
The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 39 competing songs in Eurovision 2021. Next we head to Italy where rock band Måneskin have “Zitti e buoni”. Were we hearing their message? Read on to find out!

Måneskin – “Zitti e buoni”

“Zitti e buoni” reviews

Lucy: There’s something truly magical about having the brass to send something as new to Eurovision as “Zitti e Buoni”. This is exactly the kind of music I adore away from Eurovision, so I’m obsessed. The charisma of lead singer Damiano lures you into an awesome power move of a song, giving us bold meaning and rock star vibes. I can’t fault this entry; from start to finish it’s a hurricane of sheer coolness – it never relents. Bring on Rotterdam.

Score: 10

Robyn: I’m very ready for Måneskin to take to the Ahoy stage. Their Sanremo performances showed that they are capable of delivering a show-stopping performance, able to bring plenty of rock and roll swagger and attitude with a definite Italian feeling. The performance might lose a little with the band not being able to perform live, but I get the feeling that Damiano’s vocal performance will more than make up for that. Eurovision always needs a good rock performance to set the arena on fire — and Måneskin are here to serve.

Score: 10

Tobias: I love the Italian language a lot but please don’t mix it with rock! I might be one of few, but I don’t understand the hype about this song and the top five position in the odds? This is just a lot to embrace and makes me feel stressed listening to it. Sorry Italy, but this is not my cup of tea.

Score: 3
Lauren: This is not the kind of entry I would ever expect to hear from Italy in Eurovision. The closest we’ve gotten from them is Emma’s “La mia città”, and it didn’t have to win Sanremo en route there. Italy keep reinventing themselves. They have consistently proven themselves as thinking out of the box and getting the results they deserve. I will be pushing for Italy’s victory in Rotterdam, even if I’m not very optimistic about it right now. And with my regular stan countries Slovenia and Portugal heavily letting me down this year, I think Italy has got to be the one.

Score: 10

Luis: Updating a formula is not an easy task, but Italy’s Måneskin have succeeded. Their sound blends rock bands from the previous decades and updates it for 2021, while giving it an extra dose of glam. “Zitti e buoni” is a punch on the face made with gusto. It’s edgy and elegant, gritty yet classy. The band has proven their live abilities during the five nights of Sanremo: Italy is bound to have one of the most exciting performances of the year.

Score: 10

Måneskin – “Zitti e buoni” rankings

In the Wiwi Jury we have 24 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Antranig: 6

Calvin: 10

Deban: 6

Diego: 7.5

Erdi: 6

Esma: 7

Jonathan: 9.5

Jordi: 7

Josh: 9

Julian: 5.5

Kristín: 8

Natalie: 6

Oliver: 8

Pablo: 10

Renske: 8

Ron: 3

Sebastian: 7

Tom: 8

William: 8

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 3 and a high of 10.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 7.7/10

What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!

See all our Eurovision 2021 reviews and rankings

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3 years ago

LMAO at Ron and Deban who is the second time in a row that heavily underrates Italy’s entries. Maybe time to replace him with someone more competent?

3 years ago

I am obsessed with this song!! My favorite this year, by far!!!

Last edited 3 years ago by Elisabeth
3 years ago

I tried, I really really tried to get into this song, but I just couldn’t. I am very sad to report that for the first time since Italy’s return, their entry is not in my top 20! But… buon auguri!

3 years ago

Overrated noise

3 years ago

In my 9 years of watching this show (from 2013 onward, including the canceled year), in my opinion, Italy has never sent a trainwreck or anything close to it.

