Russian military forces have entered Ukraine from the north, south and east. Explosions have been heard near major cities across the country. Ukraine’s government says it is facing “a full-scale attack from multiple directions.” And amid all of this tens of millions of people are left in a shadow of fear and uncertainty.

Singers from the world of Eurovision — both in Ukraine and Russia, and also beyond — have been sharing their feelings on social media. 

Jamala, Eurovision 2016 winner

Ukraine’s most recent Eurovision filmed herself at home with her children. In an emotional plea, she called on the world to support Ukraine in the face of what she called “Russian aggression.”

“My dear foreigner friends. Love of the world, the Russian army have started a full invasion of Ukraine this morning. i don’t know how it’s possible, but they bombed peaceful people in Ukraine. Please, support Ukraine. Stop Russian aggression.”

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A post shared by Jamala (@jamalajaaa)


The Ukrainian star, who sang for Belarus at Eurovision 2018, described the chaos and panic that woke him at 5am. He describes neighbours slamming their doors and rushing to leave their apartments, and says he contacted his loved ones to check on them. He says many of his friends who tried to leave Kyiv had to come back because of traffic jams. 

“I address everyone who reads this, and I write them as a peaceful civilian non-military person: There is no such thing as a war for peace! War brings nothing but pain!”

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A post shared by ALEKSEEV (@alekseev_officiel)

Ruslana, Eurovision winner 2004

Ruslana shared an image of her praying along with a lengthy caption. Among other things, she said: “We have worked for many years for the modern world to choose Ukraine as a country that has suffered from the Russian regime for centuries. The world feels us and will help. Everyone will act to stop the war.”

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A post shared by Ruslana (@ruslana.lyzhychko)

Kateryna Pavlenko (Go_A)

Go_A’s Kateryna Pavlenko, a native of the Chernihiv region, shared updates of her day throughout Thursday. Telling her followers she was “okay” earlier during the day, she shared on Instagram stories that she moved into a shelter to protect herself from air missles in Kyiv in the late afternoon.

Anastasia Prykhodko

Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prykhodko, who sang for Russia at Eurovision 2009, shared a photo of her wearing all black. Her face conveys her feelings.

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A post shared by Анастасія Приходько (@prykhodko_official)


Svitlana Loboda, Ukraine’s Eurovision 2009 singer, shared a photo of a woman whose face melds with the Ukrainian flag — blue for the sky, yellow for the earth. Loboda, who lives and works in Moscow, shared her deep anxiety and heartache.

“My heart has been breaking. Since 5am for all my family and friends. How is this even possible? Lord make this stop. I’m just crying.”

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A post shared by LOBODA (@lobodaofficial)

Zlata Ognevich

Ukraine’s Eurovision 2013 singer asked “for peace and tranquility for my native Ukraine.”

“I ask everyone to keep balance in these difficult times. Check the news, don’t believe the fakes! Strength to our defenders, wisdom to our partners and peace for Ukraine.”

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A post shared by ZLATA OGNEVICH (@zlata.ognevich)

Tina Karol

People’s Arist of Ukraine and Eurovision legend Tina Karol shared that she was at a women’s monastry while the invasion happened. She shares that she is praying for her country.

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Een bericht gedeeld door Тина Кароль (@tina_karol)


Eurovision 2018 singer Mélovin, a native of Odesa who lives in Kyiv, shared that he felt uncomfortable during the whole night before the invasion. He calls Ukrainians to carry on on his Insta stories.

Vova Ostapchuk

“I saw panic in the eyes of people” writes the Eurovision 2017 host after having been called out his fed at 5am in the morning as many in Kyiv. 

Dit bericht op Instagram bekijken

Een bericht gedeeld door Vladimir Ostapchuk (@vova_ostapchuk)

Mariya Yaremchuk

Eurovision 2014 star Mariya Yaremchuk made a rare post on her social media, which she stopped using in 2018 following her exit from public life. 

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Een bericht gedeeld door ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀MARIYA YAREMCHUK (@m_yaremchuk)

Kristian Kostov

Eurovision 2017 runner-up Kristian Kostov shared a message from his home in Moscow. He stressed that he does not support the actions of the Russian government.


