Austria, Poland and Moldova: Eurovision 2021 Second Rehearsals

Feeling refreshed? After a short break, it’s time to get back to day six of Eurovision 2021 rehearsals. Next up to the Rotterdam Ahoy stage are the stars from Austria, Poland and Moldova. Will there be any big staging changes? Let’s take a look…

Second rehearsals at Eurovision 2021: Austria, Poland and Moldova

Austria’s Vincent Bueno “Amen” — Eurovision 2021 second rehearsal

Oliver: Fantastic stuff again from Austria. Great vocals, emotional delivery, and a simple but effective stage show. Across the competition, a lot of Vincent’s rivals are still ironing out a few imperfections with their performances. But with the help of Marvin Dietmann, Team Austria got it right the first time. If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it! Vincent Bueno is destined for the final.


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Padraig: Easily the best of all the musical theatre style male ballads. Vincent works his acting chops and emotes every word. The emotion is real! Even when you’ve seen the rehearsal three times in a row. The simple staging is highly effective, mostly relying upon clever camera work and lighting. Before rehearsals, I was sceptical of this reaching the final. Now I’ll be shocked if it doesn’t.

Poland’s Rafał “The Ride” — Eurovision 2021 second rehearsal

Oliver: A better run-through for Poland, but this still needs lots of work. Rafał’s vocal is more stable in the opening, but his intonation weakens during the second verse and the backing vocals carry him through. As well, the selfie camera antics remain. They’re smoother than last time, but equally jarring and unnecessary. The Polish delegation are throwing everything at the stage. Unfortunately, not much of it sticks.


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Padraig: Credit where credit’s due, today’s rehearsal was a big improvement. Rather than a car crash, it’s now more of a bumpy ride. Rafał has a better grip of the choreography and his vocals have also improved. He’s also ditched the cheesy shout outs to the audience. That’s said, the stage show remains very hectic. We still have the camera selfie, but it’s less shaky and unlikely to cause motion sickness. It remains a rough diamond that a performer like Melodifestivalen’s David Lindgren could polish and put his stamp all over. Alas, Rafał is not David Lindgren.


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Moldova’s Natalia Gordienko “Sugar” — Eurovision 2021 second rehearsal

Oliver: We’ve gone from too much of everything from Poland to not enough from Moldova. Natalia’s pumping more energy into her movements and she looks happier on stage, but she’s still very stiff. And again, her backing vocals are carrying her. The vocal is weak and breathy throughout and the final long note is flat. With little movement while she sings it, the song’s climax feels static. Qualification isn’t as certain as it once was.


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Padraig: I’m not sure what sparkles more, Natalia’s dress or her smile. She’s clearly enjoying herself on stage ad that’s showing in her performance. She’s a bit more confident and the choreo is starting to click. Her vocals were admittedly breathy, particularly by the time we came to the last take. The staging is polished, but it still feels like something is missing. A song like “Sugar” is begging for a gimmick, but we never get one.


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Read more Eurovision 2021 rehearsal news here


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3 years ago

I dont see why Sweden has been up top of the bookies and Austria is so low…they are basically the same song, but it seems Vincent seems more polished and heartfelt and Sweden is a bit more clinical and cold. I hate for anyone to blame Tusse if Sweden doesn’t qualify. Although it would be shocking if they didn’t (especially to Sweden). Poland is a mess that can only be salvaged by diaspora voting…justice for Tulia. Moldova tried to class up what was basically a fun frothy song–I think they are really doing themselves a disservice…I am actually shocked they… Read more »

3 years ago

I expected so much more from Moldova, considering their video is so colored and tasty. They could have used some props on the stage, huge Ice creams, lollipops, or at least she could have popped from a big cake. Or if not on the stage, at least on the led screens in the graphics, some candies… But we were left with nothing, just basic background… Shame, Moldova!

Last edited 3 years ago by Dida
3 years ago

a mini review for these 3 countries…. Austria: He has REALLY good vocals and i loved the high note that he hit. Juries are going to love this and viewers will not be disappointed. His staging reminds of Austria 2018. He is definitely qualifying. Poland: The camera angles were TRAGIC, i hope they improve because with this performance they are 100% staying in SM2. Moldova: I don’t know the whole staging is just meh….they could have done so many things but no… neon colors and white dress is the best choice….Ugh with this staging they are not going to the… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by yeahyeahfire
3 years ago

Austria: They took the simple and classy road and it may end up working quite well.

Poland: There’s so much going on and in such an uncoordinated way, that at times it’s like they’re trying to hide Rafal from us.

Moldova: It’s true that everything looks nice, but without some craziness the weaknesses of the song and the vocals are getting overexposed.

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
3 years ago

And her guys are not exciting at all. The sun ain’t blinding you inside the arena.

3 years ago

Austria – maybe
Poland – no
Moldova – yes

3 years ago

Out of these three I feel like Vincent’s performance is actually the best and the most impactful. He deserves to make it to the final. Moldova missed a big opportunity to go full out with the staging, the song is so much fun but the basic staging doesn’t elevate it at all. Kirkorov failed.