Last edited 3 years ago by CookyMonzta
3 years ago

It’s a really good song and Maneskin are great performers. It’s also edgy and different to what we are used in Eurovision. Unfortunately, while rock, indie rock and alternative rock are my main genres, I can’t say I love it, I do like it though. It’s not that I can complain about any aspect of the song, but it just doesn’t get into me at all. Anyway, I’m glad to have this on stage. Italy will bring some quality, energy and attitude to the stage. 7.25/10 Italy is place the 12th in my top. 2. Ireland (8.25) 6. Spain (7.5)… Read more »

The truth
The truth
3 years ago

I simply cannot understand all the hype surrounding Italy’s entry this year. It is as if ESC fans have discovered rock music and it’s as if we never had any rock songs in past editions. In this sense rock is nothing new to the ESC, not common yes, but we have had a good number of entries in past years and their results have been quite disappointing, but considering it is Italy we are talking about, well that seems to put things in a different perspective. However taking this particular composition, I find it quite bland, more so because it… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

This is my personal winner. This is possibly my favourite Eurovision entry ever. I get that you don’t like the song and you can say/feel what you like. But just thought I’d note something about the tone of your message is a bit off to me. Anyways! What’s your favourite song this year? Hope you’re well!

Last edited 3 years ago by Elca
The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Elca

In what sense is the tone of my message off? I was expressing my opinion as many others have done about most other songs. As to my favourite entry this year I have about 5 different ones. This year there is no clear favourite and I can’t place one higher than the other.

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

I understand you might not like it. Meanwhile I must stress your lack of musical knowledge by quoting your statement about the absence of any crescendo, bridge and refrain. If you listen again, and read about what those musical parts are exactly, you will find those in Måneskin’s song. Plus, the lyrics are maybe about subjects we may have heard (which is still better than talking about tacos or breakups), but they keep a certain poetic lyricism in Italian. It’s It’s a story about people, about them, a personal song about those who succeeded to make things go in the… Read more »

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Sasha

Sasha saying I don’t like this composition would not be totally correct. I just explained why I do not rate it as such a good composition and gave the reasons why. You are also incorrect in saying that I lack musical knowledge which cannot be further from the truth as in fact I studied music composition incidentally in Italy. And that is why I criticized this song, knowing Italian culture and language perfectly. There is little variation in the different parts of this composition, and although it has so much energy, that energy is not variated, it is not built… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

Concerning their social status, they always stated they’re from middle class families never struggling with lack of money or real disadvantage, so your assertion seems to be a need to smear them. By the way, what the band and especially Damiano, who is the main songwriter, tells in his songs (the album is called “Theatre of ire”, so the theme and the approach) is his determination in making what he chases for real, in spite of discouraging people, haters and obstacles. He left school to pursue his aim while everyone logically dissuaded him and knowing the risks, he had initiative,… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Braam
3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

Wow! Harsh but good critic!

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  L’oiseau

Thank you for being one of the very few to support my comment. I would not call my criticism as harsh but rather as factual. When one criticizes any work of art, one has to the limitations, inconsistences or faults. Therefore such criticism might be perceived as harsh or brutal. Incidentally, contrary to what many believe, I do not hate or dislike the song. I cannot understand why people rave about it as if it was some masterpiece, that was the reason for my criticism. I just find this composition way too hyped up and overrated. And btw most of… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

I repost my answer at your previous comment here since I don’t know why but it wasn’t approved before. While I get you criticism concerning the musical aspect I’m pretty disappointed you talked about hypocrisy and falsity about them because they’ve always stated they’re from middle class families, never struggling with lack of money or real disadvantage, so your assertion seems to be a need to smear them. What Damiano (who is the main songwriter together with the band) tells in his songs is his determination in making what he chases for real, in spite of discouraging people, haters and… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

I’ve already seen this message of yours somewhere … that one wasn’t enough for you, was it? I’ve read not only the biography. And I don’t understand why you see all this as an anti-establishment protest. Aesthetic is an important side of the style of maneskin like it was for glam rock and is now for visual kei. Wearing what you like to wear and not what society approves is also a position and a message (as the society condemns androgynous style on men).  Do you think those punk rock bands in crumpled T-shirts with songs about social injustice don’t make money from their CDs… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Silverhand
The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Silverhand

I do not think I ever posted anything on Maneskin on Wiwibloggs. Well this particular song has everything with being anti establishment doesn’t it? Yes wearing what you like to wear and not what society approves is definitely taking and making a stand. This is not about men being or not being androgynous. It is about confirming to the highest societal norms while portraying oneself as against those norms. I was not alluring to artists not making money out of their music. Of course all artists who attain fame do. But their origins were not tied to wealth and privilege,… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