Russia’s most recent Eurovision singer, whose family fled the civil war in Tajikstan, shared a black square on her Instagram page. “My future husband is half Ukrainian. My close friends are Ukrainians. Russia and Ukraine are not just two countries. We are family and friends. Any war between us is fraternal.”

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A post shared by MANIZHA (@manizha)

Sergey Lazarev

Sergey, one of Russia’s best-known singers, wrote: “Please everyone, stop! Together, say STOP! Have a seat at the table of negotiations! Let the people live!!! No one supports the war! I want my children to live in peace! I WANT to live and create IN A PEACEFUL TIME!”


The Roop

Lithuania’s Eurovision 2020 and 2021 act expressed their solidarity with Ukrainians, noting that Lithuania has a long history of dealing with foreign aggression.

“We are with Ukraine with all our hearts. What is happening now is an example of selfishness, inhumanity and the desire to bring even more chaos into the world.”

“Looking back at Lithuanian history, we remember experiencing the Russian regime’s aggression multiple times. We were occupied, exiled, killed. Each family has living memories of it. Therefore we understand and support Ukraine now.”

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A post shared by THE ROOP (@theroopband)

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2 years ago

Little Big, hmmm?

2 years ago

Now do Kirkorov and Polina Gagarina

2 years ago
Reply to  SanT

Gagarina took part in a rally supporting the invasion today so that’s off the table =\

Heather Hampson
Heather Hampson
2 years ago


2 years ago

Andriy Mykhailovych Danylko is ukrainian and still in Kyiv. He also makes very harsh statements on Russia and NATO stance on no fly zone.
(he gave up on Verka long long time ago)

2 years ago

Courage all around! It certainly warms the heart to see this.

2 years ago

I applaud Sergey for speaking up, it’s not easy to speak up in Russia. They arresting the anti-war protestors on streets.

But why is Polina Gagarina not saying anything? You sing about peace and million voices and when your own voice actually matters you stay silent?? Hyporicy

2 years ago
Reply to  Sometimes

Polina actually like a tweet supporting the russian government. She is a hypocrit and a terrible person.

Metalvision Song Contest
Metalvision Song Contest
2 years ago

Props to Sergey Lazarev for speaking up, I‘m sure a guy as famous in Russia as him is taking quite some risk with this. I think he’s been vocal about this before already, stating that Crimea is still part of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Putin seems to find thunder and lightning more exciting. Well, guess what song came from Sergey after that:


2 years ago

Yasligima toyalmadim, men bu yerde yasalmadim…
“I couldn’t spend my youth there, because you took away my peace.”

1944 hits different…

now that i see the light
now that i see the light
2 years ago
Reply to  esc_fl

Is this Turkish?

2 years ago

It’s Crimean Tatar, which is a Turkish language.

2 years ago

Close, it is Crimean Tatar, a minority language in Crimea and, since the 1944 deportation of Crimean Tatars, Uzbekistan (plus some diaspora in other Eastern European and Central Asian countries).

Anthony Koo
Anthony Koo
2 years ago

I honestly don’t know what to say here.

What the Russian government did to the Ukrainian people leaves me speechless.
I am just so appalled right now at this.

EBU, please take a stand by banning and expelling Russia from this and every future edition until they stop.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anthony Koo
2 years ago

I want to see: Lasha Tumbai!

Last edited 2 years ago by Anita
2 years ago

So, were Sergey and Manizha the only Russian singers to have a say on this whole “I want my former USSR-Mother-Russia back” mess? Nobody else? This same mess that Putin has set as his new “playground” and that the EBU, a European entertaining cultural identity is trying to pretend is not aggravating or serious enough so that the contest can move forward the same way White American Christians pretend nothing is racially damaging or painful in the US? For how long do we want to keep trying to stay at bay from our own History issues pretending none of it… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Charles

Aside Manizha and Sergey, Little Big, Peter Nalitch, and Yulya Samoylova have also called for stopping the attacks, and returning the peace on Facebook / Instagram.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

hi, do you know anything new? i dont want to support the pution supporters by listening to their music. ive stopped listening to polina and dima bilan

2 years ago

Citi Zeni have also condemned the acts, as has Francesco Gabbani.

