
Semi-final one of Portugal’s Festival da Canção 2021 had some surprising twists and turns and semi-final two is shaping up to have some of its own, with multiple early fan favourites participating.

On February 27, RTP headquarters will open its doors to the next ten acts. Only five will advance to the grand final on March 6.

Which one is your favourite? Which five songs do you think should advance to the final? Listen to the ten semi-finalists and vote in our poll. You can select up to five acts, but you can only vote once. So choose wisely!

Festival da Canção 2021 – Semi-Final Two Songs

Da Chick “I Got Music”

Tainá “Jasmin”

Ariana “Mundo Melhor”

EU.CLIDES “Volte-Face”

Joana Alegre “Joana do Mar”

Pedro Gonçalves “Não Vou Ficar”

Ana Tereza  “Com Um Abraço”

Carolina Deslandes “Por Um Triz”

Graciela “A Vida Sem Acontecer”

NEEV “Dancing In The Stars”

Poll: Who should win semi-final tw0 of Portugal’s Festival da Canção 2021?

[polldaddy poll=10752091]

Festival da Canção 2021 – Rules

The 50/50 voting system is back, but with different forms for the semi-finals and the grand final. A single jury and the public televote will decide which songs will advance to the final. In case of a tie, the professional jury will decide which ones advance.

In the grand final, the decision will be split by televote and seven regional juries. This time around, if we have a tie, the televote will prevail.

The second semi will be presented by Tânia Ribas de Oliveira and José Carlos Malato. The grand final will be hosted by Eurovision 2018 host Filomena Cautela as well as Vasco Palmeirim. Inês Lopes Gonçalves will be the green room host.

The second semi-final of Festival da Canção 2021 will take place on February 27. The final is set for March 6.

Which songs from semi-final two of Festival da Canção 2021 are you most excited about? Let us know in the comment section below. 

Read more Portugal Eurovision 2021 news here

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3 years ago

Lol the worst song is leading the poll while the best one is at the bottom. Typical wiwi creating false hypes and only want eurovision being englishvision like last year with Rebellion that epic fail

Last edited 3 years ago by Doris
3 years ago
Reply to  Doris

I imagine in your daily life when a english song plays on the radio you change to another station, even if is a portuguese singer…
You don’t go to any “english” concert, even if is on new years eve and the guests are some of the following: Áurea, Diogo Piçarra (his first songs), Ritchie Campell, so on…
Imagine a world in sports where a football player would be criticised if prefer to play for a English, Spanish, Italian clubs… crazy right?
NEEV is 100% portuguese. Singing in portuguese, english or russian does not change that…
Open your mind small people.

Last edited 3 years ago by Elfi
3 years ago

MTV Portugal: NEEV singing acapella Dancing with the stars:


You are welcome! 🙂

3 years ago

carolina deslandes of course !! Discovered her album through luisa sobral ages ago and listened to it on repreat. But Neev is quite goood tooo !! Love it when they send Brasilian inspirations too but this year it’s not too popular apparently.

3 years ago

I also like EU.CLIDES a lot and have been listening to it. My fear is that will get lost in trasnlation on the stage, as this song is so atmpospheric. And I also share your interest on Joana Alegre. She for me is the dark horse of this year but I think she will be in direct competition with Sara Afonso “Contramao”, another dark horse. But all in all I think we will have a very good final.

3 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

Normally they publish it a few days before the final or right after. Last year they were very quick about it, unlike 2017, which took very looong… So, at least some more two/three weeks of youtube I’m afraid 🙂 (in Spotify the album is dated of 16 January, but I am sure that that was not the publishing date. That was the date when the songs came out).

3 years ago

These are my five finalist of this SF
1. Carolina Deslandes: Not a fan of her, but this song is super well constructred
2. NEEV – Ok… it is mainstream, but it’s very well produced and constructed, so I am curious how this would do in ESC
3. Da Chick: My girl! She is a great artist and I think this could be very powerful on stage
4. Joana Alegre: Great song also and Luisa Sobral (her producer) cab be a lucky charm 🙂
5.EU.CLIDES: Super nice and atmospheric sound with a great voice

3 years ago

I mean, if you look at what happened in Norway this year and especially at the Czech Republic last year, Carolina will most likely win just because she’s the biggest name in the lineup. Her song is good which is an added bonus even if it’s not my favourite.

mark dowd
mark dowd
3 years ago

simple choice for Portugal…musical excellence against linguistic pride. Neev is the natural successor to Salvador musically…. But you’ll still reject him and opt for LA lingua franca…

Remember Telemóveis..??

