Following mounting pressure from broadcasters across Europe, the European Broadcasting Union has decided to exclude Russia from Eurovision 2022 in Turin. Their full statement follows.

“The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has announced that no Russian act will participate in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

“The Executive Board of the EBU made the decision following a recommendation earlier today by the Eurovision Song Contest’s governing body, the Reference Group, based on the rules of the event and the values of the EBU.

“The Reference Group recommendation was also supported by the EBU’s Television Committee.

“The decision reflects concern that, in light of the unprecedented crisis in Ukraine, the inclusion of a Russian entry in this year’s Contest would bring the competition into disrepute.

“Before making this decision the EBU took time to consult widely among its membership.

“The EBU is an apolitical member organization of broadcasters committed to upholding the values of public service.

“We remain dedicated to protecting the values of a cultural competition which promotes international exchange and understanding, brings audiences together, celebrates diversity through music and unites Europe on one stage.”

Russia kicked out of Eurovision Song Contest following Ukraine invasion

The statement comes after broadcasters from across Europe threatened to withdraw from the contest if Russia participated. 

On Thursday morning, Finland’s captured the tensions well, saying that it would go against its values to welcome Russia to the stage following the invasion of Ukraine.

Ville Vilén, the director of the broadcaster’s Creative Content and Media Unit, released the following statement.

“Russia’s attack on Ukraine is contrary to all the values ​​that Yle and other European broadcasters represent. Yle always defends Western democracy, the rule of law, freedom of expression and human dignity. Yle cannot take part in an event where Russia, which has blatantly attacked these values, can use one of Europe’s best-known brands to advance its own interests. I hope that the EBU will act in accordance with its values ​​here.”

Prior to the EBU announcement, nine of the 41 participating countries at Eurovision 2022 had asked the EBU to exclude Russia. They were…






The Netherlands




You’ll remember that Ukraine’s state broadcaster was the first to call on the EBU to act. On Thursday, Mykola Chernotytsky, the chairman of the board of UA:PBC, issued a strongly-worded statement that said that Russia — “as an aggressor and violator of international law” — should not participate in Eurovision and that its presence “undermines the very idea of the competition” to encourage dialogue and unity.

She also pointed out that Russia’s EBU-affiliated broadcasters are used as mouthpieces for the state and that they “contradict the very idea of ​​public broadcasting and provide informational support to the Kremlin’s illegal activities that threaten peace in Europe and the world.”

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2 years ago

Polina Gagarina Is A BITCH !

2 years ago

Nah Nah Nah Nah . . . . Nah Nah Nah Nah . . . Hey Hey Hey . . . Bye Bye Mother F***ers

2 years ago

As sad as this whole situation may be, they just made my job just a bit easier. Every April, after the EBU decides the order in which they will perform, I evaluate every song and music video 3 times during the month (and maybe a piece of May), without ever having heard or watched any performance beforehand. I have not yet even heard or seen Mahmood and Blanco perform, but I’m pretty sure I’m in for a treat based on what Mahmood brought to Tel Aviv in 2019 (he was my #1 the very second after I first heard “Soldi”… Read more »

someone else
someone else
2 years ago
Reply to  CookyMonzta

“How can I make this about me?” …

Campbell Grace
Campbell Grace
2 years ago

Just in case anyone is interested:

All 3 of the Russian channels that are apart of the EBU have reportedly left the EBU.

2 years ago
Reply to  Campbell Grace

Which means unless they, or other Russian broadcasters, request to join again in the future (and are approved), Russia will not be in Eurovision for the foreseeable future.

2 years ago

Calling out to all the mothers in the world. Russian mothers, Ukrainan mothers, european mothers and the mothers of the world. Lets go out in the streets together with Rigoberta Bandini and stop all this papa-madness. Paremos la ciudad!

2 years ago

i keep coming back to this just to see something bad happen to Russia for its atrocity in Ukraine. And now, it’s threatening Finland and Sweden with a military assault if they seek to join NATO. WTF! Is anyone going to stand up to Russia besides Ukraine?

