It’s the biggest shock of the Eurovision season so far. International superstar rapper Flo Rida is collaborating with Freaky Queen Senhit on her song for Rotterdam. Together, the pair will sing “Adrenalina” for San Marino at Eurovision 2021. And since this announcement, the betting markets have spun into a frenzy.

A staggering 41% of all bets made since the Flo Rida announcement are on San Marino to take home the Eurovision 2021 trophy.

Eurovision 2021 odds: 41% of bets on San Marino to win Eurovision

Flo Rida collaborating with San Marino for Eurovision seems very 2020 — i.e. very unexpected — but the wild on-goings of the previous year appear to have spilled into 2021. Despite not being the most well-known country in Europe, San Marino have potentially secured one of the greatest coups in not only the history of Eurovision, but quite possible the history of anything.

Last week, San Marino were at a whopping 299/1 to win Eurovision. However, within a matter of minutes following the Flo Rida announcement, those odds were slashed to as short as 14/1.

This meant San Marino’s chances of winning Eurovision grew from 0.3% to 6.7%. One British bookmaker lists Senhit and Flo Rida sixth favourites to win Eurovision now.

As expected, Flo Rida featuring at Eurovision caused quite the stir, and also led many people to rush to the Eurovision betting market. Eurovision is one of the biggest betting events each year, with millions of people around the world looking to cash in on the song contest. Since San Marino announced they would be working with Flo Rida, a massive 41% of bets in the market have been on the micro-nation winning Eurovision 2021.

Italy is the second most wagered country in the Eurovision betting market, accounting for 7% of bets since San Marino’s shock announcement.

“If Flo Rida was to confirm he would be taking the trip over to appear at Eurovision 2021, then the 28/1 still knocking about for a San Marino win would be good value”, OddChecker’s Head of Marketing Sam Eaton says. However, our pick at the minute remains Ukraine at a whopping 74/1.”


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Eurovision 2021 odds

The OddsChecker odds are presented using the fractional system. So for example, betting £1 on Italy to win with odds of 10/1 would win the betmaker £10, for a total profit of £9. This list shows the current odds for the top 14 countries most likely to win Eurovision 2021, with the country’s chance of victory in parentheses.

  1. Iceland – 13/2 (13.3%)
  2. France – 42/5 (10.6%)
  3. Italy – 10/1 (9.1%)
  4. Bulgaria – 12/1 (7.7%)
  5. Lithuania – 13/1 (7.1%)
  6. Sweden – 27/2 (6.9%)
  7. Switzerland – 18/1 (5.3%)
  8. Cyprus – 20/1 (4.8%)
  9. Malta – 20/1 (4.8%)
  10. Finland – 27/1 (3.6%)
  11. San Marino – 28/1 (3.4%)
  12. United Kingdom – 80/1 (1.2%)
  13. Australia – 159/1 (0.6%)
  14. Ireland – 159/1 (0.6%)

Odds correct as of 13:00 GMT on Tuesday 9 March 2021 

The top five most wagered since San Marino’s Flo Rida announcement are San Marino, Italy, Iceland, Portugal and Serbia.

What do you make of this? Could Senhit and Flo Rida snatch the crown? Will we be headed to Eurovision 2022 in San Marino? Let us know in the comments below. 

Read more Eurovision 2021 odds news here

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3 years ago


3 years ago

Flo Rida ?Who cares!?

3 years ago

Flo Rida will not be involved with the ESC entry, it was just a version that they used in favour of them. Smart team!

3 years ago

I’m not really sure why everyone cares so much about this?

Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
3 years ago

I do want to say something about this headline, because credit should be given where it’s due. It’s not just Flo Rida causing San Marino’s surge in the polls. I mean, he’s a big name but it’s not like he’s still in his heyday. I think we should focus on the fact that San Marino has finally invested in a decent composition, instead of something outdated from the musical bargain basement. That thought has been put in an artistic view on this entry. And that Senhit is a good singer with charisma, unlike most of San Marino’s previous performers.

3 years ago

People are actually thinking that this is gonna win. ?

It’s good, but it’s definitely not gonna be the winner, I’ll say 12th place overall? (Which is not bad especially for San Marino)

3 years ago
Reply to  Cheerios

You are wrong.