siu or sui?
siu or sui?
2 years ago
2 years ago

Obviously my biggest sympathies go to the Ukrainian people, I can’t even imagine what they’re going through right now. If you’re a Ukrainian reader here, I hope you and your loved ones are safe. I know it’s not much, but everything I can do is keep you on my thoughts and feelings. But I also feel for those who are Russian or live in countries under heavy Russian influence and vocally disagree about the acts of their government. I know how soul-crushing it its to live somewhere the political leadership doesn’t represent your values and, worst than that, is radically… Read more »

2 years ago

Big shout out to the Roop! And all of Lithuania, a truly fraternal nation not just in declarations but in actions

2 years ago
Reply to  Ant

I second. Lithuania moving for Ukraine’s NATO membership is NEEDED. Moving troops to the border will do nothing. Just give NATO members a ringside seat to a slaughter.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ant

If there’s a country that knows exactly what it’s like to be invaded by Russia, it’s Lithuania, along with the other Baltic countries.

2 years ago

Honestly, these puppy-eyed statements from Moscow-residing Loboda and most Russian singers make me want to puke. Could they be more sterile and pointless?? “How is this even possible? Lord make this stop” Umm, did Lord do this? “My future husband is half Ukrainian. My close friends are Ukrainians. Russia and Ukraine are not just two countries. We are family and friends. Any war between us is fraternal.”; “Please everyone, stop! Together, say STOP! Have a seat at the table of negotiations! Let the people live!!! No one supports the war!” and multiple other variations of “I don’t like war”. Where… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Ant
ESC Stan
ESC Stan
2 years ago
Reply to  Ant

Russia has very strict anti protest laws. I’m sure their voices are stronger on the outside of prison walls. Every word helps.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESC Stan

Perhaps. It’s not much help at this point, maybe earlier. I guess, I have too much resentment right now to judge them more kindly

Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
2 years ago
Reply to  Ant

There are loads of reasons that could explain this, and let’s not forget that it’s all very easy for us to talk from our comfy homes in the West….

2 years ago
Reply to  Leendert Jan

I’m talking from my comfy home in Kyiv, a city that fearlessly rose up against even an attempt at dictatorship in 2013, and is holding a fight against the occupiers now. I don’t care for crocodile tears right now

Last edited 2 years ago by Ant
Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
2 years ago
Reply to  Ant

Ah right, well yes I get that.

siu or sui?
siu or sui?
2 years ago
Reply to  Ant

so they are senting love and support on ukraine by making posts and you say they are nto supporting ukraine?

have you gone insane?

if you think that ppl who love and support ukranians are their enemies, and that you are a ukraine supporter by not doing anything, then you have for sure lsot your mind

2 years ago
Reply to  siu or sui?

Haven’t seen (these specific mentioned) posts supporting Ukraine. That’s something you’ve read into the text but isn’t there. I see them urging some unspecified “everyone” to “stop the war” and “just be friends” which is just dishonest. There’s only one party that must stop

2 years ago
Reply to  Ant

And yet everybody wanted this one pointless and sterile Russian singer to win the funfair against a song that pretty much mirrored – sadly – the mess we are now watching in our TV and PC screens … The irony of it all …

2 years ago
Reply to  Ant

Sadly even such mild statements like black square forced them to flee Russia. Galkin and Pugachova, their power couple, super of all superstars, stated that they got death threats for being “anti russian / not patriotic” ?
They GTFOD in private jet (i assume sanctions don’t work on private jets or it was before sanctions) to Latvia, then to US. How many of regular russians possess private jets, hm?

2 years ago

I do appreciate Sergey’s statement to an extent but it should’ve placed the onus on Russia rather than both parties. Russia are more culpable than Ukraine for what has happened and the former needs to do more work than the latter for peace.

2 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

Yes I agree but we don’t know how much he knows and what information he is getting and we also don’t know how dangerous it is for him to speak out. He already said that he’s been getting death threats and people protesting on the streets are getting detained so he might have to be cautious but we don’t know

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago

I for some reason really love the reactions by Roslana and Zlata. Kinda wholesome. Sergey sounds like he’s about to sing both of us powerful numbers at the same time in front of Putin.

