Destiny Malta Eurovision 2021

Semi-final 1 of Eurovision 2021 took place on Tuesday, with 16 acts hoping to qualify. But in the end, only ten could receive tickets to Saturday’s grand final.

Ukraine’s Go_A mixed EDM and folk while appearing to float on a snowy island, and Malta’s Destiny served female empowerment in thigh-high boots. And when all the confetti had fallen, both acts were among the ten qualifiers from Semi-Final 1 of Eurovision 2021.

Eurovision 2021: Semi-Final 1 Results

Semi-Final 1 Qualifiers

The ten acts that qualified to the grand final of Eurovision 2021 are, in announcement order:

Norway: Tix – “Fallen Angel”

Israel: Eden Alene – “Set Me Free”

Russia: Manizha – “Russian Woman”

Azerbaijan: Efendi – “Mata Hari”

Malta: Destiny – “Je me casse”

Lithuania: The Roop – “Discoteque”

Cyprus: Elena Tsagrinou – “El diablo”

Sweden: Tusse – “Voices”

Belgium: Hooverphonic – “The Wrong Place”

Ukraine: Go_A – “SHUM”

These acts will be joined in the grand final by the other ten countries that qualify through semi-final two on Thursday along with the six automatic qualifiers (the Big Five and host country the Netherlands).


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Semi-Final 1 Non-Qualifiers

Sadly, that means the six acts that failed to make it through were:

Ireland: Lesley Roy – “Maps”

Australia: Montaigne – “Technicolour”

Croatia: Albina – “Tick-Tock”

Slovenia: Ana Soklič – “Amen”

North Macedonia: Vasil – “Here I Stand”

Romania: Roxen – “Amnesia”

Automatic qualifier performances

In addition to the 16 acts competing in semi-final one, this evening we also saw clips of the performances from three of the six automatic qualifiers – Italy, Germany and the Netherlands.

Italy: Måneskin – “Zitti e buoni”

Germany: Jendrik – “I Don’t Feel Hate”

Netherlands: Jeangu Macrooy – “Birth of a New Age”

Did your favourite make it through? Who was done wrong? And who is going to make the biggest impact in Rotterdam on Saturday?

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3 years ago

Hi all do the announce the actual winner of semi final 1 or will we never know??

3 years ago

It is so shame that Croatia not go to final . I hope they will not go to this competition any more , this is only show for North countries and their stupid songs

The truth
3 years ago

After going through many of the comments I can’t help but notice that whenever a comment was made praising Malta it received so many downvotes but when it was hated on or criticized it got so many upvotes. I would like to understand this hate. Not liking a song is one thing hating it to such an extent is another thing. And most often than not the hate is coming from the usual suspects. So I guess it arises from jealousy or some personal issue. The same thing but to a lesser extent regards Sweden.

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

There isn’t a wider choice except for + and -. People don’t agree with someone’s comments and think Malta was overhyped and downovote it. Don’t reach for the word hate so easily.

3 years ago

And and once again we’re proven that Sweden can send just about anything and qualify. If Croatia’s Albina would be the Swedish entry, it would’ve been hyped up as a potential winner in the betting odds and finish Top 5. If Ana Soklic were Swedish the juries would eat it up and say thank you, she’d finish first place with juries! Every year Sweden gets away with a mediocre bla-bla song, but at least it was always elevated with a original and cool performance, this year we didn’t even get that.

Last edited 3 years ago by noone
3 years ago
Reply to  noone

One of My friends who watched the semi is not into generic songs at all and he liked Tusse, even if he was off key

3 years ago
Reply to  Giolo

Lol yes Swedish song was so original and not a generic Swedish entry at all.

Adam Jones
Adam Jones
3 years ago

It’s a shame Ireland: Lesley Roy – “Maps” didn’t make it. I felt in all true honestly, that was the only song presented this year that I could repeatedly listen to. Everything else is just whiney, or too bizarre, or cookie cutter.

