Next Saturday, eight acts will compete in the Andra Chansen round of Melodifestivalen 2021. They’ll be vying for the four final slots in the grand final — and the chance to win Melfest and represent Sweden at Eurovision 2021.
Andra Chansen is made up of four duels. The acts that placed third and fourth in their respective semi-finals will go ahead and face up against another of these acts. The winner of each duel will move onto the Melfest grand final.
Producers pair acts for the duels using two rules. The first is that acts from the same semi-final do not compete against one another. The second is that an act that placed third in a semi-final is paired against an act that came fourth in another.
The competing pairs were revealed on Saturday night, after the fourth semi-final of Melodifestivalen 2021.
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Poll: Who should win each Andra Chansen duel in Melodifestivalen 2021?
Duel 1: Alvaro Estrella vs Lillasyster
[polldaddy poll=10758572]Duel 2: Frida Green vs Paul Rey
[polldaddy poll=10758577]Duel 3: Eva Rydberg & Ewa Roos vs Clara Klingenström
[polldaddy poll=10758580]Duel 4: Klara Hammarström vs Efraim Leo
[polldaddy poll=10758584]What do you make of the Melodifestivalen 2021 Andra Chansen duels? Who is certain of victory and which duels are more open? Sound off in the comments below!
What a shame Klara and Efraim are against each other – they are the best two songs here and both deserve to be in the final. If I had to choose I would vote for Efraim because his performance is so cool.
Rena Rama ding dong or bust!!
Who would have you put Paul Rey against ? Considering, they form duels in a way that 3rd placer in SF competes against 4th placer in SF, the only options were Paul vs Frida, Paul vs Klara and Paul vs Clara. So, Paul vs Frida is the most logical choice of them all, considering the tempo and the overall vibe of their songs is the most similar
Why is Dotter so low in the odds???? I agree there are other contenders but to me the song still stands out a lot. I’m confused.
Tix was lower in the odds but he ended up winning melodi Grand Prix in the end. Odds mean Jack all. What matters is the quality of your performance on the night of the final. Dotter could win, But keep your mind open for other winning artists. Let’s not make the same mistake we did with Norway and Pin all of our hopes On one favorite.
The song is weaker than Bulletproof, in my opinion. And, more importantly, Tusse has made a big impression on the Swedish people. He will probably win.
I can’t see Dotter winning this year, I’m afraid. Tusse is the super hot favourite and The Mamas could do great again with both juries and voting. Something really strange needs to happen so that one of those doesn’t win, in which case there’s Eric Saade. But of course we never know… Anything could happen on the night 🙂
Because other contenders have arrived. I think Dotter fans should be prepared that Dotterdam won’t happen..
Unless magic happens Tusse will most likely win. Time will time if it was a wise decision!
Considering Pretender is my most played of the MF songs, it has to go through. 😉 Third duel I would love to see Eva and Ewa again as it’s pure joy. I’m indifferent to the other two duels, though I’d probably want Paul Rey for the second.
Here is what I think:
Duel 1: It could go either way on this one. I would Pick Pretender though
Duel 2: The Missing Piece by a mile, it is my 1st this year (with Dotter) Frida’s song isn’t bad, it isn’t really that remarkable but she has a great voice.
Duel 3: Eva and Ewa, yep, this needs to be in the final
Duel 4: Klara, Not the most remarkable duel but Klara’s song is more my taste
If the missing piece doesn’t go through to the finals imma cry.
Just the way I’m planning to vote! 🙂
Of course
I don’t know how others feel, but I definitely wouldn’t mind Klara winning the whole contest. I really like the song and the performance/staging (minus the costume). I think she would be great in Rotterdam although my ultimate favorite is Dotter. Also rlly like The Mamas and Tusse!
Why is Alvaro Estrella winning the duel? This year is really weak when you have that song the finals. Hope Swedes can keep it away from the Final. Though they tend to be a sucker for such songs. So bland and dull. Not even an average Latin song. In the Final it will be crushed by the uries I think.
Also, “Pretender” is much better.
I think Lillasyster will win that duel. I’m really surprised that ppl here voted that much for Alvaro Estrella.
I’d love to see Lillasyster and Ewa & Eva in the final. I don’t really care about any of the other acts
My favorites are Eva & Eva, Klara, and Clara. Sad they cannot all go to the final. Oh and I hope Lillasyter will win against Alvaro…. those lyrics girl that’s so cringe
Klara vs Efraim is the most hardest choice. I want to see them both in the final
I believe it was his successor Karin Gunnarsson who decided on the duels.
Pfff no Tess.. 🙁
I want Eva & Ewa to win the whole thing ??(won’t happen, I know, but at least those two have fun on stage)
It will. It must!
I’ll second that motion. They bring more energy to the stage than most of these younglings in the semi finals. 🙂
I’m gonna do my best on saturday (and in the final if they are there)!!
Here are my personal choices:
Duel 1 – ALVARO
Duel 2 – PAUL REY
Duel 3 – EVA and EWA
Duel 4 – KLARA
These duels all seem fairly clear cut with somewhat obvious winners.
