Picture: Suspilne/UA:PBC

She’s the most loved rapper in Ukraine. And her fans have asked her many times if she wishes to go to Eurovision. However, rapper alyona alyona is not sure whether the contest fits to her style.

In a recent television interview, alyona alyona revealed that her fans have been asking the rapper for a long time to go to Eurovision. However, she is not sure whether it’s something for her. To Kateryna Osadcha, Alyona said:

“I don’t know whether I would be ready. It’s rap… it’s such vocal competition, and I’m more of rap music. I wouldn’t know.”

alyona alyona’s Eurovision jury duty

Alyona alyona already has a connection with Eurovision. Last month, she was one of the five members of the Ukrainian jury for Eurovision 2021. The Ukrainian jury did quite well with predicting who would win the contest -— they were one of the very few juries to give Italy 12 points.

Speaking about her experiences on the jury, alyona alyona said that she felt a bit like a schoolgirl while doing the job. But for her, Italy and France brought something special. She said:

“When Italy came on the stage, when we saw them, we immediately went “Wow!”. The singer did not try to pretend, he went on stage like it was his concert, and that’s how it went. There were some doubts [whether this was better] than France. France also had a soulful song that gave goosebumps, it gave some goosebumps, someone else was moved to tears. I think that that we all equally gave the high points to France and Italy.”

From a kindergarten teacher to a rap star

Originally a kindergarten teacher, alyona alyona — whose real name is Alyona Savranenko — entered the music industry quite late. At the age of 27, she released her first rap composition on YouTube, titled “Rybky”.

From then onwards, it went fly for the skilled MC, who writes her songs in Ukrainian. In 2019, she received her nomination for a YUNA and performed at Sziget. The New York Times compared alyona aylona’s artistry with that of Azaelia Banks.

Meanwhile, she also penned the lyrics to “Vilna”, the hit duet between Tina Karol and The Hardkiss’ Julia Sanina. Next to that, she also performed two singles with Eurovision 2016 winner Jamala.

What do you think? Should alyona alyona perform at Eurovision 2022? Who do you want to see representing Ukraine? Let us know in the comments down below!

Read all our Ukraine Eurovision 2022 news here

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3 years ago

No, she’s right… she doesn’t fit and Eurovision audience will not get her music.

3 years ago

well, if she looked at the top 5 this year she would find:

  1. a glam rock song in italian
  2. a beautiful french classic balad
  3. an artistic french modern balad
  4. a fun 80s groove song
  5. chernobyl rave

I think time has proven, once again, that there is no genre for eurovision, that sterotype of the basic dancy pop song with traditional elements sparkled into it is long dead lol.

Vladimir P.
Vladimir P.
3 years ago
Reply to  OberonYronwood

What is “Chernobyl rave”? Pray tell

3 years ago

Tayanna confirmed today, she really wants to go to Eurovision 2022

Vladimir P.
Vladimir P.
3 years ago
Reply to  Sven

That’s great, I really wanna see her for Ukraine!

3 years ago
Reply to  Sven

Oh no, we need something original from our country

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
3 years ago

Pretty sure many artists this year proved you can break the eurovision mould. In fact aren’t the ones that did worst ones that may have been considered “too eurovision”?

3 years ago
Reply to  ESC Stan

Tbf, Belgium’s, The Netherlands’, Germany’s, Ireland’s and Latvia’s acts still went underappreciated. Not to mention that this was only one year, but in 2019, almost all non-mainstream songs did poorly. I think it’s a bit too early to make global conclusions. There’s no certainty about whether a song of a non mainstream genre will do well or poorly in a year or another. It’s all about coming at a right time, so there is always a risk. I don’t give up hope that in the future, Eurovision can become an island of celebrating musical diversity among the same-sounding music from… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Veta
3 years ago

Songs that ‘don’t fit Eurovision’ are the songs that do the best.

As we’ve seen a million times, pop is having a downfall at Eurovision – originality and uniqueness is key.

aksel kankaanranta's husband
aksel kankaanranta's husband
3 years ago
Reply to  Apollo

originality? Italy won lmao

3 years ago
Reply to  Apollo

While that’s true, rap music relies so much on lyrics that it’s much harder to make it have universal appeal.

3 years ago

Now that more than national finals will be back next year, I wonder which countries will have a great selection next year.

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Ukraine, Portugal and Italy have the best produced and most unique songs in their national selections.

I wouldn’t be surprised if any of them won again.

3 years ago
Reply to  Apollo

What about the Czech Republic? Their 2020 NF was brilliant.

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

good question, I think a lot countries will give us good NS, Im looking forward the most for Italy, France, Sweden, Ukraine, Portugal and Lithuania, but I’m sure there are more I haven’t mentioned

3 years ago
Reply to  Sven

Guys, I agree with the countries you mentioned, but don’t sleep on Finland’s UMK. They’ve been onto something these last two editions (2020 and 2021).

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Look, I don’t have many years of following the selections, and unfortunately I still can’t commit myself to watching all of them so I have to choose which ones are worth my time to be followed closely, by looking at the recaps. But Lithuanian one is my top pick for the past 3 years, and after Hungary has withdrawn from Eurovision, it took A Dal’s place as my absolutely favourite. Not only I usually adore most of the songs from it, but moreover, it’s actually a bar for me of what should the line-up of ESC itself aim to, in… Read more »

3 years ago

she is also feminist icon in Ukraine, im not a rap fan but Alyona I can listen to for her brilliant lyrics, always witty and relevant

3 years ago

The Russian entry this year was also a mix of rapp/reggaeton sort of music genre and came 9th!