Hu Hu Hu hurricane
Hu Hu Hu hurricane
2 years ago

Lena katina posted a story with a white dove on IG.

siu or sui?
siu or sui?
2 years ago

update: ebu officially made a statement on ruusia participation

they say freedom of speech should be guaranteed everywhere

seriously russia has been violating that rule for DECADES a lot worse than belarus

2 years ago
Reply to  siu or sui?

War is not freedom of speech. If so, then let’s all invade every country and still hold the contest? WTF?!?

2 years ago


Anne Marie
Anne Marie
2 years ago

Does anyone know anything about Maruv?

2 years ago
Reply to  Anne Marie

She is pregnant

siu or sui?
siu or sui?
2 years ago

i dont understand why but the readers here are always downvoting my comments? can you gusy explain to me why am i getting hated for expressing my emotions towards ukranians?
guess im too dumb to understand

2 years ago
Reply to  siu or sui?

Don’t worry, just normal trolls.

siu or sui?
siu or sui?
2 years ago
Reply to  JSU12

yea but why only me?

siu or sui?
siu or sui?
2 years ago

i still dont understand ho russia sent a ukranian singer in 2009

Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
2 years ago
Reply to  siu or sui?

With a song which was mostly in Ukrainian even! Those were very different times. I remember the Russian spokesperson once announcing that Russia was awarding points to “our Slavic brothers” in Ukraine. It’s all truly baffling how this has gone since then.

58 Points (JE)
2 years ago
Reply to  Leendert Jan

She entered the Ukrainian selection and wasn’t successful, so she went to the Russian selection and won. She’s stated many times that she regrets doing it now–but to be fair, Ukrainian national finals have at times been rather dodgy.

Por no estar
Por no estar
2 years ago

Ok Putin, time to step down and give presidency to more sane people, u clown

2 years ago
Reply to  Por no estar


ete sech
ete sech
2 years ago
Reply to  Por no estar

That’d be ideal but the old man’s drunk with power and won’t let go of it at this point xd

siu or sui?
siu or sui?
2 years ago

i cant believe this is happening everyone in geece said: i dont think a war is going to start jamala’s and tin’as video made me cry inside i cant believe that these people have to suffer tho im wondering how many russians are feeling right now well usa loves the port of my town, Alexandropolis and they say that our port is their first option to send supplies to ukraine, i supose thats good, beacause i feel i can contribute this way, but at the same time, although friends and relatives have tried to calm me down, i still believe… Read more »

siu or sui?
siu or sui?
2 years ago
Reply to  siu or sui?

why are you downoting?

2 years ago petition to BAN RUSSIA FROM THE CONTEST FOR 2022

2 years ago

Esc22 bye bye ….. you will see …

2 years ago
Reply to  KarmaLeon

Esc 2022 bye bye – wish u the best – Cornelia – Melodifestivalen 2022

2 years ago

My Ukrainian friends i stand with you. Hope things will get better and you won’t have to immigrate. European Union countries like Poland is open to you , also Turkey seems so welcome to refugees. Jamala’s own sister lives in Istanbul
Greetings and love to you from Skopje

2 years ago petition to BAN RUSSIA FROM THE CONTEST FOR 2022

2 years ago

I HOPE RUSSIANS RISE UP AND OVERTHROW PUTIN. That is the only thing that will end this. Taiwan, watch out, your next, China is coming for you with Putin’s blessing.

2 years ago
Reply to  JSU12

Maybe you are the one who should watch out. Those who do not know history are fools.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alonso

Hitler, Mussolini, Qaddafi, history tells us a lot, moron.

2 years ago
Reply to  JSU12

there are already some protests in russian cities, but everyone is immediately detained. Now it is impossible to protest in russia, the authorities declare everyone as terrorists

Last edited 2 years ago by Rantik
2 years ago
Reply to  Rantik

Yes, they are kidnapped and reported “missing”

siu or sui?
siu or sui?
2 years ago
Reply to  Rantik

if it is impossible to protest imagine how possible it is for a revolution in russia


siu or sui?
siu or sui?
2 years ago
Reply to  JSU12

you mean start a revolution?
its impossible to start a revolution in russia
they tried protesting but they stopped them

if they cant protest without getting themselves killed how they hell are they going to start a war? thy kidnapped the protesters saying they wenr missing

siu or sui?
siu or sui?
2 years ago
Reply to  siu or sui?

i litterally siad the exact same thing as user Rantik but i am getting downvoted

2 years ago

Lazarev is a hypocrite. What negotiations??? Russia is invading Ukraine. I guess he is afraid to call it as it is, a war against Ukraine by a dictator.

