A little less than 24 hours after the second semi-final wrapped up, Portugal’s RTP has published the running order for Saturday’s Festival da Canção 2022 grand final. Simultaneously, the broadcaster also opened the voting lines, telling viewers that they can start voting for their favourites “NOW”!
Festival da Canção 2022 running order
- Pongo & Tristany – “DÉGRÁ.DÊ”
- Syro – “Ainda nos Temos”
- Milhanas – “Corpo de Mulher”
- Inês Homem de Melo – “Fome de Viagem”
- Aurea – “Why?”
- Os Quatro e Meia – “Amanhã”
- FF – “Como É Bom Esperar Alguém”
- Diana Castro – “Ginger Ale”
- Maro – “saudade, saudade”
- Pepperoni Passion – “Código 30”
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Does the running order matter at Festival da Canção?
The perenial question remains — are some slots in the running order better than others? And if so, who is benefitting from the draw? Here is where the last five FdC winners have performed in their respective finals.
- 2021: The Black Mamba “Love Is on My Side” – Tenth out of ten
- 2020: Elisa “Medo de sentir” – Seventh out of eight
- 2019: Conan Osíris “Telemóveis” – Seventh out of eight
- 2018: Cláudia Pascoal “O jardim” – 13th out of 14
- 2017: Salvador Sobral “Amar pelos dois” – fourth out of eight
With three out of the five winners performing second to last in the final, it’s safe to say that Maro will be happy tonight!
What do you think of the running order? Who else is in a good spot? Let us know down below.
I love Maro so bad and I want her to go Turin.. but after watched the semi finals I kinda hope Pongo can win.. I mean they would be so amazing in Turin’s stage..
Maro will change some things and bring her choir to the final!
Can’t get enough of MARO, insanely cute brunette with a mesmerizing voice. Portugal, please…
I know MARO will probably win, but I kinda hope for Milhanas to get a good placing. I really like her song <3
My understanding is that RTP always did random running order…maybe they changed their method once ESC also did away with random order…as they seem to follow the ESC method very closely. I am guessing that it’ll be a replay of last year’s battle between the very popular artist/Voice-coach (Aurea/Carolina), the unknown YT star (Maro/Neev) and the established secure touring male band (Os Quatro e Meia/Black Mamba)…I think Aurea has the edge given her popularity with both the public and the jury–but her song is highly repetitive which could cost her jury votes as Portuguese musicians typically prefer lyrical content over… Read more »
I also think that the winner is highly unpredictable in this case. In the case of Aurea, I think that her song has strong lyrics which will be appreciated by the jury. Sure, they are a bit repetitive, but so were the lyrics of The Black Mamba. Maro has the best position out of the main favorites. Syro is not in a favorable position, but he can still win if he pulls the heartstrings hard enough. So can Pongo & Tristany, even if they’ll have to push harder than they did in the semi (at least Tristany will have to,… Read more »
Will Áurea’s song being in English help her? The Black Mamba’s qualification last year might make the jury think that is the way to go.
I hope that Salvador Sobral’s win would not make them think they have to lean of English to make it. I mean, Aurea’s song is nice, but being in English shouldn’t be an advantage (nor a disadvantage). There are a few songs this year (all of them at least somewhat in Portuguese) which I think could do even better.
I hope you’re right. As much as I like her vocals and lyrics, this is actually the one I least want to win.
The funny thing is that until one year ago the talk was that “the Portuguese jury won’t ever let a song in English win!”. And then they gave 10 points to The Black Mamba. Áurea this year is with a foot on their field (repetitive old school song in English with excellent vocals) and part on Deslandes’ (popular and respected singer with a song weaker than her previous hits). And she has enough fanbase to fight for the televote too. So… she’s the frontrunner. But I can’t care about the song either.
Fado Bicha and Jonas were boring.
Being the 9th on the running order tells us that Maro may have won semifinal 1. I like the music, she is a good performer, but if this goes to eurovision it will no go through to the final for sure. It’s a nice song, but it’s non competitive and it doesn’t particularly represent portuguese music or culture – I think everybody, even the very active (and loud) social media hardcore fans of Maro, can agree on that. I found the music of Aurea a bit snoozing, but it was undoubtedly the most professional entry this year. RTP shouldn’t charge… Read more »
I doubt Maro has more money than Aurea to do that…or any other artist in Portugal has money to do that
I didn’t say Maro bought the results. Don’t get me wrong. I really like her music, but I think it’s not competitive.
I just complained about RTP charging expensive phone calls to vote on Festival da Canção when other countries don’t do it.
I was fearing they would choose Pongo and Tristany to open the show and there they are. Though Syro is probably the one in the biggest difficulties here, all the other contender ballads will perform later and he’ll have to leave a very strong impression. Great running order for Maro. If she manages to fix the staging, a win it’s still possible. But Áurea’s running order is good too. After the most innocent entry and I believe right before a break. In case there’s no break, I wonder if RTP is staging a mini showdown between Áurea x Os Quatro… Read more »
FdC is quite unpredictable this year.
Actually, I am noting that the last ”Big Saturday” of NFs will give us three nail-biters. Each of the last 3 selections has several plausible winners – FdC (Maro / Syro / Aurea / Pongo & Tristany / Os Quatro e Meia), Melfest (Cornelia / Anders / Klara / Liamoo), Songvakeppnin (Three sisters / Daughters of Reykjavik / Katla).
It will be a thrilling Saturday indeed. It’s even hard to predict an obvious televote or jury winner in all of them.
pongo and Tristany first not necessarily the best place but they can win and I believe in it! Malik Harris for Germany went first and he won so it’s possible!!
But Malik Harris performed first out of only six songs and the running order position isn’t as important for a smaller number of songs. Here we have ten songs in the final and that might impact songs in certain positions more strongly.
I really hope that pongo Tristany will win because I love them and I don’t want their place to be unfavorable to them!
If not degra.de then noone 🙂
noooo I don’t want this to kill the chances of pongo and Tristany. Happy for maro tho, I hope her staging improves
Pongo e Tristany NOOOOOOOO……..