Croatia
10. Finland (Sorry, not a fan)
Again, it’s so easy to cheat on this polls. Just download Tor Browser and you can vote a million times if you want. The official bets are the only relevant.
I can’t agree more, even if the official bets are not always relevant unfortunately
No need to be mad about it just because people are losing interest in Discotheque. On Fire was much better anyways.
For me so Far only liking Lithuania, France and Israel the rest are just okay and I’m sorry but not into rock so Finland is a no
My top 10 so far 1.Finland- 9/10(So powerful,reminds me of Linkin Park) 2.France-9/10(Very beautiful and unique) 3.Lithuania- 8/10(On fire was my winner last year but this is also good) 4.Croatia- 8/10(Such a nice and catchy pop song and Albina is amazing performer) 5.Ukraine- 7/10(Song is interesting,not a fan of her voice) 6.Israel- 6/10(It’s ok but not competitive enough.I expected something like Rakata or Feker libi) 7.Czech Republic- 6/10(It,s good but kinda forgettable) 8.Spain- 5/10(not my cup of tea,nice vocal but nothing special) 9.Albania- 4/10(very expected from Albania,not bad but it is somehow underproduced and oldfashioned) 10.Norway- 2.5/10(outdated,predictable and boring,they had… Read more »
All hopes on France – after the Norwegian disaster last night!
“25%” of the songs in and still no entry that I have a big problem with. I consider it a win.
Great (1 to 3): France, Lithuania and Ukraine
Good: 4) Finland, 5) Czech Republic (I’m warming up to it), 6) Norway
Fine (7 to 10): Albania, Croatia, Israel and Spain
Croatia stop voting yourself.
Even Croatia 2019 Roko was better of all of these 10 songs.
Croatia 2019 is okay but not better than Croatia 2021
My top, my taste:
1. France
2. Spain
3. Lithuania
4. Finland
5. Albania
6. Ukraine
7. Croatia
8. Check Republic
9. Israel
10. Norway
I’m very pleasantly surprised to see Finland on the second spot. Honestly didn’t expect that one. But hey, me very happy!
My favourites are 1. France ?? 2. Finland ?? 3. Lithuania ??
Ukraine,Croatia and Czech Republic
Overrating Croatia, Underrating Czech Republic . Cant get it
I’m personally a fan of them both. But yeah Benny’s getting severely underrated.
Most of the votes come from Croats, I suppose. No?
Czech Republic
1 Norway
2 Czech republic (why y’all sleeping on this?)
3 France
1. Lithuania
2. Ukraine
3. Czech Republic
4. Israel
5. France
6. Norway
7. Croatia
8. Albania
9. Spain
10. Finland
Lithuania (Still my top but ngl it’s starting to lose its shine on me. It’ll probably get overtaken eventually) Croatia (Big improvement from last year, great job Croatia) Czech Republic (Growing on me really quickly. I think this song is very underrated) Finland (This song takes me back to being a middle schooler in 2010 and I love it for that) Israel (This is the point where songs start going from good to just middle of the road for me) Norway (It would be higher than Israel if he sung in Norwegian instead of English) Spain (I like memoria as… Read more »
My ranking again, with a little more thought: 1. Lithuania (10/10) – Unrivaled so far, but I have an open mind. 2. France (10/10) – Best French entry in years! 3. Finland (9/10) – Very excited to see them rock the stage in Rotterdam. 4. Czech Republic (9/10) – Good-hearted and full of energy. 5. Croatia (8/10) – An insidiously catchy bop with a great performer. 6. Albania (8/10) – A grower! Didn’t make much of an impression on me the first time but the arrangement is spectacular. 7. Israel (7/10) – Great production, also rewards re-listening. 8. Ukraine (7/10)… Read more »
My favourite is Lithuania and I also enjoy Finland, France, Ukraine, Croatia and Israel.
Btw, do you think that any of the songs chosen so far can win the contest? I mean obviously we still have more than 30 songs ahead of us, and also the staging will play a very significant role, but could you imagine any of these songs winning? If so, which one?
I think that israel is very underated so far,
Its fir sure better than norway, finland, czech republic, albania, croatia and spain
Better than Czech…. no hun just no!
Music wise its a fact, any real musician will agree with me, downgrades will not change this fact….