3 years ago
Reply to  Adam Jones

She had a horrible vocal

3 years ago

Can anyone tell me how these semi finals have been split fairly , when there are four ex soviet countries in semi 1 and one in the semi 2

3 years ago
Reply to  Dolly

It was a random draw

3 years ago
Reply to  Dolly

There are literally four ex soviet countries(Georgia,Latvia,Estonia,Moldova) in Semi 2 as well, plus Serbia which sees itself as Russia’s little brother.

3 years ago

This year going to win up-tempo song.. I think Malta.. (but the performance is not strong enough for me)

Italy & France… meh.. I don’t think that a lot of people will vote for it..

The real dark horse is Israel, I’m kind of surprise! she blew me away! those whistles..OMG! and the song is a bop and it is radio friendly just like Malta’s song.. so I think it have a chance to win! the judges & the audience will love those whistles and the song is very good Covid-19 anthem!

Last edited 3 years ago by wonder
3 years ago
Reply to  wonder

Italy is going to win. Malta’s song is nothing special (but, I will say that I like her orchestra version much better)

3 years ago

I’m trying to keep myself about the pic since yesterday but I have to say one thing: Malta is neither the only qualifier from yesterday nor the winning country (yet). It is really not about the specific country. I’d pretty much say the same thing whether it were only Cyprus or Ukraine. Obvious favoring is not cool for a medium like this website.

3 years ago

Jeez we reached 1K

Mike Smith
3 years ago

I think the odds of 17/1 for Switzerland are totally ridiculous. The song topped the INFE poll by a large margin and was just pipped into second by Malta in the OGAE poll, what’s changed since then except some press polls during the rehearsals? They surely MUST be in the top 4 as both the INFE and OGAE polls have never been that wrong in recent years. At around 4/1 for a place they must be the value ew bet this year, especially as Italy never even made the top 6 in either of those polls and screaming heavy rock… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike Smith

Unless you’re Lordi, but that was during the televote-only era and it probably wouldn’t have won in this current era with a mixed jury-televote.

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Costume helped Lordi win too .. it was unique

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike Smith

Switzerland at least goes circles in top, but Russia… feels like hmmm is not allowed even top9 despite huge audience support, numerous views and big round of applause…so strange…weird

The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike Smith

With the ESC one can never say never.

3 years ago

Wow, what a show last night! Great way to kick off Eurovision 2021! And now for my thoughts on the qualifiers and non-qualifiers: Norway: To be honest, I really didn’t want this song to qualify because I felt it was a generic song uplifted by sympathy votes for TIX’s backstory. That said, I accepted this was a possible qualifier and I can’t imagine anything else replacing it. Israel: I knew it was going to be a battle between Croatia and Israel for the “pop song sung by a twenty-something” spot, but I thought it would be Croatia because I thought… Read more »

Adam Jones
Adam Jones
3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

So that explains why Ireland didn’t make it. I didn’t watch the show, so I didn’t know. Reminds me of back in 2009, Waldo’s People – “Lose Control” (Finland). Great video and great studio song. I thought for sure they would take the prize but when they performed live? OMG! It was horrendous. I couldn’t believe how bad they sounded on stage. Still love the song though, just like I love “Maps” so I’ll be downloading that to my playlist and forget about all the other entries for this year. Maybe I’ll download “El diablo” and “Lucky One“. The rest… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Excellent analysis from you ; if Sweden had Croatias’s song not only would it have qualified, it would be a contender for top 5

3 years ago

I pray that Croatia and Romania don’t take the DQ too hard and not return next year, they are some of my favorite countries in ESC. Thanks to the juries for Belgium, but this was a botched opportunity to deny Swedish qualification and say once and for all that Eurovision doesn’t value soulless, synthetic, Zara Larsson-esque songs

3 years ago

Ukraine is trending in Belgium – they definitely left an impact here.

3 years ago

Ukraine has my heart. Their performance is ethereal. But Italy has my ear. Their performance is dominant.

Milica Skenderovic
Milica Skenderovic
3 years ago

I think Sweden has a decent song, but also think that, in such a tough semi, the former glory helped Sweden a great deal. If it wasn’t Sweden, who knows… But yeah, the song is decent.

