It’s the country’s first national final since 2015. And before Ireland announces the winner of it’s Eurosong 2022 selection on Friday 4 February, we’ve decided to do a ranking of our own.
The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — has assembled and listened to all six contenders. We’ve ranked our top songs in Eurovision fashion and combined our scores to determine our absolute favourites. What entry emerged on top? Read on to find out!
Eurosong 2022: The Wiwi Jury’s Top Six Ranking
6. Miles Graham “Yeah, We’re Gonna Get Out of It” (28 points)
Pablo: This simply isn’t the option to send if any country wants to hope for a good result. “Yeah, we’re gonna get out of it” is as subtle in its preachiness as a jackhammer right outside your bedroom window. At the same time it has a musical line that passes by with no guts nor glory, droning by on a samey-sounding trumpet line. A clunky bridge and a choir of kids on the chorus make this a “Pablo’s Pet Peeve: the Song”.
Padraig: “Yeah, We’re Gonna Get Out Of It” starts out well. In a field of earnest ballads and pulsating pop, its chilled vibes bring a much needed blast of fresh air. But the track quickly runs out of steam. While there’s enough imagination to help this stand out in a field of six, it lacks the drive to crack the top ten in a Eurovision semi-final. The kids’ choir and horns are a nice quirky touch, but they’re hardly enough to invoke an emotional response amongst viewers and jurors.
5. Janet Grogan “Ashes of Yesterday” (37 points)
🥈 — Tom
Pablo: “Ashes (Of Yesterday)” is a textbook definition of why being inoffensive is not the best quality in a Eurovision setting. Janet has a pretty voice, but this song feels like a version of “Move” by the Mamas that was powered down to 10% of what it could be. The lyrics sound very subpar for an English-speaking country, and it all falls in the underwhelming category really quickly. This risks falling into irrelevancy at an alarming speed.
Tom: As a creative and an actor, I can’t help feeling more connected to this song than some of the others. It speaks to me. These couple of years have been tough for everyone of course. None more so than creatives around the world. With the industry in a coma, work shot and money and life being tight for many, this song is an anthem for everyone. Of course, it is not novel or anything new but it is an inspiring song with soul and heart. In fact, I would love to hear The Mamas sing this with Janet – lovely work.
4. Brendan Murray “Real Love” (38 points)
🥇 — Renske
🥉 — Robyn
Renske: “Dying to Try” wasn’t everybody’s cup of tea. But, this time around, Brendan will sing a song that is much closer to the music he has performed as a more mature artist in the past few years. “Real Love” is the classic Irish Eurovision ballad, possibly not the most contemporary choice — but perhaps the type of song needed to bring the country back in the final.
Padraig: The first draft of “Real Love” went nowhere. Brendan sang nicely over some pleasant piano playing. But, ultimately, there was no moment. No fireworks. No reason to care. The subsequent revamp has made some subtle changes that rectify this to an extent, but the entry remains a non-event. This would be fine for an acoustic night in a bar or a coffee house, but it would fade away on the Eurovision stage.
3. Rachel Goode “I’m Loving Me” (39 points)
🥈 — Pablo
🥉 — Padraig, Renske and Tom
Robyn: The song starts off well, promising some sophisticated synth-pop from a talented and likeable singer. But come the chorus and things start to derail. “I’m Loving Me” was written by much of the same team behind Poland’s 2021 entry “The Ride” – and it sounds like the leftovers from that songwriting session, cobbled together to get another tune out of it. “I’m Loving Me” runs out of ideas by about 90 seconds meaning much of the song is filler – key changes for no reason and cheesy guitar solos that wouldn’t even be welcome at Festivali i Këngës. It’s all synth-pop genre cliches but an aching lack of a decent song at its heart. Ireland deserves better.
Pablo: “I’m Loving Me” heavily reminds me of Clara Rubensson’s version of “The Ride”: a better fitting track on her than any other small-country singer this would be pitched to. It’s a pleasant enough listen with a fitting voice, but if we struggled to picture how “The Ride” could be elevated in the Eurovision stage, Rachel could face the same problem. It’s important to have a solid foundation on where to build a live performance.