Here my thought Duel 1 both are alright however I think that Alvaro is a little better Duel 2: Paul and Frida both have incredible vocals however I think unfortunately Frida’s song is not nearly as good she does deserve a better song so Paul goes through Duel 3: The Grandmas vs Clara Ewa and Eva song just makes me happy however if I have to be reasonable Clara song is amazing so she wins for me but Ewa and Eva are amazing Duel 4: Klara vs Efraim Both are good however Klara I think has a better staging and… Read more »
My personal choices:
Duel 1: A tie. Toss a coin.
Duel 2: “The Missing Piece”
Duel 3: “Behöver Inte Dig Idag”
Duel 4: “Beat of Broken Hearts”
Does anyone know how they pick the duels? I would rather have same genres/styles/genders competing with each other so it would guarantee we would have 1 ballad, 1 cute boy pop song, one rock-ish song etc go through. Also it sucks they have 2 Swedish songs competing against each other so only 1 can go through
They pair up songs who came 3rd with songs who came 4th, and only songs that competed in another semifinal. And then I think they try to think exactly as you say, but it’s obviously not completely easy when they then only have 3 songs to choose from for each given participant.
Predictions: Duel 1: Latin vs. Rock – both are unique genres that are essential to the grand-final line-up. I pick Baila Baila. Duel 2: 50/50 – I wouldn’t underrate Frida tbh. She’s quite popular in Sweden coming out of Got Talent/Talang 2018 and Idol. Paul is still a newbie in Sweden despite being a veteran international artist. This could go either way. Duel 3: Rena Rama Ding Dong wins. It pains me to say this but Clara is toast. SVT needs an ice-breaker act in the grand finals. Duel 4: 50/50 – this match up is actually hard to predict.… Read more »
i want lillasyster (if you say alvaro you are deaf or a child), FRIDA GREEN (stop hating on her she sings better than any of you could dream of), ewa and eva, and klara hammarstrom (been stuck in my head since the semi)
Yeah because not agreeing with your personal opinion makes someone deaf or a child. Grow up.
And they pick Ewa and Eva and suggest that means they have superior musical taste? How strange.
I’m glad I’m not the only one here who isn’t underrating Frida Green. I won’t be surprised if she wins her duel seeing as she’s also an talent show veteran like Tusse, Danny and Hannah.
They should bring back the AC format from 2013 and 14 when you could vote for all songs and then they put the #1 against the #4 and #2 against the #3 in duels against eachother. That was way more fair and exciting, idk why they got rid of it
Are you guys serious? Baila Baila??
Viva la forever 🙂 lol
and “dame tu cosita” ???
That was the worst xD
My preferences would be Lillasyster, Paul Rey, Eva & Ewa (sorry, Clara, but I need these ladies in the final) and Klara.
Same picks. Paul, Eva & Ewa and Klara are my clear favorites. I’m not that into duel #1, but I if I had to pick, Lilasyster would bring some diversity to the finals with a rock song, while we’d have better funny songs than Alvaro’s in Danny, Arvingarna and hopefully, Eva & Ewa.
The first duel would normally be the one I’m less invested in also, but I’m tired of the stereotypical latin dancing songs in Melfest. Plus it would be cool to have some rock in the final, like it happened in Norway and Finland (with great results, by the way).
Agreed. I’m really trying not to be a nitpick, but Alvaro’s chorus would literally translate as: ”Live the forever, you and me together, when the Sun goes up, we keep on dance dance”. Umm…no, sorry. Even Cyrpus has more coherent lyrics with all the ”mamacita” and ”el diablo” stuff. Yeah, more rock in Melfest would do good, even if I’d call Dark Side and Faith Bloody Faith much stronger songs.
And you haven’t even mentioned the worst part of the lyrics, the “sweet bonita” followed by the “dame tu cosita” that sounds very vulgar. He’s a fun performer, but I say it’s time for him to leave the comfort zone.
Oh, yeah, it’s a mess overall. I’m team Lilasyster then. 🙂
Oh Colin and Sabrina, please don’t be so down on Alvaro. We all know it’s not Shakespeare but it is a load of fun. It reminds of the same fun vibe you might find in Vengaboys or even Nicki Minaj. And if we’re talking vulgar lyrics, I would suggest that Eric Saade seems a bit more horny-creepy than Alvaro and not many seem to mind that?
Though Eric’s lyrics are far from being an example of poetry, they don’t throw random words in a second language ((“sweet bonita” and “viva love forever” don’t sound like coherent expressions) or address his partner’s parts with an euphemism. They’re very simple, but more cohesive. And I think they avoid the “horny-creepy” angle by including his partner on the equation. I assume all the sex between those horny bunnies is consensual then! 😛
Eric Saade wants to have sex “every minute”? Just think about that for a second. We don’t know what the counter party thinks about this but regardless, we are still talking sexual predator territory. And Alvaro is clearly listing Spanish phrases that non-Spanish speakers have heard before and vaguely know what they mean in the context of a throwaway dance track which is about two people getting together. I don’t think the literal translation is necessary or that relevant in my opinion. It plays perfectly to those Europeans who go to Spain for their summer holidays but don’t speak much… Read more »
If it were real, he can either do the Tiger Woods rehab, or, well, do it himself all day. 🙂
Fortunately, it’s just a song and a performance. Phew.