2 years ago
Reply to  JSU12

Russia threaten Estonia as well as trying to prevent Estonian broadcast about the war in Ukraine.

2 years ago

I had no idea there were so many political analysts in such h a fluffy site . I’m impressed!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ffs

You do not need to be a political analyst to recognize atrocity or oppression.

2 years ago

Italy and Germany absent from the list of nations lodging a complaint. Really doing wonders for their reputations in the international community these last few days!
Russia should be banned from all cultural and sporting events until Putin is removed from office.

2 years ago
Reply to  tylos

As an italian I completely agree.
Only thing I could say to “excuse” the italian delegation of the Eurovision song contest is that, even though we won last year and the contest is having success here, RAI cares less than zero about the contest.
So it’s not an excuse, more a critique to our host broadcaster.

2 years ago
Reply to  tylos

I’d bet short money that, had the EBU refused to kick Russia out, the Italian government might have come around to ban the delegation from showing up. At least 9 countries were ready to boycott.

2 years ago
Reply to  tylos

Germany are on tenterhooks,if they completely fall out with relations with Russia, the country could almost come to a standstill. 70% of Germanies Gas is supplied by Russia ,not to mention oil.
Prices have risen 20% already today

2 years ago

Great ! Now Ukraine needs to withdraw too. They have bigger problems at the moment

2 years ago

Since Kalush Orchestra members have been recruited for the war, I’m not sure of the Ukrainian participation in the contest in the end…

2 years ago

This is just sad for all of us. My heart bleeds. Let’s not forget that there are millions of Russians out there who do not support what is happening in Ukraine, and that some are risking their lives protesting in Moscow as we speak. Let’s remember the top Russian tennis players Medvedev and Rudlev who wrote ‘no more war please’ on a camera. It is these voices we need to empower. While I can understand the EBU’s decision, let us remember that this competition was formed because of WW2. Music is there to unite us especially in the darkest hour.

2 years ago
Reply to  Iris

Don’t forget there are milions of Russians supporting and voting for Putin.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jakub

For me it’s normal that Russia has been kicked out of the contest but let’s see the truth. More than 50% of Russians don’t support Putin. And not only now, it was already the case before.

Campbell Grace
Campbell Grace
2 years ago
Reply to  Jakub

Which is mostly the older generation. Most of the younger Russians do not support him.

2 years ago
Reply to  Campbell Grace

I heard the older generation in Russia are badly brainwashed. They have no use of Inter-net the only information what they get is wacthing the television what broadcast only Putin’s propaganda. My friend has parents in Petroskoi and they just laugh when he tried to explain for them what’s happening in Ukraine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Iris

Please inform your russian citizens about the false news Putin is spreading in Russia. Is is not true Russian army is only attacking Lugansk and Donbass. They are attacking everything, including Kyiv, Lviv (paratrouper were landing in Brody close to Lviv) and are occupying Odessa to connect Transnitria to Crimea. All these information are hidden to the Russian people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

I am not Russian and I do not live in Russia. I do not justify or agree with what is happening at the moment in Ukraine. I am looking at us, as people who live in free Western democracies and I know that those who suffer most are the people. This includes everyone. I think many Russians are against what is happening and I want these people to be able to come forward and talk and I know that it is very difficult for them to do so in Russia itself. If we want the suffering to stop, it is… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Iris
2 years ago

Considering that Turkey invaded Cyprus and still occupies a big part of the island, if they wish to join the contest, they are welcomed or not?

2 years ago
Reply to  Helena

Turkey doesn’t cause so much death and destruction, do they? And Turkey doesn’t threaten those who want to help with nuclear arms. Have some sense of perspective, please.

2 years ago
Reply to  Piet

Tell that to the thousands killed and the families of 1619 people still missing from the Turkish invasion of 1974.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helena

And what about the Turks killed by Greeks? You really think the other side is completely innocent?

