Norway MGP 2022 Second Chance Round One Results

We’re less than two weeks away from discovering Norway’s act for Eurovision 2022. But before the Melodi Grand Prix 2022 grand final, 12 eliminated acts had another chance to earn their golden tickets. After a tough battle, Mari Bølla, TrollfesT, Maria Mohn and Kim Wigaard have qualified from the first phase of the MGP 2022 last chance round.

Tonight’s four qualifiers will fight it out once more on Saturday for a coveted spot in the final. 

MGP 2022 Last Chance — Round one qualifiers

Norway’s second chance round is split into two phases.

The first phase saw the 12 eliminated acts’ semi-final performances aired on replay on NRK, with voters calling in for the favourites. The top four qualified for a second show, where they will perform live once again using the semi-final duel format.

In no particular order, tonight’s four qualifiers were Mari Bølla (semi-final three), TrollfesT (semi-final one), Maria Mohn (gold duel, semi-final four) and Kim Wigaard (semi-final four). 

Mari Bølla — “Your Loss”

TrollfesT — “Dance Like a Pink Flamingo”

Maria Mohn — “Fly”

Kim Wigaard — “La Melodia”

Eliminated from the show and out of the running to sing for Norway in Turin are: 

  • Eline Noelia “Ecstacy” (Eliminated)
  • Lily Löwe “Bad Baby” (Eliminated)
  • Daniel Lukas “Kvelertak” (Eliminated)
  • Steffen Jakobsen “With Me Tonight” (Eliminated)
  • Sturla “Skår i hjerte” (Eliminated)
  • Vilde “Titans” (Eliminated)
  • Alexandra Joner “Hasta La Vista” (Eliminated)

Only one of tonight’s qualifiers can make it through to the final. Mari Bølla, TrollfesT, Maria Mohn and Kim Wigaard will now have to fight their way through another round of duels before being awarded the prestigious golden ticket. 

What do you think of the results? Did your favourite make it through to the last chance round? Which of these acts will make it through to the final? Let us know in the comments below.  


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3 years ago

Lieber Tibor, ich möchte dir noch gerne sagen, dass Massimo den Kritikerpreis gewonnen hat, vielleicht weißt du es aber längst. Mich berührt sein Auftritt insbesondere vom letzten Abend sehr. Leider kann ich kein Italienisch:

Last edited 3 years ago by Anita
3 years ago

Wow, they really got rid of Eline Noelia. It was by far the best song of MGP and a potential winner. Too bad. Now I hope Elsie Bay wins.

3 years ago

Maria Mohn was always getting through, she’s the strongest of the 2nd chance bunch and I have a feeling she will make the Gold Final alongside Subwoolfer, Elsie Bay (if she can improve on her semifinal 1 show) and Sofie Fjellvang. Semifinal 4 was so strong that any of the performers would have likely topped the other three semifinals. Norway has a strong rock/metal fanbase and one of TrollfesT or Lily Löwe was guaranteed to get enough votes there, the joke aspect of TrollfesT probably drew in some protest votes too helping them in over Lily. The remaining two slots… Read more »

3 years ago

Your Loss seems like the best of the four for me, but the live performance was totally out of tune compared to the studio version – if she can resolve that, then it could probably do well in the final.

3 years ago

Last year TIX and feather wings … this year Trollfest and their Flamingoes … two years of musical emptiness having a ball in the costume department. I’m worried for Norway. Will they end up like Ireland in the end – with only a stuffed bird on stage? We all know where that got them!

Esc addict
Esc addict
3 years ago

Is there any act qualified in a final thanks a 2nd chance round in MGP, Melfest or elsewhere, who has already managed to win a final?
I feel these rounds a little bit useless…

3 years ago
Reply to  Esc addict

In 2013, Robin Stjernberg from Melodifestivalen did win coming from Andra Chansen, but that year was also very strange and most songs in that final were very weak. Basically he won thanks to the jury vote, otherwise Yohio would’ve won with Heartbreak Hotel, but I can’t say how well that would’ve gone instead.
There have also been 2nd place occasions in 2009 and 2018 as well

Esc addict
Esc addict
3 years ago
Reply to  Danes

Ok thanks!

3 years ago
Reply to  Danes

In 2010 Anna bergendahl won from the second chance

3 years ago

What? Where is Eline Noelia?

3 years ago

It must be Maria! Such an experience she gave us, the song, stanging, vocals… Hope she qualifies!

Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago
Reply to  Tedd

truly, i think she would’ve qualified from any other semi, she just happened to go against made of glass

lasse braun
lasse braun
3 years ago

i really don’t like the decision to give only one “golden ticket” in 2! extra rounds.
the seeded acts are weak (in average) – some in staging – other have a weaker song or both.
in the semis were in my opinium 4-5 acts,who beat out nearly every seeded act.
a funny competion so far.
if the lovely well sung song “fly” failed next saturday,HoT will get some extra muscles!

Last edited 3 years ago by lasse braun
3 years ago

maria deserves final butmari is such a guilty pleasure

3 years ago

Aww, no Kvelertak! I’m still very bitter about that performance. Anyway, I’m really happy that Maria and Mari qualified! They totally deserved it. But, Kim Wigaard? The staging seemed sort of cheap to me. I do like his voice though. I don’t know what to think about Trollfest, I forgot about them ever since the first semifinal got over. They could go either way.

