Patrick O’Sullivan danced around his bed, Miles Graham kept it casual and Brendan Murray crooned in the moonlight. But ultimately it was Brooke Scullion’s slumber party that captured the hearts of Ireland. The Derry girl will represent the Emerald Isle with “That’s Rich” after winning the newly-revived Eurosong 2022.
Brooke took victory after topping both the public and international jury vote. The national jury were less keen, ranking “That’s Rich” second to last.
Eurosong 2022 combined results
- 28 points to “That’s Rich”
- 24 points to “Ashes of Yesterday”
- 24 points “Yeah, We’re Gonna Get Out Of It”
- 22 points to “One Night, One Kiss, One Promise”
- 16 ponts to “I’m Loving Me”
- 12 points to “Real Love”
International Jury Results
- 2 points to “Real Love”
- 4 points to “I’m Loving Me”
- 6 points to “Yeah, We’re Gonna Get Out Of It”
- 8 ponts to “Ashes of Yesterday”
- 10 points to “One Night, One Kiss, One Promise”
- 12 points to “That’s Rich”
The international jury memebers were:
- William Lee Adams — wiwibloggs (spokesperson)
- Árný Fjóla — Iceland 2020 and 2021
- Jan Frost Bors — Former Czech Head of Delegation
- Katerina Orlova — Russian Head of Delegation
National Jury
- 2 points to “I’m Loving Me”
- 4 points to “That’s Rich”
- 6 points to “One Night, One Kiss, One Promise”
- 8 ponts to “Real Love”
- 10 points to “Yeah, We’re Gonna Get Out Of It”
- 12 points to “Ashes of Yesterday”
The national jury members were:
- Caroline Corr from The Corrs
- Lucia Evans — singer
- Paul Harrington — Eurovision 1994 winner
- Blathnaid Treacy — TV and radio presenter (spokesperson)
- 2 points to “Real Love”
- 4 points to “Ashes of Yesterday”
- 6 points to “One Night, One Kiss, One Promise”
- 8 ponts to “Yeah, We’re Gonna Get Out Of It”
- 10 points to “I’m Loving Me”
- 12 points to “That’s Rich”
What do you think of the result? Did the right song win?
Last place again in the SF. They will never learn it and she can’t sing this song.
No No No another disaster from Ireland. Some countries never learn. Who on earth chooses these songs? they are not at all competitive.
Dont mind the song but it needs to be staged well to stand out and have a chance of qualification. Brooke is a decent enough singer but it does all feel like a X factor/ pop idol performance.
Ireland haven’t learned a thing. All the songs were poor. I can’t see any way this qualifies.
Last place again in the SF. She can’t sing this song. Idem dito as last year. Just horrible.
I agree with everything Alesia Michelle said in her live reaction/review video. Just go all in with the Euphoria staging and styling and transport us into Maddy’s bedroom. She mentioned something about singing and dancing in your room with a hairbrush in your hand and I was like ‘That’s it! – She needs a microphone that looks like a hairbrush!’
The song is fun but I’d still want her to give us a vocal moment. I’m missing some adlibs. Initially I wasn’t a fan but once I saw the performance I got into it.
It has no chance to qualify. She can’t sing this song.
Fair dues to rte for a good attempt to improve our fortunes at Eurovision. That’s rich could be a top20 song at Eurovision
Caroline Corr was on the Irish jury, not Sharon.
I think live a lot of the performers showed their vocal capabilities to be stronger than I anticipated. Sure, not everyone was flawless, but one artist in particular that caught my eye was Patrick. I think him being up first and immediately going strong made the night very fun to watch for me.
Just calling it now, I think this selection is underappreciated.
The best studio cut from the selection for sure and I love the intro. But having watched the late late show on the rte player, they all came across as a bit small theatre.
It’s going to have to seriously step up for the arena stage. And that’s everything, from the staging to the costume,
Looking at the countries in semi 2, there are alot of big hitters in there. So for the moment, it’s sitting as a borderline non qualifier for me. I do hope I am wrong. Would be great to see Ireland back in the finals.
No chance of qualifying. But maybe this time she will not end up last, but second last
Best song won from a poor choice. Total revamp of the staging needed for Eurovision followed by a total revamp of the selection process for 2023.
Best song on the night. Of course the staging will change. They were given very, very modest budgets to perform on a tiny stage. With a few improvements (which I’m sure will happen), Ireland can qualify. This is a fun, catchy song with a very charismatic performer.
Just watched the performance. What an absolute trainwreck. The studio version was okay-ish, but this was just terrible. Everything about it screams NQ. Haven’t seen the competition but were they really worse than this!?
Yes, they were. This was the best of the night
We have sent a really good song and Brooke is great vocally of course it needs a revamp and good staging but I feel we will do well this year
P.s. at least now we know why we have been crap the last few years rte is so out of touch with eurovision they have chosen the safest options ffs.
That’s rich Could be in top 20 at Eurovision hopefully the higher end of it
I was afraid to say that but you hit the nail on the head.
