Zdravo, Dora fans! Croatia’s broadcaster HRT has just published the 14 songs that will compete at Dora 2022, the country’s Eurovision selection show.
The list of artists — shared back in December — already had fans hyped with the many returnees, including Mia Negovetić, Bernarda and ToMa. This will be both Mia’s and Bernarda’s third consecutive attempt to represent Croatia at Eurovision. But Dora will also be keeping things fresh with debuts from up and coming talents like Marko Bosnjak, Tia and Jessie.
But do the songs live up to the buzz? It’s time to find out.
Croatia: 14 songs for Dora 2022 national final revealed
Bernarda – „Here for Love“ (Bernarda Brunovic/Adriana Pupavac/Andreas Bjorkman/Karl Persson/Jonas Ekdahl/Aidan O’Connor)
Elis Lovric – „No War“ (Anthony Kukuljan/Elis Lovric/Sandi Bratonja)
Jessie – „My Next Mistake“ (Silvio Pasaric/Jessica Atlic – McColgan)
Marko Bosnjak – „Moli za Nas“ (Vlaho Arbulic/Mihović Sostaric)
Mia Dimsic – „Guilty Pleasure“ (Mia Dimsic/Vjekoslav Dimter/Damir Bacic/Ante Gelo)
Mia Negovetic – „Forgive Me (Oprosti)“ (Mia Negovetic/Laurell Barker/Denniz Jamm/Andreas Stone Johansson)
Mila Elegovic – „Ljubav“ (Bruno Krajcar)
Eric Vidovic – „I Found You“ (Eric Vidovic/Filip Vidovic/Gordan Dragic)
Ella Oreskovic – „If You Walk Away“ (Sinisa Reljic – Simba)
Roko Vuskovic – „Malo Kasnije“ (Predrag Martinjak/Roko Vuskovic/Jan Sinjor Cetkovic)
Tia – „Voli me do Neba“ (Vlaho Arbulic/Mihovil Sostaric)
Tina Vukov – „Hideout“ (Rejhan Okanovic/Tomislav Gojanovic/Josipa Vujevic)
ToMa – „In the Darkness“ (Adriana Pupavac/Andreas Bjorkman/Tomislav Maric/Aidan O’Connor/Samuel Runsteen)
Zdenka Kovacicek – „Stay on the Bright Side“ (Adi Karas/Elvis Srsen NoA/Zvonimir Bajevic/Jurica Hotko)
So what do you think? Who is your winner? Are any of these songs strong enough to make it to the grand final at Eurovision? Let us know in the comments box below!
There’s no doubt – Mia Negovetic and Forgive Me (Oprosti) should represent Croatia in Turin 2022! This entry simply ticks all the boxes! Sretno, Mia N.! Best of luck, Croatia! <3
TOMa. O, nice! 🙂
ToMa <3 <3 <3
Something decent and something awful, things could be worse. Serbia showed us that.
Tina please!
Mia N consistently brings good songs and doesn’t win. just let the girl compete in eurovision
personally i’d like to see marko represent croatia this year. dora has really improved in song quality a lot since its return in 2019 and has quickly become one of my favorite and most anticipated nfs of the season. congratulations croatia, you deserve to do well
Tina Vukov – „Hideout“ is my favorite.
The fact that there are die hard fans of the Laurel Barker 2355th attempt in eurovision concerns me. You need to question your music taste people. Marko is the obvious and best choice here
Marko of course. No english song for Croatia please !
Hmm, I could easily agree on that, provided that, at least, the song ending is transposed and thus made more epic and powerful. Otherwise, it will remain nothing but a mediocre attempt, wasting both the song potential and Marko’s boundless talent. C’mon, do something about it, Vlaho/ Marko!!!
Mean while, MIA NEGOVETIC! 12 pts!!!
Zdenka Kovacicek – go for it!
Marko Bosnjak.
End of story.
What was supposed to be Kezo back in 2020, it will be Marko this year.
Marko is a fantastic vocalist and his song has a boundless potential… but it requires a thorough enhancement as one may be under impression that the song is somehow “unfinished”. @V. Arbulic: it would be natural for such a song to have at least a key change considering Marko’s vocal capacities. If it remains as it is, I’ll give my vote to Mia Negovetic as her song, as it is, is already asolutely ready to conquer Torino and I dare say it will end up in top 10 in the grand finals. Cheers for now…
If so, looking forward to the betting odds. I don’t remember excactly, but wasn’t Kedzo 40th or 41st among 41 in the betting odds?