Milica Skenderovic
Milica Skenderovic
3 years ago

It was clear that some good acts had to leave the competition in the 1st semi, because there are only 10 spots in the finals. It was tough… Honestly, the most unfair is that countries like UK and Spain, who hardly ever give an effort for ESC, always compete in the finals, and some artists or countries, who actually made a great effort don’t qualify, because there are only 10 spots.

I am happy with the qualifiers, and it was a really tough game last night…

3 years ago

Croatia is the only NQ I feel sorry for, I can see why the others (including my own country Ireland) didn’t qualify. Delighted for Belgium, shows that sometimes you don’t need elaborate staging just a good singer with a solid song. I don’t understand the hype around Ukraine but maybe I’m missing something. Good luck to all of qualifiers in Saturday’s final.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dans82

Actually, Ukraine wasn’t always placed highly on fans’ ranking lists when it came out (at least after the revamped version) but the staging and performance converted a lot of people. I’ve always loved the song from the start, and I’m happy it’s through, but it’s okay if it’s not your favorite. Just stan something else you like.

Yes, I agree with you. I also can’t believe Croatia didn’t qualify, but I understand why the rest failed.

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Honestly,, if you listen to Croatia’s vocals this will give you the answer you are looking for. They were sub par. Poor.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dans82

I mean, you’re right, but Azerbaijan, Sweden and Norway were as (or even more) undeserving than Ireland, Croatia and Romania tbf

3 years ago

Russian bloc voting , yet again !!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Dolly

almost as if people from certain regions share a similar taste in music genres and sounds, and are therefore more likely to vote for each other. or that people migrate between bordering countries and have an allegiance to their mother nation. this is a huge disadvantage in the finals as the songs are somewhat inaccessible to western audiences, so i don’t know why you’re throwing this rather embarrassing temper tantrum. bottom line, if the performance is good enough it will qualify PERIODT

3 years ago

Sweden did NOT deserve to go through. It’s all PC

3 years ago
Reply to  Ffs

Probably, to some degree. But, the song is on my music list. I like it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ffs

PC + coercing of juries

Stephanie Jär
3 years ago
Reply to  Ffs

I don’t think you understand how ESC works. Sweden does. That is why Sweden always qualifies: they know how to play the game, and have the formula down to a science. Trust me, it isn’t because anyone “loves” Sweden. In fact, it’s hands-down the most hated country of the Nordics (thanks imperialism!). But Sweden is the third largest pop producer in the world (only after the US and UK), and helps write and/or produce about half of all Eurovision entries. Their style might not be your cup of tea, but the tea is, Sweden knows what will work with the… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie Jär

Then why did they send such a lukewarm act ?

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
3 years ago

So this guy is representing Sweden because of his personal life… All the coments goes in that way, Ok. Now I understand why the best song is not there. Poor Dotter, maybe she should speak about her dramas… And stop giving you effort and better songs.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pastora Soler

Impressive: the amount of „facts“ you know. wow!

3 years ago

Thank you europe who voted for Destiny she was amazing shes only 18 yrs old with all that confidance on stage evry contest she enterdor she won or she nearly did and this one is so hard to win but we belive in her she so sweet and loves evryone. for her haters out there sorry to say this but they where haters because they where saying shes fat and so on we just tell you step one is done and dusted now remains step two i thank you all in advance who is going to vote for her on… Read more »

3 years ago

Croatia should’ve gone through Romania and Ireland were some of my qualifiers but the vocals weren’t great. Norway wasn’t a qualifier for me but I’m not shocked he got through the song is growing on me a bit. Australia has basically no chances being live on tape and Slovenia and North Macedonia had great vocals but the songs were just meh for me. The rest of the qualifiers I pretty much predicted would go through

3 years ago

I think Croatia deserved to go through instead of Norway or Sweden, which are always heavily favoured by the juries, no matter what they send. They were also given the privilage of informing the public about their sad personal stories in the official ESC channels. This happens evry year. None of the easyer european/balcan countries ever had this in their favour

3 years ago

Seriously could someone tell me why Cyprus isn’t facing disqualification for plagiarism and also why this site is hyping the Maltese girl so much – she was obviously miming in parts of that .