3 years ago
Reply to  EProduc

Sugar is actually not one of my favorite songs, but I am disappointed with the subdued staging. I thought would be much more over the top than that. Depending on how things go, Moldova might not make it to the final after all.

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
3 years ago

Why are they hiding Rafal with all those pyros lol

3 years ago
Reply to  Yeah yeah fire

It’s a freaking mess, that’s what Poland’s staging is. This and Georgia are fighting for last place in the semifinal

3 years ago

1. Moldova (C’mon Kirkorov, give us something fun for once)
2. Austria (Not my style and it’s really awkward)
3. Poland (They’re trying so hard but… no)

Summarising, all three were average today, the only positive thing about them is Vincent’s voice

Roelof M
Roelof M
3 years ago

Poland is gonna crash and burn in the semi unfortunately, I wanna see the country do well but this is just not it. I think Austria actually has a good shot at getting to the finals, especially now that the Czech Republic is somewhat underperforming. Moldova might qualify by the skin of their teeth, but this staging is absolutely not on the same level as some of their other entries. The staging might make them gain 15 jury points, but the lack of crazy will cost them 50 televoting points.

3 years ago
Reply to  Roelof M

If Poland really wants to do well, they have a completely different entrant entirely. They’re clearly throwing in the towel after hosting junior euroversion twice in a row.

3 years ago

Surrounding Rafal with all these pyros!! The man looks scared for his life

3 years ago

I have a feeling that Moldova won’t qualify. San Marino, Serbia and Greece will probably overshadow them. Would this be the first time in the history of Eurovison that a song composed by Kirkorov doesn’t make it into the final? Btw, off topic: Guys, I am really starting to think that Sweden won’t qualify this year. They’ve already dropped to 12th place in the odds. I’ve never seen them this low, lol. Yes, I know it’s Sweden and normally they should be pushed by the juries, but I’m not sure if that can save them. Imagine they place last or… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by ROXELANA
3 years ago
Reply to  ROXELANA

They’ll be saved by juries, but probably finish on the right side of the table on Saturday.

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Same old same old! It remains a mystery to me how this won MF. No offence.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jofty

I agree, while it’s not a bad song per say, I do think there is better in the semi that probably won’t qualify because Sweden will. Which is sad and if continues will probably make some delegations question their future participation.

3 years ago
Reply to  ROXELANA

I expect Sweden to place somewhere between 7th and 22nd place but I really hope they’ll flop

3 years ago

TIX and Efendi is nothing more than staged publicity for both acts.
She needs an interpreter in her English interviews, how the hell would she understand Tix?

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Perhaps perhaps.
Personally think it’s an attempt by both delegations for publicity and a vote bloc, you know, the fallen angel being charmed by someone with an army of lovers kind of thing.
But you could be right, big gay me just can’t see

Last edited 3 years ago by Darren
gurki loko
gurki loko
3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Even if it’s just that, I still find it more entertaining than discussing lighting, disco colors and uneven boots..

Last edited 3 years ago by gurki loko
3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

But why would anyone have a crush on Efendi?

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

The same thing as a lot of other straight young Norwegian men, I should know. Make way for a bucket of Televotes but hope there will be no catfight between her and Albina. Lol, etc. No interpreter required (!).

3 years ago

Loved Vincent’s performance. It’s classy and emotional, simply but effectively staged and well sung. Austria deserves to be in the final.

3 years ago

Enjoying the lights on Amen, definitely potential there

Ok, so Rafal can’t really sing and for some reason they have decided to set him on fire at a village fireworks display, but I’m still routing for him – it has that Saturday night vibe to it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Saturday night in the George with your recently outted Da

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Or parish priest

3 years ago
Reply to  Jofty

Oh the horror!!!

3 years ago

Worried about Kirkorov. If Moldova don’t qualify, I fear he might literally melt into a puddle of sugary goo.

Last edited 3 years ago by Clara
3 years ago
Reply to  Clara

Wouldn’t be a loss

3 years ago

Don’t forget ‘Last Place’ for North Macedonia

3 years ago

Thankfully Kirkorov will leave Moldova for good

3 years ago

Weird seeing a Flemish group picking France as their favourite, I guess they reaaaally like the song

gurki loko
gurki loko
3 years ago
Reply to  Sot

Why is it weird?

Last edited 3 years ago by gurki loko
3 years ago
Reply to  gurki loko

Because generally Flemish people try to be better than Wallones at everything and Wallonia=France with extra steps (not meaning it politically)

gurki loko
gurki loko
3 years ago
Reply to  Sot

Got it.

3 years ago

He hopes for colab later I guess

gurki loko
gurki loko
3 years ago

Umm.. are you that out of the loop with Tix and Efendi?

3 years ago

The only ride in Rafal’s song and staging is his back up dancer with the beard.
That’s a ride.

Last edited 3 years ago by Darren
3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

I’d represent Poland for that tbh

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

You’re missing out Vanilla, on the beards that is, not representing Poland coz clearly anyone can do that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Then Rafal would be the right man for you. His face seems to be very smooth.

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Ah can’t beat that little chin tickle ooh