Does it matter?
His song was strong, his voice was superb, his Balkan presence was excellent.
Odds-makers lost their credibility long time ago *sigh*Malta*sigh*
You could have a point, Malta’s “performance” in the betting odds was quite odd indeed. Personally, I really disliked Malta’s song and if I had been asked, it wouldn’t even have made it to the final. But in the end the odd-makers weren’t that much wrong, she – in fact unfortunatelly – still finished in the top 10. But the bad odds for Kedzo in my opinion were justified.
Tia and Tina do it for me. Tina, I can imagine making people dream for 3 minutes on stage if kept super simple. Meaning no boy and girl dancing arpund her or other crazy burNing piano sensation. Just her playing classic piano. Black.
Croatia. Bernarda deserves it so much…. Mia’s song sounds like a soundtrack of a musical…. Nice one… but Here For Love is the real thing. Please let her go to Turin. <3
Hope we will get a reaction video soon from the wiwiblogsteam 🙂 I´m nicely surprised with this year Dora. There are a many good songs so that I can´t say who is my clear favorite. This is always a good since and keep us from some “bitchfights” after the show with frustrated fans. More than ever I need to see the staging to go with someone. So far my favorites are: Marko Bosnjak – Gve me some Ed Sheera (Hobbite) vibes! Mia Negovetic – Great Song Thats happen when Disney meat Huskavik but in a good way Mia Dimsic –… Read more »
Croats will do what they always do. Vote for artist rather than for a song. Marko Bosnjak will win and they will stay in the semi-final. Croatia, can we do it better this year?
So who’s better than Marko?
Unfortunately. IT IS SO TRUE…. Bernarda is the one to choose. Please…..
Sure we can, darling. Mia Negovetic has a wonderful and fully complete song that ticks all the boxes. Other potential winners (Marko, Tia, Mia Dimsic, Toma…) need to introduce some rhytmic and, I’d say, dramatic changes in order to make their songs more powerful as they lack the X factor, i.e. the songs are nice, but nothing more than that. I’d always rather send a song in Croatian language, but since that is not an option at this time, I’d opt for the most beautiful song, and Forgive Me has it all. Therefore, my felloow Croatians, vote Mia Negovetic! Love… Read more »
It doesn’t make a difference anyway. No metter who’s the winner NONE of the songs will qualify.
Forgive Me By Mia N. Is my favorite I love that its has a similar feel to Husavik with some Croatian while Mia D. and Marko are also good. I also like Bernada I feel like she has had better songs the last few years but I also enjoy her song.
The first two songs (by Bernarda and Elis Lovri?) were quite decent. Justice for robbed queen Albina!
I love Mia N. so much but I really want to get her with some better songwriters. This is just not it for me.
Surprisingly, the song I’m enjoying the most is Eric’s right now. o.O
Marko and Tia are great! But Elis! That’s a banger. With the right staging, that could go far. Didn’t care about Mia D. Very disappointing. Mia N. would be a decent choice, too.
Happy to see that Dora again has a good selection. It is not as diverse as last year though but still good after another listen. I am on the fence between Marko Bosnjak and Mia Dimsic. I think either way both songs will stand out, even though maybe Marko is better because he sings in Croatian. But Mia has an accessible sound. Either way, one of them should go. I also like Tia very much!
My favourite is Mia Dimši?. It may be called ‘Guilty Pleasure’ but the song is far from that. So beautiful and sweet. All she needs is her guitar and intimate staging for it to be an effective performance. Having Mia at Eurovision would sure allow Croatia to stand out and make it to the final. To do well at Eurovision, it’s all about setting a trend, and she can do that with her country-pop song.
By the way, Mia Negoveti?’s song really does remind me a lot of Husavik
Mia Dimsic is a very talented artist and songwriter, but I can’t escape the feeling she should have written a song in Croatian. If I were to chose between the Guilty Pleasure & Forgive me, I’d certainly opt for the latter one as I find it more beautiful. So, Mia Negovetic will hopefully be the winner if we want to stand any chances for the grand finals. Moreover, I dare say that the song Forgive Me, depending on its stage performance, will eventually end up in top 10, if not even top 5.
Croatia, maybe in the big final this year !
Wishful thinking! Not with this line-up of horror.
You are completely sick!
What songs do you like apart from criticizing everything? Because you’re insulting and above all it’s hard to know the music you like??