3 years ago

Flo Rida will be there. 100%. It’s an opportunity to revive his career in front of a massive televised audience.

3 years ago

She’s not getting your vote anyway, so why pretend like you’re going to vote for the artist you disrespectfully refer to as “whatshername”?

3 years ago

Seriously I would looooove it. It’s secured for the final for sure.

3 years ago

Expecting Flo Rida to appear as a holographic projection…or would that be too ESC 2016?

3 years ago
Reply to  ESCalator

Legit expecting this too
And tbh I wouldn’t even mind.

San Marino will say “Flo-Rida can’t make it coz covid, USA travel ban etc.”
Bring out hologram
—- though he probably would have come either way.

Still here for the bop though. Loving life.

3 years ago

Am I the only person to never even heard this guy’s name?

3 years ago
Reply to  raspadinha

You can just reply, don’t need to downvote. I’m being sincere, never heard of him!

3 years ago
Reply to  raspadinha

Lmao, downvote this one too! :p

3 years ago
Reply to  raspadinha

when i first saw his name on the mv i was like who th is this “florida”

3 years ago

I’m surprised that Ireland are such a big price, that is my favourite song so far. Also why are Iceland favourites in the betting? I know they had a great song last year but that isn’t a guarantee that this year’s will be as good

Iván el Conquistador
Iván el Conquistador
3 years ago

I see Adrenalina with potential to be the new Ooh AahJust A Little Bit: maybe it gets a modest result in the contest, but then it becomes an international hit.

3 years ago

this song gives me turkey 2003

3 years ago

San Marino the Cinderella of the contest! Who could possibly be upset with a San Marino win?

3 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilpgilp

Who? Well… Valentina and Serhat!!! They will be upset because each will want Eurovision on their own backyard…

3 years ago
Reply to  Kirby

Valentina can have Eurovision in her backyard and cohost with Serhat

3 years ago

Why are you giving credit to Flo Rida (who based on all reports will not even actually perform at ESC)? You should give credit where it’s due: to Senhit and San Marino simply for entering a good song.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bella

He will perform. What else does he have to do that day? Credit also to the Swedish team that wrote the song (no I am not Swedish).

Popeye Spinach
Popeye Spinach
3 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilpgilp

Oh Dear! First – all delegations will have to stay 14 days at the hotel bubble prior to the competition. Second – week of rehearsals and then juries show, official show etc. Can they afford 3 weeks of Flo Rida time?

Last edited 3 years ago by Popeye Spinach
3 years ago
Reply to  Popeye Spinach

Does “Flo Rida time” have anything else going on? I don’t think so.

Popeye Spinach
Popeye Spinach
3 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilpgilp

Time costs money

3 years ago
Reply to  Popeye Spinach

An opportunity to perform in front of 200 million people for a musician that hasn’t had a hit in 10 years. Or the alternative is staying at home. Hmmmmmm

3 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilpgilp

I have an issue with the fact that this song is performed by a female lead singer, with a man featured on a tiny part of the song, and guess who the credit is given to? The man (and oh surprise, this article is also written by a man). This is structural sexism at its peak, probably not done consciously but still is.

Last edited 3 years ago by Bella
athena manoukian stan
athena manoukian stan
3 years ago
Reply to  Bella

the song credit is actually given all to senhit. flo rida’s is not mentioned on the official song name. also flo rida is one of the most famous rappers so it makes sense as to why he’s getting a lot of the attention. but stay pressed i guess.

3 years ago

I was referring to this article which is literally titled “Eurovision 2021 odds: Flo Rida announcement causes betting surge”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bella

Flo rida is a big name, Senhit.. nobody knows who she is, let’s be honest.

3 years ago

Why did Greece fall that much? I feel Stefania might be a promising act this year. Not for winning, but for achieving a good result

3 years ago
Reply to  notyourtoy

That’s probably the problem. Odds are mentre to give us info about which act is the most likely to win, so Greece may be a sure finalist, but other less safe songs have more chance to succed as winners, though they may even flop

3 years ago
Reply to  notyourtoy

Why do you care about the odds of songs that have not been released?