Rap’s not my vibe but she’s got some serious flow to her lyrics so paired with a singer could work! I suppose you never know till you try – Go_A was something completely new for Eurovision and the public absolutely *loved* it and I’m obsessed.

3 years ago

She is soooo good!

3 years ago

Well, Go_A’s music was so innovative for Eurovision there wasn’t a single song that matched ‘Shum’ in all ESC years (and, no, Tulia were ethnic rock so they don’t count) and they ended up 5th!

Anne Marie
Anne Marie
3 years ago
Reply to  Sot

Bulgaria 2007 (and maybe again in 2013) is actually genre wise very Similar to shum and also ended Up 5th

3 years ago
Reply to  Anne Marie

yes, nice examples

3 years ago
Reply to  Anne Marie

‘Samo Sampioni’ was quite different actually but I guess ‘Water’ had its similarities with ‘Shum’

Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago

there’s no such thing as “music that doesn’t fit the eurovision”, the contest keeps becoming more diverse than ever, so her participation would be welcome

Lorenzo Celli
Lorenzo Celli
3 years ago

No music is unwelcome in Eurovision. She has a very interesting style, so why not? Ukraine is full of talent, there are so many people I’d like to see on that stage!

3 years ago

I’m also not a fan of rap but she is still very welcome!

3 years ago

she’s great in rap, but she needs at least one proper singer for an ESC entry…

3 years ago
Reply to  Vsl

I’m okay with dislikes, but can someone explain what’s wrong in my statement? alyona alyona is a pure rapper, not a singer; and rap is not a conventional singing at all… in the same way, you can send some brilliant instrumentalist to ESC, but he/she would need a singer… ))

3 years ago
Reply to  Vsl

well… luckily for her it’s a song contest, not a singing contest :3

3 years ago

As a Ukrainian myself, I’d be happy to see her on the stage! We’ve got two rock victories, though a lot of people thought that genre doesn’t fit contest. I was worried about Salvador Sobral’s entry in 2017, ‘cuz it’s not ESC style, but he won. Maybe, she can bring first hip hop triumph at “Eurovision” history.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eugenie

Neither of your Victories are rock. Crap yes but rock mo

3 years ago
Reply to  Jay

im pretty sure Eugenie meant eurovision as a whole has two rock victories. also, 1944 is genuinely one of the best songs eurovision has ever had so

3 years ago
Reply to  Jay

I meant ESC rock victories, not Ukraine’s: Lordi and Maneskin.

3 years ago

Technically, she’s super skilled, but I really can’t say I’m digging her music. Anyway, I’m absolutely sure she’d score another impressive result for Ukraine.

3 years ago

rap is absolutely welcome at Eurovision. I mean, look at Flo rida. and alyona alyona’s songs are outstanding, I would love to see her represent Ukraine

3 years ago

Why not? I think Ukraine will win again at some stage before 2030.

3 years ago

If half of already rumored artists will show up next year like Tayanna,Alyona, Kazaky, Artem Pivovarov, Hardkiss, Vilna, Kadnay and etc., I’m afraid Vidbir 2022 will be a bloodbath lol

3 years ago
Reply to  Nick

Max Barskih as well!

3 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

Max Barskih would most probably not be entitled to participate in Vidbir bc of his engagement in Russia. Such a pity! Would love to see him in Eurovision.

3 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

Max cannot participate
He had concerts in Russia

Last edited 3 years ago by Leo
3 years ago
Reply to  Leo

well… don’t get it why can he then perform on other shows on their channel but not for eurovision?

3 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

Performing on local TV is very different to being the face of the nation

3 years ago
Reply to  Teddy

true but it still makes no sense for me…

and Ukrainians don’t really hate the Russians so it’s quite stupid…

3 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

Stupid its your comment here, ugh! Do you realise we have a REAL WAR with Russia for 7 years already, with their tanks , their bombs and Putin’ army who kiling our people every freaking day!! 15 000 Ukrainians been killed already, most of them are not soldiers, their blood on Russians hands, part of Estern Ukraine destroyed completely bc Russians are there, Crimea is still annexed and struggle to survive with no drinking water and no human rights let us decided for ourselves who can represent our country in ESC and who has no rights to do it since… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Berta
3 years ago
Reply to  Berta

Amen to every word sis!

3 years ago
Reply to  Berta

well but the truth is that Max, Maruv, Ani Lorak etc. are also loved by many Ukrainians – that’s my point. and music should build bridges and I don’t think anything is wrong with the fact that Russian people are also listening to Ukrainian artists… if you want even a further divide that’s your problem not my nor the problem of the artists – it also shouldn’t be. And performing in Russia doesn’t mean just money but also spreading your art and work to other people… I don’t know why you think they are just doing it for the money.… Read more »

3 years ago

please notice, there is no more Kirovohrad in Ukraine it’s an old sovetic name of bloody Kirov who was Stalin’ puppet

the city now called Kropivnickiy
after famous local theaterical actor and dramaturg

Last edited 3 years ago by Berta
3 years ago
Reply to  Berta

Oh my God I’m so addicted to Eurovision that I first read ‘Kirkorov’

3 years ago
Reply to  Sot

well, there is no more Kirkorov in Ukraine either lmao! 😛

Last edited 3 years ago by Berta
3 years ago
Reply to  Berta

thank you, Berta, for your position – from another Ukrainian

3 years ago

I would love to see her, she seems very charismatic. I think her song “Dancer’ would look interesting on Eurovision stage, so maybe something similar? Maybe she could collaborate with a singer? As we’ve seen this year – anything goes when it comes to genres, if it’s really well-performed and interesting enough.

3 years ago
Reply to  Safiya

I’ve seen her live two years ago and she absolutely killed it. She’s one of those who were born to perform.