Spot on. Alvaro’s is just a song and a performance as well – not sure why everyone gets so uppity about it?
If we start to question if any song about a couple in love or in lust is about a consensual relationship or just someone being obsessed about other person, we’ll get crazy! If we take “Every Breath You Take” too seriously, Sting would be considered a very dangerous stalker. 😛 Of course we can party with songs with bad lyrics or even vulgar ones. I can tell I’ve partied with songs with way worst lyrics. But we’re not talking about a summer party here, it’s a contest. And songs in contests are judged by a lot of things, including its… Read more »
I’m going to sit on the opposite side of the fence. I know a lot more about rock music than I do Latin music and Lilasyster is the Baila Baila of rock music in terms of being stereotypical and a lazy example of the genre.
I’m not too invested in this duel but I like Alvaro as a performer so I’d be happy to see him get the ticket, especially since last time he was “Mendez Ft. Alvaro” despite doing all the work. 😉
Fair enough, after all, I agree that “Pretender” is not exactly an outstanding rock track. I guess Alvaro has the advantage of being a familiar friendly face in Melfest, and just to be clear, I don’t have a problem with him, but with the song. Knowing he’ll be back (the producers seem to enjoy what he brings to the table), I hope next time he brings something that can finally take him to the next level.
Oh that we can agree. When you look like Alvaro, move like Alvaro and can sing like Alvaro…they really should be using you better than Vamos Amigos and Baila Baila.
Alvaro needs some better songwriters or to get involved in the process himself.
Okay, I have voted and here my thoughts and choices for Andra Chansen Duel 1: Frankly, I like neither song, but I’ll pick Alvaro because as cringey as it is, it’s more pleasurable to listen to. Sorry, Lillstayer is not my kind of music. This is also the only poll I disagree with. Duel 2: Neither song is really that exciting, but I’ll pick Paul Rey here. Duel 3: Two Swedish Language songs, which to choose. I’m going for Eva & Ewa. They bring a lot of fun. Duel 4: Klara absolutely deserves to be in the final. I was… Read more »
First duel – frustrating because I like both songs but I lean a LITTLE more towards Lillasyster.
Second duel – Neither song is necessarily my thing. I prefer Frida’s song but strongly suspect this is Paul Rey’s win.
Third duel – I would have loved for both these entries to go to the finals but alas, I lead more towards Ewa and Eva. They would bring something different to the Finals!
Fourth duel – I really love both entries but in this case I am team Klara Hammarstrom.
The ones I WANT to qualify:
Frida Green
Eva & Ewa
Klara Hammarstrom
The ones I THINK that will qualify:
Alvaro Estrella
Paul Rey
Eva & Ewa
Klara Hammarstrom
The only Andra Chansen songs I care about are in duel 3, while I couldn’t care less about songs in duel 4. Shame on you SVT!
I would love ding dong to win the whole thing. Not because it’s the best entry – it would just be a fun surprise LOL
I don’t think that would happen, but I hope they do make it to the final
I want that too…Also it would be such a great change from sweden’s usual style. And it could work – the eurovision audience (aside from the bubble) seems to be fed up with sweden’s perfectly produced Pop Songs (just look at the Results from the public vote from last few years)…and Eva & Ewa are fun, don’t take themselves too seriously and just have a good time…exactely what we need right now.
I know it won’t happen and sweden will probably send dotter or (hopefully) Tusse…
Christer will legitimately die of a heart attack if that happens in two weeks. Moreover, the international juries are in place at MelFest for a reason.
Duel two might be the two weakest songs going up against each other. Whichever one wins, should come last in the final. They’re really not good.
Edit: I’ll go with Paul Rey as he’s the better performer.
Me with Paul Rey in first place…
My choices would be:
The only duel I would dare to predict is the 2nd one, Paul Rey should go through. I wouldnt count Alvaro, Clara and Efraim out of the other three
Duel 1: Lillasyster
Duel 2: Paul Rey
Duel 3: Eva & Ewa
Duel 4: Klara
Duel 1:
I remember that Lillasyster had a lot of YT-views, so I guess it will be them. Also my pick.
Duel 2:
Don’t care really…
Duel 3:
Rema Rama Ding Dong for the win!!!
Duel 4:
I like both songs, but prefer Klara. Especially since she was robbed last year!
Oh, dear – the only two I really care about are up against each other. Sorry Clara, but it has to be Eva and Ewa.
Duel 1 – IDK… I don’t really like either. I assume that Sweden will pick Alvaro.
Duel 2 – Paul by a long shot, and that’s my guess of a winner as well.
Duel 3 – I voted Eva & Ewa (and I assume they’ll win), but I wouldn’t mind Clara winning.
Duel 4 – In a duel of safer pop songs in English, Klara has a more memorable one, so her.
Was so pleased that Clara got through as it’s one of my favourites this year. But now she is against Eva & Ewa I doubt she’ll get through (fingers crossed she does though!) Can only think with the staging (or lack thereof) and duel, this is not one the producers are supporting, which is a shame.