3 years ago
Reply to  WestMids

You mean Lady Gaga? Or some other artist/particular song?

3 years ago
Reply to  Julie

imo there are three particular Gaga songs that are similar to El Diablo. In terms of the melody; I would say Alejandro and Bad Romance. With the lyrics they basically ripped from Judas imo.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cal

It’s also very similar to Anywhere by Rita Ora.

3 years ago
Reply to  WestMids

Because Sweden in 2015 was not disqualified as well. #ops

3 years ago
Reply to  WestMids

The maltese girl is a star go and check her singing carrier.

3 years ago
Reply to  WestMids

And why is Efendi allowed to even be at the contest? Despite her “messages” on social media towards the Armenian people.

3 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

Efendi has no any negative messages. Stop it

The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  WestMids

You really don’t know how Destiny sings to say that she is mining. And I believe that all singers have to sing live in the ESC, so I don’t know where the mining “conspiracy” is coming from? Maybe Malta bought the EBU?

3 years ago

Destiny for Greatnes .

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago

my fave, eden alene, made it despite the bookies thinking she wouldn’t. so i won’t complain about anything !

TheDr Mistery
TheDr Mistery
3 years ago

She pulled the whistles straight out of Mariah Carey’s “Emotion” and I bet many jurors pulled her like 10 places higher at that very moment. 🙂

3 years ago

Malta ????all the way.

ESC 21
3 years ago

I dont understand why so many are so angry that Sweden always hoes to the final. Rusdia and Ukrane are allso always go to the final.

3 years ago
Reply to  ESC 21

Yes and Sweden have missed the final once.

3 years ago
Reply to  ESC 21

It’s probably because people thought that Sweden were not among the ten strongest songs in the semi.

ESC 21
3 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

But it is…

3 years ago
Reply to  ESC 21

Look i’m just saying this from having listened to the songs when they were released, Sweden was not one of the best songs in this semi. Tusse is great no doubt but there were songs that didn’t qualify that imo were better than Sweden.

I normally completely understand why Sweden get the results they get but if they’re getting points because of it being radio friendly, great staging, vocals etc, then other songs who didn’t qualify had those things too.

Also, a lot of people have said the same thing about the Swedish song.

3 years ago
Reply to  ESC 21

Because it was literally the worst performance!

3 years ago
Reply to  ESC 21

Yes, but with much more merit than Sweden

Mr X
Mr X
3 years ago

I don´t like neither Cyprus nor Azerbaijan and Malta isn´t my cup of tea…

But I´m very happy for Russia, Lithuania. Belgium and Ukraine

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr X

Are you kidding me?!! Belgium was the most boring song of the night!…..and I don’t know what Ukraine was about, way to weird for me!

3 years ago
Reply to  Oliver

You’re hilarious! Ukraine is pure fun, even I like it and it’s not my kind of music. And Belgium boring? Belgium is pure art while Azerbaijan is annoying as hell. Not to mention all the other mediocre popsongs.

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
3 years ago

The Tinder boy didn’t deserve the final. I’m sorry for Croatia. Very happy for Belgium.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pastora Soler

Tinder boy? Who are you referring? Tix?

3 years ago
Reply to  Film

He is reffering to Tusse

Tobias Andersen
Tobias Andersen
3 years ago

everyone loves Croatia. I have only positive impression of Croatia from 3 trips there. There is no anti-Croatian movement that I have ever experienced. She was great the song was great I had it as qualifier, but the presentation was somehow not captivating people. My guess is it got low jury votes and just missed out as number 11 or 12.
Come back next year one day you will get it right 😀

3 years ago

See that’s what I’m confused about though. I don’t get why jurors didn’t go for this.
In terms of the song, it’s radio-friendly, catchy.
Staging was great.
Vocals were fine to me.
Outfits not my cup of tea but I also didn’t like outfits of acts that qualified so I don’t think that applies.

3 years ago

Well.My comments about Croatia haven’t been approved.I don’t like them absolutely…And for sure not only me.

