Ukraine’s public broadcaster Suspilne has confirmed that it’s offering Kalush Orchestra the opportunity to sing at Eurovision 2022. The news comes a day after Vidbir 2022 winner Alina Pash pulled herself out of the gig.
You’ll remember that Kalush Orchestra won the public vote at Vidbir 2022 with their song “Stefania”.
At the time of writing the band have not made any public statement about whether they will accept the offer.
The broadcaster’s statement is pasted below.
Ukraine offers Kalush Orchestra Eurovision 2022 spot
“On February 17, at an extraordinary meeting of the Organizing Committee of the National Selection for Eurovision 2022, it was decided to offer to Kalush Orchestra a proposal to represent Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in Turin.”
“Kalush Orchestra took second place in the final and received 14 points in total, of which a maximum of 8 points came from the audience and 6 points from the judges. It should be noted that the Public Broadcaster monitors compliance with the Rules of National Selection and the procedure for determining a representative from Ukraine.”
The broadcaster went on to remind people that according to paragraph 3.4 of the rules, they have “the right to decide on the appointment of a representative from Ukraine from among the other finalists in the competition.”
“It is important for the broadcaster to maintain the trust of the audience in the song contest, so the Public Broadcaster offers the band that took second place in the final and received the most support from the audience the opportunity to represent Ukraine at Eurovision 2022.”
Trust doesn’t exist anymore. Ukraine is coming to music contest to spread political opinions and that’s devastating!
But you LOVED Hattari, right?
I didn’t
I LOVE “STEFANIA”. Please, i wanna see them in ESC
Ukraine may be chaotic and shady in its ways but you can’t deny how much talent they got in that country. They could be asking most of the competitors in Vidbir and they would still shine at Eurovision.
Terrible choice, terrible song
My Advice Avoid Talking About Russia!
Better than the chicken girl.
I can’t wait to see them throwing a tantrum at eurovision after they don’t win ? but other than that I actually prefer this song than Alina’s
if they don’t win
Kalush has accepted the invitation. In my personal opinion, they had to politely decline the offer, given also the fact that they acted unacceptable after they lost Vidbir and because of the entire scandal that occured with Alina after the show. Other than that, their song is almost aiming to perfection and I can’t wait to see them perform in Turin!
Is it official?
Kalush agreed to go according to Ukrainian media.
Good news!
I don’t care at this point, just submit something
a lot of opportunists here!
shame you!
first kill the queen and then put yourself on the throne (highly likely) – absolutly not ok!
Given their attitude after the final and all that hate they caused, if they have the least of dignity, they should reject the offer.
Crimean people voted in March 2014 to be part of Russia in vast majority. No one recognizes it. And then we have Ukraine with it’s laws and the West who supports it. We know why. On the other hand we have Kosovo who unilaterally declared independence from Serbia in 2008 and the West who supports it. We know why. Democracy lost to the interests of the powerful countries. Power rules the World. Alina Pash is just another victim of that process that won’t happen if have normal life. I am sorry for seeing this happening to her and others. Actually,… Read more »
Eww if you wanna do politics at least be factual. This is just rubbish. Try harder, really. For your own integrity.
Kosovo’s independence declaration is incomparable.
Get real here.
The Crimean referendum in 2014 was held under duress and had no international observers. Considering it was legally a part of Ukraine at the time, the Ukrainian government should also have had an input.
Until a free and fair referendum takes place with international observers and with the permission of Ukraine, Crimea being part of Russia will remain as an illegal annexation.
But you already knew this though didn’t you? 😉
Russki Ivan is gonna tell you about a mass genocide of Russians in Crimea that the new Ukrainian government somehow managed to execute within 3 days that passed between the president’s disappearance and Russian seizure of the Crimean parliament, the event that started the annexation. He’s gonna tell you about trains full of armed nationalists who were already on the way from Kyiv and Lviv to Simferopol (in fact they never materialized – but who cares). About the free will of Crimean people who managed to conduct a fair and free referendum in abundance of all Ukrainian laws, without having… Read more »
Kosovo is not a country, it’s a disputed territory.
That’s irrelevant to the point I was making.
Kosovo declaring independence is not the same as a clearly rigged referendum in Crimea.
Just to clarify. Ivan’s opinion here does not represent the opinion of all Russian people. At least mine personally, for one.