2. Patrick O’Sullivan “One Night, One Kiss, One Promise” (46 points)
🥇 — Tom
🥈 — Robyn and Padraig
🥉 — Pablo
Renske: There is nothing wrong with “One Night, One Kiss, One Promise”, but recent examples have shown that even solidly produced tracks can score nil points with ease at Eurovision. Patrick O’Sullivan is bringing the 2010s British boyband sound to Eurosong, which makes the entry feel like a throwback. The song is — bar the great vocals — not bringing anything surprising to its listeners, which is a pity.
Robyn: For all the 80s-inspired synth-pop that’s doing the rounds at the moment, this is the one that reminds me of the sort of music that was actually coming out in the 80s. It sounds like it could be the soaring love theme from a 1986 romantic comedy. But that could be its weakest point – it risks sounding like music that should be playing underneath while something more interesting happens. The live performance could overcome this. If Patrick can be the leading man, the song stands a good chance of serving an uplifting emotional impact.
1. Brooke Scullion “That’s Rich” (52 points)
🥇 — Robyn, Padraig and Pablo
🥈 — Renske
Tom: I understand why a lot of people like this song. It’s got a fabulous balance of pop, rock, and electronic music, with hints of Blondie and Taylor Swift. And if the chorus lived up to the verses this would be in my top three. But I just find the refrain a bit annoying and I am left disappointed. The verses have a wonderful build-up and I am excited for potentially, a cracking chorus – a great drop perhaps!? But no, the repetitive and frustrating “That’s riiiich” lyric leaves me siding with the person she is singing about. He even sent her flowers – poor guy.
Padraig: “That’s Rich” is the only one of the six that feels current. The punk-pop vibes with the cool electro aesthetic are very now, and the track actually sounds like something you might hear on a mainstream pop radio station. None of the other entries come close. Staging will be key to how the song would perform at Eurovision, although we know from The Voice that Brooke has no shortage of charisma and talent. And, regardless of performance, this would most certainly become a dancefloor staple at Euroclub.
Eurosong 2022: Wiwi Jury Scoreboard
Do you agree with our rankings? Who’s your favourite? And who do you think will win? Let us know below.
@wiwibloggs_official Full scores and reviews of the Wiwi Jury can be found at 🇮🇪 #Eurosong #Eurovision #ESC2022 #Ireland ♬ Eurosong 2022 – Ian
The best song won great efforts by the rest of them hopefully they will try again I hope you put you’re money on Commenter. Below I’m regretting I didint
1. Patrick O’Sullivan – “One Night, One Kiss, One Promise” (6.75)
2. Brook Scullion – “That’s Rich” (6.75)
3. Janet Grogan – “Ashes of Yesterday” (6.25)
4. Brendan Murray – “Real Love” (5.75)
5. Rachel Goode — “I’m Loving Me” (4.5)
6. Miles Graham – “Yeah We’re Gonna Get Out Of It” (4.5)
Brooke is definitely the best choice and, for me, the only possibility for Ireland to make it to the final. Maybe the production could use some sprucing up, but it’s the most fresh and original song by a mile. What about the rest: well we all know that there are plenty of great singers in Ireland, but most songs are as boring as mashed potatoes. I must say that the revamped version of Brendan’s song sounds exactly like something Ireland would go for, but I hope that they’re wise and go for Brooke.
I agree with everything Padraig and Robyn wrote on this article (I agree with Robyn a bit more, because I would also put The Ride 2.0 dead last). I hope Ireland picks Brooke, but something tells me Patrick will win this.
I think the public will vote Patrick, but I can see the two juries giving it to Brooke.
There will be an Irish jury and an international one then? I guess most international juries we see in national selections would pick Brooke. But I wonder if the Irish jury will be with the same people that selected the songs…
Hm, now I’m not actually sure if there’s two juries. I thought I read that here on Wiwi.
I think Brooke will win the televote. She’s drawn No.6 with the other favourites going early – everything in her favour.