So now I’m waiting for an answer to my previous post too, once again it seems to me you’re not focusing on the point. His point of view is not the one of people living in real misery, but the one of “average” people facing with those who are in a power position without any merit at all, neither trying to take advantage of their privileges to “build” something (“these men in the car not climbing the rapids”) and besides treating who may attempt to their status with disregard and snobbery. It’s the point of view of a young man… Read more »

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Braam

I am sorry but it seems my comments are still awaiting approval. I have reposted the same comment twice but still am awaiting for my post to be approved. I have lived in Italy and know how the majority of Italians live. The average Italian family, although living in relative comfort still have difficulties to make end meet. And there is a big difference between an average family and a wealthy one. As an Italian friend of mine pointed out, “Questi figli di papa’ non sanno un ca..o che cosa significa non avere la vita facile. Hanno sempre trovato le… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

I don’t get why a moderate judgement on them is so rarely given and they’re just worshipped or smeared. Just to let you understand I don’t idolise them, I’ll tell you that those few times (luckily) Damiano or Victoria took a stand on current events I felt discomfort since I find them to be simplistic and just pursuing most popular opinions trending on social platforms. At the same time I have to admit they never affirmed to be disadvantaged or whatever, if anything they said the opposite in a recent interview. So even if I understand your friend, I can… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

You had a post on YouTube, I remember it.  Middle-class guys , who sang on the streets before the x factor, have spent their earnings on clothes they like. So what? Yep, I’m from a poor family, but it’s so ridiculous to count other people’s money. It doesn’t matter how much your clothes cost, it matters how you treat other people.  The social status isn’t bad himself. It is bad to use your social status to harm others and silence them. (There was recently an unpleasant situation when an Italian politician tried to silence a raped girl. Damiano spoke out… Read more »

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Silverhand

What I dislike about Maneskin is that they are “fasulli”. Ragazzi, figli di papa’, nati con la camicia, che hanno fatto strada perche’ avevano i mezzi e tutti i privilegi ed hanno avuto il”successo” servito su un un piatto. Non hanno trovato alcune porte chiuse, anzi. Come dice il grande Marco, “sono confirmisti travestiti da ribelli” “falsi profeti”, santoni in abiti da designer.

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

I see you become more and more “impartial”. Hahahaha
You got stuck and even stopped trying.
For someone who has a bad habit of reading comments on YT, all was obvious from the very beginning.
My friend’s story hasn’t helped you become better.
Good night

Last edited 3 years ago by Silverhand
The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Silverhand

And yet you cannot deny reality.

3 years ago

This song is definitely my cup of tea, but its quality is undeniable… I see it in top 5 in Rotterdam 🙂

3 years ago

Isn’t it great?! It’s my winner this year and I’ll definitely be sending some votes Italy’s way. I wonder how they’re going to do at the contest points-wise.

Btw, I think Tobias should be more objective as a jury member, “not my cup of tea”isn’t something I want to read in a review.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anhel

Huh, this is a review ? So that means it has to be personnal and subjective ?

People are coming at Tobias for giving his honest opinion, that’s ridiculous. Plus it’s nothing new. Tobias has most of the time been like that over the years, giving low scores to a lot of songs. So idk why y’all are complaining.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen

It’s just *my personal opinion* that I don’t like this kind of reviews and that reviews and scores can (and imo, should) definitely be objective. Otherwise you might end up giving a low score to a quality entry just because of the genre or style. According to Tobias, it looks like he wouldn’t have rated high any Italian rock song regardless of quality (“Please don’t mix Italian language and rock”). That’s not fair, *In my personal opinion.* I don’t like “Je me casse” and it’s near the bottom of my personal ranking, but if I was writing a review for… Read more »

Richard Decker
3 years ago
Reply to  Anhel

I kind of agree with this but also kind of don’t. They make it very clear that they are the in-house panel of music un-professionals; there’s no guarantee that they have musical training and so it’s not a given that they can give objective opinions, because music is really subjective after all. So if a non-musician gives a review of a song of course it’s going to be subjective, because what else could it be? I wouldn’t expect an in-depth harmonic analysis! I don’t think it’s necessarily a problem that it’s subjective, particularly given the vast majority of the voters… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Decker

