A total of 17 cities have entered the bidding process to become the host city of Eurovision 2022. Over the next month, Italian broadcaster RAI will receive more details from each candidate before making a final decision.
In the meantime, we want to hear from you. Which city do you want to be named as the host for next year’s contest in Italy?
Scroll down to vote in our poll
The full list of cities that have expressed an interest in hosting Eurovision 2022 is as follows:
Acireale (Catania), Alessandria, Bertinoro di Romagna (Forlì – Cesena), Bologna, Genoa, Florence, Jesolo (Venice), Matera, Milan, Palazzolo Acreide (Syracuse), Pesaro, Rimini, Rome, Sanremo (Imperia), Turin, Trieste and Viterbo.
This naturally includes Italy’s major cities such as Rome, Milan and Turin. And then there’s Sanremo, the host of the prestigious Festival di Sanremo that was the initial inspiration for Eurovision.
Other smaller towns haven’t been put off from throwing their names into the ring either despite the hosting requirements, which includes the need to have a venue that can accommodate at least 8,000 – 10,000 people. In fact, Bertinoro itself only has a population of 10,000 people.
The next stage of the bidding process will see all the candidates receive a more detailed document with the necessary requirements for hosting Eurovision. Each city must then submit a bid book outlining their proposal to RAI by Wednesday 4 August. The final decision on which city will host Eurovision 2022 will be made by RAI in conjunction with the EBU by the end of August.
Poll: Which city should host Eurovision 2022 in Italy?
You can vote for as many cities as you would like, but you can only vote once.
[crowdsignal poll=10879506]Eurovision 2022 host city bidding process
Italian broadcaster RAI has issued some very important parameters for the candidate cities. In order to host Eurovision 2022, a city must have an international airport no more than 90 minutes from the city. It should also have over 2,000 hotel rooms in the area close to the event and an infrastructure capable of hosting a large-scale live broadcast.
The venue must fulfil several requirements as well, such as being indoors and having air-conditioning and a well-defined perimeter. The arena should have an audience capacity in the main hall of at least 8,000 – 10,000 during the event and a main hall that can house the set and all other requirements needed to produce a high-level broadcast production.
It’s also worth mentioning that those 8,000 – 10,000 people should correspond to 70% of the maximum capacity of that venue for regular concerts, as the specific stage and production needs of Eurovision should be taken into consideration. The venue should also have ample space within easy access of the main hall to support additional production needs, such as: a press centre capable of hosting over 1,000 journalists; delegation spaces, dressing rooms, artist facilities, staff facilities, hospitality, audience facilities.
Most importantly, the infrastructure must be available exclusively for six weeks before the event, two weeks during the show in May and a week after the end of the event for dismantling. That’s nine weeks in total.
Which city did you vote for in the poll? Where do you think Eurovision 2022 is most likely to be hosted? Let us know in the comments below!
Turin, thank you very much.
Clearly, Turin is the best option, but I think we’re overlooking the biggest city on the Italian Riveria – Genoa.
Genoa has a 10,000 capacity indoor arena (Palasport di Genova). It hosts Italy’s busiest port, has major rail links to France and Northern Italy, and most importantly an international airport. Not to mention it’s one of the most beautiful coastal cities in Europe.
The Palasport is under reformation now. It seems that in april the works will finish. But you never know
Naples was criticizeted because dont have the request and this is the three most populated italian city.
Frankly, I don’t think RAI want to host Eurovision in the South of Italy. Anything below Rome is out of the question, unfortunately.
As an Italian I agree with you
Turin’s venue is one of the best in Europe. Also, the city is so beautiful and has hosted a huge event like the Winter Olympics of 2006. I’m definitely rooting for Torino 2022 coz there’s also a strong chance of me visiting the city by train from Paris where I live!
Turin/Torino obviously stands out. Rome had it last time, so I don’t think it’ll go there again. I’m surprised there are not more votes for Sanremo or Pesaro, given their connections to music festivals.