3 years ago
Reply to  mark dowd

I agree Neev is the best this year, but there was no other option in 2019 other than Telemóveis! And it’s still a fan favorite. 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  raspadinha

I like sounds I haven’t heard before at Eurovision. I still listen to Telemovies. I can listen to several songs that are like dancing in the stars but better so I doubt I’ll be listening to dancing in the stars. Purely based on the sound, my pick is EU Clides but I don’t know how much of a stage song it is

3 years ago
Reply to  mark dowd

There are quite a number of interesting sides and counters in this debate.

I think as long as Portugal sends anything that unyieldingly goes against expectations of what a standard Eurovision song must sounds like then it’s a win on my book.

Sending a song in their native language is an added bonus.

3 years ago
Reply to  James

Yeah, who cares if FdC and Esc are seen as a joke in Portugal.
Gotta please the hipster foreigners and gove them trash songs that give us horrible results.
Shut up and ask YOUR and other countries to give you that

3 years ago

Everyone is sleeping on Eu.Clides. Listen to the song in full, with headphones in. It’s a hypnotic, contemporary and cultural masterpiece, I’m obsessed!

Last edited 3 years ago by ERUS
3 years ago
Reply to  ERUS

People really just throw words like masterpiece around nowadays. “Not a song simmilar to smt on the radio? Masterpiece, will change the history of music”

3 years ago
Reply to  ERUS

It´s very pleasant but it doesn´t go anywhere…

3 years ago

Agree with you on this poll. NEEV and Pedro Gonçalves should qualify. Both are my favs this year. Though I know none of them will win. The first is too modern, the second is in English…

3 years ago

I really love Por um triz and hope that it wins! I also really like Não vou ficar and Dancing in the Stars and would be happy to see them advance to the final. 🙂

3 years ago

My favorite in this semi is Deslandes and she’s an obvious frontrunner given her popularity in Portugal. Neev and Pedro also seem like safe qualifiers and contenders. I’m not that into their songs, but they’re nice and accessible. Maybe the live performances will charm me to their sides. I think Joana can be the surprise in FdC. Her song already has its fans and needs a stage to reach all its potential. This would leave one place open in the final and, though I have a sweet spot for Tainá, “Contramão” and “ Por Um Triz” are more interesting than… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Sabrina
3 years ago


3 years ago

Semi 2 top 3:
1st: NEEV
2nd: Eu.clides
3rd: Deslandes

FdC top 5:
1st: NEEV
2nd: Eu.clides
3rd: Karetus ft Romeu Bairus
4rd: Deslandes
5th: Pedro Gonçalves

From a Portuguese fan that thinks there is no such thing as fast food music, instead there is sure more “complicated” songs to produce than others, with a lot more “study” behind it, however every song can serve a purpose, and is entitled to exist!

3 years ago
Reply to  Elfi

I wish that your top reflects the actual results! 😀

3 years ago
Reply to  raspadinha

Same top? 😀

3 years ago

Joana and Graciela are my top 2, i hope they both qualify

3 years ago

I think he said in an interview that the loss depicted in this song is metaphorical. So, it’s more about the loss of intimacy with someone that became estranged. (something along those lines)

3 years ago
Reply to  raspadinha

It is quite possible that the inspiration came metaphorically. I really don’t think that each song has to have a biographical backing. Still, the song itself clearly sings about death. With lyrics like ”As the air leaves your body, for the last time” and ” Now you’re dancing in the stars above us and I’m still here singing for you”, it’s very hard to take it as a break-up. I am glad for him that’s not biographical, though. That would be extremely painful for anyone to go through.