Welp, I don’t care about being a part of a majority when this majority is clearly wrong.
Now it turns out Kalush Orchestra is accused of drug trafficking, between Ukraine and Russia violating another Vidbir regulation which states that participants cannot have inappropriate or offensive creative or professional activities. The leader of the band is admitting it in this video in Ukrainian in this interview in may last year.
They shouldn’t represent Ukraine in Eurovision 2022 in any case!
Hopefully they will accept, the song is fire!
Maybe Chanel could represent Ukraine as there is something going around that she may be disqualified in Spain?
She won’t be disqualified. And I’m from Spain. Stop that narrative ffs.
That’s simply not true.
It isn’t really fire
I think the broadcaster knew about Alina breaking the law, but they thought that they and Alina would get away with it. Because the broadcaster initially made a selection in favor of one participant – Alina Pash. Standard for Ukraine corruption was involved here
You may feel sorry and mad about Alina’s withdrawal but that seems very unlikely. Stefania is also a very competitive entry.
I am from Ukraine. I love my homeland, however, to live here can sometimes be challenging. Some of our laws are so questionable and non-logical.. That’s true that Suspilne should check the contestants before they participate and not take the victory back, it looks awful. The papers which Alina’s team was representing, were given only after her victory and the scandal which my people began, leaving us without a chance of victory. I would agree if Eurovision officials disqualified Ukraine from the contest, as our government is really making it all political, which has no sense and goes against the… Read more »
They shouldn’t. Otherwise it will look like they conspired to get rid of Alina
Alina’s team broke the rules. No one conspired to do something wrong except her team when they forged documents
Everything’s already a mess anyways xd
I hope Kalush accept the broadcaster’s invitation to go to Eurovision despite what happened during the national final because I really don’t want Ukraine to withdraw from Eurovision. I’m not certain whether Kalush would qualify for the grand final though.
Hmmm… I´m just a fan of the instrumental and ethnic part… the rest of the song is not so good.. can´t see this winning the eurovision!
Remove and replace the awful rap part and it’s OK
Gay Song That Is
Is it even confirmed she did it? She just stepped down voluntary because she got so much hate, right?
This broadcaster is really lousy. When they have stange rules like “you can’t go to Crimea by airplane”, then they should check the contestants BEFORE they win. Not taking the victory from them. And what is that even? Asking some other if they want to participate? Why is it not in their contracts that they have to cooperate acoridingly with the broadcasters wishes?
It’s the law, and they did check.
1. The rule is not about a plane, but about entering Ukrainian territory without going through Ukrainian border checks. Entering Crimea via land from Russia would be equally problematic.
2. They do check it but you can’t reasonably expect a broadcaster to play police. Nor can broadcaster request data on other invidiuals from the police.
You guys seem to live in some kind of the world where everything revolves around Eurovision, but that’s not how it really works.
She claims she transported there by bus. Is the other concept that she flew to Russia and then to Crimea? Otherwise, why should a border control to be needed when transporting from country A to country A. There is no border. Yes, I’m not always sure. In my country, our public broadcaster are independent from the government, and maybe in Ukraine they can decide things like you cannot be signed by a Russian label, you cannot preform your music in a disputed territory, you cannot travel from one part of Ukraine to another part of Ukraine without border checks….. Yes,… Read more »
please say NO, Kalush don’t take your words back !
This was my favorite song !!! So i hope they will accept. (I’m not speaking about politic)
A new game “Take A Hint” will start tomorrow morning. Guess who is the star of the Week #01! Unfortunately, Ukraine won’t be taking a part innit:
Not sure what the problem is? All the contestants knew the rules of the contest before they entered the contest. If you break the rules, you don’t go, simple as that, and the next eligible person gets to go instead.
I haven’t followed the whole story, but if he claims there was some vote counting error anyway, it’s the only logical choice.
Also, I think his song is easier to love.
not sure how to feel about this.
I hate sore losers and the way Kalush acted towards the lying Alina (yes, even though she may have falsified the documents) was unacceptable. Won’t be supporting it.