3 years ago

Is San Marino the best song, revolutionary and is this going to change the contest? Of course not, but that’s not the goal of the song. Senhit is giving us a happy, “feel good” pop song, really easy to remember and well constructed, and even if Flo Rida is not the biggest star now, he’s big enough to make us talk about him. They did a good job, they deserve this recognition. Are they going to win? Probably not, but hey, who knows, never underestimate the power of memes, and San Marino winning can be the moment.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alex
3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

She one of the favorites to win. It’s as good as anything released so far.

3 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilpgilp

Oh yeah, I said “probably they’re not going to win” just because we’re talking about San Marino, they have it extra hard just because of that, but I fully support Senhit and I will be the happiest if they do something big this year. I know this is not a perfect entry, but even considering the problems, this is really strong and, without a doubt, this is one of the biggest surprises of the year (if not the biggest).

Ioannis Vlassis
Ioannis Vlassis
3 years ago

FLo rida who?

Esc addict
Esc addict
3 years ago

San Marino is exciting this year, nobody can ignore that

Last edited 3 years ago by Esc addict
3 years ago

Ill take 14th place in the odds

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

It annoys me that countries who have not yet released their entry are placed higher in the odds than countries who have released songs. I think Ireland deserves better odds than they have been given.

3 years ago
Reply to  Marc

I agree completely and I find it odd too that this happens.Ireland should be higher, but there’s been so many times we were underrated in ESC.
To be honest, I’m just glad we are getting a mention.

Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago

the british really have an awful gambling problem if they’re putting money on san marino to win. no shade, i root for the good sis senhit, but…

3 years ago

Flo Rida means nothing at all. I mean, he was big 10 years ago. The song is modern with some ethnic vibes and a Spanish word (very in line with today trends) but other than that it’s pretty much a late 00s/early 10s song. I’m not saying it’s bad but it’s clearly not the masterpiece some fans are selling. Every year there is at least one uptempo song that gets hyped, though, so I’m used to that. Anyway, even if I’m not a big fan of the song I do want San Marino to do well and take home a… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

Adrenalina is a italian word as well

3 years ago
Reply to  Jose

I know that word in portuguese too 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

Yeah I don’t think this will win, but this is one of the better songs that San Marino has offered in recent history. I could see it scraping to the top 15 if everything goes well, but you never know. Yeah I do agree it’s a little overhyped, in fact it barely reaches my own top 10, but considering the san Marino usually sends crap to be blunt, this is a masterpiece compared to past entries.

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

You are right. This is fairly good for San Marino standards.

3 years ago

I remember back in 2013 people were hyping up Crisalide as a song that could challenge for victory and yet that failed to get out of its semi. I wouldn’t be surprised if the same happens this year.

3 years ago

Go_A have gone and done it. What an absolute banger! They have retained all the elements that made the original so special. The last minute is the best minute I think I will ever have in Eurovision! Shum for the win!

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
3 years ago

wow belarus! that certainly is a song!

3 years ago

Belarus are about to become new favourites!

Roelof M
Roelof M
3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

I’m placing my bets right now!!1!!1!

3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Start getting your arena ready, Minsk!

3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Ooh, burn!

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Minsk 2022! Slogan: we are one underLukashenko

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
3 years ago
Reply to  Paul


3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Still more authentic than San Marino.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

If this is authentic, give me lies

3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

I have alreday booked hotel in Minsk for next year

First row at ESC and JESC
First row at ESC and JESC
3 years ago
Reply to  Jose

do they have hotels in Minsk / Belarus?

3 years ago

San Marino deserves a top 10 spot this year, but to be honest that won’t happen. I just think that Senhit isn’t able to deliver it enough live to make the top 10. But, Senhit will without a doubt get San Marino’s best result yet.

3 years ago
Reply to  GojoSatoru

I 15 is the highest I think Sam Marino could get to be realistic, which would definitely be the best result ever. But it all depends on how well it’s performed in the semifinal to qualify.

3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

And here I was worried I’d be in an awkward position if Belarus actually picked a good song and I’d be conflicted about not supporting them through the Lukaschenko regime. Luckily, this song is terrible.

3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I will say it’s nifty that there are two entries in Russian now, but wow wow wow Belarus’ entry is godawful. My new last place.

