He was the very first act confirmed for Eurovision 2022, all the way back in September last year. But Belgium’s Jérémie Makiese hasn’t played all his cards so speedily. After six months of waiting, we’ll finally get to hear his Eurovision song for the first time on 10 March.
We still don’t have a title for the song. But at least we’ve only got two weeks to wait.
Jérémie Makiese to reveal Eurovision 2022 song on 10 March
The big reveal will take place on radio station VivaCité and TV channel La Une.
Jérémie will be a guest on the VivaCité radio show Le 8/9, which runs from 8:00 to 9:00 CET. At some point during that hour, the station will give Jérémie’s Eurovision 2022 song its premiere play.
Meanwhile, the music video for the entry will be shown on La Une.
Those wanting to hear a live performance from Jérémie will have to wait an extra month.
The Belgian singer was recently revealed as part of the line-up for Eurovision in Concert on 9 April in Amsterdam. Posting about the event on Instagram, Jérémie noted his excitement for the event whilst adding “Yes this will be my first performance of my song”.
If this is to be Jérémie’s first live performance of his Eurovision 2022 song, then that would unfortunately rule him out of the London and Barcelona Eurovision parties, which both take place in the week’s prior.
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Who is Jérémie Makiese?
Jérémie Makiese came to fame through his participation in the 2020-2021 series of The Voice Belgique.
He auditioned with a performance of Labrinth’s “Jealous”, which prompted all four judges to turn. Jérémie was coached by the American-born singer BJ Scott. She had previously coached Loïc Nottet during his time on the show and co-wrote the lyrics to his Eurovision 2015 song “Rhythm Inside”.
Jérémie gave many impressive performances on the show and easily won over the voting public. He won the grand final in April 2021.
Jérémie was born in Antwerp to Congolese parents. He grew up in the Uccle municipality of Brussels and speaks both French and Dutch.
Are you excited to hear Jérémie Makiese’s Eurovision 2022 song for the first time? What musical style are you hoping he brings? Sound off in the comments below!
The recording clip posted on his Instagram account gives me even more faith on Belgium. From the clip, I expect another ballad, but more uplifting, starting up slow before growing to gospel-like. I don’t know how, but I see his movements and coreography, there’s no way this will be a flat ballad like what we’ve seen so far.
Belgium is kind of overlooked, it’s chance for them to surprise everyone.
I’m really curious. It’s ironic how frequently the first announced artist is one of the last of the year to actually release their song. Same with Srbuk in 2019 for example ^^’
It’s so funny to read some of the comments here. Like for instance, ooh Belgium has zero Chance of winning. Or the song will be a flop…And Jérémie hasn’t released a song yet and blablabla…Well my dear friends…Who knew Tom Dice in 2010? Who knew Loïc Nottet in 2015? Who did know Laura Tesoro in 2016? And who ever heard of Blanche in 2017,? And at the end Belgium did pretty well ….So can we give him at least the benefit of the doubt and wait until the tenth of March?
He’s a great live singer and can make the whole room emotional, now it really all depends if they managed to write a powerful song for him. Belgium is again in a strong semi with the traditional qualifiers (Australia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Sweden, etc.) and some historically weak countries that have decent entries this year (San Marino, Ireland Czech Republic, … and I’m really not a fan of Poland/Estonia but I think they’re still good enough to qualify). They also don’t have the Netherlands or France in their semi, so they’ll miss out on what few neighboring votes they usually get.… Read more »
For instance we can count Sweden out if they choose Anders 😀
I would be very surprised if it won’t be some gospel song 😛
oh yeah, here come the internals. Let’s see what they’ve been cooking…
This is going to flop, mark my words.
Wait until the song is out before you make an assumption like that. If it’s good it’s good and if it’s bad it’s bad.
You must be a damn good fortune teller!
Bruh, it’s not even out, why are you so sure?
Since the start i’ve felt that Belgium or Armenia will be the winner
idk why but I’ve got that vibe too (just add Lithuania and Montenegro too)
Switzerland, The Netherlands, France, Uk say hi
Switzerland is waiting since 1988, since 34 years. Belgium since 1986, since 36 years. France since 1977, since 45 years! Uk since 25 years. The Netherlands since 3 years but they would deserve it too. A country that has never won would be cool too but there are countries that are waiting since more time than more recent esc countries. Lithuania is in Eurovision since 28 years now for ex or Montenegro since 15 years, I mean of course their victory would be cool but as much as those who are waiting since again more time even if they are… Read more »
It’s Belgium! Belgium is going to win the contest this year. I’ve had this hunch since they announced Jérémie as their artist. Very very early.