3 years ago

Oh Albina! She didnt come to play!!!! The girl delivered a flawless performance and the song sounded extra hypnotic and pulsating with that heavy bassline. Sadly it wasn’t to be and I’m so gutted. As soon as they called out Israel as a Qualifier, I knew Albina was done. If theyd have swapped out either Israel or Norway with Croatia, I’d have been happy. Also gutted for Ana Soklic. The best vocals in the competition but sadly her staging was such a let down. I did say that the bloodbath would claim a few favourites, and Ireland, Romania and Croatia… Read more »

Mr X
Mr X
3 years ago

Croatia was so far better than Azerbaijan…..

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr X

They were, although I liked Azerbaijan. Effendi performed really well although her dancing left a lot to be desired. The staging was great and it supported the ethno-arabian sound that carries through the song.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr X

Croatia was certainly better than many that made it, like Norway, Sweden, Belgium and Ukraine. Those 4 were particularly bad!

Roald Didriksen
Roald Didriksen
3 years ago
Reply to  Mr X

Guys you are all waisting your time by discussing the countries, because Norway or Sweden wil all rip you off

3 years ago

Sweden and Norway will flop at the final, despite performing in the second half

Mr X
Mr X
3 years ago
Reply to  Luc

Yes, this could be reality…

3 years ago

I don’t think staging was Ana’s biggest problem, I just think the song didn’t have enough appeal for people.

3 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

Her vocal were truly impressive. A definitive improvement from the original. I agree the song just was not good enough.

3 years ago

I really do feel like Croatia,Poland and Romania were siblings-their last qualification was in 2017, and now all the fans are scared that some of them may withdraw next year. Hopefully not because I want them all to do their best in 2022 with amazing songs!

3 years ago
Reply to  DESC

Good luck Poland Romania and Coratia 2022 !

3 years ago
Reply to  DESC

Bulgaria is also Balkan

3 years ago
Reply to  DESC

Croatia is back next year. This was first year with Uršula Tolj as our director and she showed that she plans to push Croatia in a new direction and away from mediocre ballads that we used to send. Croatia is returning next year.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago
Reply to  DESC

poland is the only major country (30+ million) that hasn’t won yet… they need to win sooner or later

3 years ago

Poland Good luck next year

3 years ago
Reply to  DESC

Yes, apparently Eurovision is ALL about the Nordic countries. They should just call it NordicVision!

3 years ago
Reply to  Oliver

The Nordics except Finland. Finland rarely qualifies to the final.

3 years ago

I’ll just take some time to appreciate how sincere the Roops reaction to qualifying was. ?? happy for all the contestants! Really sorry for Albina! Such a sweet and charismatic person, she was worthy of qualifying

3 years ago

Why Russia is so low in odds??? Like, really…?..? Too low

3 years ago

A perfect show, visuals and presentation were stunning. I think there were a bit too many up beat songs. Of course Eurovision the show element is important but it would be sad if the diversity in music would suffer.

3 years ago

Sweden- As a swed I must say that I am relieved for Tusse. I was so scared that he shouldn’t go through. I love Tusse but not the song. Coming from Sweden means a lot of of pressure. Before the show began SVT had a program about Tusses journey. How he lost his parents as a five year old child when the family had to escape from Kongo Kinshasa. About his time in a refugee camp and first time in Sweden. He had to move between diffent homes. He is a wonderful boy and that is what we love. Anna… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Malin
Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
3 years ago
Reply to  Malin

A wonderful and an irresponsible boy. Not the best time for Tinder.

3 years ago
Reply to  Malin

The BBC commentery said about this in their intro to the song.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ted

Well from watching the BBC commentary for years, they do tend to take the approach of tongue in cheek poking fun at contestants with some exceptions.