3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

It’s weird because I’ve always wanted Russia, Belarus, Ukraine to Send in songs in their native languages at the same time. But other than Ukraine, they’re bad. Can we see a case where possibly most or even worse all three could be out of the final just like Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia were eliminated in 2018? I think Ukraine probably has the best chance to qualify of those three, but it depends on how well received their revamped shum is. It’s supposed to be out today.

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I really like Russia personally. I could see Russia and Ukraine making the final no sweat.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe


3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Ukraine is in the same level than the other two countries you mention. For me, the three should be out of the Grand Final. Worst songs so far

Last edited 3 years ago by Jose
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Nobody wants to represent Lukashenko.

3 years ago

Why have you not written a word about the death of Sanja Ili? from Serbia in 2018?
You should mention him.
He started his entire career writing songs for Eurovision at the age of 16, and throughout his life he composed songs for other Yugoslav participants of Eurovision.

3 years ago

Its not only Flo Rida but also the fact that we all had low expectations from San Marino and we didnt see that coming. With low expectations the excitement and the hype is bigger.
I really hope it doesnt flop for many reasons. If it scores high then it will be a win for music in general because that will prove that music is more important than politics in eurovision and we all need that.

3 years ago

10th (in the odds for the final). And i think 7th in the semifinal

Ángel NF
Ángel NF
3 years ago

Well that was 8 years ago and a completely different style so their faith doesn’t really have to be the same.

Popeye Spinach
Popeye Spinach
3 years ago

Senhit is doing the same thing with SanMarino that Kirkorov is with Moldova. They both are using small countries for their own ambitions.

Last edited 3 years ago by Popeye Spinach
3 years ago
Reply to  Popeye Spinach

Not really. Is not tragic. Moldova has many friends. They can pick anyone from Romania (my country),but also from Ukraine or even Russia.

3 years ago
Reply to  Coco

Actually they picked Connect-R from Romania in 2006. If I remember well. This small country Moldova really has many friends.

3 years ago
Reply to  Popeye Spinach

Mr Vanilla Bean, do you want to know something? All Moldovan citizens are also Romanian citizens, so….EU citizens. Don’t speak bad about Moldova as a country (only about the song).

3 years ago

in other news… Austrias song leaked. its not too good

3 years ago

Flo Rida had a few hits years ago, I don’t think his ‘star power’ is the reason. He was almost forgotten. The 2010 MC Hammer. A lot of people like these kind of generic latin/north-african vibes in dance songs. That’s the reason it is popular.

3 years ago

I wonder, if San Marino theoretically wins, where would be ESC ’22 held? Even if they had a suitable venue, I don’t think that SMRTV can afford to host the contest – they would probably have to cooperate with RAI (it makes sense because Italy is not only the nearest country but it’s also a member of Big 5). In such case, would it be possible to organize it in Rimini or would they have to choose some bigger city (Rome, Milan etc.)?

P.S. I know that Valentina has a nice backyard, no need to repeat it again.

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
3 years ago
Reply to  matte

Valentina’s got a nice frontyard too.

But in all seriousness, as San Marino collaborates with Italy to support its voting results, it’s probable they’d come to an arrangement to host in a suitable Italian city—Bologna might be an option. I’m sure the EBU has a contingency plan, probably involving Germany.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jimmy Smit
3 years ago
Reply to  matte

Rimini would make sense. It’s the closest major city to San Marino. It has an international airport and is well connected to the rest of Italy/Europe.
RAI could co-host with SMRTV. Use SMRTV presenters, postcards could be San Marino focused, red carpet etc could all take place at a venue in San Marino, like the castell. But the venue, production team etc could be RAI.

3 years ago
Reply to  matte

The last time a micro nation won was Monaco in 1971, But they didn’t even host at all, just pass the buck to the United kingdom which hosted the 1972 contest in Edinburgh. My strongest guess would be somewhere in Italy because it’s located within Italy. Then you have to ask if Australia hypothetically win, who will they cohost with? There’s no way to contact is going to go down under.

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

This question about Australia comes up every year – I think me and Joe should just write an article for Wiwibloggs that they can sticky somewhere, to save us writing the same thing each year 😉

3 years ago

I don’t think Flo Rida is the main reason why San Marino is doing so well with the odds. The song is just really catchy. Yes, you can say that’s it’s just a pop song like many others etc., but you know that many Eurovision fans enjoy dance bops and it’s just a great song to dance to. Snehit has a great voice, she is very charismatic, so it can really look good on stage and make the fans dance and have fun. I do not think that Flo Rida has such a big fanbase that people would vote for… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Safiya

I think flo rida has a huge impact in the song success tbh..