Last edited 3 years ago by Colin
3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

If it’s not real, that kinda makes me like the song a lot less. I’m not sure if that’s fair or not.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Our own emotional impact is very individual and nobody can make you like something more or less. As for this song, I feel like it’s meaning is pretty clear. If those particular lyrics about air leaving the body and her being in the sky weren’t there, it could be interpreted either way, but this way I really think it’s about passing of a loved one. For me, whether the song is biographical or not makes a little difference if I can *feel it* like it was. For instance, Celine Dion’s song about her saying goodbye to her mother is haunting… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Colin
3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

The post is so long. In short, artists can draw their inspiration from various sources and still make the song feel real. Knowing that it is drawn from their personal life can make me love it even more, but if it’s not, it won’t detract me if it’s a heartfelt song on it’s own. Hope this is clearer and better explained. 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

That does make sense. For me, ignorance is bliss. I’d rather not know it’s just pretend. Now I’m realizing that a person actually bereft with grief would not find much comfort in the idea of their beloved dancing in the stars, and most likely find the idea ridiculous. The breath line now just makes me wonder if it’s appropriate right now, considering all the people on ventillators. If I thought it was his lived experience, he could get away with all that a lot more.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

The way this song treats death is very emotional and dignified, not dismissive in the slightest. I saw a video of an ESC critic literally being brought to tears by it because of his own personal experience. I was mentioning this when reviewing Victoria’s song too: Just because this is a tough period, it doesn’t mean that people can’t handle difficult subjects. In fact, they can find solace in them. In depends on how well executed and respectful they are.

3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

You might be entirely correct, I’m not trying to make any point or argue the rights or wrongs – just saying what’s going through my mind.

3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Also, sadly, Celine’s mother died in January 2020. Celine was on tour – she flew up to Canada to say a final goodbye, and later flew down to Miami to perform only hours after her mother’s death. I don’t think she sang it, but imagine how sad it would be to hear her sing the song you mentioned that night.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Oh… R.I.P. Maman Dion. This beautiful 2009 song now sadly has another layer. My sincere condolences. Celine lived though enough losses (her husband and brother died in consecutive days in 2016).
Yes, hearing her sing it that night would be heartbreaking.

Last edited 3 years ago by Colin
3 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I understand your thinking, Jonas, but in this case, it’s not really pretending, it’s more like the loss of the connection was so unbearable that it’s compared as if the person died.

3 years ago
Reply to  raspadinha

Maybe. I think that might even make it worse, though…that person is still breathing, so I can’t imagine they would be a fan of this song.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Yeah, I can agree with that – if the art is good enough without it. In this case, I don’t think it is. The verses are too literal, the chorus isn’t too original idea-based. Colin mentioned Celine Dion, and that made me think of her song Vole, or Fly in English. It’s about her niece and goddaughter who died at a young age from cystic fibrosis – and reminded me that there really is a lot better way of doing this type of song.

3 years ago

It’s incredible how wanting Portugal to not come last and be allowed to chose whatever it wants is seen as wrong. It’s incredible how wanting FdC to not be seen as a joke and only for entitled snobs is wrong. It’s incredible how entitled foreign hipsters think they have more of a right to decide what’s best for Portugal and have more knowledge about the Portuguese music scene than portuguese people. Everyone here isn’t talking about what the best choice for Portugal is. They just want what’s worse. Because no one here cares about how ESC or FdC are viewed… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

I must admit that I have some sympathy for you. As an outsider who knows nothing about the Portuguese music scene, if this selection of songs and artists is not reflective of the local music scene, that doesn’t seem particularly fair. I have always struggled to connect with the Portuguese selection process as I do find that there is an aura of pretension to it sometimes. I just figured that was how the Portuguese music scene is, but if you’re telling me it is not, then that doesn’t seem right. In my opinion, a country should try and accurately reflect… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

As a portuguese fan i do not support this mensagem in a way… I also do want Portugal to do well, however i do feel RTP has to be praised on this concept of FdC, i just think they should invite 15 instead of 18, and the rest 5 as a public submission. Audio/Visualwise i do think RTP needs to improve a lot…that studio is just awfull… Just for the foreigners to know: nowdays on radio there are a lot of musics like Deslandes, on the other side the main industry here is ruled by a lot of RAP/Hip-Hop like… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Elfi
3 years ago
Reply to  Elfi