Sabrina, I never seem able to disagree with you 🙂
In that case, prepare yourself for some disappointments in the next few weeks, because some countries never agree with me. 😀
Haha yep I recognize that feeling
If Brooke wins she will qualify 100% (don’t even disagree with me ‘cause y’all know I’m right) a revamp will see her go very far in the competition!
“don’t even disagree with me ‘cause y’all know I’m right”
That’s what I usually say to my mom when I am wrong.
You shouldn’t count your chickens before they hatch, I have a feeling there will be some very dodgy vocals tomorrow night.
I find myself agreeing with the table to be fair.
My only worry is the jury (not international one) would cause an upset
That’s pretty much how i would rank the song.
I agree, That’s rich is also my favourite 🙂
Brooke is definitely the best bet here, Patrick is a distant 2nd for me but the others are just forgettable.
I still think Brendan. But if the competition in his semi is really fierce and he tanks again, it’s probably not good for him. None of these will go far though imo
sending irish eurofans love.
Let’s face it, they are all sub par songs. Clear that Rte still don’t care about the Eurovision, semi final knockout guaranteed
Pablo says the lyrics of “Ashes of Yesterday” are “sub par”, Eurovision is hardly the place for deep and meaningful lyrics and besides there are two Swedes involved, they’re only interested in reducing things down to the lowest common denominator. I have a bigger issue with “That’s Rich” I wonder how many non English speakers actually understand what the ironic phrase means? It’s got nothing to do with wealth or money yet she’s throwing dollar bills around in the promotional clip, neither are the lyrics very clear but yet everyone here think it’s the best of the bunch. I just… Read more »
”Eurovision is hardly the place for deep and meaningful lyrics” – Zitti e buoni is about discomfort within uniformed and artificial society. Voila is about self-acceptance, and being able to share your inner world with others; both privately and as an artist. Tout l’univers is about healing and rebirth of your inner cosmos. Russian Woman is about all the big, and all the little aspects of feminism and equality we need to see. Fallen Angel is an intimate story of singer’s first love, and his own insecurities. Growing Up Is Getting Old is about passing of time, and what it… Read more »
There are exceptions to every rule but how many people were really listening to or could understand the lyrics of most of those songs, let’s be honest, Zitti e Buoni didn’t win for it’s oustanding lyrics. I doubt too many people went to the trouble of reading a translation of lyrics, personally I think it was the biggest piece of rubbish to win ESC since Lordi, it was style over substance, more to do with the way they looked and their “shock” value, but there was nothing there we hadn’t already seen over the last 50 years and men slapping… Read more »
1944 won, explain that.
Brooke Scullion “That’s Rich” should be the song for Ireland in the ESC this year. I would vote for this track. Sure it is not screaming “ESC-winner” but could finish around 11-16 in the Grand Final (my opinion).
Brooke is the only one that can get us out of the semis I think.
Staging possibilities are endless with this one, and definitely if it was in Melfest it would be a fan favorite.
I only worry about Brookes live vocal and of course, the LLS both acoustically and audience wise.
Next year, I think RTÉ should use the “Last Singer Standing” show as a Eurovision national selection.
I’d have my concerns about the vocals of the three female singers in particular, we seem to have made a bit of a habit of plucking young singers out of obscurity who really don’t have what it takes on the Eurovision stage,and we wonder why we do so badly.
She can 3rd on the Voice UK.
Vocals should be no issue and it’s not like is belting high notes
Interesting to see the wiwi teams preferences. I was surprised that Janet came 5th. I will say though I hope we select Brooke it has potential and I think regardless of the exact placing, I would hope it would do better than most of our entries in the last few years.
I think Brooke is the standout among the group.
I don’t agree with Miles in the last place, but Brooke and Patrick sure are the deserved frontrunners.
The selection’s actually growing on me, although Rachel’s been my winner ever since her track came out. I like Janet and Brooke’s songs too.
I agree with you guys about Brooke what about Janet she will be brilliant she can get through the final with her vocals she has vocal ability and she had a lots of vocals in her she could do it or could she win it with that song