Ok, that makes a lot of sense, noted! I think I’ll just keep it to myself next time I get annoyed by subjectivety. I just hate it so much when people say “I don’t like it, therefore it’s bad”

3 years ago
Reply to  Anhel

You don’t need to do that. You can keep sharing your opinion with everyone here as long as you’re being respectful with your comments — which is exactly what you’ve done. And I respect that a lot. I also get you when people aren’t explaining their reasoning on what they don’t like in a song and they’re just writing that it’s bad. But sometimes, we just can’t explain specifically why we don’t like something so I kinda get them. On the contrary, I hate it when people are giving unfair reasons to back up their disliking. Im so fab for… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Ellen
3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen

Yeah, I’m just assuming that people like him and the “Didi” person are just trolls so I’m ignoring them. I think both of those behaviours – a) deciding that a song is “overrated” and “bad” just because you don’t like it, and b) trying to come up with ridiculous reasons why it’s popular – stem from the same problem, which is over-inflatted egos and the conviction you’re always right. I don’t think it’s bad to just say you disike a song, but the lenghts some people are going to demonstrate their hatred are honestly worrying. And of course I’m not… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Decker

I would have not explained it as well as you.

The Wiwijury is indeed made of people like most of us, non-professionals in music. So we can’t expect detailed and expert reviews from them. And again, when you’re giving an opinion about something, you have to share your personnal thoughts so you have to be subjective. No one can be objective in this world. To me, that concept just can’t exist as long as a thinking being is implicated. People that are saying they’re giving ‘objective’ opinions are just giving realistic ones tbh.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ellen
3 years ago

Italy, win it, please. PLEASE. P L E A S E.

Iván el Conquistador
Iván el Conquistador
3 years ago

I often say that to win Eurovision you must offer something different. Italy and Finland offer something different, they give the contest the musical variety it needs and that’s why they deserve, at least, to be in the Top 5.

3 years ago

Wiwi Juries’ current TOP 25 Ireland (7.7) (=) Italy (7.7) Cyprus (7.45) Finland (7.34) Ukraine (7.32) Russia (7.18) Sweden (7.14) Greece (6.82) Croatia (6.75) Azerbaijan (6.57) Israel (6.45) Latvia (6.34) Belgium (6.16) (=) Czech Republic (6.16) Serbia (6.09) Albania (5.89) (=) Norway (5.89) Spain (5.34) Germany (5.14) Estonia (5.07) Austria (4.89) Denmark (4.84) (=) Slovenia (4.84) Portugal (4.32) North Macedonia (4.05) My personal TOP 25 Italy (My 2nd) Greece (My 4th) Ukraine (My 7th) Belgium (My 10th) Finland (My 11th) Estonia (My 12th) Russia (My 13th) Serbia (My 14th) Cyprus (My 17th) Czech Republic (My 18th) Ireland (My 20th) Albania… Read more »

3 years ago

Please Italy, win the contest!!!

Iván el Conquistador
Iván el Conquistador
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

If Anthony Hopkins and Frances McDormand could pull an upset in the Oscar, then Maneskin can do it as well. ROMA 2022!

3 years ago

It’s glam rock! It’s hard rock! It’s rap rock! It’s Maneskin! As it’s often the case with Italy, a song I completely overlooked during Sanremo has stolen my heart without me even noticing when it happened. Their striking image, bustling chemistry and bangin’ rock rocket punch gave me no choice but to conform to their nonconformity and become “fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro” myself. Honestly, “Zitti e buoni” is such a strange song. It feels like a time capsule from a different era, but sounds incredibly current at the same time. Logically speaking, a classic rock entry in… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Skiwalko
3 years ago

please win and slap everybody’s face

Esc addict
Esc addict
3 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Ok I understand now why your negativity and wickedness about all the others songs. It’s clear now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Esc addict

what songs are you referring to? this was my first comment on wiwibloggs since smt like late february/early march…

Last edited 3 years ago by Jo.
3 years ago

For those who have forgotten, the live performance with orchestra of the Maneskin in Sanremo 2021:


turn up the volume to the max!