3 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

I dislike the BBC commentary with an intense hatred. That includes other coverage too. Only watch the live feed using a VPN. It is a truly immersive experience when watching without commentary. The internet can provide the information if you want it. Our local commentator disrespectfully talked over Geike when she thanked Europe. A beautiful moment destroyed by thoughtlessness and arrogance. Sacrilege. The BBC introduction for 2007 was just disrespectful beyond belief. The Lordi intro was spectacular but was complete destroyed by the hubris of Terry Wogan. Some people worshipped Terry Wogan. He was a disgrace beyond the pail. I… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael67

100 % agree.

I’m Irish so I typically watch the RTE coverage of the semis and then sometimes I see the final on BBC.

For the Irish commentary, it can be a bit like poking fun but it’s in good spirits and mostly positive.

For the BBC though, they talk about contestants quite negatively.

I completely agree though, commentators shouldn’t talk so disrespectfully about contestants.

3 years ago
Reply to  Malin

Yes, he’s a great singer and a nice person, but is informing the public of their sad personal story even fair? The public might get biased because of that. Same with Norway’s contestant’s story. Hard to believe talking about their sad stories wasn’y intentinal to get betterresults from voters. It shouldn’tbe done for anyone in my opinion

3 years ago
Reply to  Malin

I couldn’t have said it better. people here are so mean to him. Like he is not a human being. He has so much talent! He was great considering the pressure and I am proud of him.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hélène

Girl, the hate is against SVT for coercing juries and sending safe and dated songs that don’t deserve to pass the SFs

3 years ago
Reply to  Luc

And Croatia is that a good daring song? And Malta, slovenia, azjerbsdjan, North Macedonia, Israel and Cyprus ? Hmm several written by swedes and not top class. Very few songs are good in Eurovision, Tusses song is actually one if the better ones it isnot fantastic but has a meaning that is connected to his life with a message. Croatia what is the meaning there? Russia had meaning but it is not a real song. Belgium was nice but it is not fantastic either. A little bit like Ireland a nice song that also feel because of the performance. Tix… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Malin

Enough with the melodrama !

3 years ago
Reply to  Malin

I mean, I really wish Tusse the best, he’s a nice guy but the song doesn’t do him any justice and he won MelFest just because of PC and now he’s making it through to the final because of SVT coercing juries as usual

3 years ago

Ukraine now reached 4th position at betting odds.. I heard that bookies have access to voting results. Ukraine got 4th position Cyprus dropped down.. I said at the beginning Ukraine must do well different song interesting lyrics good petformance, shum noise will do well can even win ,but Italy say be quiet and behave lol good luck

3 years ago
Reply to  Eurovisionary

Believe me the bookies don’t have acces to the voting results.

Hey hey hey
Hey hey hey
3 years ago
Reply to  Kobe

So explain something, how did get the prediction wrong in 2018 if they knew the result ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Eurovisionary

Bookies have access to voting results?? What?!

3 years ago
Reply to  Eurovisionary

Yes, the bookies have access to the voting results. Just like everybody else. After the whole contest ends and results are published.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eurovisionary

Wasn’t they not announced until last? I think the bookies saw that. Usually the winner I
Is announced last. Maybe that’s why? Even tough I think they are great I have a hard time seeing that they can win. The average viewer that like Keiino or Rasmussen will they vote for them?

TheDr Mistery
TheDr Mistery
3 years ago
Reply to  Hélène

I can’t remember even a single instance when the winner was announced last. It’s usually between third and seventh.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eurovisionary

No idea how betting odds work, hum…? LOL

3 years ago

Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Malta and Israel were my top favourite performances from first semi-final. 12 points to Destiny in the final. Besides the amazing vocals, ‘Je me casse’ is super radio-friendly, and the song delivery was of an outstanding performance. I didn’t like it at first, but now I’m so into it. Love it! Thank you Malta for sending Destiny. I also loved Slovenia, Romania, Ireland and Croatia. I really wish they passed for the final.

3 years ago

The sad fact here is that at least 3 songs that didn’t qualify from this semi final could easily do this if they had been in the second semi.

