Stefania Last Dance Greece Eurovision 2021

The second semi-final of Eurovision 2021 is just two weeks away. In 14 days, give or take a couple of hours, we will know the complete line-up for the grand final. But for now, all we can do is look into our crystal balls or examine tea leaves.

Back in March, we asked y’all to vote for your favourites in semi-final two of Eurovision 2021 before rehearsals. After counting a total of 26,439 votes for 17 acts, the results are in.

Poll results: Greece’s Stefania is your favourite to win semi-final one of Eurovision 2021… before rehearsals

She might not be leading with the bookmakers, but Greece’s Stefania is definitely bubbling under with fans. And she’s your favourite to win semi-final two… before rehearsals. “Last Dance” secured 4,452 votes or 16.84% of all votes cast.

Here’s how Deban reviewed the entry for the Wiwi Jury:

“Last Dance” is a disco bop freshened with a 2021 arrangement. As far as songs go, this is an excellent offering. It straddles the decades without sounding overworked. Visually, this is Greek; musically, it is global. Fittingly, Stefania holds a presence in Eurovision’s host country. She’s Dutch with Greek roots. Her youthful looks and nimble moves are key assets. Vocally, she can do pop. As a total package, “Last Dance” courts enough traction from televoters, club kids and music experts. Qualification predictions are somewhat pointless. Miss Liberakakis will be flying her pegasus all the way to a top ten finish at the grand final.

In second place, we have Gjon’s TearsThe Swiss crooner amassed an impressive 4,322 votes. That’s 16.35% of all votes cast. “Tout l’univers” is already a hit with many. It currently leads the OGAE voting and is among the top few with the oddsmakers.

Snatching the bronze medal is San Marino’s Senhit. The “Adrenalina” songstress scooped up 2,869 votes or 10.85% of all votes cast.

Rounding out the top five is Finland’s Blind Channel and Bulgaria’s Victoria. The remaining five qualifiers — according to our readers — are Iceland’s Daði og Gagnamagnið, Serbia’s Hurricane, Moldova’s Natalia Gordienko, Albania’s Anxhela Peristeri and Latvia’s Samanta Tīna.

Check out the full pre-rehearsal results below.

Results: Who should win the second semi-final of Eurovision 2021?

  1. Greece: Stefania “Last Dance” 16.84% (4,452 votes)
  2. Switzerland: Gjon’s Tears “Tout l’Univers” 16.35% (4,322 votes)
  3. San Marino: Senhit “Adrenalina” 10.85% (2,869 votes)
  4. Finland: Blind Channel “Dark Side” 8.43% (2,229 votes)
  5. Bulgaria: Victoria “Growing Up Is Getting Old” 7.56% (1,999 votes)
  6. Iceland: Daði og Gagnamagnið “10 Years” 7.07% (1,868 votes)
  7. Serbia: Hurricane “Loco Loco” 6.98% (1,846 votes)
  8. Moldova: Natalia Gordienko “Sugar” 4.69% (1,240 votes)
  9. Albania: Anxhela Peristeri “Karma” 3.89% (1,029 votes)
  10. Latvia: Samanta Tīna “The Moon Is Rising” 3.66% (968 votes)
  11. Czech Republic: Benny Cristo “Omaga” 3.44% (909 votes)
  12. Denmark: Fyr & Flamme “Øve os på hinanden” 1.98% (523 votes)
  13. Poland: Rafał “The Ride” 1.97% (520 votes)
  14. Portugal: The Black Mamba “Love Is on My Side” 1.96% (519 votes)
  15. Estonia: Uku Suviste “The Lucky One” 1.94% (512 votes)
  16. Austria: Vincent Bueno “Amen” 1.56% (412 votes)
  17. Georgia: Tornike Kipiani “You” 0.83% (222 votes)

Total Votes: 26,439

Do you agree with the results? Is Greece your favourite? Which songs are underrated? Let us know in the comments.

Vote in all our Eurovision 2021 polls.

Note: This poll is just for fun. It is not designed to predict the final result in May. 