This should be a deleted comment…idk why is here! XD

3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

As a portuguese fan i do not support this message. I do undersand it, however i do think RTP needs to be praised on their job bringing FdC back to the map. Audio/Visual wise they really need to step up their game, that stage is just awfull! For the foreigners, in Portugal right now the radio has a lot of Deslandes like songs, but the industry is being completely ruled by Rappers like Plutonio or Wet Bed Gang! Sure there is also some indie stuff happening. RTP every year makes sure to invite artist from every music background, some of… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Elfi

I agree, RTP invites “trendy” composers and a few “oldies” and they just come up with overworked stuff or meh, as you said. Looks like they don’t want to win at all. Conan Osiris was the opposite, he was “all in” and it paid off: best top score in FdC ever! 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

Maybe you can tell us what your favorite is instead of critizising everyone…

3 years ago

The Selection is extremely horrible already please stop making it worse, they’re trying their best to get 41st, not 1st!!

Miguel Lupi
Miguel Lupi
3 years ago

Graciela! Graciela! Graciela!

3 years ago

Joana do Mar! Sweeping, anthemic and a beautiful voice. Everything I need.

3 years ago

I have two favorites in this semi. Eu.clides has, for me, the most interesting song, probably in the whole competition. I hope it qualifies, but I’m afraid it won’t be very competitive in the long run. Still, love his voice, love the mood it sets, love the play on lyrics and metrics. The other one is Neev’s. And yes, it could’ve been sent by any other country. So what? Why is Portugal not allowed to send something outside the scope of its local flair, when every other country does it every single year (with far better results than Portugal)? For… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Lacrymea
3 years ago
Reply to  Lacrymea

Because the people crying that they want Portugal to “keep it’s identity” are people that are fine with Portugal, FdC and ESC being scene as a joke as long as it provides them with hipster songs most won’t care about. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t represent our music scene at all, it’s what entitled hipsters want instead of crying to their own countries to do it. It’s simpler to ruin the image of another country they don’t actually care about than to try and change their own

3 years ago
Reply to  Lacrymea

I feel Eu.clides can be competitive if it’s staged right. Low key songs need to stand out visually whilst having staging that isn’t too bombastic that it runs the ambience of the song. It’s a tight balance but if RTP pulls it off it could be something special.

3 years ago

If everything went right, I could see “Dancing in the Stars” pulling a top 5 in Rotterdam. What an emotional song, both musically and lyric-wise!

The Portuguese people would probably prefer a song in their national language to represent them, but they shouldn’t discredit NEEV’s song just because it’s in English.

Mar vic
Mar vic
3 years ago

I think Portugal will choose a song in portuguese for sure…They don´t like to be represented with an entry sang in english

Mar vic
Mar vic
3 years ago
Reply to  Mar vic

Its true honey…Portuguese jury will not vote for a english act!

3 years ago
Reply to  Mar vic

the problem is not be the jury, the public is the problem

3 years ago
Reply to  Mar vic

such a boring generic english song no way , Portugal at least know how to choose real music.

Mar vic
Mar vic
3 years ago
Reply to  Doris

I like Portugal at eurovision…I really appreciated ESC in Lisbon was pretty decent and original too. But i can´t see Portugal choosing a song in english.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mar vic

Well, it’s not like all the foreigners here are any better. Outright saying Portugal isn’t allowed to sing in english because other countries do it

3 years ago

Julio Isidro with due respect is no longer the boss of FdC so i do think there is a chance of an English song can represent Portugal this year. The Black Mamba conquer their place in the final and i do think that means something. The way i see things when Conan won was like an English song winning cause the lyrics for the portuguese viewer between the age of 45-100+ were just insane! (I have voted also for Conan) but i am 28, my mom the first time she was listening was like “what the f*** is this S***… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Elfi
3 years ago
Reply to  Elfi

Sorry Elfi, but I think you are being a bit ageist here… I am over 45 and know many that are that loved the lyrics, as myself, and many young people saying it was crap…