2 years ago
Reply to  NickC

So Turkey has the right to invade Cyprus, but Russia no ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Helena

You can search ”Bloody Christmas (1963)” on google you guys aren’t innocent too

Ay Jo
Ay Jo
2 years ago

I wish EU/NATO would be persistent on their actions against Russia instead of moaning some statements. Hopefully, ex Soviets countries now clearly see that repeating scenario in different ex-soviet countries, in different times shows that you can’t rely on the West. Though they have military power, their politicians are as dirty as Putin and his gangster bros. Otherwise EU politicians wouldn’t trigger things in political sphere in Ukraine and Georgia then act as if they can’t do anything about it anymore and leave those countries face to face with gigantic mafia. And things in those countries become worse afterwards… Heart… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Ay Jo

My heart is breaking that Ukraine has no help.. but the West are scared to bring their military into Ukraine because then it is WW3 for sure and the West want to avoid it. Plus russia supplies 40% of gas and has nuclear weapons.. so the West are just scared. It is so heartbreaking, Ukrainian president has refused safety proposed by the US and going to protect his country by staying and fighting. True leader.

2 years ago

as they should. i hope they ultimately get a definitive ban from EBU.

Orla o rellly
Orla o rellly
2 years ago

Good riddance and no reason for Russia to be in the contest – it’s a country which is anti west anti europe and anti democracy and only wants to host it for its own political intentions and staging – besides who wants to go there ?? All it’s neighbours block voting who will they vote for now? War criminals

Agent 007
Agent 007
2 years ago

Good for all. Hopefully Russia and Ukraine will return next year, when peace will have come to Ukraine after 8 years of Ukrainians kiling their citizens.

Their citizens
Their citizens
2 years ago
Reply to  Agent 007

Respectfully, zdokhni uyobishche

2 years ago
Reply to  Agent 007

This is what we call – lack of critical evaluation of information. Believing propaganda.

2 years ago
Reply to  Agent 007

Agent 007 is clearly a Russian troll.

2 years ago

Stop calling this crisis it’s WAR

Agent 007
Agent 007
2 years ago
Reply to  Art


Last edited 2 years ago by Agent 007
London Calling
London Calling
2 years ago
Reply to  Art

It’s an invasion and a war agreed..

2 years ago

Just curious why EBU didn’t sanction Azerbaijan after it launched an onslaught against Armenians?

London Calling
London Calling
2 years ago
Reply to  Gaga

That is true as well

2 years ago

Serbian government judged the invasion in Ukraine as well as majority of population as Ukraine is our brother Slavic nation like Russia. Also, Serbia doesn’t want to sanction Russia as it is in delicate situation, especially now with threats from Russia to everyone. Also, from 2007, we are military neutral like Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria etc, but we are taking part in NATO’s programme Partnership for Peace. As a matter of fact, Serbia is going to ban it’s citizens who wants to voluntarily take part in war between Ukraine and Russia. Also, Serbia is going to send humanitarian aid… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Ivan

Beautiful words. just recognize Kosovo and it will be perfect!

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Serbia and Kosovo signed the Brussels Agreement in 2013 supported by EU to normalise their relation and recognize each other, but Kosovar part hasn’t fulfilled it’s obligations by the Agreement yet. In any case, we can’t move forward without solution to this problem and I hope so that we will solve the problem soon for everyone’s good.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ivan

Ones that wrote negative about Serbia are ones that vome from.passive faschist stares that show open hate towards others (Finland, Estonia, Polant, Lithuania, Sweden, Croatia…. ) which do have rich nazi history in ww2 or developed it during XX century, but have developed mechanisms to actually hide it yet in tituations as such they express hatered. I font see brainwashed west to react in such ways tiwards Israel, UK , US, Germany, France when it come to Syria, Iraq, Afganistan, abd so on and on where they in the name of nato interest presented fakely as humanitarian kill 1.000ns of… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Ivan

“Serbia is going to ban it’s citizens who wants to voluntarily take part in war between Ukraine and Russia” a great decision. Should’ve done that 8 years ago when cetnik war dogs were supporting terrorists

2 years ago
Reply to  Ant

I really don’t know what you are talking about, do you?