3 years ago
Reply to  nycforever


3 years ago
Reply to  nycforever

Even in this semi if juries didn’t overrate Sweden and Azerbaijan as usual

3 years ago

Belgium/Hooverphonic are simply a class act. Geike Arnaert’s vocals have improved substantially since the video. Try listening blind to the video and semi and you can hear a clear difference. The sheer professionalism of Hooverphonic is on another level. On a side note I feel that I have never seen anybody as gracious as Geike when she thanked Europe at the end of her song. And that includes Conchita whom I adore.
All other competitors take note.
Belgium seriously could win.

Last edited 3 years ago by Michael67
Mr X
Mr X
3 years ago
Reply to  Michael67


3 years ago
Reply to  Michael67

Winning it all seems out of reach, to be honest. But i am really hoping for a Top 10 place. That would be amazing

Killian Gormley
Killian Gormley
3 years ago

Once again we Sweden overrated. It is not a bad song at all quite repetitive and boring at times. I believe it was once again the jurors who pu t them through. I am not hating on them but I think it was one of the songs that should have stayed in the semi. Having said that it think Ireland was completely underrated. My favourite shots were when she just stated walking at the start and at the end when she is at the audience giving it her 100 percent . She did Ireland so proud and deserved to make… Read more »

3 years ago

Really? Her vocals were very weak…at times you barely heard her voice, just the backings on the tape. The act was good, but it couldn’t save the rest. She didn’t deserve to go through.

3 years ago
Reply to  Inky

Ireland is the Greta Salome of 2021 talk up the staging trying to lift an average song or average vocal. If there was a crime it was Croatia.

3 years ago
Reply to  Inky

I have to say, from watching the semi last night, a lot of singers were vocally struggling so I think that’s not relevant tbh.

3 years ago

Sweden and Norway are practically like automatic qualifiers, no matter what song they send. Maybe if the judges don’t vote for Norway or Sweden, they are not being invited to be judges next year, and that’s probably a nice, stable and well paid job.

3 years ago

Ireland was uncomfortable to watch. She was obviously struggling to keep up with the staging which although frantic was very dull. Her vocals were awful and with all the stress she looked a bit mad

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
3 years ago

They had the total package with Albina. I guess she got overshadowed by the likes of Cyprus and Azerbaijan in this semi.

3 years ago

Like if you find Belgium the underdog of this year!!

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
3 years ago

Omg..poor Croatia and Ireland they had incredible vocals and staging T_T their songs were great too…anyways congrats to the rest of the qualifiers though esp. mah gurl Destiny she killed it and she’s in it to win it. Thanks again for sending her Malta <3

Last edited 3 years ago by Charli Cheer Up
3 years ago

The songs maybe great but I think that both competitors had Johnny Logan moments. Sheer fear.
Ireland’s and Croatia’s vocals were unfortunately off and no theatrics was going to change that. Try listen to both songs blind.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael67

Again, a lot of acts were vocally off. Although I do agree lesleys vocals were off, I thought a lot of acts sounded shake in some parts and some of them even qualified.

3 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

I’m sure some did qualify.
Was not impressed with Azerbaijan.
Amazed by Belgium. Think of the Eurovision demographics and they will collect points.
G’jons Tears is simply incredible. Pity he’s not behind a piano because that would really highlight his incredible voice. The Duncan effect?

3 years ago

Destiny totally owned the performance but I still don’t like the song! However based on her performance I’m glad it qualified.

3 years ago

Belgium is still so underrated by the bookies…

3 years ago
Reply to  Kobe

Totally agree. Geike’s vocals are staggering and competitors should take note of Hooverphonic’s professionalism. Remember that Eurovision demographics are not wiwiblogs demographics.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kobe

Russia as well….

just an esc fan
just an esc fan
3 years ago

Eurovision is back! Allow me to make a small recap of yesterday. Judging by vocals, i think its fair to assume that Sweden, Ireland, Croatia, Cyprus, Romania and Azerbaijan had to stay out… Norway qualifies cuz of 2 factors: him “selling” his story well by taking his glasses out and his (why do i think it’s so fake?) romance with Efendi! Ukraine and Belgium decided to risk and it worked for them!! I couldn’t be more happy for both of them! Definitely my Top2 of the semi and they’ll prob get my votes on Saturday. I literally screamed for 5… Read more »