Last edited 3 years ago by sucof
3 years ago
Reply to  sucof

ps A performance like this would surely win the Eurovision, but the Eurovision stage, technically speaking, is not up to sanremo, it is not a “theatrical” stage where the aesthetics of a beautiful scenography and an excellent sound system and lights are in synergy as in Italy. At the eurovison the stage is conceived as a large platform, scenically simple and with a concert lighting and sound system in a sports hall!
And then the magic of the orchestra is missing!

3 years ago

For sure a contender and I will be joyous if it wins.

3 years ago

How amazing can be Eurovision next year in Italy – just imagine !!
My favorite from many years of ESC together with Mahmood!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Juliana

It’s amazing how a country could be a contender to win every year for a decade, (with only exceptions 2014 & 2016) yet they haven’t achieved it…

Fun fact: In 45 participations, Italy has finished in the top 10 in 33 different occasions!

3 years ago
Reply to  Sot

That’s awesome! Italy has great music.

3 years ago

Gold star.

3 years ago

10/10 (My personal top 3 alongside Finland and Iceland)

3 years ago

10/10 (top 3 among Finland and Iceland)

gurki loko
gurki loko
3 years ago

I agree with Tobias. The first riffs are cool, but overall it’s just a lot of noise and repeated screaming. I don’t really see casual viewers falling for that.

3 years ago

I mean it’s great, top 5 for sure, my personal winner is Switzerland but aside from them, Italy would be an amazing winner.

3 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

My personal winner is Italy but aside from them, Switzerland would be an amazing winner. 😀

3 years ago

I think they can easily win! They are 4th in the betting odds and Italy’s stagging has been improving. I’m expecting something spectacular from them!

3 years ago

Top 10 no doubt

3 years ago

2) Italy – It’s been hard trying to choose between two songs as my winner, but Italy misses out by the tiniest distance. I didn’t have this as my winner of Sanremo, not because at the time I thought it was bad, I guess the orchestra didn’t do it much justice to me. They instantly reminded me of some of our best rock bands here in the UK, and their styling gives me vibes of The Darkness, who happen to be one of my favourite bands. I feel like this can do really well at Eurovision, and I believe that… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Also to note, I don’t think it’s fair to compare Italy with Finland, since they’re not even the same sub-genre. But hey, do whatever you want. 😉

Also also, I think Tobias needs a hug.

Last edited 3 years ago by Emily
3 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I am happy to give Tobias a hug. I just don’t get this at all, I wish I did. I will try again. But I would have it over Finland every time.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jofty

and that’s fair enough 🙂

Esc addict
Esc addict
3 years ago
Reply to  Jofty

Of course the Jofty is here it was obvious.
But weirdly he doesn’t ask here to the producers to put Italy in the 2nd spot to perform in the final but France yes, lol…..I wonder why…. #biased #Badspirit

3 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Who was your Sanremo winner?

3 years ago

this song is a masterpiece… literally perfect.. it’s in my top 5 and i wouldn’t be surprised to see it make the top 5 in the grand final

Last edited 3 years ago by ali
3 years ago

istg tobias is literally giving low scores to everything…

3 years ago

Italy having the same score as Ireland?
Nahh, that ain’t it.
Can’t see why Ireland is so overhyped??? (bit underrated in the fandom, but overrated in Wiwi Jury)

3 years ago

I quite like this! It’s not in my top 10, but I don’t skip it when it comes on the playlist. It’s quite stand out, there isn’t really a song like this in the class of 2021, only really Finland come close but I think Italy is more stand out due to the fact they’re singing in Italian. Which always grabs my attention. I dunno if Månskin will reach the heights of previous Italian entries like Gabanni or Mahmood as they’re songs felt more accessible and Månskin is more niche, but I do like it, I think they’ll place quite… Read more »

3 years ago


3 years ago

This is not a genre I like. Unlike finland this who made the rock sound amenable to pop , Italy haven’t. The song might be a really good rock song , but I don’t appreciate it. It feels too noisy at times. The chorus is decent though. Also a feel a huge disconnect in their styling and the music . I have to give it points for being different and catering to atleast some subset of audience. I’m not in that subset. 6/10 I don’t expect jury to like this a lot . They will be mid-table probably but the… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Kristian

Huge disconnect between their styling and the music?! Ever heard of glam rock?