I would like to see Belgium win again because it’s been way too long since Belgium last won (In 1986, which actually Marks their only victory— Seriously, for a country That has been around since the very beginning of Eurovision, I’m surprised they don’t have two or three victories at this point). But it all depends on the quality of the song Jérémie has. It could be good, Great enough to be a contender for victory, or it could be an utter disaster destined to stay behind in the semi finals. We’re not gonna know until the song drops on… Read more »
Why are people downvoting me? Don’t I have the right to believe Belgium is going to win in 2022?
Lol don’t give attention to the downvotes here, it’s pretty random, because of many trolls I won’t name and their several accounts
Indeed, it’s not even because of being “edgy” or “politically incorrect,” it’s just so random and can happen even in good-hearted comments. It still jars me :/
I’m not one of the people downvoting you, but you should use “will” instead of “going to”. Going to is used when you are 100% sure something will happen.
Or when you’re crazy excited with that possibility. Sadly, it doesn’t mean my wish will come true. But for now, I’d like to believe it will.
Armenia can’t win with that girl that is rumoured to represent them. She might be very talented and I might be wrong, but I just don’t see her coming with some wow song and Armenia struggled to qualify. Junior Eurovision and Eurovision are totally different things.
I think Armenia will be more focused on the jesc hosting and everything around rather than to win Eurovision this year, so I think they will come with something not very strong and not a potential winning song, maybe I’m wrong.
You raise a good point. It probably be overwhelming for Armenia to organize Both the Junior and the adult Eurovision contests at the same time. I hope they sent something that while it would win the contest, it’s at least good enough to qualify.
Of course yes, I hope that too, for their come back it would be cool to see them in the grand final. I mean they would probably come back with something good, a top 10 entry why not, but not something enough powerful to be tipped as a potential winner. Yes I think also that for Armenia who should host the jesc (moreover it will be an anniversary edition for the 20 years old of jesc it will be bigger than usual) at the end of the year it would be very difficult to host the big contest 5 or… Read more »
Too early to say, no?
Will it be a ballad?
Why are you downvoting I literally asked what type of a song will it be?
Lmfao again
i feel like there’s zero hype for belgium among eurofans, also because jeremie is freshly out of a talent show with zero released songs we can guess his sound from. same with azerbaijan. we’ll see.
The Walloon broadcaster is usually good at picking a totally blank canvas and giving them a great song. Their track record is way better than their Flemish counterparts. Blanche and Loïc Nottet being the standouts. The downside of course is that they’re not very experienced, which always helps when performing in front of 200 million people.
The Walloons also gave us Eliot though. Solid song but his stage presence wasn’t quite on the spot, along with shaky vocals and lackluster staging (he was probably nervous too)
That’s what I meant to say, they’re all very inexperienced so for every Loïc there’s an Eliot.
I wouldn’t say the two you mention were “given” their songs. They were both songwriters on them, one even writing all the music himself.
I’m very intrigued with his entry, I hope it’s worth the wait because it took too long to know something about it 🙂
Belgium you announced Jérémie as your representative in September, you had months and months to be ready and you are more than ready for sure now but you wait until the deadline to reveal the song why?…. and we will have to wait again one month more until 9th of April to get his first performance lol seriously… why? To create hype or something? Everybody knows that it’s useless. Belgium I like you but I don’t understand you.
Indeed! They take too long to do all of this, and don’t even create much hype around it tbh
They are doing it now I guess as they make people wait, they create an expectation.
Lol, I honestly really don’t think either one of the two broadcasters who send entries every two years for Belgium are really taking into account a long waiting period or a short waiting period for any type of marketing purpose. The only dates they are taking into account is usually: when is the song ready, and when is the submission deadline. I suppose that’s all. They happen to have selected an artist early this year and I suppose they didn’t want to have the hassle of keeping that info secret so they announced it right away.
You should be right, moreover Belgium often does that, it’s not very impatient eurofan friendly but after all they do what they want as we have the right to express our feeling about it too
It might create hype, but just for the tiny community that follows pre-Eurovision season. 99% of the audience is happy to discover the songs on the spot the night of Eurovision, so it doesn’t matter if they’re released in March or in November the year before.
If I were a broadcaster I would actually always wait until the deadline, there’s really no added value in releasing a song early.
In waiting until the last time neither. What is the added value to do that?
For sure the eurofans following the pre contest season is a very small part of the Eurovision audience, but we exist, so the broadcasters who forget that are not my big friends.
The added value in waiting? Well, you get more time of course (also you can potentially redirect your artistic choice based on the songs released by other countries).
Like a way to look at the competition and to adapt your entry according to what the others send, it just shows you are not sure of your entry, and it’s a little bit vicious to act like that for me. To get more time?! Really! I mean since September it’s not enough… when others countries such like Norway, Lithuania or Finland putted all their potential entries on the table in January or even Albania in December and all of these broadcasters brought many many entries, but Belgium for one only entry they can’t ? The time in that case… Read more »
« It’s a great song but it was released too late so I’m not voting for it »… Said no one ever.