I have to admit that this time I was glad, that our William Lee Adams was a judge in the international jury for Ireland ….he and the rest of the jury have picked the right song for the ESC (in 2019 he and Deban were judges in Romania and have stolen the win from Laura Bretan “Dear Father” – the song everybody wanted).
Good lord are you all still on about Romania 2019?? Time to move on….
I guess it’s an okay song. But it has the same problem like the Czech Republic. It’s not really something I haven’t heard yet. But who knows
Definitely the best song from the national final. Ireland could finally qualify this year
The song sounds adult, but the performance looks Junior Eurovision. That might be a problem.
the performance needs a strong revamp for sure.
She’s planning another performance for ESC, she made this one based on the limited stage available in the show
Just imagine!
Ireland’s last qualification was in 2016. And they only qualified because it had a gay theme. If Europe was fair, they wouldn’t have let them qualify.
And if they hadn’t, their last qualification would be in 2013, almost a decade ago, where they placed last in the final!!!
Ireland has really lost their glamour and they aren’t trying to get it back. It’s extremely sad.
That was in 2018 and it was a good song, it deserved to qualify, however, I agree that Irelands entries in recent years have been sub-par.
‘If Europe was fair, they wouldn’t have let them qualify.’ WTF?!?? Take your homophobia elsewhere, it’s not wanted here.
Wrong year.
It was 2018.
First, that was 2018, not ’16, and it didn’t qualify just because it showed two guys dancing with each other. Ireland made their staging work by adapting the performance perfectly to Lisbon’s more restrained stage. Maybe Irelabd can’t win 3 times in a row again, but you certainly know how to exaggerate…
The best song definitely one but that presentation…. RTE bringing the Belarus vibe
The song is ok but the staring was super amateurish. It. May go through but they really need to step up their game.
I mean it was literally on a late-night talk show… you can’t really expect much from something like that. I am sure they will step up their staging for Eurovision.
Ireland usually bring professional quality staging to ESC though.
No qualification for Ireland this year. This is quite poor, and its not the best from a poor bunch. Its an average pop song. There were better singers by far. The selection show is dated.
This is not going to do well in May.
Final point please get rid of the international juries in voting, it accumulates to bias. They are setting up countries to fail.
Kinda looked like a fan favorite to win Jesc
The only one I actually like. Thankfully it won! loads of good voices, but ‘Thats Rich’ best song and a great voice too. Back on track!
I’m really interested in seeing where this ends up, we’ve never really had anything like this before. If she can translate that wonderful attitude that characterizes the studio version into a live performance, she’s golden for the top15. Good luck Brooke
The studio jury clearly went with the singer and the strongest voice so their ranking was not that ridiculous as there seemed to be consistency in their approach. However, I am glad that the other juries went with more of a package approach and looking at the potential of the song. Definitely a revamp is needed to add something extra to the song as it does feel very samey and drags towards the middle to end. This song can qualify and hopefully Brooke will get a budget and team now to boost the song and the performance.
That’s Rich was by far the best. The others were sleepers. That’s Rich woke me up and made me want to jiggle my booty
Well I like it and will probably vote for it in the semi final. A pleasant, catchy song that has stuck in my head straight away. Like always, it will depend on the staging how well it will do.
I am surprised to read the below comments. Great song, great performer, and with UK, Malta and Australia voting in the same semi.. WELCOME BACK to the final Eire.
Speaking of the UK, Brooke is from Derry, and thus could’ve applied to sing for the UK. It’ll be interesting if this becomes a topic during Eurovision given the mess of the Northern Ireland protocol.
Brooke is singing for her country Ireland. The writers are British from London. Great collaboration here. No controversy or big deal here, this is the norm whether she is from Derry or not. She identifies as Irish and most people from the north of Ireland express their identity and affiliation with the Irish Republic or the UK. This has always been the way. Nothing new. Let her be.
I know, but it’s an interesting point of conversation especially given the position of Northern Ireland post Brexit. I wasn’t meaning to discredit Brooke’s choice to sing for Ireland rather than the UK, just pointing out that she had the choice to sing for either nation.
The UK is welcome to have her, take her off our hands.
Who is to guarantee these 3 countries will vote for this song? just prepare to accept disappointment come what May. It is catchy but it is still very average in my opinion.
I got bored after the first chorus. Ireland, please try harder next year.
Another fast food song to Eurovision.
Anyone else would have me going “oh, god” but seeing Brooke as the participant had me going “Thank god.” It was probably the best of this lot, and it remains to be seen if she can bring Ireland back to the final or not.
I can’t help but think that RTE, knowing the hype surrounding Brooke from the Eurofans, deliberately set up the national final to have her win. Perfoming last in the show and the fact that an international jury was brought in was surely meant to boost her chances intentionally. Yes the Irish jury didn’t like her that much but given the two factors I just mentioned there was nothing they could really do to influence the result. Also the Late Late Show is completely inadequate as a Eurovision selection. I worry that Brooke will end up doing well at Eurovision because… Read more »
It’d make sense if they hadn’t voted her second to last
Brooke topped the international jury though. It was the local jury that marked her down.
My gosh! How could this win a national contest? Horrible show, bad songs. A shame.