I think people are forgetting that Alina’s team did forge the documents and that yes, while Kalush’s attitude during the entire situation was bad, the public voted for them and they were the ones who instigated the investigation. Hating on them for being right isn’t going to change the fact that what Alina’s team did was wrong and she should be punished for it. That said, it shouldn’t have as much publicity as it did, but there is nothing to do about it now. Hating on a song (a good one at that) just because you don’t like the way… Read more »
I lost so much respect for Kalush due to his attitude and actions after Vidbir. I’m sure Kalush will go to Turin, his ego is way too big to let this down.
I hope Ukraine withdraws this year, it’s been a mess and they need to accept that. Take this time to reflect and carefully plan the selection next year.
Please withdraw already
As much as I love ukraine in the esc, I just think they should withdraw like 2019.
Is this Crimea is such a big de, i don’t get it why don’t they check this before National Final not afterwards.
Because a public broadcaster is not the police, and they simply can not spy on citizens to make sure they abide by the laws to take part in a music contest.
They can’t, it’s true. But they could ask all finalists to provide this certificate in advance, before the announcement of the final.
Have a feeling this won’t make it to the final
And then we’ll about Crimea travel in a context of Kalush, then Wellboy, then…
*hear of course
New last place for me.
Hope they’ll accept the offer.. I love their song
Ukraine has already lost the “trust of the audience” so it’s a bit late to worry about that.
Though I guess picking the winner of the audience vote is the most democratic of the least democratic situation.
Last time this happened, other Vidbir participants refused to go to Eurovision in solidarity with Maruv, though I’m unsure if acts this year would take the same stance considering Kalush had already raised concerns about Alina going in the first place.
It’s funny they emphazise the: “we have the right to choose”, just as she withdraws from the competition (tbh as much as I didn’t liked her song, she won fair and square, and this is very unfair), they just want to remind you they can pick the absolute bottom if they want to. It’d seem obvious they’d have to select the runner up (which they eventually did), but their intentions with that statement say otherwise. You selection comittee is a joke, and your artists shouldn’t have to comply with your tantrum. In my opinion, at this point saying “yes” legitimazes… Read more »
You know what I do understand? Why Ukraines broadcaster let’s someone compete if they won’t be qualified to represent country? This is just disrespectful to the artists. Same with maruv
Because they didn’t know that person isn’t qualified. Those facts were only discovered later. Suspilne isn’t a secret service, nor a detective agency to run background checks on every participant.
But I think they can do that, it’s about representing a whole country in such a big music competition that everybody know. Broadcaster can collaborate with authorities to qualifying which artist allowed or not to join NF in the first place. So broadcaster no need to be secret service or detective agency.
I like them much better than Alina tbh
It might be the best option right now, but I’m not big fan of their song either. It stays in the same beat the whole time without any gradation that Shum had. I still think it is better than Alina’s song. I don’t know how I would feel though to use the privilege that I did not deserve, I probably wouldn’t accept.
Aghhhh, let’s go down to memory lane… 2010…Vasil guy was representing. He won with a song that sucked donkey. So they decided to do a selection.. Alyosha won and her song was a song that was heard before… And they had to make a song fast as F and she got a 10th place. 2011…. Mika Newton won, it was a problem there because of the votes… They decided to make a new competition with only Mika, Jamala and Zlata. J and Z said no, so Mika was the winner..AGAIN! 2015…THEY WITHDREW 2019..Maruv won and and well everyone knows what… Read more »
i remember it very well. They held a whole NF for that guy only to decide that he won’t be going. It is incredible though how they still manage to get good results no matter how crazy they are before ESC.
Mika Newton. I know 2011 was a bad year but 4th place with that song… It had to be the sand woman on stage who managed to get them so far.
Yep, I’d say so. Blandest of Ukrainian picks in recent memory. And although Mika sang pretty well, her song on its own would make anybody who hears it just shrug their shoulders in indifference.
I like Wellboy better but i think this is the fair thing to do 🙂
You don’t know how to choose your Eurovision entry? Internal selection or national final? No need to choose: do it like Ukraine, do both!
Either they want it or they don’t. It was really just one juror who caused this mess – don’t give him so much power.
I can say for sure that the next Vidbir should be audience only. While it gives a slightly unfair edge to artists with large fanbases, it is a lesser evil.
I don’t want to witness this kind of drama every time we’ll see a jury’s favored candidate winning.
I don’t mind 41 juries for Torino, but letting just three people decide the result is wrong.