3 years ago

Tusse’s singing was ok, he hit the notes and was in tuned. However he lacked some energy and looked nervous. There was a lack of force in some of his notes. I hope he will get that straight in the final. Moreover there were technical problems during his performance. One camera disappeared and disturbed the whole thing. So I don’t think you should put him in the list of non competent singers like Croatia.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hélène
3 years ago
Reply to  Hélène

Helen, du är väll från Sverige? Jag tyckte kamra var bedrövligt. Samma krasch som för Malena Ernman. Skulle det se annorlunda ut? Bilderna när dansarna var med i finalen var nu fullkomlig katastrof.

3 years ago

Cyprus and Azerbaijan defo deserved the pass. Cyprus should be in the TOP 5 and should win at last! Europe is always undermining them due to politics and supporting the same blocs.
I would personally swap Norway with Croatia – didnt like the whole ‘selling’ the story thing from Norway – im sure every contestant has their own stories and Eurovision should not be about that but about the performance.

3 years ago

I think the only change to the qualifiers I would make would be switch Croatia and Cyprus, but otherwise I’m ok with this. Even I’m not really fan of Norway’s song, I was happy for Tix. Anyway – some of the vocal performances were quite shaky – especially Ireland and Romania. But Destiny slayed! Pre-show I put her song around on the 17th place, but last night she was my winner and I can finally see why people are saying she’ll win. As for other qualifiers – Tusse struggled vocally, I hope he get’s it together before Saturday. Manizha was… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  West

If you listen to Croatia’s and Cyprus’ vocals blind you may understand why Croatia failed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael67

Tbh I think the costume also didn’t help, where Cyprus looked professional, Croatia looked… like that.
That being said – I’m not surprised it ended up like this

3 years ago
Reply to  West

Do people outside wiwibloggs care about fashion? Probably not to the degree you think.
It may help or hinder but if any element of your song has flaws then you are in trouble.
For instance I feel Destiny is not centred enough in her singing. This is not to say she will not win but if you have a look at virtually every winner they are all centred.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike67

I think to a certain degree, yes. Look at Croatia 2016. I feel like the don’t mind unless it’s very in your face and they feel confused and or uncomfortable.

3 years ago
Reply to  West

Exactly!My comment about Croatian costumes haven’t been approved here but I’m happy I’m not the only one who found it bad.

3 years ago
Reply to  West

What are you talking about? Cyprus was one of my favs. Combined dance and vocals perfectly- why are we always so harsh on Cyprus?

3 years ago

So happy for Belgium and sad for Romania, strangely it is the only song that is stuck in my mind after last night. I think the staging was a bit weird but it deserved to qualify. Much better than Azerbaijan.

3 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Romania was weak

3 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I love Romania’s song but vocally it wasn’t good unfortunately.

3 years ago

I really feel bad for Australia for the first time they don’t qualify. Wtf they thinking a prerecorded gonna work on a live vocal competition, they should atleast spend more effort on satelite broadcasting live and they could do more on stage presentation yet they just came up with a bland like that. And also I feel sorry for Romania, Croatia and Slovenia. I feel they are most deserving than Norway, Belgium, Azerbaijan.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zander25
3 years ago
Reply to  Zander25

I felt the same way. But then I thought that she was not too likely to qualify, even in person. You know that Australia struggles with televising. It would’ve sucked way harder to spend the resources to travel to Rotterdam and then not qualify.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zander25

Montaigne said in an interview that she was told she was 99 percent going to be able to travel to Rotterdam until very recently. They probably were not betting on actually having to use the pre recorded tape and just through something together for it.

Aussie Eurofan
Aussie Eurofan
3 years ago
Reply to  Ray

I back this. I honestly thought they were being too positive (I thought from the start we would be doing it in aus) and weren’t gonna put effort…

3 years ago
Reply to  Aussie Eurofan

I really hope that Australia won’t be discouraged now and will continue to participate. Also, Montaigne is a real gem.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zander25

I mean Montaigne didn’t have a choice but yeah I think she shouldve been allowed to go.