Man you’re going on a weird rant all by yourself here, and using very extreme vocabulary like « vicious » for a very inoffensive (and pretty common) situation lol.
I mean vicious like strategic calm down, of course the realease date won’t affect the results or the overall opinion about the song or whatever, we are here to discuss, nothing weird, I just say that their way to act could create useless expectations, the more they wait to reveal, the more we expect, it’s logical, that’s why I prefer when a country doesn’t wait until the last time. It feels, now that everybody has well played with their Natinal Finals, I COME to kill the game with MY SONG, with Blanche it worked, with Sennek no, so let’s see.
Don’t waste your time feeding the troll 😉
At least we can talk and discuss with the troll, not with you guuuuuurl don’t be envious. 😉
I have a fan apparently….
Maybe you’re too aggressive who knows…The thing I’m sure is that I’ve never insulted you, anyway you’ve the right to hate me, to downvote me as much as you want as you already do by the way but ignore me please, it would be better for you and me. You don’t like me, I can largely live with that lol but don’t talk to me and don’t talk about me in that case it would be more clever, you’re in lack of friends or of attention I can’t do anything for you, ciao.
People are downvoting you because you posted a hundred long-*ss comments that don’t make sense, answering to yourself, and being rude to strangers online. It’s as simple as that, there’s no conspiracy or anything.
Belgium is not trying to create any hype believe me. Belgian are humble and just do what they have to do. As for the release date, it’s just that they wait to feel perfectly ready to announce the song. Writing a song is not a race. The only factors to be considered are quality and deadline.
Ok they don’t try to create hype but their way to reveal the singer in September and the song only in March at the last time create forcefully more expectations, but at least they gave us something on the opposite of others whose we know nothing.
Of course to write a song is not a race, but now you can’t tell me that they are still writing the song, since September or even since before…
Yeah I get your point. But I don’t know, perhaps they wanted to make some little changes and take their time to do it well. Perhaps the song will be bad also. We’ll have to wait and see :p
Exactly we have to wait, we will see. The first quality to be a good eurofan is to be patient, and unfortunately I am not 😉
I’m very excited for this one, I have a feeling both The Netherlands and Belgium will send quality this year. I can’t remember the last time we were in the top 10 together, but it almost happened back to back in 2016 and 2017. I really hope this one will be worth the wait.
The last actual instance where they both finished in the top 10 was in 1998. Edsilia Rombley finished 4th (NL) and Mélanie Cohl finished 6th (BE)
I hope the song will be in French
I hope I’ll like his song, and it would be great if it’s in French or Dutch. Now all that’s left is for Switzerland to choose Tananai <3
It’d be cool if Switzerland chose Tananai, but how is he eligible for them?
He’s Italian
switzerland’s search started long ago and it was already at a good point in december with a shortlist of around 20 artists and songs… tananai is just a fad meme he’s never doing eurovision lol
I feel like the somewhat delicate regional situation in Belgium discourages either RTBF or VRT from sending a French or Dutch song. English can be relied upon as a neutral option.
They should send a song in German then, also a small but an official language in Belgium. Surely nobody would expect that haha
I was being sarcastic (even though I like Tananai’s music) 😉
I was hoping we would get his song much sooner considering he was announced way back but oh well..
Can we please get an article about what is happening with Bulgaria. I personally know what happened but I’d like an in depth breakdown PLEASE.
A fan got access to their twitter account and posted a photo of Kristian Kostov like he’ll replace IMP on March 15th, which caused the odds to shorten, but in the end it was fake, BNT later deleted their twitter account, it’s not that deep
Off topic, but why is Bulgaria currently in the Top10 of the betting odds? lol
There was a “hack” in their broadcaster’s twitter and it hinted that Kristian Kostov could potentially be replacing IMP and everyone got excited. The broadcasters claim the hackers were the ones who deleted all the photos of IMP and replaced it with one of Kristian and that it was all a hoax so people got overly excited for nothing
oh wow, thats crazy hahaha thank you for the explanation.
so somebody hacked their account and only some minutes later bulgaria was already 3rd in the odds. A hacker that invested money on bulgaria coming higher?? hmmm….
lmao as if. they’re just being obnoxious as per usual, bnt’s typical behavior. they scammed some money out of gambling-addicted brits today and that’s it.
Why do I feel like it WASN’T a hack?!
It was hack and its confirmed. Watch ig IMP and their stories from this evening, they are still preparing for Turin. All tweets about Kostov are deleted. IMP are supergroup with famous popular names, Bulgarians would be angry, if BNT changes them because of Kostov.
”IMP are supergroup with famous popular names, Bulgarians would be angry, if BNT changes them because of Kostov”. lol WHAT A JOKE!
I am hoping that he has a good song. I blanket to be in French, but whatever language he sings it in, I’m hoping that it’s a good quality song.