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3 years ago

I’m Greek, I love our entry this year and in my opinion it’s the best song Kontopoulos has ever written for Greece. To be honest I just want Greece to enter the top10 after so long. The past few years I learnt not to get excited only from rumours and hype because I end up getting disappointed. As I was in 2018 and 2019, 2 years that I really loved our entries and they ended up being destroyed on stage, especially in 2018. So, I hope this year and manage to produce and a slick, professional and modern stage performance.… Read more »

Mr X
Mr X
3 years ago

It´s a little bit overrated but very likely a contender for qualifying…

My prediction for Semi final 2 (in alphabetical order)

  • Albania
  • Austria
  • Bulgaria
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Greece
  • Iceland
  • San Marino
  • Serbia
  • Switzerland

No chances for Georgia, Estonia and Poland. I´m afraid that Moldova instead of Denmark is a Q.

3 years ago

Greece? I think others qualify for this!

3 years ago

surprisingly, greece and switzerland have almost the same number of votes. gjon does almost no advertising in the virtual media

London Boy
London Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  rainer1

Since when promoting an entry is illegal? Stop throwing sh.t in the fan guys

3 years ago

Again, we have never seen Stefania perform it live w/ her dancers. I think it’s a bit premature to say it will do well, much less win the semi, if we have no basis of knowing how she’ll do live.

Assuming she does a good live show, why can’t Stefania win the semi? It’s just not fair to say that she did well on this poll because of Greek fans. I submit that people actually like this song.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ern
Johnatan jon
3 years ago

Just Hurricane, The rest should really not matter, these girls will bomb the stage

Last edited 3 years ago by Johnatan jon
3 years ago
Reply to  Johnatan jon

Yes, but only if all of the audience members are men who are into sex bombs that have been heavily operated on

3 years ago

So 4 days left up to the 1st rehearsals of semi2!
Am I the only one excited here?

3 years ago

As a Greek, i am tired to see the hardcore fans overhyping our entry. I will never forget the day when Yianna walked in stage having NOTHING prepared and they were repeating the rumors she spread that production team couldnt do what they asked and she was sabotaged. Critical thinking is more useful than overexcitement

3 years ago

Don’t worry, haters gonna hate.
So 4 days left up to Stefania’s 1st rehearsal!
Am I the only one excited here?

3 years ago
Reply to  Batkas

Shine bright like a diamond or what?

3 years ago
Reply to  Batkas

Brighter than moonligh?

Last edited 3 years ago by Nobody
3 years ago

The worst aspect of the greek entries are fans like you. You are not as not as many as people tend to think, but you are so loud and annoying, so I can totally feel them. You are more damaging than our incompetent broadcaster. And you all speak the same, like you are some dumb bots or smth. Unfortunately you’re real though.
I’ll take every single downvote as a compliment

3 years ago
Reply to  Sonam

Yes. You have repeated in more than on post that you are a German from a Greek dad. So? Also, the producers talked about AN entry. Not THE Greek entry. Eurovision Fun (legit Greek site) revealed that they were talking about Greece.
Man you choose to miss my point, which is simple. This is not the way to hype an entry. 2018 and 2019 say hello. You’re just promoting the stereotype that Greek fans are biased, delusional, and narrow-minded 

3 years ago

Well i guess she deserved it…i dont think it will happen tho because the win of SM2 will be Switzerland, San marino or Finland (at least that’s my prediction). But this semi final is so weird…we all know who is going to qualify but its very hard to predict who will win it..

3 years ago

We are going to see in a few days if this was deserved….

3 years ago

The Greeks do this every year calm down guys they are shameless :L Even during the actual show Greece x Cyprus and 12 points every time they get a chance to. Accept that this is the timeline we all live in.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jar

Yes, Greece and Cyprus almost always exchange 12 points. But to blame only those 2 countries for political voting is also shameless. For those 2 countries it makes sense as they share exactly the same music scene. What about all the scandinavian, Baltic, and former soviet countries countries always exchange points??

3 years ago
Reply to  Jar

I think that’s actually unfair so I partially agree…

What I HATE though is the fact that every country mocks Greece and Cyprus for exchanging points while Azerbaijan and Russia, Montenegro and Serbia, Romania and Moldova, Belarus and Russia, Armenia and Russia, Italy and San Marino, Netherlands and Belgium, Norway and Sweden, Iceland and Denmark, Latvia and Lithuania and many more also do it

3 years ago

Switzerland will win the semi and Latvia will be around 7th position instead of 10th.