LOBODA is also a hypocrite, she lives in Russia and is working there.

Ani Lorak and MARUV have yet to post something about Ukraine. They sold their souls to the devil.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Why should Ani Lorak and MARUV say anything? They are not obliged to say anything, they are probably shocked and you defiantly dont know how they feel in their situation and what it is. Social media isn’t their first concern for some people you know? Also about Lazarev, this is war, it isn’t simple as just saying “sorry” and leaving the country invading. This is a conflict which lasts for a couple of year, there needs to be negotiations between both countries to find a common ground where they can settle for peace. It isn’t simple thats the thing, which… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Ignonito

Ani and MARUV at this moment could be evacuating their homes for their safety (especially since the latter is pregnant).

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

If you follow Sergey Lazarev, you will know that he never advocated war, and in the past he also expressed opinions sometimes against his government.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Oh yeah, not using social media is selling one’s soul to the devil. Holy moly.

Also, do you expect every person somewhat connected to Russia to stand behind Putin’s ill ambitions? Ever thought tha vast majority of people actually DON’T want any wars?

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Do you understand that not russians want war.. That is Putin who does this!

2 years ago
Reply to  Eva

Russians chose Putin. You are responsible.

2 years ago

Many russian artists and eurovision representatives are saying outloud that they stand against Russian government’s actions and we should thank them for doing so in a country like Russia, but you know whose silence is suspicious? Mrs. Polina Gagarina, the hypocrite who sang about peace and love and cried crocodile tears

Last edited 2 years ago by Nate
2 years ago
Reply to  Nate

seems like the audience was right to boo her.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

I was part of that audience. God knows how the EBU managed to cut most of the boos out, it was extremely loud!

2 years ago
Reply to  Nate

I dont understand why every person who is well know needs to say something. Social media isnt all you know?

2 years ago
Reply to  Nate

Big surprise. Just a blond puppet of the Kremlin. We need to destroy their economy. Take away social media, electronics, sports, the OLYMPICS, and EUROVISION.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nate

Has she said anything in favour of the invasion, or has she just not said anything? Maybe you’re right (I have no way of knowing), but I can’t help but feel like it’s a bit premature to immediately come to this conclusion.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ethan1994
2 years ago
Reply to  Nate

We are the worst people … we believe in a peace

2 years ago

Damn Russian artists are putting themselves in danger protesting against the war, really hope nothing bad happens to them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aron

Manizha had never been afraid to be open even though she has received death threats by Russian nationalists and nazis.

Lazarev did not condem Putin…

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

A lot of the Russian nationalists who support Putin’s invasion would also hate Manizha for being ethnically Tajik and a political liberal, so she has less to lose than most Russian ESC stars for speaking out.

2 years ago

That this kind of agression still can happen in thé 21st century….UNBELIEVABLE!!! My heart goes out to Ukraine!!!

Daya Sloten
Daya Sloten
2 years ago

Truly brave of some of them to speak out. We should all stand with Ukraine. Its too early (and unimportant) to think about Eurovision but if it does happen everyone should be waving only Ukrainian flags in the arena in Turin

Daya Sloten
Daya Sloten
2 years ago
Reply to  Daya Sloten

This is not a time for EBU and the whole eurovison community of being apolitical and not choosing sides. We should all fully and visibly support Ukraine

2 years ago

I can’t focus on anything today. I was afraid that it would happen, but I didn’t expect it would touch me so deeply. I can’t even imagine what people in Ukraine are going through. Most of us can’t do much, but we can still show our solidarity and unity. Stay strong everyone!

Campbell Grace
Campbell Grace
2 years ago

One thing I love about the Eurovision artist community is that they always stand together in solidatary

2 years ago
Reply to  Campbell Grace

Yea. Too bad the EBU refuses to acknowledge that concept.