3 years ago

Next year; Serhat ft. Taylor Swift: Kebab party

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
3 years ago
Reply to  Cviti97

Can I bet on that now???

3 years ago
Reply to  Cviti97

Say Na Na Na Shake it off

3 years ago
Reply to  Cviti97

I’d love to see that actually. Bring it on

3 years ago

Imo, it is okay to collaborate with a famous star to represent a country. There were many representatives who actually do not have roots to their represented country so far. Also, some of the countries will never have enough points due to political, geographical or other reasons. The effort San Marino puts this year is kind of a justice against this chaotic system.

3 years ago

I hope next year someone will bring JLo… that would be a dream come true..

3 years ago

This feels like the story of the Eurovision movie sequel.

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
3 years ago
Reply to  AM2PM

You’ve totally called it.

3 years ago

So people are ranking this high because Senhit got a has-been, personality free rapper who people barely cared about during his prime? Please, no one’s going to vote for this just because it has Flo Rida, he’s not exactly Sergey Lazarev.

Okan idu?
Okan idu?
3 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Yes he is bigger.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael

it’s not being rated highly only because of flo rida… this is a BOP and has a great team behind it

3 years ago
Reply to  sam

I mean, the article specifically said the odds dropped dramatically after he was announced and they even quoted a bookmaker saying that. I agree that it is a really fun song, but normies are swarming the odds thinking Flo Rida will automatically do well.

3 years ago

Wait…so it’s official? Flo Rida’s gonna be in Rotterdam??

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I thought that from the headline but no I don’t think that’s what is actually the tea here. The article would be much clearer and make a much bigger deal of it, if that confirmation had been made (and I imagine William would head that article).

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Smit

Ah, I see.

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Would’ve been nice though 🙂

3 years ago

Go gooooo
Ooooo!!!! San Marino ! 12 points from Italy !!!!!

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
3 years ago

I’m getting sick of this bluster, to be honest. The song is nothing new and the only reason San Marino is even in the top 10 with the bookies and getting this kind of traction is because Flo-Rida is featuring on the track. Flo-Rida hasn’t had a hit since 2012 or 2013 and given the current global circumstances it’s unlikely that he will actually appear on the stage in May. It’s time for a reality check; this song will not win Eurovision and it will not finish in the top 10. Having said that, I think it will qualify (albeit… Read more »

3 years ago

I don’t mean this in a disrespectful way but, while there are a lot of nice or good songs this year at Eurovision, very few (especially compared to previous years) have grabbed me or kept my attention to the point where I want to listen and re-listen to them over and over again. I don’t want to say that the quality is lower but at least for my own personal taste, it hasn’t been anything overwhelming thus far. As a result, Senhit’s catchy song just stands out so much more and to me, seems very appealing. But that is just… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Lolek

i think the best is yet to come tbh

3 years ago
Reply to  canada_piano

Who? Switzerland, Iceland, Azerbaijan, Malta?

3 years ago

Now I start to understand, it’s a push for the American Song Contest. Is 2021 already rigged ? Like Netflix wanted Iceland last year to promote their film.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

My lord once again with the paranoia about America. Just enjoy San Marino’s song…

Lollipopmonster ESC
Lollipopmonster ESC
3 years ago

I am so happy for the small San Marino. I think it is okay. If a big nation with a huge music industry would do the same I would disagree with that because they have the money and power to win the ESC without help.

3 years ago

“41% of bets on San Marino to win Eurovision.”
And that’s why their odds are lowering.

As unlikely as it is that San Marino would win (and it is incredibly unlikely) then bookmakers would face an incredible loss….hence the lowering of odds. It’s pretty basic, really.

Last edited 3 years ago by Briekimchi
3 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I’m actually surprised at how much Brits spend on their actual wagers. I remember when Leicester City won the premier league (the 5000/1 odds one) and in the newspapers, there were reports of people who had bet up to 1000 GBP on that happening. Like, who does that? 😉