I certainly don’t like lack of originality and cheesiness and for me all of the songs in Dora 2022 are like that.
My god it’s so light your comment… Come on, go to bed.
Forgive Me & Mia Negovetic has “THE WINNER” written all over it! This one simply ticks all the boxes! Croatia, please, go for this one!!!
I really loved Guilty Pleasure and Moli Za Nas.
I really hope their performances will be great. I wanna see Croatia in the final.
Forgive Me was also nice. Probably more safe/cliche but easy/pleasant.. and performance wise could work if Mia delivers or there’s some staging.
All 3 have some potential and perfomers and how they sell it will decide it I guess. I really don’t know which one could do better at Esc if I’m honest
Maybe it’s just me but with a good staging I think Marko can give Croatia one of its best placings ever. There is something about this song.
Don’t give Croats delusional ideas. The song has several moments and that’s it. The chorus is very repetitive and instrumental quite hollow. People will vote for him anyway because they remember him well from singing talent competitions and they do it every single year since Dora is back, and we know the results.
No one knows about him in Croatia because he competed in a serbian show, not a croatian show. So if he is to win it’ll be because of his charisma, voice and song, rather than his popularity.
I agree! Something quite forgettable!
You have issues bro
A pretty weak selection, with one uninspired radio-friendly tune after another. I guess Mia Dimsic’s song is my favorite one, even if it is sickeningly sweet (and English language cheapens it even more).
I wouldn’t be surprised if the song Vedran Ljubenko will be singing in Ljubljana this Saturday turns out better than all of the tracks above. At least it doesn’t sound so generic, based on that short snippet.
I wouldn’t describe Mia’s song that way, it’s about an unhappy wife imagining life with another man.
Or woman…or non-binary person…
this is one of the strongest finals according to othe finals
This how you do a national final, you have well produced entries and a diverse line up. Take notes Germany aka the new UK
Germany and Romania, really
good lineup…nothing too strong, but there’s potential. Well done!
At least Croatia save the day, there are good songs here, 2 songs stand out to me , Marko’s song, he absolutely grab me until the end of the song at the first listening, and Bernarda’s song grab my attention more than the others too, I know it sounds polished and swedish but not more than Mia Negovetic song which sounds very very nordic, so my absolute winner would be Marko, and with Bernarda I will be happy too. Mia N. and Mia D songs are good but doesn’t stand out enough for me.
My top 3:
This is such a breath of fresh air following Germany and Denmark’s disappointments. Bravo Croatia. Some real originality and different sounds here. Finally!
Such a nice lineup! Good job, neighbors! My favorites are Moli za nas and Forgive Me (Oprosti). Moli za nas would be a clear winner if the second chorus was a bit more powerful. This is gonna be one of the very very few song in (kinda) my native language on my Spotify. Forgive Me (Oprosti) is so Swedish that it almost annoys me but it’s good enough for me to overlook that. The thing that rubs me the wrong way is that I can’t stop thinking about Melodifestivalen while it’s playing. I love all things Sweden but I can’t… Read more »
In other news, we also have Romanian semi-finalists, and I’m so happy that everyone in my top 6 has made it! 🙂 Now we have a proper cool finals. I’m just bummed that I already sense that the juries will set it up for Cezar, and I’m not a fan of that entry. Still, I can enjoy the selection while it lasts.
I am going for the rhyming option this year so it is Mia (Forgive Me) and Tia for me. I also see huge potential in Elis’ song, there seems to be so much anger in there (not entirely certain if the lyrics confirm that?) but I was missing the big explosion which the song warranted.
Yes, Elis sings an anti-war song with quite expressive ”out there” lyrics. There’s anger, but mostly frustration. I think it’s a very interesting song.
I wasn’t expecting much from Dora, but I’m pleasantly surprised by this lineup, the best one since its 2019 return!
I found myself liking several entries and I recognize that the rest – while I don’t like them myself, are pretty decent entries. Looks like Croatia will make it to the final this year! 🙂
Mia N needs to sing it entirely in croatian and the last phrases on english so it sounds more eurovision esque and less disney esque. I see her …I don’t wanna hype myself too much but I do think she has a nice posibility of top 3.
i’ll be surprised if someone who isn’t mia dimsic or mia negovetic doesn’t win, the former due to her popularity in croatia and the latter because it’s her third year in a row and they seem to want to send her as long as she’s a cute girl with a nice voice
I m not original : Marko and the two mia’s for the win (: a préférence for Marko both for the song and the native langage !