3 years ago

Yeah, it’s definitely the entry from Italy that I like the least since their return, but I think they’ll be in the top ten again. Also, this has the potential of some really great staging, which really was Italy’s weak point for the entirety of the last decade. A little bit of more effort into Soldi and they would’ve beaten Duncan given how close it was in the end

3 years ago

I feel like people are overrating this just because it’s rock, and eurofans tend to try super hard to prove they are not cheap queens that only listen to Kalomoira and Hadise. It’s not exactly a bad song, but not as as good as Soldi.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whoareyou?

Both Kalomira and Hadise were perfect, wdym?

Daniel Cabral
3 years ago

7.7 ?! Oh my god this music is crap… Really ?! ESC is not about music … It’s about bizarre… 12 points to bizarre…

3 years ago

I think Italy has potential to hot top 3 this year, contemporary contender rock song and very good singer lively and passionate, I estimated winner for Italy, this year full of trashy up tempo pop songs like Cyprus, Serbia, San Marino we have seen many times in the past the one like Greece 2005, 2008, Turkey 2009 etc. and we have other recycles like Malta carbon copy of Israel 2018 and Switzerland carbon copy of Netherlands 2019..sorry but it’s my opinion, freedom of speech….this year Italy and France gets my vote..best of luck

3 years ago

Damiano is an absolutely fantastic performer but I can’t help but I think about how repetitive the chorus is throughout the song… I don’t think it’s necessarily well written but Damiano sings with such conviction, energy and expression that it makes it so much more engaging. If anyone other than Måneskin sung this, I don’t think it would be a favourite.

3 years ago

This is my absolute favourite and my personal prediction for winning the contest, it’s got personality, it exudes charisma and has an amazing melody and lyrics, it’s truly amazing and it will slay live. This can be both a crowd and a jury pleaser, so don’t you dare ruling Italy out yet!!

3 years ago

its not my favourite but i can definitely appreciate it as it has grown on me massively even if its not in my personal top 10. i therefore personally dont believe it will get top 5…yet. we’ll have to see staging. i enjoy it and i can see why some people place it in their top 3

3 years ago

Italy is trying so hard the past 5-6 years sending one of the best songs each year (2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and now this year).
If there is one country that deserves the victory this year, it has to be Italy.
2015 – my winner
2017 – my winner
2018 – did not like it much, but the fact that the televoters placed them at 3rd place says it all
2019 – my 2nd winner

I am not a huge fan of this year’s entry, however, Italy is placing a great effort in the competition and deserve to be compensated.

Last edited 3 years ago by eurovisionfun
Esc addict
Esc addict
3 years ago
Reply to  eurovisionfun

They are already with their results each years.

3 years ago

I can’t imagine a better band than Maneskin to show the youth that rock still can be a vehicle for their feelings. They’re able to combine attitude (from the palpable inconformity in their lyrics to Damiano’s fearless stage presence) and style (they all look sexy and gender non-conforming in their glamtastic outfits). Their sound is classic enough to earn the respect of die-hard rock fans and has addictive funky riffs to reach people with a poppier taste. They’ll win many hearts, hopefully also inside the juries. 9.5/10

3 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Is Italy your winner or runner-up, perhaps? 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

At the moment I would say they’re my runner-ups. But the margin between my top 6 is so small, that I won’t know my winner until we see what they all have up their sleeves. What can I say is that I would love to see a winner that doesn’t fit the “bop or ballad” scale of the fandom and this one would be a perfect example.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I’m guessing it’s Russia, Ukraine, Italy, and three more.
Based on your reactions (as I recall), and what I know of your taste, possibly Bulgaria, Netherlands, and Lithuania. With Switzerland being the 7th, you really like and respect. 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Yes, Russia and Ukraine are part of this little (but exclusive!) club. And you got it right, Switzerland is the 7th. Objectively, I think it’s in the same level of my top 6, but I guess it got trapped in the friend zone. 😛