3 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

Sorry it wasn’t my intention…
Just trying to say that many people that i know have looked to Telemóveis in a way similar that some look to English songs and even so Conan had emerge as the winner…so my point is i think its not farfetch to think that Neev can win…

3 years ago
Reply to  Elfi

Understood 🙂

3 years ago

Like there isn’t enough english songs in eurovision like 90% !!!! pfffffffff

3 years ago

To send Neev would be a mistake with 19 songs that are all more unique and more Portuguese, even though he has one of the better songs.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bob

”More unique” is debatable, but for ”more Portuguese”, I’ll give you 17. Would you really call The Black Mamba or Da Chick ”more Portuguese” than Neev? 😉

Last edited 3 years ago by Colin
3 years ago
Reply to  Bob

Yeah yeah. Portugal isn’t allowed choice. They can only do one thing at the contest. Go cry to other countries to send songs that feel like them and stop treating Portugal like your circus monkey

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
3 years ago

Nao vou ficar = riding a cabrio along the sea shore on a hot summer day vibes

3 years ago

Eu.clides is my favourite to win the entire thing, his song is so good! Neev’s song is very generic. Pedro is also good, my second choice

3 years ago
Reply to  Fionn

I agree, Eu.Clides is such a standout among generic ballads. It reminds me of Rosalía’s old work… experimental, modern and SO Portuguese!

3 years ago

Yey, we share 3/5 qualifiers, including your winner. I do like Taina too, but I put Carolina in front in the “slow ballad in Portuguese sung by a woman” category. However, since that genre is appreciated at FdC, I can easily see both of them making it. I still think that Pedro or Neev would be the safest bet of giving Portugal a qualification and a mid-table finish, but knowing how traditional the juries are, I fear that one of them might even stay in the semi. Eu.Clides and Karetus ft. Romeu are more risky, but thus interesting choices. I… Read more »

3 years ago

It would be a shame to send Neev in such an experimental, electronic and fado selection. We don’t need another sold out ballad, but good luck to him if he gets chosen.

3 years ago

Yeah and all those experimental and fado songs will acconplish nothing but be laughee at and semt home friday night. Let Portugal do what ot wants and cry to your country to be less generic

3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

Nobody laughs at experimental or fado music. If anything, the cheesy generic ballad will be laughed at by the rest of Europe.

3 years ago
Reply to  ERUS

Just like what ESC 2019 showed us. The experimental artsy garbage from Portugal did so well compared to the generic emotional ballad from The Nethetlands

3 years ago

My qualifiers of this semi (in random order): – Eu.Clides – If we are taking outside the box, this is the entry to watch out for. Cryptic in content and hypnotic in music. It’s a risky choice, but perhaps worth it. Can’t wait to see how it’s staged. – Neev – Sure, this could have come from almost any other NF, but if it did, it would still be described as a gentle and very emotional ballad, processing loss and loneliness. I can see audiences across Europe embracing it. – Joana Alegre – Interesting traditional chorus combined with some Celtic… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Colin
Lebanese esc fan
Lebanese esc fan
3 years ago

Carolina Deslandes is almost certainly winning FdC this year due to her popularity and the fact that “Por Um Triz” sounds like a typical portuguese entry. I personally love it so I’m not complaining. Honestly though, this is a strong semi, with “Dancing in the stars”, “Com um Abraco”, “Jasmim”, and “Joana do Mar” being among my favorites.

Mar vic
Mar vic
3 years ago

Barbara Tivoco last year also was the most popular and favourite but she didn´t won

3 years ago
Reply to  Mar vic

Barbara didn’t cause of the juries and the same think won’t happen to Carolina, I’ve seen her live she’s an amazing vocalist and I’m sure the juries will vote for her, besides that Barbara became famous like two years ago, Carolina became famous like 10 years ago.
I don’t know if it is the best choice, but I really can see Carolina winning.

3 years ago

It’s possible but not certain. I’m still confident that Neev will blow their socks off with his performance!

3 years ago

Carolina and pedro. My winner is sara from the 1st semi <3

3 years ago

I have become slightly obsessed with Pedro Goncalves’ Nao vou ficar. The chorus is so catchy and he sings it with such aching desperation that it has hooked itself to me and won’t let go.

