
They’re the Lithuanian trio known for delivering important messages through quirky and insanely catchy pop. And with their latest single “Ohmygodable”, The Roop have done it again.

The song is built partly around a hook of deep grunts and groans — it sounds something like a deep whoa — and the idea that we are all amazing. A lot in life is uncertain, but the band wants you to know you are ohmygodable — or worthy of an OMG!

In the official press release, the band stresses the importance of having a slight change of perspective to unlock the beauty and power of life. They write: “With their new work the band invites everyone not to stop playing, discovering, and at the same time to glance differently at life, art, and yourself.”

Ohmygodable! The Roop return with music video inspired by Pygmalion

As with their earlier hits, including their Eurovision 2021 song “Discoteque”, lead singer Vaidotas found his rhythm in the isolation of the woods of Aukstaitija national park.

“I always return there to finish songs — far from civilization and city tempo,” he says.

The song’s video takes inspiration from somewhere much further away — the myths of ancient Greece.

Music video director Saulius Baradinskas built the video around the story of Pygmalion, who fell in love with a sculpture that he had carved.

“I think that the myth of Pygmalion is particularly relevant today,” he says, “because we live in the age of social networks, within which we create our own social network ‘sculptures’, wishing to be liked, accepted and significant.”

“It is human. Probably every one of us has a bit of Pygmalion’s characteristics. The whole music video is like a separate myth of a divine dream that occurs in the world of famous works of art. I wish that in this music video of ours the viewer discovers those art pieces and experiences our myth, like a single beautiful dream, together.”

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The band had to be on point with their moves and choreo: Everything was filmed in one take with a single camera shot. Later, the video was enhanced with animations created by “Meinart Animation Studio”. 

Vaidotas says the motion of the video and the presentation of pieces of art relates closely to the song’s theme.

“The name of the song is a new, rarely encounterable word, defining a person or a phenomenon if you see which you would say: Oh My God! In this clip the viewer wanders through world famous artworks which are interpreted in a contemporary context. I believe the music video really turned out ohmygodable.”

You may recognise dancers Migle Praniauskaite and Marijanas Staniulenas from Eurovision. The band says that after Eurovision they became part of the band’s live shows and their true friends.

Are you loving The Roop’s latest offering? What do you think of the music video? Let us know down below!

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Purple Mask
Purple Mask
3 years ago

I’m generally not a fan of The Roop’s music, but bravo, I think this new video is terrific. All in one camera shot – technically brilliant, and hilariously theatrical. Credit where it’s due. 🙂

3 years ago

I think the roop shouldnt go to the Lithuanian NF because they’ve had their chance ( 2021 ) and now they should let other artists have their chance.

I would love to see the roop at eurovision in the future but i think its time to let other people have their chance

3 years ago

Oh look, more clown dancing, how creative of them. Those guys are a one trick pony. They already overused that shtick of theirs, so they should leave ESC alone until they find something better to do.

3 years ago

I find this one very average. It’s catchy, but too linear. If this is the best they can do, they should just skip this year and let other Lithuanian artists have a chance.

3 years ago

Both the song and the video are weird and, dare I say, even on the verge of being creepy. However, it’s a hell of an earworm! It seems like The Roop fully embraced their cringey side and turned it into their advantage. I didn’t really get the whole thing on my first listen but then the idea of lustfully staning a literal GOD instead of a human being cracked me up. The musical side here is quirkier than ever, those bass synths in the coda are downright comical. At this point The Roop is leaning towards theatrics (which a great… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Teddie

There’s a lot more to disagree with in this comment than in my comment.

3 years ago

This is a great follow up post Eurovision; however I think it is time for a new artist to represent Lithuania next year. It would be way too soon for the Roop to return as a competitor but they would be a great interval act. I hope they can continue to grow and develop as artists,

3 years ago

I love how Eurovision did wonders for the Roop. Not just because they became big names in Lithuania and found an audience all around Europe, but also because they seem to had found a new dimension of their work by pairing their music with cool visual and choreographic elements.

3 years ago

They were red and black (On Fire),
They were yellow and purple (Discoteque),
And now they are white and blue (Ohmygodable).

My top would be: Discoteque >> On Fire >> Ohmygodable as per song, but they sure know a thing or two about fashion, that’s for sure.

P.S. I loved their morning prank about the Eurovision 2022. :))

3 years ago
Reply to  Devito

They wore white in the 2018 NF performing “Yes I Do” (probably their best song)

3 years ago

Very attracted to Vaidotas, so love the bit of arm on show.

Would love to see them back at Eurovision at some point. The Roop are quirky with a fun energy while still being creative.
I wish them well.

3 years ago

Kinda the same idea as Benny Cristo.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I agree.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Because these songs have literally nothing in common besides the words “oh my God”?

3 years ago
Reply to  Teddie

The title of the song, and what the whole song is about – reaction. I said it was the same idea, not the same song.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago
Reply to  Teddie

so adele also copied benny cristo according to miss jonas ?

ola john
ola john
3 years ago

winner vibes. lithuania 2023

3 years ago

Loved all the references to famous artworks! There’s Munch ‘Sream’, Matisse ‘Dance’, Michelangelo ‘The creation of adam’ and I’m sure many more I’ve missed at first wach ?

3 years ago

I think you missed a pretty big deal here: the music video has “Eurovision 2022” in the title! You suppose they’re competing in PIN again?

3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I think they took it off…I can’t see that anywhere

3 years ago
Reply to  Jake

That was weird

3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Maybe they’re just teasing us and this is not their actual song for PIN? Very weird.

Say Hi
Say Hi
3 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

I doubt they will participate at all.

3 years ago
Reply to  Say Hi

Yeah I think so too. Felt like a PR move.