About the other 3, you’re close, because all of those you mentioned are very well ranked in my taste. Robyn saved most of my favorites to the end this year. There’s only one grade below 5 to come.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I have the same problem with my favourites. I hope that the live performances will leave me with a clear personal winner.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anita

It’s not just that they’re close, but also that they are so different. But I actually don’t mind not having a clear winner. I’m still not sure who won for me between “Arcade” and “Soldi”, it’s nothing new to me. 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

That is absolutely correct. However, I believe that the expression Sabrina used ”gender non-conforming” is basically used for people who just dress ot style somewhat (usually to a bigger degree) different from what one would expect from their gender. It has nothing to do with being trans or non-binary.

Last edited 3 years ago by Colin
3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

It’s exactly how Colin explained. Maybe “androgynous” would be a simpler way to describe it, but I wanted to emphasize that they’re breaking the stereotypes of how should men and women style themselves by wearing both things that are perceived as masculine (they really rocked suits and ties for Spain’s pre party) and feminine. I don’t know if we can call their sound glam rock, but I love that they’re bringing at least part of it back. If the use of “gender non-conforming” sounded inadequate to those who define themselves as that, I apologize and assure it wasn’t my intention,… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Which is a entry I also love. 🙂 Though I think Wig Wam is full-hearted glam rock, Maneskin is probably between at least 2 or 3 rock sub genres. Maybe the glam on their side is more in the aesthetics than properly in the sound.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

You said it. You must say “gender non-conforming” these days as glam rock probably offends someone somewhere.

3 years ago

I’m the same. I think the melody is just too simplistic maybe. Basically one musical phrase repeated over and over.

3 years ago

I’m sorry but has Tobias always this negative? I don’t think they’ve given any song a decent score this entire time. Yeah not every song will be your favorite, but like…giving every song a low score seems more like they’re just hating it to hate it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Update: I went through all the reviews so far and he’s only given like two countries above a 5 (Sweden and Cyprus) but still, on average he gives like a score of a 4 to almost everything

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Most probably he is giving a low score to every country apart from the one that he likes the most (probably will give a 9-10 to that 1 country), to maximise the chances of ending up first in the wiwi jury league. -.-

3 years ago
Reply to  eurovisionfun

If so, that’s actually calculated in a way that undermines team work. I am sad if some juries rate that way on ESC. 🙁

3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

In Eurovision it’s not a matter of averaging.

A ranking of 1, 1 , 1 , 25 here will make the average rank 7 at Wiwi.
A ranking of 1, 1, 1, 25 at ESC will make the song still be 1 or 2 .

3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I agree with you Colin, however, you need to bear in mind one person may love a song and the other absolutely detest it.

3 years ago
Reply to  eurovisionfun

If that’s the case I hope all his high scores get cancelled, like his low scores, and that his “work” as a jury member is therefore useless lol

"Music first"
"Music first"
3 years ago

That sums up why Italy is a much better ESC-country than Sweden

3 years ago

If this wins it will be the first year I’m satisfied with the winner since Sobral.

3 years ago

Italy and Australia are always overrated but this year Italy is one of my favourite and I don’t even like rock. I can see them in top 5. The song is very catchy

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

My thoughts exactly

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

overrated by who ? we literally missed the top 10 twice in the past decade

3 years ago

well some of past entries weren’t worthy of top 10. Hence being overrated before and during the final.Italy gets points because of being Italy, Same for Australia and Sweden.

3 years ago

My winner

ESC 21
3 years ago

This is a big joke. But, its Italy

3 years ago
Reply to  ESC 21

Excuse, care to elaborate??

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
3 years ago

I appreciate that this is very good for what it is and I do “feel” the song, but I’m not overwhelmed by it. This isn’t one of my personal favourites, but I understand why it is a contender and I wish the band all the best. 🙂

3 years ago

Italy being overrated as usual