NEEV has also massively grown on me recently and so these would be my two favourites from this semi.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Pedro is also my clear no.1. It’s actually one of my favourite songs of the NF season so far. I hope he can pull it off live but it’s going to need a huge performance to overcome the cheese of Neev, to be honest.
Eu.Clides, Taina and Da Chick are other songs I like here.

3 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Yes. But i bet you won’t call Deslandes song cheesy when it’s by far the most. But it’s in portuguese so it’s “excusable”. What a joke.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
3 years ago

eu.clides please. I truly don’t understand the love for Neev’s song, it’s one of the most generic ballads I have ever heard.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

In your opinion. Not in mine.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

They’re telling you why there’s love for that song since you claim to not understand.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
3 years ago
Reply to  James

If. someone wants to tell me why they love the song I’d hope they have a better explanation than ‘it’s good’

3 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

I’ll speak only for myself. I find the subject of coping with a loss of a loved one (in this case, likely wife / long-time girlfriend) to be very touching. We’ve all experienced some sort of a loss and finding in yourself the strength to accept that is hard. That sentiment is well accompanied by lovely orchestration which nicely builds from chorus to chorus. The impact is emotional, while the melody is very approachable and easy to remember.

Last edited 3 years ago by Colin
Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Thank you. I heavily disagree on a lot of the points however – I find the orchestration to be gratingly cheesy and the melody to be almost childlike, especially in the ‘okay but I don’t know’ section. But I’m glad we could discuss our different opinions. : )

3 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

Sorry, I just had to lol at the (hopefully intentional) use of the phrase “gratingly cheesy”. Love it! 😉

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
3 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I’m glad somebody noticed lmao 🙂

Mr X
Mr X
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

And Portugal will not send a song in English.

Miguel Lupi
Miguel Lupi
3 years ago
Reply to  Mr X

One day we will, the question is if it’s this year or not. We are one of the most proficient country speaking English, it’s a given someday will be the day.

3 years ago
Reply to  Miguel Lupi

Although not completely English, Portugal has sent songs with featured lyrics in English.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

Yeah, let’s send Eu.clides so Portugal can continue being a joke at ESC and Festival da Canção can continue being mocked by portuguese people. “But it’s different and hipster and Portugal is only allowed to send that like our little circus monkey”.
It’s incredible that for all the crying for countries to be original and send different things Portugal is only allowed to do 1 thing over and over again and not allowed to change or grow. It’s only allowed to send hipster songs to stay in the semis

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

I don’t think eu.clides would take kindly to being called a joke. And you seem very intent on this circus monkey analogy since you have used it twice now despite it being a very weak analogy. But more to the point, I’d love for you to tell me how Portugal has done 1 thing over and over again. As songs, Amar Pelos Dois, O Jardim, and Telemoveis, are probably the furthest from each other they could get. But sure, if you want Portugal to stay in the semis then by all means send Neev. I also don’t think you know… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

If you think any of this hipster garbage will go through to the final then you clearly have no brain. The only songs with a minimal chance of qualification are NEEV’s and Pedro’s. Because they aren’t snooty experimental things that only appeal to a miniscule minority. And I’m sorry for speaking the truth. NO ONE in Portugal takes FdC and ESC seriously. FdC does NOT represent our music scene. Portugal IS a joke at ESC as much as you miniscule percentage of hipsters like to say otherwise. Portugal very much is a circus monkey at ESC, where the majority laugh… Read more »

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

Drink some hot tea or cocoa babe. You need it to calm down.

3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

Can you tell who are those great artists who won’t accept FdC invitation? And what is the real Portuguese music scene? I agree with Ashton both Neev and Pedro’s songs are pretty basic… The kind of songs I would listen on the radio and not remember anything about. I have followed FdC for the last 30years, I finally I see some good artists and music getting recognition at FdC, which should be the main purpose of the FdC!

3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

Well, one of those hipster songs won Eurovision with the record of points ever achieved. It happened only four years ago.

3 years ago
Reply to  Elsa

Wow, one good result amidst 50+ of horrible ones. Also the last 2 results sure have been great, might as well say 3 because anyone that thought Portugal would do better than 15th in the semi last year is demented.