Here I am waiting the time ireland will win the eurovision again.. I guess maybe next..
Just watched all the performances and none of the entries managed to shine, so I’m glad Ireland is at least taking the most modern and entertaining of their options to Turin. I’m not the kind of fan that asks for a revamp to every Eurovision entry that fails to impress me, but in this case I think they should seriously consider it to give more weight to the instrumental. In terms of staging, it’s still too early to worry, the show clearly had a small budget. Brooke has a girl next door appeal that may be helpful if well played.
Best choice out of a bad bunch but wow, those national jury points.
It’s evident that the guys in charge of Eurovision in RTÉ are so out of touch. How come they voted Brooke second to last?
This was my concern before tonight, but fortunately, she topped the vote of the televote and international jury, so the studio jury’s vote didn’t harm her chances 😀
I’m kinda shocked people are being so kind to that performance. I guess we are at the point that if a song has some energy and the singer moves around onstage — then voice can be overlooked. This can actually qualify if the second half of Semi 2 ends up having too many ballads. But if Sweden brings something that is energetic and pop—this will come across as amateurish.
Is it because Brooke’s voice seems to cut out when she goes into falsetto? Because I didn’t think she was off pitch, so it must be something else. Now I’m curious to know exactly what has irked so many commenters about the vocal.
I was so ready mentally for that “Asanda” moment but Brooke really came through live.
I thought Brooke was fine vocally but her personal choreography at times was the problem.
It was expected. But not bad. Probably the best choice they could take. Like it
The shortest and least exciting voting results. Zero atmosphere
I only enjoyed “That’s Rich” and “One Night One Kiss One Promise” although I admit, the staging for Patrick’s song felt a little empty. Otherwise, the best performance won despite the limitations of the Late Late Show stage.
And I may have not heard it clearly earlier when I was tuning in but they got someone from the Corrs in the expert panel? Hmmm.
Sharon, indeed.
Sure was,
Distant cousin of mine too (we don’t talk about Jim though)
history repeats itself with this type of fluffy entries…
…still the best option out of a weak bunch
I vaguely remember watching previous Irish NFs, like from 2010-2015. So the delusional panel was expected. But this time it got even worse. It wasn’t even entertaining. I was hoping for sth like the odious little man incident from Linda Martin. That was hilarious.
I’m feeling sorry for the performers mentored by those. They’ve been forgotten because of that incident. Laura O’Neill (with a song penned by Lucie Silvas) did great that night. But her mentor said smth about the pannel that was very legit at the time. And another mentor came up, embarrassing the performers behind (Eoghan and Casey).
I actually miss that kind of fuzz made on a late show. As well as I remember how in 2008 performers like Donal or Leona got defeated by a turkey …
Brooke by far the best choice. But surely they could find better songs out of the 320 plus entrants. There are rumours the high kings entered but were not shortlisted…
Is that right about The High Kings??!! It does seem this selection could’ve used more musical variety of The High Kings kind. It felt like RTÉ just chose these younger amateurish singers and The High Kings would’ve at least given them a group that tours and sells tickets. It’s embarrassing if the Irish Delegation who picked these 6 songs would’ve passed on them.
I recall it was an open call for songs, and the songwriters who submitted their entries have the option of finding a singer who will sing their song or even put themselves forward as their own singer.
Sorry this was a weak selection that reminded me of UK selections from several years ago. This is not catchy it is a filler that will not leave the semi’s.
Gosh that show was horrific.
So embarrassed right now.
Awfulness personified… Such poor, dated, amsteur songs, terrible staging, astonishingly bad panel…
Another year of diaster awaits us in May.
You’re spot on Joshua but many on here thought it was great and that we stand a chance in May, God love their deluded little minds.
If you’re Irish and you’re dissatisfied, only you can change the show.
Watching it from outside Ireland, it didn’t come across to me as that bad. I have sat through much worse than that elsewhere.
I’m just not happy with that piece of trash that won and stupified that most here think it worth any merit but then you know Alexander Hamilton’s famous quote about the masses (go look it up).
Ah, perhaps I should have replied to Joshua; my mistake there.
That studio jury’s result was pretty odd. Thankfully, it only made the voting a little more exciting. Although I would have preferred Miles, there’s no denying that Brooke is the deserved winner.
The jury actually were listening to the voices. Both Brooke and Rachel has major issues and their voices cracked horribly as the songs were coming to an end reaching high notes. There’s a reason why RTÉ turned off comments on the YouTube videos. I guess the Irish public and Eurofans are so desperate for “fast” songs that they can overlook certain things no credible musician would not. This is what happens when you have 3 singers in a jury versus 1 in the Spanish National.
Watching this live was hilarious! The way the panel were out here calling this lot ESC winners when all of them would get laughed out of a Melfest Semi-Final was just insane. The delusion we have on these islands never ceases to amaze. As long as we have people like this involved in selections in the UK & Ireland, we’re never again going to see the trophy cross the channel.
You’re talking about Melfest as if it had plenty of quality entries. I’ve seen worse entries making it at least to the final in Sweden.
This and Eesti Laul feel like scale versions of Mello.