1. Marko Bosnjak
2. Bernarda
3. Mia Negovetic
This is by far the best Dora line-up we had since its return in 2019. I often tend to be critical towards my own country, but this time, I have to compare this selection to so many others, and be very, very pleased. Every song feels competently produced, even those that are somewhat standard. On first listening, I didn’t catch any lyrical embarrassments either. My standouts from my first take: Mia Negovetic – She was consistently proving that she could elevate any material, but I feel like this might be *the one*. This song has such a beautiful chorus, and… Read more »
Glad to see you’re proud about the lineup. 🙂 And I agree you have all the reasons to be. I found a translation to Marko’s song and the religious references didn’t seem “preachy”, since “pray for us”, “sin” and “heaven” are all expressions that are used also by people that aren’t very religious. But I’ll wait for your interpretation. Based on the reactions in Croatia, can you spot any clear frontrunner already?
I am proud that a quality selection like this comes from Croatia. Dora has come a long way since the 2019 disaster (and a really poor winning song), and I’m glad to witness it. So far, it seems like it’s Mia vs Mia, but Marko is also creating a buzz since the songs are released, which is understandable. In fact, he has the highest number of YT likes so far. I think I’d be happy with any of these three, ToMa, or Elis, as our winner. I’ll have to hear them again to see my exact personal order.
I can’t believe my eyes when I listen to the song Mia Dimsic I’m shocked this song is perfect for the competition, and Mia herself surprised me I didn’t expect such a good song from her, the ticket to Turin is yours
Positively surprised by this selection. On a first listen, my favorites are Marko Bosnjak’s “Moli za Nas” and Mia Dimsic’s “Guilty Pleasure” (though this isn’t a guilty pleasure, I really like it :)). Both grabbed my attention instantly and kept it until the end.
Mia Negovetic would be my 3rd option. I’ve been wanting her in Eurovision for a while and this song gives her a lot of space to shine vocally, but the other 2 sound more sincere to my ears. In any case, Dora’s winner tends to be competitive in Turin.
Listening to the opening of Elis Lovric – „No War“, I almost excepted her to start singing “One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. And the ones that mother gives you, don’t do anything at all.” X-D
Gonna call her Go Ask Elis now.
Haha! Love it.
Omg !! I think Mia N. Marko and Toma will fight for victory. A lot of radiofriendly songs. Good job croatia! I have a feeling that Ellis could be the dark horse of Dora 😉
Laurell is back. I was hoping she’ll take a year off. 😛
If only Dora would take a year off!!!
She’s already back, in Melodifestivalen. This is her 23rd Eurovision attempt in five years – succeeding six times, for five different countries. There is no stopping her.
Not a bad line up at all, but Mia Negovetic is my outright favourite and Marko Bosnjak would be my 2nd place. I’ll be happy if either of those win!
Same, but I’d still prefer Mia Negovetic!
Year in, year out, the horror has a name: DORA!
HMM why do I get a feeling you’re Croatian
Zato što osjecaji rijetko varaju! 🙂
Ja bih rekla da smo ok i da idemo na bolje, previse smo samokriticni nekad
Bez samokritike nema napretka. Problem i jeste u tome sto na HRT-u nema nikoga samokriticnog. Štengl je “šef” Dore!? Osoba koja je na Eurosong poslala onaj zlocin protiv covjecnosti zvan Franka i Crazy.
Isto tako pretjerano odbacivanje svega ikad nema nikakvog smisla. Evo pozitivno je da je red pjesama odabran nasumicno, izašle su desetak dana ranije, guraju se mladi ljudi i produkcija pjesama je dosta bolja, ?ini mi se da se natjecanje shvatilo ozbiljnije, a koliko vidim stranci su skroz ok prihvatili pjesme. Ne?emo sigurno još par godina postati esc powerhouse ali nakon onih prijašnjih tragedija vidi se dobar pomak.
Zasto bi bilo lose odbacivati nesto sto a priori ne valja i nema nikavog izgleda za uspjeh?! Naravno, kada kriterije postavis tako nisko kao da ih uopce nema onda i smece izgleda kao napredak.
I meant I have only seem. recap video of Dora 2022, but I have to say based on the snippets, This is not bad, pretty good actually. I’d have to listen to all the songs in full to make a true assessment but it sounds very promising.