3 years ago

Switzerland, Iceland, Finland, Greece, Bulgaria, and San Marino will qualify.
The last four places are not as certain. Something tells me it will be Albania, Serbia, Moldova, and Czech Republic. However, I wouldn’t put it past Denmark to qualify instead. Perhaps even Latvia, if she really pin-points her staging.

3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

That’s true. I love that song but I can’t see them in the finals. The running order ruined any qualification chances. If Latvia swapped with Denmark it would be just fine

3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Latvia wouldn’t be among my qualifiers. But I can see it being so ”in your face” that those who would like it might *really* like it, and vote for it. So far, I believe that Latvia would be my 13th in the semi.

3 years ago

Go supergirl !!!! You can do it

3 years ago

Just to be serious. Greece doesn’t deserve to win the semi (and I’m Greek btw). I think Switzerland, San Marino and Bulgaria deserve it more

3 years ago
Reply to  notyourtoy

strange to hear that you are not supporting your country’s entry.
May I ask why you think it doesn’t deserve it?

3 years ago

And I expected one more time the overhype about the staging. Talk less about that until the rehearsals

3 years ago
Reply to  notyourtoy

Yeah they know more ofc, but let’s be patient for some more days and not flood the comment section with the “You’ll see something special so we will win” lol. We still know nothing about any country.

And say Greece brings something really amazing. Who tells us that the others will not bring something more special?

3 years ago

Her Dutch fanbase did it again.Fun fact her Dutch fanbase consists of children from 5 and 10 years old.

3 years ago
Reply to  Roodi

Aren’t you tired to be so hateful?

3 years ago
Reply to  Whoareyou?

I just told the truth you can not accept it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Roodi


3 years ago
Reply to  Roodi

Get a life

3 years ago
Reply to  Roodi

The Netherlands is voting in Semi-final 1 Cyprus also so who is gonna give you points?

3 years ago

My top 17:

  1. San Marino
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Finland
  5. Moldova
  6. Greece
  7. Albania
  8. Czech Republic
  9. Serbia
  10. Bulgaria
  11. Estonia
  12. Latvia
  13. Portugal
  14. Denmark
  15. Austria
  16. Poland
  17. Georgia

Please don’t attack my opinion, I’m willing to respect yours!

3 years ago

I think the winner is between san marino and switzerland. I think san marino will win the televote and propably come around 4-6 with the jury, and i think switzerland will be 1st with the jury and 2nd or 3rd with televote. Greece i expect to be 7th-10th in this semi

3 years ago
Reply to  baby

Very precise subjective opinion

Last edited 3 years ago by Ende
Catriona Colville
Catriona Colville
3 years ago

Switzerland obviously.

3 years ago

Yeah, I get it, some of the votes were from Stefania’s fans on Instagram but did she deserve the 1st place? Yes. Absolutely.

3 years ago

So the real winner is Switzerland here..

3 years ago

My predictions: 1) Switzerland Jury Top 3 , Televote Top 3 , Overall Top 3 2) Iceland Jury Top 6 , Televote Top 6 , Overall Top 5 3) Bulgaria Jury Top 3 , Televote 7-12 Overall Top 7 4) Finland Jury 4-10 , Televote Top 6 , Overall Top 7 5) Greece Jury 7-12 , Televote 4-10 Overall Top 10 6) San Marino Jury 7-15 , Televote Top 6 , Overall Top 10 7)Moldova: Jury 7-12 , Televote 7-12 , Overall Top 10 8)Serbia: Jury 11-17 , Televote Top 6 , Overall 7-13 9)Portugal: Jury Top 6 , Televote… Read more »

3 years ago

Define “your”
The right title:…bots favourite to win…

3 years ago
Reply to  Tom

She isnt destiny with 27k followers she has 315.000 followers most of em teen girls

3 years ago

ohh the televoters are gonna eat her up!! First real live performance on sunday on greek tv.. if she hits the high notes (and the staging lives up to the hype) she could actually win this semi I think!

ESC fan
ESC fan
3 years ago

sure jan