I personally love Bologna and Genova – two great places. 🙂
I too love Trieste, although it’s not very Italian because it has old Austro-Hungarian architecture as I recall. But it’s the closest to Colin, of course. 🙂
Hang on – Verona is not on the list? Probably an indoor stadium capacity issue, but still, it’s surprising. Poor Polegend.
No Verona—everyone would get lost there…
the city doesn’t have the budget to put the signs in Estonian, and the city cannot afford to have Estonians lost around the city lol
Lol It would be mayhem!
I voted for Florence because it’s such a beautiful place and filled with history, but also has zero chance of hosting.
Also Jesolo is totally the Eilat of the bidding process.
In the end I picked Turin, Milan, and Sanremo (I know Sanremo is not as likely but if they could somehow figure out a way to pull it off it would be cool)
I know Rome is a popular choice but….capitals cities get to do and have literally everything most of the time. I think another city should have a chance instead
Interesting we even get to experience “fab flops” in the bidding stage now too. Adios torino
Torino the only serious proposal
I voted for Turin because I think it would be the best option and for Milan because I live in Milan and I could attend some of the events around the contest and enjoy the atmosphere
Are all of these actually cities, or are some of them just towns? I would like another Millstreet someday.
These are towns:
Acireale (Catania), Bertinoro di Romagna (Forlì – Cesena), Jesolo (Venice), PalazzoloAcreide (Syracuse)
never heard a city called PalazzoloAcreide
It’s a town located near Syracuse in southeastern Sicily. You can read more about it here.
ah ok
How did you create the hyperlink to the information?
Thank you.
I cast three votes:
Turin – it’s a fantastic, underrated city, and Eurovision is a great chance to highlight that in a way that Rome and Milan simply don’t need.
Acireale – does everything have to be in the north of Italy? Acireale looks like a strong contender for the South.
Trieste – it will be an easy two-hour drive in Colin’s car.
It will be an epic journey, Jimmy. 🙂
Sounds good! We can use our Maps to make sure we don’t end up in The Wrong Place 🙂
Turin, please!
Realistically, it’s between Rome, Milan, Naples, and Turin.
Selfishly, I voted for Trieste, because it’s less than two hours drive from my home, and it’s the only city I could afford to visit ESC from without booking a hotel.
Fair enough, I would vote for Trieste too if I was in your place! What about Bologna, how long it would take for you to get there? I guess it’s the closest city from you between those I believe have a real shot of getting to host.
A trip to Venice takes about 5-6 hours, so I’m guessing it would take 10-12 hours to Bologna. In any case, I am seriously thinking about attending at least one semi live this time. 🙂
That would be great. 🙂 In that case, Pesaro or Rimini would be good for you too, but I guess they don’t have much chance and threw their hat just for promotion. And I can’t blame them, it has been tough for touristic regions.
Venice to Bologna is like 1h15minutes lol not 5/6 hours ahaha
That’s good to know. Roads must be faster than those connecting Venice and Trieste.
Me too, but I think Turin will probably be chosen.
I would love to have it in Florence (my city)… but I think Turin or Milan are better choices.
Wow were there ever that many cities interested in hosting a contest before?
As far as I know, no, but looking at the proposed venues of most of the cities, I wonder if they actually have any idea on what they are applying for.
I think Germany in 2011 had 21 candidates, but it’s definitely been a while
It’s worth remembering that the big 5 are actually quite big countries when it comes to population, which means they’ll have more cities and thus more candidates.
23 (not 21!) submit official bids to the German broadcaster. But in the end the number decreased.
Thank you! The deadline to present the actual bid book is 4th August, I guess by that date we will be down to 10 or less candidates
i voted for all of the non-competitors just so they have at least 1 vote to look forward to!
turin, of course
Milan, Turin, Rome, Bologna and Florence are the ones which seem the most likely to make it to the final stages and contend the host title for me (also I’m kinda hoping for Florence since it’s in the region I live and it’s the closest one to where I live but hey, every one of these cities is fantastic)
Yay, I’m the first to vote for Pesaro.
I’m second. If they can stage the Rossini festival, they can do anything.