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
2 years ago
Reply to  Ivan

Please, you could of just said Serbia is kissing ass on both sides

2 years ago

I am from Russia, and I express my solidarity with the decision of the EBU. I pray for the people of Ukraine.

2 years ago

Good decision.

2 years ago

those same countries signed a petition for broadcaster to be removed, so far no response

2 years ago

Shame on EBU that they made member countries threaten with their withdrawal in order to stop Russia to participate. And huge thanks to Nordic and Baltic states for raising the issue. Such critical times show who are the real friends and the real foes.

2 years ago

First, i totally condemn the horrible actions made by Russia. What i don’t get is that twist made by EBU , 24 after claiming that ESC is Apolitical until it surrendered to some countries who weren’t bothered at all participating on Russian soil back in 2009, shortly after the violent invasion of Russia into Georgia. Those countries weren’t bothered participating in Azerbaijan 2012 and in Israel 2019 although they are very vocal against the lack of human rights in those countries. Yes, Russia is always a treat on the ESC winning spot at other countries expense, so in my opinion,… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

What happened in Georgia in 2008 is one in one repeating now in Ukraine. That times Europe was blind or pretended to be blind. Now everything is clear for anyone. Even those who pretend to be blind cannot stand this anymore.

Tobias Andersen
Tobias Andersen
2 years ago

Right decision.
Can we invite Kazakhstan for the competition? They are obviously interested…

2 years ago


Cookie Nation
Cookie Nation
2 years ago

Are you Phillip Kirkorov in the shadows?

2 years ago

the one that was killing protestors a month ago with the help of Russia? better not

2 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

“Following its intervention in protests against the government earlier in 2022, Moscow requested that Kazakhstan send troops to assist in the offensive, but Nur-Sultan refused the request, reiterating that it does not recognize the Donetsk and Luhansk separatists.”

Copy-pasted this from 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine article from Wikipedia. Not trying to defend Kazakhstan, but at least the Kazakh government still has some sanity.

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
2 years ago

The only disappointment is that it took so long, oh yeah and so many countries threatening to pull out, for EBU to make this decision. This will be their cross to bear for years to come.

2 years ago

They are indeed afraid of Russia.

2 years ago

good, but the “Russia is welcome” statement won’t be so easily forgotten.

2 years ago

EBU is political organisation. Finland is faschist country saying “we defend western democracy”. Such faschist statement! Selfish protestant values is what they ment to say haha ! So disgusting lame fake!

2 years ago
Reply to  gigi

Sorry but the lives of millions of Ukrainians who are having their homeland and lives destroyed are and will always be more important than a song festival. It’s not time to celebrate Russia nor to have its flag flown because it does no longer stand for anything positive nor for anything that Eurovision is about. Therefore Russia should be out, condemned and isolated. It’s not a matter of politics, it’s a matter of decency.

2 years ago
Reply to  gigi

Um… ok

2 years ago
Reply to  gigi

Gigi, go to write your nonsenses to some fascist (it’s written this way) russian blog full of russian fascists (it’s written like this, the additional s is not for SS, as Russians resemble very much, but for the plural form). You Russians, who are supporting strongly Putin, who is supporting other fascists [it’s always the same despite Putin claiming it’s not, and threatening us to throw at us his nuclear missiles because, like all fascists (always written this way) doesn’t tolerate freedom of speech and democracy] , should be ashamed of yourself. And I suggest you to stop to travel… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Vincenzo
2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

caro vincenzo io sono italiano come te, quindi smettila di fare cazzate

2 years ago
Reply to  gigi

No, you are Russian. No Italian would write that nonsensical pro Russian nonsense. Moreover, you make all the typical mistakes against English that a Russian native would make.

2 years ago
Reply to  gigi

You are such a silly person I guess.

Anthony Koo
Anthony Koo
2 years ago


I have a feeling that Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Moldova (and to a lesser extent, Kazakhstan) will pull out as well.