Yudhistira Mahasena
3 years ago

Can’t decide… but it’s either Trollfest, Kim Wigaard, or Maria Mohn to the final for me as I think they have the strongest songs in the Second Chance round.

3 years ago

Eline song is one of the best tho

3 years ago

I’ve had a chance to talk to the guys from TrollfesT in Finland, when they were warming up the crowd before Korpiklaani’s show – they’re extremely nice, kind, funny, but at the same time humble and soulful chaps. I’ve never thought they would go THIS far though, but believe me, they do deserve to rock at the Eurovision stage

3 years ago

I have to say, I am very surprised by this quartet of second chance artists. While I was happy to see Mari Bølla and Maria Mohn making it through, I was surprised the televoters decided to give TrollfesT and Kim Wigaard a second chance too. I should have seen TrollfesT coming, but out of all the remaining artists, I didn’t think Kim Wigaard would perform again. I thought Eline was going to get a second chance, but I guess not. Out of the four, I want to see Maria Mohn win Second Chance and get to the final. Heck, she… Read more »

3 years ago

Even though I like Subwoolfer, the fact of the matter is that Eline’s song was the best in this year’s MGP. It’s just plain obvious.

3 years ago

Likewise was hoping for Eline to get through the last chance round, but happy for Mari, Trollfest and Maria. I would be personally happy with any of those in the finals. Kim has a fantastic voice but the song is personally not so much my thing.

3 years ago

is eline hated in norway or something ?! She is my winner of MGP and it’s a well produced song. I’m rly surprised that some of these acts went through instead of her 🙁

3 years ago

Look at the likes on Youtube, and you’ll see who the clear winner will be this Saturday.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
3 years ago

Either Maria or Mari. I wouldn’t even mind Maria winning the whole thing, but it’s nearly impossible now after she lost in sf4.

Last edited 3 years ago by Eurovision fan
3 years ago
Reply to  Eurovision fan

She may not win but she could have a strong chance at making it top 4 – sort of like Jorn last year 🙂

Stian F
Stian F
3 years ago

I was hoping for Eline Noelia as well, but i have to be honest. The song is well produced, but the lyrics are not the ones to engage many listeners and the staging was a bit silly. She should have had a completely different image and outfit…. I never liked it. Still i like the production of the song and hoped for it to get ti the second chance round. I expected Mari Bølla, Trollfest and Maria Mohn to get through as well. Songs are good and definitely Mari Bølla and Trollfest offer a really different stage presentation. Eventhough i… Read more »

3 years ago

What a nice YouTube Video Cover, With William Put In Place by Suzzane …

3 years ago

I can’t believe Eline will not be in the final. For me it’s the best song I’ve heard this year so far, when it comes to Eurovision. I’m devastated by this, but at least I still can listen to this bop on Spotify.

Majkel Galaktyka
3 years ago

Eline was my favorite in MGP ;(

Last edited 3 years ago by Majkel Galaktyka
3 years ago

Wow! Eline out, TrollfesT in?!
I definitely need to stop following national selections before May…

3 years ago
Reply to  willchrisiam

Make that June

3 years ago

Damn I forgot this was tonight and randomly remembered it minutes ago. Happy that TrollfesT and Maria Mohn are through. I would have voted for these two. My other choice would have been Steffen Jakobsen. Sad that he is eliminated.

3 years ago

I’m shocked Eline didn’t get through I was sure she wasn’t going to be the one to win last chance. Well now I hope Mari gets that last place into the final!

aksel kankaanranta's husband
aksel kankaanranta's husband
3 years ago

Vilde and Eline were so current… that’s thy they were ROBBED

Jake Dallas
Jake Dallas
3 years ago

Surprised that Kim made it over Eline but now it definitely looks like it’s Maria Mohn’s to lose

3 years ago

trollfest? wow cringy entries in the national final for Norway. So sad since they had a great national final in 2020 and a very good winner too!

3 years ago

Maria mohn the best for me !

3 years ago

So these choices just cement the front-runner’s chances even more.

3 years ago

So my immediate thoughts are: Did NOT expect Kim Wigaard to get through. Like, at all. My jaw dropped when they called him. I did expect Maria Mohn, Mari Bølla and TrollfesT would get through. Hey, Kim and Maria are both through, so here’s to hoping we get the dramatic irony of seeing them facing of against each other in a duel! Another really big surprise (for me at least) was that I expected Eline Noelia to get through, and she didn’t. Like, I thought it was a given. I voted for Mari Bølla, TrollfesT and Lily Lowe. Lily is… Read more »

3 years ago

Taste is gone lmao.
Elina was robbed

3 years ago
Reply to  Alo

I know, but she didn’t sound very good in the live. It felt like as if she was struggling to keep up with the instrumental.

3 years ago

Wow, this was tonight… had no idea. I’d vote for Maria for sure, so I’m glad that she made it. Bit bummed about Steffen and Lily, but hey, there’s only one more place in the finals anyway, and it’s not like a weak song won any of the semis. In any case, totally Team Maria Mohn this Saturday! What a song! Even if, honestly, I couldn’t be upset if Kim is the one who makes it. Both did really well in semi 4.