I definitely hope not though, and EBU really made the right decision. At this point, Russia had officially crossed the line. Sadly, politics will always be part of Eurovision as long as it lasts.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anthony Koo
2 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Koo

Add Israel to the list.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vicky

So how is it to be a dumb troll? Are you not getting tired sometimes?

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago
Reply to  Vicky

I´m not sure – Israel is a democratic country…

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr X

Eurovision banned Russian musicians for political reasons. In 2019,the Eurovision took place on top of the cleansed Palestinian village of al-Shaykh Muwannis.The Eurovision Village was built on top of the Palestinian area of al-Manshiyya.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vicky

Leave israel alone, israel is not putin

2 years ago
Reply to  Gil

Exactly israel is worse

2 years ago
Reply to  gigi

What ist your problem with Israel? Leave them alone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gil

Eurovision stands with politics when it’s a case of whites politics. But it has no power when it comes of non white situation. That makes me sick. Israel is not Putin, because it has been supported by US. Oh god, I should not explain deeper roots to some random person on internet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Koo

Lol Azerbaijan is a complete sell out when it comes to Eurovision. Russia’s MO is sending songs about peace, Azerbaijan’s entries are completely manufactured and hypocritical. Efendi sends a song in 2020 which has a line about being straight or gay, and yet I saw in the news a couple of days ago some Azeri was beheaded for being gay. Such hypocrites

2 years ago
Reply to  Kredential

Don’t say that about Azerbaijan. You’re offending an entire base of fans who love the dictatorship’s swedish produced pop songs. Hypocrisy runs deep with them…

Hu Hu Hu hurricane
Hu Hu Hu hurricane
2 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Koo

No. I need athena Manoukian to debut ToT she suffered enough in 2020 and 2021 she deserves a chance

2 years ago

Latvian participants were among the first ones to make such announcement. They expectedly should align with the broadcaster’s commitment.

2 years ago

EBU still afraid of Russia’s Government (Putin), they are just what?, “no act only this year” but not ban while their grounds of violations is way severe than what Belarus did recently.

2 years ago

so wait just for this year???????? ridiculous

2 years ago

Where was this energy when Azerbaijan invaded Armenia? Or in response to all the things Israel has done with all the countries who refuse to participate/return in protest of their occupation of Palestine? Why is Russia held to a different standard than everyone else? This event was not even remotely unprecedented, except that the EBU has decided to act.

Jessica Folcker
Jessica Folcker
2 years ago

Kick them out indefinitely. Until that clown is gone and someone with the brain and a heart takes over.

2 years ago

Putin has a brain. That’s what should worry us.

Jessica Folcker
Jessica Folcker
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

He’s just a boy with dangerous toys who’s over compensating for something.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

He might have a brain but he is delusional and still lives in 80’s. I mean person who changes the law to be a president for as long as he lives and who invades sovereign country just to make a point cannot be called a smart one…. I do feel for Russian people though as they did not ask for it and crying over Ukraine as they do not deserve this!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Mendi
2 years ago
Reply to  Mendi

Russians who voted for Herr Putin are to blame. It is as simple as that. Russia regrettably has become the 21st century version of Nazi Germany. Invading Georgia, stealing Crimea and now we are close to the “Anschluss” of Ukraine. And Herr Putin will not stop at that. And the world looks the other way, just as it did before 1939.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Which u dont have, as real western democracy puppet, just like 95% of people that post here.

2 years ago
Reply to  gigi

Russian troll alert!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

He is sick mentally just like Hitler.

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

And we were telling Ukraine to withdraw after the Alina Pash situation….
Google says I spelt her surname wrong so sorry if that’s true

2 years ago
Reply to  Yay

It should coz ukraine has neofaschist regime. They presented it to us many times years and years in a row.

2 years ago

Peace prevails as always!

2 years ago

Israel is next. It should have been done long time ago.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vicky

Israel did not invade a sovereign nation. Israel has a big lobby and they take part in all major events.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Israel does not have a bigger lobby or influence than freaking giant country like Russia. Only antisemits believe in that. It’s just because Israel has been attacked, fought many wars for literal survivor and finally, after many decades and loss of life, got into a position of power. While the loosing side got stuck in an awkward position of an “attacking victim”. P@*stinians will continue to eat sh*t for every rocket they fire, because that’s what every sane country would to if it were attacked. Therefore Israel is not doing anything unreasonable, and for sure is not threatening other countries… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Vicky

Not equal comparison. These wars/attacks are usually provoked by one and the other responds, but here country was living its own independent life, did not touch Russia, did not provoke, did not threaten anyone and one person just decided that sovereign country joining NATO would be too much of a threat and just decided to wipe them out…just like that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mendi

It’s exactly the same. And even worst. Eurovision 2019 should not be held in Israel to start with. But it did. In the middle of bombing and sirens.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mendi

Ukraine has been killing the people in its Southeast for 8 years. Most of those killed have been women and children.
U.S. also has established bioweapons labs (similar to Fauci’s in Wuhan) all over Ukraine and near its borders with Russia.
U.S. has been giving Ukraine lethal weapons, including chemical weapons of mass murder last December, and they trained Ukrainians to use them.

2 years ago
Reply to  jojo

letme guess, vaccines injects 5g and world ir ruled by aliens lizzard people. Get back to your cave

2 years ago
Reply to  jojo

Are you a Putin troll from Moscow?

2 years ago
Reply to  jojo

Let me guess, you are a putin’s troll, aren’t you?

2 years ago
Reply to  jojo

Only idiot can believe you, rusian troll

2 years ago

Fantastic news, Israel next

2 years ago
Reply to  AngelaMerkel

I really think that people who insist on that comparison are rather dumb or stupid, not sure yet which one.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

You think Israel does nothing wrong all these years or anything which clashes with values of Eurovision ? Am I wrong?

2 years ago
Reply to  AngelaMerkel

EBU is not political institution? Hahahahaha

2 years ago
Reply to  AngelaMerkel

Your mother first then i dont have a problem…deal?

2 years ago

Polina Gagarina liking supportive posts of the invasion… urgh. And she competed with a peace song.
Shes brainless.

Cookie Nation
Cookie Nation
2 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

To me she always looked like the poster child of a totalitarian regime. Beautiful voice and looks, but empty inside and manipulable. Give me Manizha any day.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cookie Nation
2 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

I don’t trust any Russian artist that had entered with a peace song. When she is cancelled she’ll basically say she was forced to do it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

In hindsight she deserved the boos!

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Maybe they are what made her like this.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

Well then, just pull out her brain.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

she is a Putin puppet under the innocent-looking image. Hypocrite.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

She was a wife of Putin’s crony. Handpicked for competition by broadcaster. Bought the most expensive swedish song. Who’d you expect they pick. Lithuanians saw right through her.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

I always knew she was a fake c*nt.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

U r brainless coz u have no idea what this conflict is about. U justsee it from your superficial airheaded leftis point of view. I bet u have tatoo and peirced part of your body and all other general stuff that mediocrees nowadays have.

2 years ago
Reply to  gigi

what is there to see on the “right”. A sovereign country was attacked, they did not provoke anything, never had intentions to expand or otherwise

2 years ago
Reply to  Eglutt

Get informed. Obiously u lak information and u presented yourself as uncapable of contextual thinking.

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

One of the most terrible persons ever on a esc stage…

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr X
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr X

U are neonazi obviously

2 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

She is a Putin’s mistress I presume.

Apricot stone
Apricot stone
2 years ago
Reply to  Adnama

Prove it. I’m so sick of this “I’m telling the true” wanna be thing.

ete sech
ete sech
2 years ago

I feel this was the right decision. All my support for Ukraine and the brave Russian citizens protesting against P*tin’s regime

ete sech
ete sech
2 years ago
Reply to  ete sech

I couldn’t find a stronger word, but they’re admirable 🙂

2 years ago

It was the obvious decision and I’m relieved it’s already been made, because knowing EBU I was afraid they would wait until the delegations’ meeting to address the situation. All my respect to the broadcasters that went publicly to fight for this. Their pressure worked.

2 years ago

Instead of kicking out Russia from Eurovision, why not stop buying gas from Russia and funding the weapons they use at Ukraine?

2 years ago
Reply to  Helena

Why not all of it?

2 years ago
Reply to  Helena

Probably because the EBU doesn’t buy Russian gas or fund Russian weapons?

2 years ago
Reply to  Apollo

It does but u are to brainwashed by “democratic” propaganda and leftist gay to even be aware of it

2 years ago
Reply to  Helena

Because Russia is the main supplier for Europe, and don’t forget that Russia were ready for the sanctions. They would not invade Ukraine, if China were firmely against it. Russia is ready to face the western consequence, they’ll just move towards China, and trade their gas to them. And maybe Iran will stand by Russia, as authoritian regimes will be together, so the nuclear bombs of these 3 countries is scary.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedro
2 years ago
Reply to  Pedro

Today it’s Russia vs Ukraine. Tomorrow might be Russia vs United States…

Last edited 2 years ago by JVHJ
2 years ago
Reply to  JVHJ

US does it on daily basis with independent states like Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Afganistan, Lybia and many more where they have interest to kill innocent!

ete sech
ete sech
2 years ago
Reply to  Pedro

The thing is that the Chinese won’t pay as much for their gas as Europe pays them

2 years ago
Reply to  ete sech

But Europe will have to pay more than twice as much to get it from other sources. Russian gas was the most economical for them by far.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helena

Not sure that’s within the EBU‘s sphere of influence …

2 years ago
Reply to  Helena

Because we buy gas to heat ourselves and to produce electricity. So it’s an act of self harm, in the short period.
We can however start working hard to reduce this dependency.

2 years ago

1000000 percent the right decision; glad there won’t be a Kirkorov-penned entry titled “I Love Love” or something like that. Hopefully Ukraine can still participate <3

Continually praying for Ukraine, for the Russian people standing up against their government, and for those who are unaware of the true events going on right now

2 years ago
Reply to  esc_fl

I hope ukraine doesnt partivipate coz of their fascism which is quite explicit in hating russians – a nation that is native ion present teritory of ukraine (just like estonians poles and lithuanians show the same.

2 years ago

Good. I’m glad. The EBU waited a day, that’s okay – just learn the lesson not to make announcements before you’ve had the chance to make a decision. Thank you.

2 years ago

Remember when the biggest drama in the comments was that Tanxugueiras didn’t win Benidorm Fest? That was nice…

Cookie Nation
Cookie Nation
2 years ago
Reply to  Bella

It’s like we have aged since then 🙁

2 years ago

Can I kindly ask to change the title of this article,
what is happening it is not a ‘crisis’ it is a WAR / INVASION.
We should call things by their name,
that is the least we can do for Ukraine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Shemshem

I agree but also it was the EBU who said “unprecedented crisis” in their statement, so I think they’re trying to just quote what they said. Regardless, it is war, plain and simple

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Title isn’t quoting anything though

Cookie Nation
Cookie Nation
2 years ago

Now I just hope Ukraine can compete. My Ukrainian friends told me that adult men cannot leave the country but they may get an exception. Ukraine needs all the visibility it can get in every possible international stage. Eurovision is not a silly thing as many people like to say. Watching Bosnia perform in the 90’s in spite of everything they were enduring and getting massive ovations is part of my childhood memories. 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  Cookie Nation

Kalush will get an exemption to perform in Turin because they’re representing Ukraine, but will probably not be able to perform at the pre contest parties.

2 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

I hope they are okay.

Cookie Nation
Cookie Nation
2 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

The problem is Russia ocuppying and installing a puppet regimen that would hijack Suspilne. That’s why they should consider leaving early so they can represent legit Ukraine in may.